MTL - Heavens: Be a New Man-Chapter 1135 Doomsday

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The latest website: "The doomsday judgment will take place every nine days. The guilty people will pay the corresponding price, and the sinful land will be wiped out."

"After eighty-one days, everything will be destroyed, and everything will be reduced to nothingness!"

He Xie's words caused an uproar in the whole world, some people scoffed, and some people were dubious.

And those previous partners of He Xie were also surprised, because in the plan they agreed with He Xie, there was no such thing as what He Xie said.

Even Gazelle, who knew He Xie's changed plan for the first time, was stunned at the moment.

"Ridiculous, this is ridiculous, he's crazy!" Gazelle quickly walked towards He Xie's room.

"However, there will be a glimmer of life left in the sky, and those souls and land whose sins do not die will have the opportunity to escape from the apocalypse and go to the new world." He Xie's words continued, "and the only hope will be in the savior of the world. After completing the trial and understanding your mission, lead the surviving people to achieve it."

"Who will become the savior?" He Xie changed his words, "The first hero to destroy the Golden Circle will receive this unique honor!"

"Lambs, cherish the last time!"

He Xie's figure gradually faded from everyone's mind, but his words still seemed to echo in everyone's ears.

"Fa Ke!" Somewhere in a secret base in the Eastern Golden Triangle, Poppy, the leader of the Golden Circle, couldn't help but swear at him.

She didn't understand, how could her organization become the trial mission of the Savior?


Poppy's eyes lit up suddenly, excited.

The worldwide sensation she has always dreamed of, isn't this achieved?


Gazelle kicked the door open, walked into the room, and looked at the stunned Princess Tilti and He Xie, who was sitting at the table drinking.

"He, what the **** are you doing!" Gazelle waved his arms excitedly with a dark face. "What the **** are you talking about, do you understand yourself? When will we be able to do the hellish doomsday judgment?"

"Calm down, Gazelle." He Xie smiled slightly, "You just haven't realized how powerful we are."

Just as Gazelle was about to refute, at this moment, the whole world suddenly rumbled, as if the entire universe shook.

He Xie's causal formation has been arranged.

At this moment, in every corner of the world, no matter where you are, you can find a row of blood-colored numbers in the sky as soon as you look up: "215:59:59".

Then the number starts to count down.

216 hours, exactly nine days.

This miraculous and bizarre scene made the whole world boil!

Even those who sneered at the previous apocalypse predictions could not help but panic at this moment.

And Jiazelle, who was originally very excited and angry, was also stunned at the moment. Looking at the calm He Xie, she realized for the first time that she didn't know her boss at all.

Just as the countdown started, in several corners of the world, some people suddenly had an extra comprehension and an extra power in their minds.

Galahad, who fled in a hurry, suddenly recovered from his injuries, and he punched out in a trance, and the land collapsed.

The protagonist Eggsy, who was training with his dog, suddenly found that his marksmanship could be shot anywhere, and even ordinary bullets were as powerful as miniature cannonballs, ignoring the range.

In the lighthouse country, an agent named Tequila suddenly starts breathing fire, and an agent named Ginger Water can manipulate the water.

In Hua Guo, a special soldier named Leng Feng suddenly mastered teleportation, and the other captain of the Jiaolong Commando named Yang Rui suddenly became infinitely powerful. There is also a big-headed soldier named Xu Sanduo, who suddenly mastered a terrifying skill called Crow Mouth...

These people who suddenly mastered special abilities immediately understood that they were the chosen ones.

Some of them were so excited that they immediately hit the road and headed to the headquarters of the Golden Circle. Others were worried and reported to their leaders.

Although many people are still skeptical, high-level political elites around the world have begun to go crazy and want to contact He Xie.

At this point, He Xie doesn't need to appear in front of people at all, and even if all countries jointly ban his free smart phone card, it is already too late.

He simply pointed out the only way to survive for Gazelle and the princess, and resolved the cause and effect of their mortal death, thus fulfilling this fate.

Then, He Xie disappeared without a trace.

Although the so-called doomsday judgment still makes most people doubt it, the situation is serious. In fact, many countries have begun to let the would-be saviors lead the team to Poppy's Unique Paradise to start their own final trial. Task.

It stands to reason that in the face of the encirclement and suppression of multiple forces, Poppy's golden circle should be greeted with destruction like a destructive force.

But in fact, in order to compete for the title of savior, all countries have not fought Bobby, and they have already played a dog's brain.

During this period, Poppy seized the opportunity and took the team led by some saviors. Although several would-be saviors mastered powerful abilities, they still died directly in the hands of Poppy's robot dog.

It was originally just a small-scale encounter between you and me. In the end, the forces of various countries also fought a real fire, and they reinforced and increased the scale of firepower. In the end, the area where Poppy was located became a battlefield full of artillery fire.

The major protagonists have their own magical powers, and their means are endless, and their backgrounds have also been added.

This melee, which was supposed to decide the outcome very quickly, still failed to get a result on the ninth day.

To make matters worse, Poppy actually took advantage of the bad situation and disappeared from everyone's sight, not knowing where to hide.

Then, the countdown in the sky finally went to "00:00:00".

At the moment when the countdown was cleared, the cause and effect of the entire world was immediately manifested.

This is the first time that all creatures in this world have seen such a terrifying existence as the karma chain.

If He Xie hadn't arranged this causal situation, people in the whole world would not have the right to see them!

Every creature in this world has more or less red causal chains, rooted in the flesh and extending into the unknown void.

In addition to living beings, even the earth itself has dense and countless chains of cause and effect.

And in the depths of space that humans can't see, there are many planets, including the sun and the moon, that have causal chains!

This terrifying scene made everyone in the world stop, no matter what they were doing.

next moment-

The screeching sound like a group of mice crossing the border resounded through the world, and then nearly one-tenth of the population was shocked to find that on the causal chain connecting themselves, the terrifying human-faced bug crawled along the chain excitedly to , then opened its terrifying mouthparts and devoured its host fiercely.

"Oh no…"

"Damn, what is this!"

"Ah...I don't want to die!"

All kinds of screams and screams resounded all over the world at this moment.

Those people or other creatures that were swallowed by the human face worm began to age rapidly almost immediately. First, the skin and flesh quickly dried up, then gradually lost their lives, and finally turned into little bits and pieces, scattered with the wind, leaving nothing in this world. leave no trace.

This terrifying scene happened to almost everyone!

Even people who are alone will see bugs and animals around them. Even plants, or the various features of the earth itself, are dying out in this unimaginably terrifying way.

What is even more terrifying is that when those human-faced worms finish eating the host, they immediately pounce on the creatures around them.

At this moment, time suddenly freezes, the whole world vibrates with a hum, and then the blood-colored countdown number in the sky reappears, and the manifested karma chain, as well as the human face bug, all disappeared.

Those who survived were terrified and horrified.

Until this time, no one doubted the authenticity of the Doomsday Judgment.

Every nine days, there is a trial.

And then, it will be the second time soon!

The whole earth is in complete chaos!

In the face of the huge panic, even the regimes of various countries come forward to oppress it is useless, global riots occur frequently, and some people go completely crazy in despair, destroying humanity.

Bloodshed, conflict, repression, death...

Horror and despair have become the only colors in this world.

It is worth mentioning that with the end of the first trial, not only has the entire world lost nearly one-tenth of its population, the earth has also permanently wiped out nearly one-tenth of its land and ocean!

Some people are completely desperate, and they are broken, and some people stand up in a desperate situation and try their best to turn the tide.

The first to react is still the regimes of various countries. While they are trying their best to stabilize the situation, they are frantically searching for the whereabouts of He Xie and Poppy, while trying their best to detect the situation, to find out the truth of the doomsday, and to find the final way out.

They urgently started the aviation plan and wanted to escape with a spaceship; they were also intensively investigating the whereabouts of Bobby, and wanted to follow He Xie's "oracle" to grasp the last chance of survival; they began to study the fleeting causal chain display After seeing the picture of transformation, they began to analyze the law of the end.

In addition, among the would-be saviors, some were frightened and chose to give up and stayed away from the fight, while others were sympathetic and sympathetic, calling for the fight to be put aside and the maintenance of peace on earth first.

But more people are still no wonder, madly fighting.

They are all proud of the heavens, and they firmly believe that they are the only hope for mankind, the last savior, and they do their part.

But to the regret of the would-be saviors, in the end, it was Arthur, the leader of the ace secret service organization, who caught Poppy.

He used the Gin Organization and his own men, and then captured Bobby, who had fled to Colombia.

"Kill Poppy and I can be the savior!"

In the face of death, Arthur is also crazy.

He also wanted to be the savior, but unfortunately He Xie didn't choose him.

In his opinion, as long as Poppy is killed, then he is likely to automatically qualify as a savior.

"No Arthur!" Galahad anxiously stopped, "You are not the candidate to be the savior of the world. It is useless for you to kill him. Instead, it will make us all lose our last chance. Humanity may die because of you!"

"Arthur, let me kill him, I can swear allegiance to you!" Eggsy also shouted.

The other would-be saviors quietly approached Arthur, wanting to make a sneak attack.

"Hahaha..." Arthur's face twisted and laughed, "So what? If I die, even if the whole world is destroyed, what does it have to do with me?"

He frantically raised the gun and aimed it at Poppy's forehead.

At this moment, all the would-be saviors present went crazy.

They did everything they could, and almost instantly beat Arthur to the ground, and unfortunately, Poppy was also attacked, dying, and his body was tattered and his internal organs were shattered.

"Hurry up!" Someone shouted anxiously.

But more people are Qi Qi to Bobby once again hit a fatal blow.

They all want to kill Bobby and become the last destroyer of the Golden Circle. Only in this way will they become the only savior.

However, at this moment, the second countdown reached zero.


With the shock of the whole world, many mountains and rivers turned into nothingness for the first time, and countless people were eaten by human face bugs in the screams and quickly aged, and then disappeared into little stars.

In this countdown, many countries have built large safe cabins, blocking all signals, isolating all harmful substances, forming an absolutely closed space, and wanting to allow those who enter it to survive.

But all in vain. When the countdown reaches zero, the chain of causality manifests as soon as possible, and the human-faced worm reappears. No matter how the prepared human beings resist and respond this time, it will be of no avail. The second doomsday trial will still be completed in an instant. !

It is still one-tenth of the population, one-tenth of the land and sea, and it has completely disappeared from the world!

Not only that, but the most maddening thing happened to several would-be saviors—

In this doomsday trial, Poppy was actually among the ones to be tried.

They watched as Poppy, who had only one breath left, was swallowed by a human-faced worm, turned into bits and pieces, and disappeared completely.

By the time they reacted, the nine-day countdown had already started again!

The last hope of mankind, just destroyed?

" This is a shame!" The would-be savior cried out in despair.

But more people woke up.

"Our trial mission is to destroy the Golden Circle, not to kill Poppy, these are two different things!"

They glanced at each other, and soon each dispersed, and each quickly began to act.

At this time, these would-be saviors already had a large number of followers, and there were also many countries or forces betting on them.

The occurrence of two successive doomsday trials completely collapsed the order of the entire world. The governments of various countries have completely neglected to maintain order. Some of them are busy evacuating into outer space, and some are busy fighting for the savior belonging to their own national forces. They are trying every means to survive in this doomsday judgment. go down.

Those high-ranking officials and politicians who had reached cooperation with He Xie became a breakthrough. People thought that the chip implanted in their necks was a breakthrough, and began to invest a lot of energy in research.

No one knows, it's just useless.

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