MTL - Heavens: Be a New Man-Chapter 1166 end of this volume

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Chapter 1166 End of this volume

Jin Chanzi was reincarnated and reincarnated by the hand of Buddha, the purpose is to detonate the contradictions and hidden dangers that Lingshan has accumulated all the time.

In fact, as long as the Buddha fights with his fellow Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, there is no need to decide who wins and who loses, and the Buddha has already lost.

As the master of a sect, when he held a grand banquet in the Three Realms, he was opposed by two-thirds of his subordinates. For such a big cause and effect, the Buddha must end it as soon as possible, otherwise the calamity will come. ending.

And the only way to end the cause and effect is to let the person who should be robbed, that is, the reincarnation of Jin Chanzi, fulfill his wish - travel west to learn scriptures!

What scriptures did you take?

Tripitaka Buddhism. This is the most classic scripture of Mahayana Buddhism.

When Sanzang Buddhism was spread from the west to the east, it meant that the Western religion began to change from Theravada Buddhism to Mahayana Buddhism.

Therefore, Jin Chanzi and their goals have been achieved.

As for the demon clan, they themselves are very clear, whether it is the Buddha or the Jin Chanzi faction, whoever is in the top, neither of them can tolerate the demon clan, and the demon clan has no good fruit to eat anyway.

Therefore, the demon clan headed by Kong Xuan played a tacit understanding with the Jin Chanzi faction, and took advantage of the robbery, half to vent, and half to let the demon clan "beat, smash and rob", take as much as they can, and then , then parted ways with Western religion and went to the sage of Taisutian.

But there are many things that even the saints can't fully control.

After that Huang Feng Luohan secretly drank the lamp oil of the Bodhi lamp, he broke through directly to the realm of Da Luo.

Not only that, the huge energy made him unable to control his own power at all, and a shocking gust of wind was spurting out at the moment.

This gust of wind was extremely powerful, and it blew across the entire Three Realms in an instant!

In an instant, the Leiyin Treasure Temple was dark and dark, and the island of Lianlai was dark, blowing down the twelve peaks of Lingshan, and blowing all over the four continents and the nine heavens!

Laojun couldn't care about the alchemy furnace, and Shouxing took the dragon beard fan and blew off Chang'e's skirt. Erlang is lost in Guanzhou City, Nezha can't take the sword in the box, the king of heaven can't see the palm tower!

Just blowing it, all spirits and sentient beings are dazed, and all gods and demons are at a loss.

Dragon King searched for Yaksha all over the sea, Lei Gong searched for lightning everywhere, ten generations of Hades searched for judges, and the underworld ox head chased horse face.

The demonic wind of Huang Feng Luohan directly spread the chaos of Lingshan to the entire Three Realms.

Seeing this, the Jade Emperor could no longer sit still, and hurriedly dispatched troops to quell the chaos in Lingshan.

In this way, the Jade Emperor not only obtained the great merit of stabilizing the Three Realms, but also made the Tathagata owe him a cause and effect.

When the calamity arrives in the future, once the heavenly court is in trouble, just let the Tathagata pay it back.

The Jade Emperor thought very well, but how could He Xie, who had been on the sidelines for a long time, let him get his wish?

He Xie let out a long whistle, and the entire body enlarged infinitely. At the same time, a strong suction force came from the wide cuffs, and all the demon wind blown by Huang Feng Luohan was immediately sucked into the middle of the sleeves.

It is Zhen Yuanzi's famous stunt - the universe in his sleeve.

There was no demonic wind, and the Three Realms suddenly quieted down.

He Xie still didn't stop, flicked his sleeves again, and all the monsters who were making trouble in Lingshan were driven down the mountain.

Then he stepped out one step, rose into the sky, and suddenly arrived at the battlefield of the Tathagata and the bodhisattvas.

Seeing the crowd besieging the Tathagata, He Xie waved his sleeves three times, and immediately resolved all the attacks that could destroy the world.

The whole scene suddenly quieted down.

The next moment, Kong Xuan and several Buddhas and Bodhisattvas of the demon tribe turned their heads and left.

Then there are the eight bodhisattvas such as Samantabhadra, Manjusri, and Guanyin, who also confessed their sins and descended to the cloud head.

Finally, the Tathagata, with a wry smile, bowed deeply to He Xie and expressed his gratitude.

In any case, he is the biggest loser today.

There was nothing he could do to reverse or stop the Journey to the West.

On the other side, the Jade Emperor and Queen Mother looked gloomy. They were supposed to play the role of cleaning up the mess in the end, but everything was snatched up by He Xie.

Heavenly Court got nothing, how can they be reconciled?

"Your Majesty, this Zhen Yuanzi really doesn't know anything, how can he be able to resist such a small town Yuanzi?" The Queen Mother said sourly.

However, the Jade Emperor was afraid of He Xie's strength just now, and his face was cloudy for a long time, but he finally failed to summon the courage to turn against He Xie.

"Let's go, it's not that we have nothing to gain." The Jade Emperor finally said helplessly, "The righteousness of the demon clan has been lost, and the situation has passed. The Tathagata promised that the incense of Xiniu Hezhou would be enjoyed by the heavenly court, and just took this opportunity to destroy the wild temple of the demon clan. Overthrow all of them, and replace them with our city **** land, the mountain **** Hebo, and the kitchen king temple of the **** of wealth."

An Obon festival came to an hastily end just like that.

The snipe and clam competed, and in the end, the one who got the most profit became the Zhenyuan Daxian, which many people did not expect.

The influence of the chaos in Lingshan is not over yet.

The existence of the demon clan has become a thorn in the eyes of many forces. Kong Xuan and other demon clan giants want to take refuge in the plan of the sage Taisutian Nuwa, which is naturally not allowed by the forces.

On the way, Kong Xuan was directly taken away by Taishang Laojun with diamond carving, and all the demons dispersed in a hurry.

Then, Jade Emperor and Taishang Laojun. The Tathagata Buddha, including the Bodhi Patriarch, who has not appeared for a long time, went to Taisutian to put pressure on Nuwa.

Although Nu Wa was very shocked and angry, she had to humiliately agree to give up sheltering the demon clan due to such a huge resistance, and ban Tai Sutian, and no longer meddle in world affairs.

But what Jade Emperor, Taishang Laojun and others didn't expect was that when they left Taisutian on the front foot, He Xie arrived on the back foot.

"Zhenyuan Daxian?" Nuwa looked at He Xie with some surprise, her pupils shrank suddenly, her face dignified and said slowly: "I didn't expect that the spiritual roots of heaven and earth in the past were more extraordinary than me and other saints. , Zhen Yuanzi, you are hiding so deeply, I am afraid that the teacher will also be deceived by you."

"Saint Nuwa, I can take care of the demon clan for you and make your race last forever." He Xie smiled, "But I need you to take action for me once."

Nu Wa looked at He Xie deeply, just like Zhenyuanzi. As soon as He Xie spoke out, Nu Wa understood who he wanted to deal with.

"I think you will find another helper." Nu Wa tentatively said.

He Xie smiled without saying a word.

"Okay, I'll help you." Nuwa finally agreed.

She knew very well that no matter whether she resisted Hongjun or not, her teacher would not let her go in the end, so she would not let go of such an opportunity, no matter how slim the hope was.

Time flies, the prehistoric times do not know the year.

In the blink of an eye, it was over.

Sun Wukong learned from Patriarch Bodhi and returned to Huaguo Mountain as early as 30 years ago.

At this time, Heavenly Court carried out a big sweep on Xiniu Hezhou, only killing the demon clan, causing them to succumb to blood, and they were terrified.

The rise of Sun Wukong's reputation here immediately attracted countless demon clans to flee. He also became the king of ten thousand demons by worshiping seven great demons, including the Bull Demon King, the Jiao Demon King, the Peng Demon King, the Lion Camel King, the Macaque King, and the Yu Tamarin King.

The demon clan should have been in decline, but with Sun Wukong, there is a faint sign of re-emergence.

The Jade Emperor knew that Sun Wukong was the one who should be robbed. He was afraid of contaminating the cause and effect, so he did not dare to kill him easily, so he had to call Sun Wukong to safety.

But if Sun Wukong's official is sealed, it will also contaminate the heavenly court with great cause and effect. In the end, the Jade Emperor sent Taibaijinxing to coax and deceive the monkey to seal the official of Bi Mawen.

Whether it is Taoism or Western religion, they do not want to see everything going well in Heaven, so they quietly wake up the matter to Sun Wukong.

Sure enough, Sun Wukong was furious, he attacked Nantianmen again, and planned to lead an attack on the heavenly court.

Just as Sun Wukong and the other demons were fighting for their horses, a one-horned ghost king came to seek refuge and said, "Your Majesty has such magical powers, how can you raise horses with the heavenly court? Just be a great sage of the sky, why not?"

Sun Wukong was stunned when he heard the words, and immediately remembered He Xie's warning - "Wukong, if someone instigates you to do something in the future, just beat him to death!"

Sun Wukong squinted his eyes, shouted violently, and immediately took out the Ruyi golden hoop stick. In the stunned eyes of the one-horned ghost king, he beat the ghost king to death with a stick.

"Whoever instigates me what to do in the future will end up like this!" Sun Wukong sneered and looked around at everyone.

In the Tusita Palace, Taishang Laojun suddenly opened his eyes, shouted "not good", and his face was gloomy and uncertain.

The one-horned ghost king was naturally arranged by the Taishang Laojun. Not only that, he also arranged for someone to speak to the Jade Emperor tomorrow, and make Sun Wukong the Great Sage of Equaling Heaven, a vacant official rank, in exchange for Sun Wukong to go to heaven as an official, and then let Heavenly Court Suppressed the Huaguo Mountain demons.

On Sun Wukong's side, Taishang Laojun has his own arrangements.

Unexpectedly, Sun Wukong actually rejected the title of Qitian Great Sage so much.

what is this?

Taishang Laojun pinched his fingers and immediately realized that the secret was hidden in the dark. Now everything about Sun Wukong is like a flower in the fog, and it can't be calculated at all.

Without this incident, Sun Wukong quickly assembled his army and began to attack Nantianmen.

The Jade Emperor did not want to fight with Sun Wukong at all, nor did he want to have a face-to-face large-scale war with the demon clan when the catastrophe came.

He successively dispatched Li Jing and Erlang Shen, the king of Tota, to fight, and asked Taishang Laojun to discuss countermeasures.

Taishang Laojun still decided to have a karmic relationship with Sun Wukong to see if it was possible to restore this clone.

So he told the Jade Emperor that he could let the Tathagata take action, capture Sun Wukong alive, and then hand it over to the Jade Emperor for disposal.

The Jade Emperor thought over and over again, knowing that this was the cheapest way, so he had to agree.

The reason why Taishang Laojun didn't do it himself, but let Tathagata do it, is because Tathagata has just lost his prestige due to the Rebellion of Lingshan, and he needs to do more such showy things to regain his prestige.

In order to increase the prestige of the Tathagata, Taishang Laojun even sacrificed his prestige.

When Erlangshen and Sun Wukong were in an inextricable fight, Taishang Laojun sneaked a sneak attack with King Kong Zhuo and beat Sun Wukong, but he still failed to take down Sun Wukong.

Even the Supreme Laojun couldn't take him down. In this way, he established Sun Wukong's mighty fierceness!

It is conceivable that once the Tathagata Buddha successfully captured Sun Wukong, the prestige of the Buddha would immediately return to its peak in the Three Realms.

Their plan was going well when they first started, and everything was going as they had imagined.

But when the Tathagata was about to take down Sun Wukong with Wuzhishan, an accident happened.

Monkey King actually broke out again stronger than before, escaped from the hands of Buddha!

"This is not the supernatural power of Zhunti Patriarch!" Guanyin and the others immediately changed their expressions, and they all felt fear in their hearts!

At the moment of crisis, Sun Wukong finally exposed the magical powers that He Xie had passed on to him, but it was the secret that had been concealed until now, and it was completely revealed.


The color of heaven and earth changed, and Patriarch Bodhi who had been hidden all along, that is, the saint Zhunti of that year, actually appeared directly from behind the scenes and appeared in the heavenly court.

"Nie animal, who passed on your supernatural powers? Who covered you?" Bodhi Patriarch was furious. Although he was cut off from the holy position, his strength was still there. Even the Jade Emperor wanted to respect him and respect him, but now he is being played by a monkey. How can he afford to lose this person?

"Hahaha...Old guy, you guys have been plotting against me and taking advantage of my old grandson, thinking I don't know?" Sun Wukong laughed, jumped high, and slammed down with a stick.

"Old guy, you came just in time, eat my old grandson!"


A war broke out between the two sides. How much more than twice the mana of Sun Wukong than the original plot? Patriarch Bodhi was unable to take down Sun Wukong for a while.

Tathagata and Taishang Laojun looked at each other, and both saw the strangeness in each other's eyes.

After all, Sun Wukong was still not strong enough, and eventually he lost his strength. Seeing that he was about to be captured by Patriarch Bodhi, he was so anxious that he shouted: "Master! Master! Save me!"

Everyone's eyes widened, wanting to see who the real master of this monkey was.

next moment-


A figure appeared in front of Patriarch Bodhi, tapped him with one finger until he vomited blood and flew out backwards.

Under the terrified expression on his face, Patriarch Bodhi didn't even have time to say a word, he turned his head and ran away, disappeared in the blink of an eye, even disappeared into the human world, and went directly to other virtual worlds to hide.

"Master!" Sun Wukong exclaimed in surprise.

And everyone was stunned.

Not only for this person's identity, but also for his powerful strength.

It was He Xie who came!

Also - Daxian Zhenyuan, the ancestor of the Earth Immortal!

"It really is him!" The Jade Emperor's face sank, his expression full of haze.

In fact, he had already guessed that the winner this time was still Zhen Yuanzi, but he just didn't want to believe it.

On the other side, Tathagata was still in shock at first, but after watching He Xie for a while, he suddenly laughed three times, waved his hand, and suddenly a six-eared macaque appeared on the spot and slowly floated to He Xie.

"Brother Dao, this is my sincerity." The Tathagata smiled and folded his palms together as a salute.

Obviously, he also guessed He Xie's purpose. The six-eared macaque was actually his back-up.

When he handed Sun Wukong to Jin Chanzi's faction, it was naturally impossible not to leave behind.

In fact, in the original plot, Sun Wukong was eventually replaced by the six-eared macaque, and the Buddha took this back and became one of the final winners in the Journey to the West.

But now, he doesn't need this backhand.

On the other side, Taishang Laojun also smiled and threw King Kong Zhuo to He Xie, then turned and left.

King Kong Zhuo is the magic weapon to control the six-eared macaque.

"Buddha, Lao Jun!" The Jade Emperor yelled anxiously, but the two of them turned a deaf ear and left in a hurry.

After all, the Jade Emperor is the Lord of the Three Realms. Although his cultivation is not as good as that of a saint, his knowledge is not bad at all.

At this moment, how could he not realize that He Xie is actually going to fight against the robbery, against the Tao of Heaven?

As the Jade Emperor who maintains the operation of the Heavenly Dao, others can oppose the Heavenly Dao, but he cannot oppose it, because he, the Jade Emperor, was originally a part of the Heavenly Dao.

The Jade Emperor looked at He Xie angrily, and at this moment, all words were in vain.

He didn't say anything ruthless, and gave an order to lead his Tianbingtian to evacuate from here.

Soon after, Sun Wukong, who merged with the six-eared macaque, had the power of a saint, and was no less than the Buddha.

Following He Xie's will, he led the demon clan to Beiju Luzhou, where he opened a demon court and became a veritable king of the demon clan.

Then, He Xie found the reincarnated Jin Chanzi and took away his soul directly.

So, Journey to the West was killed by He Xie just like that.

By this time, Hongjun could no longer sit still.

The Zixiao Palace opened wide, and Hongjun directly wrapped the entire prehistoric world to suppress He Xie, and the first shot was the most powerful killing move.

The power of the Heavenly Dao Realm's powerful strike can be imagined.

At this time, all of He Xie's avatars returned, and the real body became one, took the blow from Hongjun, and then launched a counterattack.

Yuanshi Tianzun appeared!

Buddha, Taishang Laojun, and the real Zhenyuanzi, Nuwa, all appeared!

Either they had a tacit understanding with He Xie, or they had an agreement, and at this moment, they all shot at Hongjun.

They were originally part of Hongjun's Heavenly Dao, and taking action at this moment was equivalent to dismantling Hongjun's power from within, while He Xie was attacking from the outside.

Internal and external difficulties, Hongjun Tiandao suddenly began to collapse, He Xie directly accepted all his causes and effects, and began to Li Dai Tao stiff.

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