MTL - Heavenly Star-v8 Chapter 518 Thousands of heavy forces

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Temple of God.

"Oh, those few wastes are already dead." Thousands of people came in from the door and said that his heavy voice was not salty.

"Oh... Hey, how good it is to die, that few wastes are nothing to play with." Blood nights licking their fingers one by one, I don’t know what to taste, her body is very Petite, but reclining poses a fascinating line. The 14-year-old face has a enchanting body that a young woman may have. But compared to her charm, more rumors are her terrible name. The blood of her saw does not know how much blood is dyed, and every **** or demon who dies in her hands will taste the most painful and cruel death in the world. On the mainland of God, she is recognized as the least able to provoke or even meet people.

"The man has come here, but there is no magic in him." Thousands of people sat on the ground, and when the mountain's general body sat down, the whole temple shivered and the danger collapsed. The night meditation still looks out the window, without a word, God's life and death or not has nothing to do with him, he will not feel anything when he is dead. The entire continent of God can only live in harmony with the **** night, and stay with the **** night in the temple. He feels uncomfortable all over the body.

Bloody night posture, the situation stretched out a lazy waist, Zhang mouth yawned, said with great interest: "The people who can beat those wastes so fast, hey, must be very interesting, big brother, is Are you coming, or am I coming?"

"I came, I haven't been fighting for a long time, my body is a little hard." Qiang said with a thunderous voice. He has the strength of the holy level, but it is the most temperless person among the strongest people in Tianchen. He is still kind to everyone. For blood night, there is a kind of connivance for his sister. Basically what she said, he will Listen to what, like a stupid big man who is a big lady. Therefore, although he has a heart-rending shape, it is the least fearful of God, the King of God, and the Holy Ghost.

"Well, I haven't seen a big brother fight for a long time. Oh, he came," the **** night's eyes flashed. Her curved eyebrows and her smiling little face are all cute and pitiful, and no one will associate her with her at the time of murder.

The gate of the temple was shaken open. With a sword in hand, Ye Wuchen, who was holding the bow in one hand, came in and looked at each other with the three saints inside.

Thousands of steps forward, standing in front of Ye Wuchen, said with no expression: "Come, fight with me, you should be able to let me play for a while."

There was no contempt, hostility, disdain, and his neat and innocent question was to let Ye Wuchen squint a little, and his body shape made his face move. Five or six meters high and nearly three meters wide, this type of body has far exceeded the scope of normal people, and his whole body muscles are bright black, such as the hills on the meat mountain, the block is uplifted, you can imagine that there is hidden inside. What a terrible power.

His face is ugly, but it is not the kind of ugliness that is disgusting, but the kind of person who can't help himself. In addition, he and the ordinary people are indistinguishable in size, showing a funny fall against the huge body.

Then, his gaze fell on the **** night watching him... a little girl, and the cute little girl of Long Huanger, but from her body, he felt inexplicably cold. The breath, as well as the strong **** taste. This **** taste is not the true smell of blood, but the killing of too many people, the **** after accumulating too much blood will accumulate. This is a horror girl with an angel's appearance and a devil's heart.

In the end, his gaze turned to look at his night, and his brow slammed down. The night is obviously moving, low: "Is you!?"

He did not expect that the person who had just been killed by him almost a month ago actually came here...that is not the same person. The comet sword and the disaster bow in his hand are iron proof. This person... The people of Tianchen mainland have come here! Moreover, to put it this way, Hao Tian Feng Tian and others are actually killed by him!

What is going on, his strength is impossible to reach that level.

The eyes of resentment did not touch the night, but looked at the tall and incomparably thousand, the burning fire in the eyes, the convergence of the momentum soon also flooded. He didn't have the time to waste his tongue... Defeat them in the shortest time before they have the hope of taking away the snow and the heart. He has not dared to delay again.

"Oh oh, look at the little brother... Big brother, it’s fainting, I want him to get back and develop a little and sly little pet." Bloody night shouted, screaming In a slit eye, I looked at Ye Wuchen.

"Oh, okay." A thousand answers. The sound shook the tables and chairs of the temple and trembled.

"And oh, let's go out and play well. If you break it down, the Emperor will be very upset. If the Emperor is unhappy, I will be very upset."

"Oh, good." Qian Zhong answered again, and hurriedly moved to Ye Wuchen. Ye Wuchen took a deep breath and jumped back. When he landed, he had already landed on the huge square where he was. It’s just that the original flat ground has been destroyed beyond recognition. In the distance, there are still six bodies of corpses in various forms.

Thousands of people came out, blood night holding a long box and lightly following. Slim and delicate limbs, cute tops and short skirts, and a pair of exquisite carved shoes. This is a princess-like girl, and no one can think of her age of thousands of years. And in that box, she is a terrible weapon that makes people feel horrified.

The night is full of expressionless expressions behind, holding hands, looking at Ye Wuchen in a place not far away. A month ago, he just had a fight with Ye Wuchen. Ye Wuchen’s several big tricks greeted him one by one. It can be said that his strength is clear and clear, even the limit he can reach. I know all the hits. Although unbelievable, he is not stupid enough to believe that the current Ye Wuchen is still a month ago, Ye Wuchen, who can make thousands of people actively ask for "fights". There are only a handful of chaotic spaces. He had to see with his own eyes, this was how he had almost killed him in the first place in the short period of time when he was killed by the death of the white princess.

"Get started." Ye Wuchen said coldly, the body violently, recovered the comet sword and the disaster bow, and punched a thousand.

The **** night mouth suddenly hooked up, I really want to laugh at Ye Wuchen's incompetence. Thousands of people have incomparably terrible power. Even she and Ning Ming are not daring to meet each other. To win him, they must be entangled with him by virtue of his relatively weak engine power. Looking at Ye Wuchen, she did not know how to attack her life with a fist. She had already gloated and predicted the next wonderful scene.

Thousands of eyes were solid, and at the same time, a fist was thrown to the face of Ye Wuchen's fists. The two men's attacks did not have any bells and whistles, fists and fists, pure power competition. A fist painted black hair is bright, enough to have the size of a normal human head, and one is soft and white, completely a scholar-like fist. Under the huge contrast, the two men’s fists collided straight, and a loud bang, incomparable The tough ground was raised by tens of meters high, and the shock seemed to be able to shatter even in the sky.

Thousands of heavy, a boxing shock, a fist cracked the ground, his footsteps did not move, the fists throwing out straight stretched, and opposite him, Ye Wuchen was flying a hundred meters away, how long in the air do not know how to tumbling Only then removed the giant force that fell in the mountains and stood on the ground. At the moment when the two punches intersected, he heard the crisp sound of the sound in the loud noise, which was the sound of his hand bones and arms being shaken several times. The clothes on the right arm were shaken into pieces, and the shattered arm overflowed the blood marks of the road, soaking half of the right arm in a moment.

Ye Wuchen took a breath and the wound in his right arm was healed quickly. The whole right arm was still trembled in numbness. The weight of the body determines that he must be a powerful force. And to become one of the three holy congregations of the gods, his power is bound to be terrible. This punch, he is entirely to test the extent to which his power is terrible. Sure enough, at the moment of the bombardment of a thousand fists, the dark fist made him seem to have seen a mountain that was not tall.

However, his heart was astonished, and he was far from being surprised by the thousands of people, the **** night, and the night. Because under the attack of a thousand heavy frontal hits, he did not die! And it was only repelled by a hundred meters, and even stood there firmly.

Thousands of fists are literally gods, and even they are directly hit, they are also seriously injured.

"Big brother, it seems that this little brother is more powerful than we think, but be careful." Bloody night's eyebrows are bent, although it is a thousand words, eyes have been watching Ye Wuchen, his face is exposed If there is nothing strange, smile. It was a kind of singularity that a girl found a desire for a toy.

Thousands of people looked at their unharmed fists and nodded and said: "Hey, it’s not the one who defeated them. I used half of the power of this punch. He seemed to suffer only a slight injury. ”

The night is sullen, and he doesn't say a word. He usually talks with thousands of people and **** nights. At this time, the shock in his heart is far more than the two of them. Blood night and thousands of people will not know what Ye Wuchen was like more than a month ago, but he knows it clearly, it is a huge gap that he can not accept. He is just a person, a humble human being in the Tianchen continent... but even if he is the son of the Holy Spirit here, even if he is the son of the Emperor, it is absolutely impossible to have such terrible entry in such a short period of time... Within a month, what happened to his body!

Yes...he was the one who was confessed to the Lord by the sword of the Southern Emperor and the bow of the Northern Emperor. He was the one who killed him by the humble power. Such a person is a mortal... he should have taken him long ago. Kill it! Sure enough, the hidden dangers are not removed, he actually came directly here.

The inner heart of the night is far less relaxed than the **** night. At the beginning, when Ye Wuchen only had the power of God, he almost killed him in the Tianchen continent with a "star-killing" that ignored his life. Now, he is a lot more powerful than that at that time, plus the help of the two major shackles of the comet sword and the catastrophic bow... This will never be a battle that can be easily faced.

He didn't say a word more. He didn't tell the thousand and blood nights. He was the one who was standing next to the Princess of Black Princess and the White Princess on Tianchen. He looked at it so quietly to see if he could be in the thousand. What level of work is done by the men.

Ye Wuchen in the distance finally had an action. He instigated the wrist whose injury had healed. He said coldly: "Just, is it just half your strength?"

Although a hundred meters away, his voice came clearly. A thousand key points that never lie: "Yes, it’s half my strength. Blood night makes me light, so I used half the power."

"Oh." Ye Wuchen suddenly smiled strangely, his right hand pinched up, a layer of lightless light that could not be seen by the three saints wrapped around his hand, he sneered and said: "Then you Use all your strength... use your full strength, pick up my current punch and see..."


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