MTL - Heavenly Star-v8 Chapter 476 Run away (on)

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A trace of sweat spilled from the forehead of the cold cliff, because too much and gathered into a stream, but immediately, they did not know what power was swallowed, or what was directly evaporated, the strange disappeared without a trace . His body is shaking, the whole body is up and down, from the hair to his feet, all of them are shaking more and more violently, and his face does not know when it is horrible because of the intense distortion... murderous, from His body came out, but the murderousness gradually became stranger. It was not the cold and murderous cold cliff that Chu Jingtian knew. It was a kind of chilly murder that made him fear and tremble.

What scares him the most is a layer of faint smoke floating on his body... black smoke!

"Ice face! What happened to you!" Chu Jingtian finally shouted, and heard his voice, the cold cliff's distorted face twitched abruptly, and the eyes that almost lost focus were flashing, and the murderous gas was slightly turbulent, but Immediately, the murderousness became colder and more horrible. . .

"Fast! Bring the mother and mother back to the palace... immediately!" Yan Bian sighed with a harsh voice, he began to feel uneasy... The performance of the cold cliff, although he did not know what the reason, but that is clearly a loss The foreboding of the mind and the impending violent, reminds him of the scene where he saw his **** killing of the konjac at first, but the murderousness he released at this moment is many times stronger and terrible than that at that time, even him, I feel my heart is shaking.

"Ah... good, good!" The black bear was sober from the shock and quickly turned back and shouted: "Don't watch, send the emperor back to the palace!" After he finished, he hurriedly approached the dragon's car, leaving Just a few steps away, the body retreats and looks at the cold cliff in the direction of carefully walking.

"Iron baby, go back and tell the owner, go!"

"Okay..." The iron baby immediately responded. He didn't dare to pass by the cold cliff, but instead circumvented it by the roadside, and then quickly rushed back to Yejia.

"Ah---" Just then, the cold cliff's mouth suddenly released a painful cry, his trembling body finally got an action, arms around his head, and then began to force like a desperate beast Beating his head, the strength of the power makes Chu Jingtian a few people frightened, such a force, let them worry that his head will be beaten at any time.

"Hey - ah ah!"

The struggle of the cold cliff did not last long. His action of beating the head stopped, and his head lifted up fiercely. At that moment, they had a pair of red eyes like blood.

"Blood kills the konjac!" Chu Jingtian and Yan Bian screamed at the same time, filled with a cold fear. . . The blood-killing konjac will only appear in the desperate and extreme resentment of anger. The cold cliff is clearly not attacked. There is no other person here. Why is he...

The black gas suddenly became more and more thick from this moment. The effort in the blink of an eye completely obscured his body. The extra black gas slowly floated into the air in the twisted shaking. When they looked up to the sky, they were pupils. All of the instantaneous contraction to the size of the pinhole, fear, also overwhelmed the shock at this moment... The sky above the cold cliff, it is a black gas painted - the devil's smirk!

The cold cliff moved, and the blue blade of the wind was held in his hand. He suddenly rushed to the front like a madman. The speed was like a flashing phantom. Behind the phantom, black smoke drifted down and slowly. And scattered. . .

And the direction he rushed to was exactly where the stagnation was. There was a figure in front of him that blocked him from going to the road. The **** eyes of the cold cliff flashed in the eyes, and the wind-breaking blade that flashed the demon-like green spurs in front of the unmatched power and murderous. The nerves that had already tightened the nerves were not flustered under the swaying action of the cold cliffs, but immediately, the blade that made him feel a little cold was so that the palm of his hand had to be retracted and turned away. When the cold cliff hit the air, but did not attack him again, but with a black gas, the storm rushed to the front ... I do not know where he is going.

However, Yan Bianzhen has just avoided, his heart has not relaxed and suddenly tightened, and his body is quickly approaching behind the cold cliff, and he said: "Protect the mother!!"

The cold cliff apparently has lost its sense of reason, and the frantic forward is rushing forward--and he is right in front of him, and it is a phoenix sedan of Longhuanger.


One walked in the end, the guard who had just turned around was smashed by the broken wind blade, and the accompanying palace girl had not had time to scream, the cold cliff had already rushed to the front of the car, and the curtain of the phoenix sedan was noticed to the strange dragon and phoenix. She started, but she looked at her for the first time, but she had a pair of terrible eyes, and a little green thorn that stabbed her body, and she was eclipsed in an instant. . .


A heavy and heavy force accompanied by a loud deafening bombardment on the arm of the cold cliff, the force that forced him to stab the position, pointing to the sky, the body was also collided backwards Retreat. In the middle of the room, the black bear that was skipped from the side was blocked in front of the sedan. It was full of cold sweat. If Long Huanger really had something wrong, he was not enough to make a sin.

However, with his strength, he only took a small step back from the cold cliff, but in a blink of an eye, the blade of the wind and the lightning flashed back, like a viper-like shot to the black bear, the blood in the cold cliff that was attacked. Mang is more horrible, such as a fierce beast once again irritated. . .

The black bear is equivalent to the thick arm of the cold cliff, and the heavy arm is thrown out to block the cold cliff, but... this time, he did not shake the cold cliff again. The action of the cold cliff is too fast, he raised his arm. In the gap, the broken wind blade had passed through his clothes and pierced his cast iron body.

The black bear's pupil contracted, under the strong impact, he bite his teeth without reversing, because once it retreats, it may hurt the dragon phoenix behind. His hands squatted on the wrist of the cold cliff to grasp the wind blade, tightening and tightening...

"Ice face!!"

"Black Bear!"

"Black Bear!"

Watching the black bears being slashed through the chest, they almost daringly split, chasing after the cold cliffs, the smashing slamming slammed into the cold cliff, the cold cliff arm moved, did not get rid of the black bear's hands, the **** eyes Picking up the black mans, a dark smog shot from behind him, hitting the smashing smashing cock. . .

I never thought that the cold cliffs had such a way of attacking that they couldn't get out of control. They were stunned and directly hit, and the body stopped several times in midair. On the cold cliff, his right hand with a broken wind blade trembled, and he was knocked down directly by the strength of the black bear. Then he did not look at him, rushing to the front, encountering obscurity, breaking The wind blade is slashed with a dark murderous...

The broken wind blade was almost pasted on the face of Long Huanger, and the cold bear was once again turned up and jumped, and the black bear roared and slammed down. The thick and incomparably body was pressed against him, and his hands were pressed against him. One arm. . .

If it is a normal cold cliff, his hands are pinned, and the power of the black bear is faced. He will have almost no struggling strength. But at this time, the cold cliff... his right hand shines black light, and the black bear's arm is opened openly, and a blade is stabbed before it pierces the black bear's body again... And this time, he pierces his left. chest……

boom! !

The chasing smashed the black bear and grabbed it. The unreserved side of the palm hit the cold cliff, and his body flew to the side of the road, knocking over a wall and flying straight for dozens of meters. The wind-breaking blade flashing with innocent green light has already been stained with blood.

Yan Bianzhen had no time to look after the black bears, flying to chase the cold cliffs... Those guards reacted from the incomprehensible, surrounded the dragon's sedan chair in the middle, and it was already a shocked face. . .

"Black Bear!"

"Black Bear!!"

The eager shouts, but now it is so heartbreaking, Yan Yan, who never cried, was crying at this time. Left chest... The heart part of the black bear has been **** and fuzzy, and their hearts have been smashed with a knife and pain.

The black bear licked his chest and smirked, but after just two laughs, he coughed up and coughed up a piece of blood clot. The two arms with infinite strength could not be lifted. He was already big. I began to see the eyes of things, and whispered with a vague voice: "Tell the master... Black Bear... No... Use..."

After a word is over, his expression has already been fixed, and the original color of the eyes has lost all the colors in the scatter... The left chest and the chest, the blood oozing from his fingers is black...

"Black Bear!!"

"Black Bear!! Black Bear! You give me up... You will give me a death letter or not, I will call you a lifetime black pig!!" The three scorpions are desperately shaking the body of the black bear, almost all of his body Raised, his eyes were blurred, and the trembling of the voice was completely distorted. . .

"Black bear... If you are a mother, if you dare to die, don't want to be a brother with us in the next life... you kind of kind, waste wood, big scorpion, kind of give me up!"

"Black Bear!!!"

No matter how they shout, how to cry, how to cry... The black bears can no longer answer them, and the only thing left for them is a sly smile, and a vague word...

Under the soul of the soul, the pure world, their friendship and feelings are also pure and not a trace of ambiguity, from small play to big, laugh to big, practice together, hunt together, play together, that is not a brother, but far better The true feelings of the brothers have never been found in the world, and even the people of the world can not understand.

The black bear is dead... This is the first time they have faced the death of their brothers, the pain, as the heart has been torn into pieces, making them unhappy.

Long Huanger took out from the sedan, and the guards were shocked and surrounded by her. Long Huanger looked at the motionless, black bear with black blood, no screaming, no tears, no panic, she rubbed her chest, slowly closed her eyes and said softly: "Thank you, black bear... ..."

Chu Jingtian's footsteps were vain, his eyes were gone, and they walked silently behind them. They looked straight at the black bear who had disappeared. He said with trepidation: "Black bear him... Is he dead..."

The three scorpions, who were shaking all over, turned sharply, and grabbed Chu’s neckline. He shouted: "Dead!? You said who is dead! How can the black bear die? He just fell asleep! Asleep! He It’s impossible to die! There are good brothers like us, he can’t die, you know! You know!”

The eyes of the man in front of the eyes are tearful, the voice is hoarse due to pain, and the look is distorted by pain. Chu Jingtian nodded involuntarily, in a sense of powerlessness that has never been seen before.

He slammed and rushed to the cold cliff in the battle with the slashing scorpion. The sword was squirted and flew into his hand. He stood not far in front of the cold cliff, and the hand holding the sword was fierce. Trembling, he shouted in pain: "Cold cliff... why are you doing this... why are you killing him!!"

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