MTL - Heavens: Be a New Man-Chapter 1093 vengeance

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What kind of experience is this when there is one more person in the car running 80 miles, but the driver and passenger are not aware of it at all?

The experience is like pulling out an owl while you **** and squeaking at you in the toilet.

Ridiculous, subversive, and frustrating.

The driver and Zhao Gongzi were already going crazy.

Facing the muzzle of the driver, He Xie's smile grew brighter.

Instead of looking at the driver, he looked at the pale-faced Young Master Zhao.

"Dude, I think we can have a good talk." Zhao Gongzi is worthy of being a big man. Although his voice trembled with fright and his legs were shaking, he immediately liberated his mind and made an appropriate response.

He tried his best to make his attitude seem friendly, and while quietly reaching out to hold the door handle, he said sincerely to He Xie, "You have to ask for something in life, I don't know what you want, buddy, but I just happen to have some ability, so I must have it. I can satisfy you as much as possible, money? Quan? Women? Dude, just speak up!"

He Xie looked at him with admiration: "A big man is a big man, and he is so philosophical when he says anything casually. By the way, have you heard that song about philosophy?"

"—Ah?" Zhao Gongzi's mind didn't react for a while.


The driver quietly opened the safety lock of the gun, and the sound was particularly clear in He Xie's ears.

He Xie turned to look at the driver.

The driver put the muzzle of the gun in front of He Xie, and seemed to be relieved.

"Raise your hand!" the driver ordered.

He Xie's smile slowly faded, and he also raised his "gun" and aimed it at the driver.

"I bet you don't have bullets in your gun!" he said slowly with a serious expression.

The two looked at He Xie's "gun" with almost ghostly eyes.

The index finger and thumb are at a right angle, which is a trick only played by such children.

A gun is a good thing, but, a gun of meat, can it be shot?

When a joke-like thing is presented in the most deadly situation, it often makes people feel more creepy.

"I broke you so bad!" The driver broke down again.

He growled, shivered, and hesitated to shoot.

In a society ruled by law, except for the desperados, who would dare to kill people easily?

He Xie smiled.


A sound came out of his mouth.

The driver was shocked, and fell down softly, lying on the back of the seat, silently.

His face was facing Young Master Zhao, his eyes were wide open, and the seven orifices suddenly flowed out blushing blood.

"Ah ah ah ah..." Zhao Gongzi was instantly frightened.

He desperately turned the handle of the car, smashed the car glass, and tried to get out of the car, but he couldn't do it.

Just when he was going crazy, he felt a hard object against the back of his head.

"Don't move."

A faint voice came, very casual, as if asking if you had eaten.

But Young Master Zhao froze all of a sudden, like a basin of cold water pouring down his head, he calmed down instantly.

He turned around stiffly, looking at He Xie in horror, shaking violently.

He Xie held the "gun" and aimed it at his head.

A gun is a "pistol," but it's not funny at all.

This is something to die for!

"I have something to say! I have something to say! Big brother..." Zhao Gongzi's tongue is knotted, "I will give you everything you want, really, I will give you everything!"

He Xie sighed: "As soon as I think that I've been killed by someone like you, I feel more and more that there is a sentence that makes sense."

"Big brother, I was wrong..." Zhao Gongzi was about to cry.

"You should ask me, which sentence." He Xie reminded him.

"Brother, which sentence is that, eldest brother?" Zhao Gongzi asked in a sobbing voice.

"Weakness is an original sin." He Xie said solemnly. He glanced at Zhao Gongzi, "Do you think it makes sense?"

"It makes sense, brother!" Zhao Gongzi smiled and gave a thumbs up, but he laughed more ugly than crying, "Brother, every word you say is very philosophical, really..."

"Ah, speaking of philosophy..." He Xie's eyes suddenly lit up, "You haven't answered me just now, have you heard that song about philosophy?"

"—Ah?" Zhao Gongzi's eyes widened.

"Haven't heard?" He Xie frowned.

"Big brother blames me, I am ignorant, big brother, I was wrong..." Zhao Gongzi hurriedly apologized.

He Xie sighed indifferently and said, "Young Master Zhao, you will die if you don't catch the infarction."

"Not big brother..."

"Crack!" He Xie smiled and made an onomatopoeia.

Zhao Gongzi froze all over, with a strong unwillingness and fear on his face, and slowly leaned over.

"It's really boring..." He Xie sighed again.

In fact, by now, he doesn't care about hatred or hatred, and there is no such thing as not killing these people.

On the contrary, he retraces time and space in an attempt to resolve cause and effect. What he is doing now is undoubtedly forging a new cause and effect.

It's just that for He Xie, the karma is too much debt. What's more, they have come, why not take revenge?

Idle is idle.

Just when He Xie was about to get out of the car, Mr. Zhao's phone rang, and it showed that a man named Lao Qi was He Xie did the math and picked up the phone.

"Young Master Zhao, I'm almost at the scene. Please check again on your side. Is there anything left? Let the person who should leave leave quickly, and I'll take care of the rest!"

That's what the person on the other end of the phone said.

He Xie smiled and said to the receiver, "Lao Qi, have you ever heard a song about philosophy?"

"…what? Who are you!"

"Wrong answer, bang!"

He Xie hung up the phone, threw the phone on the seat, got out of the car, and looked up at the sky with a smile.

Cloudless, what a beautiful day.

At the same time, on a gray off-road vehicle, Lao Qi, who was on the phone, suddenly froze, and his whole body suddenly collapsed on the steering wheel.


The car slanted out of several lanes, hit the railing on the side of the road, and rolled over.

Rongcheng, in a luxurious villa.

Li Chenggong looked at his wife and Shen Rutie gritted his teeth and asked, "Apart from that He Xie, have you asked anyone to investigate me?"

Hu Lijing's expression was cold, but she sobbed and wiped her tears from time to time.


Suddenly, Li Chenggong slapped Hu Lijing in the face.

Without waiting for her to react, he strangled his wife by the neck and roared, "Is there any! Tell me! Tell me! You really want to kill everyone, don't you? Is it!"

"Cough cough..." Hu Lijing coughed violently and slapped Li Chenggong desperately.

"Speak! Say it! Tell me clearly, is there any? Is there any!" Li Chenggong's face was twisted, and he gritted his teeth and roared.

"No, I don't!" Hu Lijing cried, "Li Chenggong, you bastard, you are not human!"


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