MTL - Heavens: Be a New Man-Chapter 1143 end of this volume

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Chapter 1143 End of this volume

The whole world of Xiaoao Jianghu is actually a story of second-rate forces fighting to the death, and Shaolin Wudang sitting firmly in the high hall.

The reason why Shaolin Wudang can sit firmly in the high hall is not because they are so powerful that no one dares to mess with them, but because they have been passed down for hundreds of years compared to the Wuyue Sword Sect, Sun Moon God Sect and other sects that have been played by them. These two major factions of the people know how to make their lives more comfortable.

This is an experience and a background.

Master Hengshan Dingxian is a Buddhist disciple, and the whole family is full of young female nuns. Such a sect must be extremely fond of reputation, and the sect must not accept men to stay, so as not to gossip and gossip, and regard the Hengshan sect as a Tibetan sect Dirty place.

Linghu Chong was an abandoned disciple of Huashan, and if the Hengshan faction took in a Huashan abandoned disciple, it was equivalent to not giving Huashan any face. To be serious, it was hitting Yue Buqun in the face.

There are two reasons above, but Dingxian still endures Linghu Chong's stay on the Hengshan faction. There are only two possibilities.

First, Mrs. Dingxian really likes Linghu Chong this junior so much that she can't care about anything.

Second, she was forced.

The first possibility is obviously not considered, then only the second possibility.

In today's world, even Zuo Lengchan would not be able to coerce Master Dingxian, unless he was a person with high morals and respect, who would force each other with the general trend and face each other.

In the Five Mountains Sword Sect, there is absolutely no one who can do this. Even if the Demon Sect leader comes in person, the big deal for Ding Xian is death, so don't let her bow her head.

As long as you think of this level, in fact, Shaolin monk Fangzheng, the man behind the scenes, is ready to come out.

Only a fellow Buddhist, the master of the holy land of Buddhism, and the Taishan Beidou of the martial arts, can Dingxian make such a compromise.

Shaolin is using Linghu Chong to play a big game of chess.

With He Xie's mind, he figured out the whole thing, just a thought.

The whole thing, as early as 70 years ago, the outflow of the sunflower collection has been buried.

Huashan was powerful, so they used the Sunflower Collection to create a Sword Sect Qisong, and abruptly turned Huashan into two or three kittens and puppies.

Then, Lin Yuantu, a Shaolin disciple, directly returned to the secular world, and he fought around the rivers and lakes to eliminate all the threats of Shaolin.

Then, Shaolin sent the sunflower collection to the Sun and Moon Divine Sect, which directly caused the Sun and Moon Divine Sect to be in civil strife.

After that, the magic sect also began to be on the sidelines, but Zuo Lengchan, a careerist, came to the top.

Zuo Lengchan wanted to unify the Wuyue Sword Sect, but naturally he was not allowed by Shaolin Wudang, so there was a scene of Yu Canghai destroying the Fuwei Escort.

Even if the appearance of He Xie made the Sword Manual of Evil Exorcism no longer a threat, Shaolin's purpose was still achieved.

He provoked Zuo Lengchan's fear of Huashan School, and also increased Zuo Lengchan's ambition.

Zuo Lengchan was entangled that the masters of Zuo Dao wanted to destroy the other three factions in one fell swoop. There was a hidden hand behind them that was pushing. Although this hand was hidden very deeply and its shots were very hidden, it still couldn't hide it from He Xie.

Including the civil strife of the Taishan faction, there is also the shadow of Wudang behind.

In the current arena, with a little knowledge, one can definitely see that Zuo Lengchan, a careerist, cannot tolerate the Huashan faction becoming more and more powerful.

Therefore, there must be a battle between Huashan and Songshan.

If the chess piece Linghuchong released Ren Woxing during the battle between Huashan and Songshan, the situation would be even better.

He Xie picked out the truth, and then had a long conversation with Master Dingxian, which was regarded as a complete end to the matter.

A few days later, the factions converged and went up to Songshan.

The four factions questioned the Songshan Sword Sect in unison, and Zuo Lengchan, who had already cultivated his icy infuriating spirit, took risks and simply challenged the four major factions. I want to use force to forcibly integrate the Five Sacred Sword Sect.

Thus, the Five Sacred Sect Competition began with such vigour and vigour.

The Songshan Sword Sect has won over a lot of leftist masters over the years. Apart from the fact that the Huashan faction didn't get any bargains, the Beiyue Hengshan, Nanyue Hengshan, and Taishan factions all lost ugly.

At the end, Zuo Lengchan ended up in person.

Although Yue Buqun has made great progress in martial arts, he is still slightly inferior to Shang Zuo Lengchan's Bingzheng. After all, Yue Lingshan is young and weak in skill, and both father and daughter are defeated.

In the end, He Xie took it out, and it was still a sword.

With one sword, Zuo Lengchan died tragically on the spot!

The heroes are shocked!

As soon as Zuo Lengchan died, the four factions immediately began to work together to clean up the remnants of the Songshan faction.

At this time, Laudno brought a group of confidants he had won over and begged the four factions to open up and preserve the inheritance of the Songshan Sword School.

Yue Buqun came forward to persuade him, and everyone gave him face, so Laudno became the new head of the Songshan faction. In fact, only the Huashan faction followed suit.

Just then, let me go!

After Ren Woxing was released by Linghu Chong, he quickly regained his power and couldn't wait to be neutral in the martial arts.

He heard that the Wuyuejian faction held the Wuyue Conference, and he rushed over immediately.

Along with Ren Woxing, there were Xiang Wentian, Linghu Chong and Ren Yingying.

Yue Buqun's face was ugly.

Although Linghu Chong was expelled from his division, he had nothing to do with the Huashan faction.

But seeing that the eldest disciple he loved the most in the past really stood with the people of the Demon Sect and came to trouble the right way, he still had no light on his face and was very sad.

"Hahaha, Ren has not been in the world for more than ten years, and I don't want the martial arts to decline like this!" Ren Woxing looked around and said proudly, "Yue Buqun, the famous Wuyue Sword Sect back then, is now the leader. Come and come. , Yue Buqun, let me weigh it, how many catties do you have?"

Yue Buqun's face was a little ugly, let me name and name, he didn't want to stand up.

But he fought with Zuo Lengchan before, and it cost a lot. He knows that he is not an opponent who can do anything. Once he loses, I am afraid that the prestige that he finally built up just now will be broken again.

"Junior Brother Lin..." Yue Buqun looked back at He Xie with a request in his eyes.

He Xie smiled warmly, nodded and strode out.

He looked at me and felt a little emotional.

In the previous timeline, he fought Ren Woxing in a shocking battle in Shu Dao and cut him to the sword.

And this time, in fact, the two sides are still in a life-and-death situation.

Ren Woxing and Zuo Lengchan are both ambitious people, and they will never be inferior to others.

"I heard that there is a young hero named Lin Pingzhi in the martial arts. Although he is young, he can stand side by side with the leaders of various factions." Ren Woxing felt a great threat from He Xie, but he still had ambitions Give it a try. "I just don't know, compared to Lin Shaoxia and Linghu Chong, who is stronger or weaker?"

"Linghuchong is just an abandoned disciple of Huashan, how can he be compared with Junior Brother Lin?" Tianmen Daoist couldn't help shouting.

"Hahaha..." Ren Woxing burst out laughing, "It's just stupid! Lin Pingzhi has the swordsmanship of warding off evil, so you should make him your master, and Linghuchong's background is low, so you will abandon it like a sham. , disgusting. In my opinion, Linghu Chong is much better than Lin Pingzhi!"

"Chong'er!" Ren Woxing turned his head sharply, "Since Huashan intends to let Lin Pingzhi take action, it is not good for me to bully the small. This battle, you come!"

Linghu Chong smiled bitterly: "Senior Ren, I'm definitely not a match for Uncle Lin."

"You bastard! How do you know it's not an opponent?" Ren Woxing was furious, "You are the direct disciple of Mr. Feng Qingyang, and you were defeated without a fight. You have ruined the reputation of the old gentleman!"

Linghu Chong blushed when he was scolded, but just shook his head.

He didn't dare to do anything with He Xie, because he knew the whole Huashan very well, but this uncle Lin had no affection for him at all. If he really made a move, Lin Shishu would probably take the opportunity to kill him.

Now he just wants to fly with Ren Yingying, and he doesn't want to die at all.

Ren Woxing scolded for a while, but Linghu Chong was not moved at all.

In the end, asked Wentian to fight and stood up.

He Xie did not speak from the beginning to the end.

Seeing Xiang Wentian standing still, he drew his sword.

Then, Xiang Wentian fell to the ground.

The place was silent.

The sword just now was simple and uncharacteristic.

However, it was this one that easily killed Tianwang Laozi Xiang Wentian.

Even if I ask myself to change myself, I may not be able to escape.

He finally understood now why all the people in Jianghu said how terrible Lin Pingzhi's sword was.

And he could see clearly that He Xie made this sword the most common Huashan sword technique.

This is the realm of kendo enlightenment and the avenue to simplicity.

He even saw the way forward for martial arts from He Xie's sword.

Ren Wuxing's face was cloudy and uncertain. After a long time, his face suddenly flushed, and "wow" he spurted out a mouthful of blood, and then his face declined for a while, and the whole person looked a lot older.

He Xie's simple sword directly shattered Ren Wuxing's heart of martial arts!

He lost confidence in his future.

All ambitions and ambitions were wiped out under this sword.

"Hahaha..." He laughed sadly, "The back waves of the Yangtze River push the front waves, and let me grow old, what is the face of martial arts contending for hegemony?"

He staggered and walked down the mountain. Linghu Chong and Ren Yingying's expressions changed drastically and they hurriedly followed.

He Xie shocked everyone again.

This result is more shocking than killing Ren Woxing with a single sword.

The well-known Ren Woxing has completely lost his mind of fighting for martial arts because he saw He Xie's sword.

"It seems that we are indeed getting old." Mo Da was also a little disappointed.

He Xie attacked not only Ren Ixing, but also all the leaders present. With their age, even if they practiced to death, they still couldn't even take He Xie's sword. What kind of martial arts were they still practicing?

He Xie smiled lightly and said, "My heads, I have a proposal, I don't know if I should say it or not?"

"Junior Brother Lin, but it's okay to say it." Several of the leaders respected He Xie very much.

"Actually, Zuo Lengchan is ambitious and unrighteous, but what he does is right." He Xiedao, "In today's martial arts, Shaolin Wudang can't escape from the world, only I, the Wuyue Sword Sect, hold the righteous sword and help it. Martial arts. But after this catastrophe, the righteous path has faded away, but the devil's sect is in full swing."

"For today's plan, unless the five sects of mine are merged into one, we can avoid being defeated by the demon sects one by one." He Xie continued, "But when the five sects merged, we can retain the inheritance of each sect, just change the sect into a church, and in addition , to set up an elders council, the head of everything can no longer decide everything in one word, but only after deliberation in the elders council can issue orders..."

He Xie slightly improved some of the concepts of later generations and moved them over, and each head no longer rejected them, but began to seriously think about his proposal.

Three days later, the Five Mountains Sword Sect officially merged!

After the election, He Xie became the first head of the Wuyue Sword Sect!

The head of the five sects became the head of the five halls.

He Xie directly designated Yue Lingshan as the young master, and set Huashan as the headquarters of the Wuyue Sword Sect, set up a Buddhist scriptures pavilion, and invited five hall masters to jointly lay the foundation for the Wuyue Sword Sect's martial arts.

A month later, the Five Sacred Sects opened the mountain and invited heroes from all over the world.

Above the main hall, He Xie shot again, shaking the rivers and lakes.

Three months later, He Xie went down to Mount Huashan with his sword in his arms, recruited Xin Xuemen, turned Xin Xue thought into martial arts, and re-established the Five Mountains Regulations.

Since then, the Five Sacred Sword Sect has been all-encompassing, inclusive of all rivers, compatible with Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, and has a faint trend of becoming the largest martial arts sect.

Five months later, the Demon Sect attacked. This time, He Xie didn't even make a move. The Demon Sect cultists collapsed and fled at the hands of the Wuyuemen, causing countless casualties.

In the sixth month, He Xie took the famous murder doctor Ping Yizhi up the mountain, set up a famous doctor hall, and transformed medical skills into martial arts, creating the method of medical martial arts.

A year later, He Xie saw Liu Zhengfeng and Qu Yang again, and invited them to go up the mountain to create a music hall.

In the following two years, there have been chess halls, book halls, painting halls, etc., and various skills have been created by He Xie corresponding to martial arts.

Finally, Shaolin Wudang could not sit still.

They first pushed Dongfang Undefeated to challenge He Xie under Heimuya, but they were slashed by He Xie with a sword.

Then, Shaolin Wudang attacked together, but was still broken by He Xie's sword.

Fang Zheng was abolished from martial arts, and Daoist Chongxu was also cut off.

Not long after this battle, He Xie brought all the elite disciples of the Five Sacred Mountains to Shaolin, stepped on Wudang, and obtained all the martial arts books of the two schools.

The Five Sacred Sect has gradually been no longer limited to the pure martial arts sect, and has begun to have "Shangtang", "Bingtang" and "Guantang".

All kinds of things in the world, all walks of life, were taken by He Xiexin and turned into martial arts.

Martial arts is no longer a skill of fighting for strength, nor a way to keep fit, but a way to enter the Tao.

By this time, the atmosphere of the whole society had suddenly turned around.

There are corresponding martial arts in all walks of life.

If you learn these martial arts and then enter the industry, you will get twice the result with half the effort, otherwise, it will be much worse.

He Xie turned martial arts into a practice that everyone in this world must have.

Later, the Five Sacred Sects established the country by force and evolved peacefully.

Since then, martial arts has become a necessary skill for everyone in this world.

All the causes and effects of this world have been completely tied to He Xie, and He Xie has become the cause of all fruits in this world.

However, He Xie's avatar suddenly shattered and disappeared at the moment when it was swallowed by karma, and then the carrier's perception of karma returned to his true body.

He Xie's real body has now reached a critical moment of life and death.

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