MTL - Heavenly Star-v8 Chapter 530 Thunderbolt's final volume coincides with the trajectory 531

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The words of Naner made Ye Wuchen slightly fascinated, and could not help but think of the black man, and immediately returned to God. He felt the intensity of the lightning elements and then went to the southwest according to the tiny gap. The direction of the thunder element is the denser place, the closer it is to the holy pearl of Lei. Every time he takes a step, there will be countless thunder and lightning bombardment on him. Although he will not cause any substantial harm to him, even the sense of paralysis will not occur, but the huge thunder and the successive bombardment The impact is affecting him all the time, so that his footsteps can't move too fast.

Each chaotic holy pearl contains the power of the most powerful corresponding elements. Therefore, almost every place where the chaotic holy beads are located will become the limit of this element due to the overflow or influence of its power. In Tianchen Continent, the limits of the formation of Dragon Ball, Earth Huangzhu, Fengzhuzhu and Shuilingzhu have never been approached by humans, and no one has ever found them. In the magical continent where the density of aura is much higher than that of Tianchen, the limit of the land is even more incomparable. Even the gods and the emperors are unable to get the thunder of the thunder because of the limit of the thunder... The light and darkness, and the four deaths of life, have the holy beads that have existed in another form, and the soul does not know where it exists. I don’t know what effect it will have. I don’t even know whether there are holy beads, water, fire, wind, earth. Four Holy Beads are already on him, and Ray Shengzhu may also belong to him immediately... Because of his anti-Japanese physique, he can safely ignore the limit of the highest **** and the highest demon.

It’s like... these chaotic holy beads are all for him.

Under the suppression and impact of the power of lightning, Ye Wuchen did not move fast. But this is not fast. Relatively speaking, his speed at this moment is still available in the eyes of ordinary people. He closed his eyes and did not look to the front, but only used the spiritual sense to sense the density of the thunder element and proceed. He is extremely eager for strength, eager to find the holy beads of this thunder, so that he can have more chances to defeat the black mysterious god.

This abyss is not only terrible, but also terrible. Ye Wuchen has been moving in a single direction for ten minutes and still has not come to an end. And obviously, the more forward, the more the land is sinking. The land presents a tendency to lean forward. That is because the closer to the holy beads of thunder, the more terrible the power of thunder and the more powerful the land is destroyed.


The sky split open, and a thick and powerful lightning bombardment on Ye Wuchen’s head wrapped his body, obscuring his sight, and letting his footsteps pause at this moment, and when the thunder and lightning dispersed At the time, Ye Wuchen’s sight was far away, and suddenly there was a very eye-catching purple light. The light is shaking, and looking far away, it is like a bright purple star.

Ye Wuchen's footsteps can't help but speed up. He walks fast in the thunder and purgatory. After a minute, he has already come to the purple light. When you are close, you can really feel how amazing and dazzling it is.

On the ground, there is a huge purple light ball lying on it. The surface of the light ball is covered with the lightning bolts of the claws and claws, accompanied by the harsh sound of “Zizi”. Ye Wuchen is close to it, and can deeply feel the intensity of the inability of the lightning elements. If you are not standing here, even if it is the true God, it will instantly become carbon residue under the engulfment of lightning elements. He knelt down and slowly moved his hand toward the ball of light. His hand passed directly through the purple light, and it continued downward. Finally, he grasped a ball with only half a fist size and gently took it. Start.

This purple light ball with a length of more than one meter is released from this small bead. While picking up this bead, Ye Wuchen’s brain appeared in the words "Thunderball".

Thunder Pearl... It really is the chaotic holy beads of the Thunder.

"Master, really is awkward! Really is a chaotic holy pearl." Compared to Ye Wuchen's dull and calm, Naner is excited to shout.

Holding the Thunderbolt in his hand, the sound of the thunderous roar is huge, almost breaking the eardrum. Ye Wuchen held it in his hand for a long time, but there was no movement for a long time, and his eyes were filled with an inexplicable complex.

"Master? Master, eat it quickly. The good black man said, now the master can directly absorb the power of the chaotic holy beads." Naner reminded.

Before, he was unconscious at the top of the Tongshen Tower, and after he woke up, he was already in a corner of the land of God. At the same time, he found that his power has increased to an extremely large extent. At the same time, the wind, fire, and earth's holy beads that he put on his body disappeared... Naner told him that the black man did not know how to infuse the power of the three holy beads into him, and told him He, his strength is enough to get the instinct of all the chaotic beads, as long as they are swallowed, they can fully gain their power.

Ye Wuchen: "..." What he thought at this time, Naner will not guess. Although he is eager for his strength to become strong, no one, no **** can compete against the kind of power, but he is obsessed with the decision to make himself, whether there is any need to swallow it... or, do you want it? Leave it and wait for the next person who is close to it.

Ye Wuchen shook his head and turned from a light confusion to a quiet. He said to Raychem, and whether or not he had the consciousness to understand what he said, he said slowly: "Thunderball, no matter what you really are." The mission is to wait for someone, from this moment on, become part of my strength."

He opened his mouth and pressed his hand to swallow the Thunder beads directly into the abdomen.

Innumerable lightning moments burst out from Ye Wuchen's body, reaching a distance of several hundred meters, Ye Wuchen's body also violently expanded, but immediately returned to normal. He closed his eyes and slowly calmed down the enormous indescribable power of lightning in the body. They completed the assimilation of his body in chaos and turned his power into his own power.

Exist in the magical high density of the magic of the continent, the power of Thunder Pearl can be imagined, into the body of Ye Wuchen, while the amount of lightning power is completely awakened, his power of Wuchen is also growing rapidly. Above the tower of the gods, three chaotic sacred beads plus a dozen of the powerful forces left in his body, his no-frills stepped into the real fifth layer, and he clearly felt the fifth layer The difference between the peaks is a step away... and his previous fifth-level power is as different as all the fifth-level powers at the moment. From that moment on, he finally understood that the second step of relying on the power of simple elements to advance the Wuchen is simply called Wuchen, and all that can be played is the complete form of the Wuchen. Part of the power, and this has made him a long-standing doubt.

The power of this Thunderbolt should be enough to help him reach the bottleneck of the fifth layer and break through to the sixth level. Every step of Wuchen’s advancement is accompanied by earth-shaking changes in strength. From the fifth floor to the sixth floor, at that time, there will be more hopes to defeat the black mysterious god.


There was a sudden loud noise in Ye Wuchen’s mind. His consciousness suddenly turned into a blank, and his body shook. The power of his crazy ascension was completely blocked by a tough obstacle. Reaction... That is, the bottleneck of the fifth layer of No Chen...

Ye Wuchen bit his teeth, controlling the force of the slamming bombardment to the mysterious level of the layer, and it was a bang, his face suddenly white, the whole body was up and down, and the barrier was still not loose. Traces of the past.

Twice, enough to let Ye Wuchen give up directly. Before, even if it was such a non-complete form, there was no way to break through the fifth level, but at the moment, the level of tenacity is undoubtedly ten times more powerful than before.

Thunderbolt was swallowed by Ye Wuchen, and the strongest amount of lightning power in the world became the power of Ye Wuchen. Without the source of power, the lightning around the sky and above the sky is also quickly subsiding, dissipating incomparably fast. As the purple light becomes dim in the flicker, the surrounding light also quickly darkens. Ye Wuchen stood there for a long time. When the amount of thunder power in the body no longer surged, the surrounding area was already quiet. There were only a few tiny lightning flashes occasionally, even the original deep purple. The sky also began to turn dark. Although the power of thunder is powerful, it is not as long as soil, water, and fire. Their existence is only a matter of moments. Without the source of power, they disappear very quickly. This abyss of the prison has also become inconsistent from this moment.

"Xiangxiang, from here, can you return to the mainland of God?" Ye Wuchen called out the white-haired little girl, whispered.

Xiangxiang is the same as his heart. From the consciousness passed from the heart, he knows where he wants to go, floats up, and after a long pause in the air, he sheds the light of space power.

The place where Ye Wuchen returned was the place where the **** Emperor Xiao Xiao sent him to the Devil's Abyss. When they appeared, as he expected, the emperor was still there, and the thousand and blood nights had already woke up. Not only did he wake up, but the thousand looks no longer uncomfortable, and the blood night has regained consciousness. Even the power that has been completely blocked by him has all recovered.

Is it the power of the Emperor? Ye Wuchen said in his heart. In such a short period of time to achieve such a degree, this woman who never shot before the people is worthy of the emperor of the gods.

The appearance of Ye Wuchen suddenly attracted their attention. The Emperor slightly frowned after a very short mistake, and thousands of people stood up fiercely. After seeing it was obvious after him, and **** night, he lifted the blood saw in his hand...

"It's you." Thousands of steps forward, with his huge body to cover the gods and blood night behind him, with deep vigilance and complex hostility on his face. He is a gracious newspaper and never wants to owe someone else. Although Ye Wuchen slammed the temple and killed the gods, he forced him to kill the night, but he was reluctant to be an enemy of him only because he saved the dying blood night.

"Oh, this big brother, we met again." Blood night walked to a thousand steps with a gentle step, a pair of **** eyes lingered in Ye Wuchen. She woke up and knew that her life was saved by Ye Wuchen... but that doesn't mean she would appreciate him. In the crystal-clear scorpion with laughter, it is still the light of brutality.

The trajectory of the final volume coincides with Chapter 531

"It can be beyond my expectations for a long time." Behind them, the voice of the Emperor came. Obviously, she thought that Ye Wuchen could not stay in the prison abyss until now. Transmitted back with space power. It can be difficult for her to persist in such a long time. But immediately, the eyes of the Emperor were slightly stunned. Because she suddenly found that Ye Wuchen's clothes all over the body did not have any traces of lightning damage, even his hair did not have any mess.

The words of the emperor made the thousand and the **** nights look like they seemed to have no hostility between them. They already know about the mysterious gods. But when they say it, they don't have much worry. The white mysterious **** of the runaway has been sent to the Tianchen continent, and it may be destroyed at any time. The black mysterious **** is left in the magical land, bringing great disaster to it. It will not take long for the black mysterious **** to take the whole magical The mainland is destroyed, and then destroyed with the destruction of the white mysterious god. In contrast, the continent of God only destroyed a palace city. For the thousand and **** nights, the foundation of the Palace of God is nothing.

"The prison abyss has disappeared. To kill the black mysterious god, the emperor, I need your help!" Ye Wuchen looked at the thousand and **** nights and turned his eyes to the emperor, seriously said.


"Yes, you don't need to ask why, but the abyss of the prison has indeed disappeared, I will not lie to you. Now you can go to the magic land through this transmission array." Ye Wuchen said.

"..." The Emperor looked at Ye Wuchen's eyes and said slowly: "I refuse, because I know the mystery of the black mysterious god. When you personally understand the terrible power of the black mysterious god, you will definitely make and I have the same choice."

Ye Wuchen was unmoved, but instead showed a clear scornful smile: "The so-called gods in your God's mainland are so timid, actually afraid of something that my human beings are not afraid of."

The gods look unchanged, and the light said: "The power of the black mysterious **** does have the qualifications that make me afraid. But even if I have no scruples, I will not help you to kill the black god. I don't have to kill for you. Road... Black mysterious gods are raging in the land of the devil. This is my long-cherished expectation. I have no reason to stop it."

Ye Wuchen looked a little gloomy and sneered: "Then you can remember that the life and death of the black mysterious **** is the life of your daughter!"

The look of the Emperor changed a little, but did not speak.

"Whether they are not your own, but they are born of your strength, and what is the difference with your biological daughter? In order to destroy your enemy, you have not hesitated to bury your two daughters. Now your daughter lives on the line Only the last hope, you can say such a mean and ruthless to the horrible words. God Emperor... a good emperor, this is the so-called God of your heart?" Ye Wuchen's face is cloudy Terrible, venting his contempt in a growing voice... and anger and resentment that has been suppressed for too long.

His favorite condensed snow and heart, was actually regarded as two sacrifices by the gods! ! It is because of the gods, Tianchen mainland almost completely destroyed, and he almost left with Ningxue forever... Now, the life of Ningxue and Xingxin is connected to the last hope of the line--that is An extremely weak mang.

How much he really wants to kill all the gods here.

God, in the cognition of the people of Tianchen, this is a symbol of strong, noble, sacred, and at this moment, it has become the most hateful of Ye Wuchen. Even if it is in front of the Emperor... If it is not because she is the mother of Ningxue and her heart, if she does not depend on her to save them to some extent, he really wants to tear this emperor directly, no matter Who is she, male or female. The man who had slapped the snow had been killed on the spot by his cruelty, not to mention the people who forced them into desperation.

However, if today really can't save the snow and the heart, even he doesn't know what kind of crazy action he will make.

The Emperor avoided his gaze, and was transferred from the White Emperor to the Tianchen Continent to the present. Under her calm appearance, the inner heart was not suppressed by death. Ye Wuchen’s words pierced her deep inside, and she was once again smashed by the heart that had been tortured by the sacrifice of condensed snow and jealousy. The people of the gods have been waiting for the awakening of the black and white mysterious gods in excitement, expressing regret for the sacrifices of the Princess of Black Princess and the Princess of the White Princess, but who knows the pain of the cone that she has endured. In the same year, she used the four holy beads as a carrier to breed the Princess of Black Skull and the Princess of the White Skull. Her purpose was very simple - only to awaken the black and white mysterious god. However, after all, it is the creature she gave birth to, like her own daughter... Invisible and close contact, thousands of years of getting along, is that shaped feeling really so easy to cut off?

She suppressed her heartache, and her look was still indifferent: "You are right, they are really my daughter, then you should understand, I will save them than anyone else, but now you will not Understand that the power of the black mysterious **** is simply unable to compete. Don't say one me, even if it is ten me, it is impossible to defeat the black mysterious god. Going, will only die in vain. I can't do it."

"You really can't." Ye Wuchen's eyes were awkward, and he said coldly, then slowly said: "But... I can!"

"You?" The face of the emperor flashed a slight ochre.

"Yes, I have absolute certainty to turn black mystery into ashes. If there is only one black mysterious god, I don't need your help at all. But that will hurt my heart. I need you to help me with my own strength. He loses his ability to move in a short time. You are not the opponent of Black Mysterious God, but you are the Emperor of God, you have this power. You promise not to agree."

The Emperor reveals the color of contemplation. Ye Wuchen is very strong. Aside from the black and white mysterious **** that cannot be counted as a living being, perhaps in addition to her and the emperor, no one is his opponent. Such age is another. The human beings from Tianchen mainland have already shocked her so much. However, now he is so confident that he will destroy the black mysterious **** - it is not a conceited arrogance, that kind of demeanor, showing that he seems to have absolute absolute certainty.

"What do you want to destroy the black mysterious god!" asked the **** frown, and now she is eager to hear his answer.

"You don't need to know." Ye Wuchen said directly, saying in a low-pitched tone: "Whether you believe it or not, you only need to choose... Are you willing to be buried for you because of these two, and you are personally handed? Try to enter the desperate daughter once!?"

I almost ruined it... I forced myself into the impasse... These words made the body of the Emperor slightly shake. Even if she is a god, it is difficult to bear the heart of this cone.

"Well... If the abyss of the prison is really disappearing as you said, I promise to go to the mainland of the devil with you. I only hope that you can really save the black and white." The voice of the emperor softened. Sighed and said.

"Good." Ye Wuchen slowly nodded: "I am very pleased that you will promise... Otherwise, I can tell you frankly that if Cher or my heart is really going wrong, I will do whatever it takes to make the whole of God's continent - - Turn into ashes!"


The plain language from a human being made the inner world of the gods of the gods appear cold and cold. It was a kind of heart called "fear" - the whole god's continent was turned into ashes, no one dared to say such words. And from his mouth, she was so unaware of her ignorance, but she felt the heart. As a **** emperor, no matter whoever sees her on the mainland of God, she is respectful and respectful. In front of her face, he is the first one. But for the first time, she did not release anger because of it...because he was for her daughter, the daughter she had almost ruined by her. She is not qualified for anger in front of him.

This is exactly what a man!

Ye Wuchen reached out to the palm of his hand and evoked the incense. He said softly: "Fragrance, take the cold cliff, he should still be there."

The power of Ye Wuchen thundered again in the Abyss of Thunderbolt because of swallowing Thunderbolt. The strength of the incense that was connected with his fate also increased by the same amount. The power consumed before was instantly restored completely and reached a more High strength. And its appearance also made the **** night's eyelids shrink significantly, and the footsteps unconsciously stepped back, revealing a little bit of hatred and fear in the eyes of Xiangxiang. Before, she was beaten by the little creature with a strange power. She has killed countless people, but she has almost never been hurt, and. Although she is cruel and violent, her temperament is capricious, but only a thousand people know that she is actually very afraid of pain. Therefore, Xiang Xiang gave her a rather terrible memory.

Ye Wuchen glanced at the look of blood night, and at the same time, the fragrance of the palm disappeared in a small white light.

Since the fragrance appeared, the Emperor had been watching her. At this time, he looked up and said: "This is the purest space power. Does your space move depend on her? Can you tell me what her origin is?"

There are very few things that can make God the Emperor interested. Ye Wuchen gave her a cold look and looked away. She did not answer. The Emperor knew that he had been resentful of himself because of the snow and heart, and he had no longer asked each other, silently guessing the origin of the incense. If the fragrance appears in the state of the dragon fox, she may be able to guess some eyebrows, but the state of the pocket girl, she has nowhere to guess.

Immediately, Ye Wuchen flashed white light, and the fragrance appeared on his shoulder. The cold cliff of cold face also stood next to Ye Wuchen. He still looks a little weak, but his eyes are the kind of coldness that never changes. When he just looked at Ye Wuchen, he suddenly turned his eyes away and suddenly looked at the **** night, locked in her body, resentful. The murderous uncontrollable rush came out.

Ye Wuchen took his shoulders in a timely manner and whispered: "The snow and the heart are in danger. I need the help of the power of the emperor. Do you understand what I mean?"

Cold Cliff's murderous recovery, no hesitation nodded. And the **** night's gaze circulates on him, revealing a sly and cruel smile.

"Magic... Are you the devil of the devil's continent?" The Emperor instantly noticed the magical gas in the cold cliff atmosphere, frowning.

Ye Wuchen's gaze on the micro side: "You can't say anything about it... Go, go to the mainland of the devil, other things, you can solve it after destroying the black myth."

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