MTL - Heavens: Be a New Man-Chapter 1110 new round 1

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The latest website: After the appointed time, He Xie appeared in front of Hou Liangping on time.

This time, Mr. Zhang didn't leave and stood quietly.

They are cautiously probing forward step by step. This kind of probing is very small and cautious.

"Mr. He is so fascinated that he disappears without a trace, and he comes and goes without a trace." Hou Liangping made an envious expression on his face.

"You can use this ability as your reward this time." He Xie suggested with a smile.

Hou Liangping's heart pounded, and the word "good" almost blurted out.

But he had to resist this fatal temptation.

The secret of being able to be in a high position at a young age is complicated, but the most basic is the word "knowing the sense of proportion".

Hou Liangping is very self-aware. In the current situation, he can only be regarded as a loudspeaker. He is only responsible for listening and watching, and he has to accept instructions even when he says anything, so he will abide by his duty even if he is moved.

In fact, the reason why He Xie tolerated Mr. Zhang staying here is also based on such a reason.

"Mr. He is generous enough." Hou Liangping took a deep breath and said with a smile, "It's a pity that I asked for something else this time."

He Xie made a gesture of invitation, signaling him to continue.

Hou Liangping looked serious, looked at He Xie and said slowly, "Mr. He, the reward I want is..."

He said a personal name, a place name, and when he wanted to go on, He Xie stopped him.

"Your dedication is not enough to get this reward." He Xie said, "I will give you another chance. If your request still fails to make me agree to use it as your reward, then I will consider it as your giving up."

The reward for changing the world pattern, the other party really dares to think...

He Xie shook his head.

"Mr. He means that it's not that you can't do it, but you think I'm not worthy of this reward?" Hou Liangping asked.

"You just announced a trivial thing, but you want me to change the pattern of the world." He Xie smiled, "Hou Ju, I hope this is the last time you are so unrealistic."

He Xie knew that this was still the other party's temptation, so he gave a direct warning.

Mr. Zhang got up, bowed slightly to He Xie, and apologized, but still did not speak.

Hou Liangping said solemnly: "Okay, let me change the conditions. Mr. He, there is a corrupt official, and now he is in the lighthouse. He is related to the case of Li Chenggong and is an important member of the Zhao's criminal group, because of the local gang in the lighthouse. , we have lost control of his whereabouts. If possible, I would like him to be in front of me now."

He Xie thought about it, pinched his fingers and said with a smile, "Ding Yizhen? Well, as you wish."

He casually stretched out a finger and swiped forward, then stretched his arm in and pulled it out.

The next moment, a burly middle-aged man in sportswear staggered into the room.

The middle-aged man was still holding half a piece of pizza in his hand, with a dazed expression, looking around, like sleepwalking, unable to react for a long time.

"Ding Yizhen!"

Right at this moment, Hou Liangping shouted excitedly, stepped forward and grabbed Ding Yizhen's arm, and with a single grab, he pushed him to the ground. The latter then reacted, with a clever body all over his body and a scream of horror like a pig.

Mr. Zhang watched this scene in shock, and was silent for a long time.

After a while, two people came in and took Ding Yizhen away, and Hou Liangping and Mr. Zhang gradually calmed down.

In fact, they have guessed this for a long time, and now it is just to confirm the guess, but when it really happened, they found that they still could not accept this reality.

"I feel that all the education I have received since I was a child has completely collapsed with the gentle pull of Mr. He just now." Hou Liangping looked at He Xie with a complex expression, "Mr. He, can I ask you a question? Are you a human or a god?"

"For an ant, even a three-year-old child is a god." He Xie smiled, "Hou Ju, then the third round of games between us has ended successfully, and now the fourth round will begin."

Hou Liangping immediately put away all the chaotic thoughts and calmed himself down.

"Mr. He, please speak." Hou Liangping said calmly.

"Within an hour, Li Chenggong must die." He Xie said lightly.

As his voice fell, his people gradually disappeared in place.

The room was deadly silent.

Both Mr. Zhang and Hou Liangping were contemplating.

After a long time, Mr. Zhang sighed and stood up and said, "I'm going to ask for instructions, Bureau Hou, you are optimistic about Li Chenggong and wait for further instructions."

"Okay." Hou Liangping nodded solemnly.

They thought that as the game progressed, they would see through He Xie's purpose sooner or later, but it turned out that they thought too much.

This game is already the fourth round.

In the first round, He Xie's request was for Hou Liangping to complete the investigation commission with Hu Lijing for him.

In the second round, Hou Liangping abstained from voting. As a result, as punishment, a key figure in Zhao's criminal group, their legal counsel and barrister Niu Ben, died mysteriously.

In the third round, He Xie's request was to announce the criminal facts and cause of death of Zhao Gongzi and Qi leaders.

Now, He Xie wants Li Chenggong to die again.

On the surface, He Xie seems to just want the people of Zhao's criminal gang to die, but in fact, if He Xie really wants to do this, he can make everyone in the Zhao's group die without knowing it. There is no need to borrow Hou Liangping's hand.

So this guess is not valid.

That's weird, what is He Xie's purpose?

They really can't guess.

On the other hand, the game between He Xie and Yan Liang seems to be only related to the case investigated by Yan Liang...

What the **** is this going to do?

On the other side, after the police station lifted the blockade, Yan Liang met Zhang Xiaoqian, a reporter from the Rongcheng Evening News. The reporter brought a broken photo and a letter. The general content of the letter was that there were nine parts of the photo. The truth of Yang's death. UU Reading

The letter writer threatened the newspaper and the police to publish the photo message, nine times every three days, for a total of twenty-four days.

If a photo is not published once, the writer will create an explosion.

This letter made the police station very nervous, and the leaders gave a death order that the explosion must not happen.

The task force led by Yan Liang was called to a meeting one after another to study the response plan. After discussion, they finally chose to compromise unwillingly and bowed their heads to the letter writer.

Just after Director Zhao made his decision, he suddenly found that Yan Liang seemed hesitant, and he immediately asked, "Yan Liang, do you have a different opinion?"

Yan Liang hesitated and shook his head: "I... I have a clue, but I'm not sure if it's useful."

What he said was the content of the game with He Xie.

Director Zhao was instantly refreshed and asked, "How long will it take you to verify this clue?"

Read The Duke's Passion