MTL - Heavy Armoured Truck In Post-apocalyptic World-Chapter 841 Tinder Seed Essence

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The moon-circling spacecraft brought the sky rover and parcel into Earth orbit and kept slowing down and falling. It soon entered the atmosphere and began to violently rub.

The Skyscraper has a lunar orbiter as a barrier, and it has no effect except vibration.

Even the moon-circling spacecraft did not have much damage. It is composed of the dead giants in North America. The material itself is very strong, and it is not afraid of friction and combustion in the atmosphere.


Over the western Pacific, the moon-shaped spaceship turned into a large fireball, descended from the sky, and fell into the ocean. Set off huge waves and shatter the calm sea. Then everything returned to silence, and no matter how large the objects were, relative to the boundless sea, they were small.

After a few minutes, the sea surface returned to normal and the waves splashed.

The Yinglong-Scraper roared and rushed up from the bottom of the sea. Four huge propellers smashed the seawater, turning it into a white fog, which was then scattered by the sea wind.

Yinglong-Skyroof did not fly too high.

Because it had several ropes hanging from the hem, a huge and impotent orbiting moonship was dragged under the rope, and six packages were hung on it.

In this way, a four-wing helicopter dragged a burnt-out spaceship and quickly passed over the ocean.

There are many powerful marine predators in the sea, but all these evolutionary beasts dare not approach half a step. Without him, the coercion released by the Dragon-Groove is too powerful.

This oppressive coercion has proclaimed that the top predator on Earth has returned.


In the car.

The blackhead danced with its two tentacles, and was very excited. It had felt the familiar pheromone and returned to the familiar environment.

Straight, four ants legs waving, high emotions: "Black head, powerful, wings of phantom!"

Since it glanced at the moon, it was conquered by the powerful breath of the opponent, and it left behind the Duke of Yellowstone, which was still imitating some time ago, and quickly brought it into the role of the wings of phantom.


Shen Cong stepped on the black-headed head and scolded, "Are you strong, you can't beat a corpse?"

A corpse is a phantom that breeds on the body of Phantom Wing. It is a very weak metal life. Shen Cong killed most of the corpses, leaving only ten for research. When he was sailing from Earth orbit on Lunar Orbit, he was bored and had a black head fight with a corpse.

As a result, blackheads were miserably miserable. If Shen Cong did not stop them in time, it is estimated that blackheads would have been eaten directly.

Blackheads have no shame, but shouted the slogan: "Insects, kill, blackheads, powerful, sworn to defend your home! Eliminate all the insects!"

"You are also a bug."

"Blackhead, Wings of Phantom."


There is no normal dialogue with blackheads. Shen Cong also raises blackheads as a dog. After all, low IQ. Towing a heavy moon-circling spacecraft, the Yinglong-Greeze vehicle can't fly fast, and it takes at least half a day to sail from the western Pacific to Beijing.

Turn on Super Thunderbolt Radio.

Suddenly found that several channels were requesting communication requests from him.

Shen Cong looked at the flashing channel and first connected Chen Xiunii's communication request. Chen Xiunii's greetings came quickly from the radio station: "Return in peace?"


"What did you gain from this trip to the moon?"


"Oh, it seems that the radiation fluctuations on the moon have given you a lot of useful evolutionary information. I heard that there has been a flash of light on the quiet sea on the moon, is it related to you?" Radiation fluctuations can be captured by particle-level evolutionary individuals.

Shen Cong did not immediately respond.

He was thinking about the moon and how he would respond. Obviously, the evolution of the cosmic tinder needs to consume huge resources, constantly collecting energy and accumulating tinder grains. Tinder seeds are not simple metal changes, but very precious essences, which are really thin in the universe.

Tinder grain is an integral part of Tinder.

It is a metal that can freely switch between energy and matter.

It can be understood as a special metal isotope, although not rare, but it is very rare. In the memory of Phantom Wings, Shen Cong has seen the information on the dead star, which is the information researched by the several star cosmic tinders.

It is recorded in the data that the seeds of the fire are not isotopes of the same metal. Different metal elements, as well as a small amount of non-metallic elements, have isotopes with the properties of the seeds of the fire.

Different kinds of isotopes will show different properties of the seeds.

And each tinder is composed of complex tinder grains, which have evolved different natures of life, and thus opened up different and exclusive evolutionary paths-the evolution of tinder is a complex proposition, each cosmic tinder How to break through puppets requires exhausting a lifetime to explore.

These fire seeds have not been studied yet, how to produce them manually.

It was born of the celestial movement in the early universe, and is likely to be a byproduct of the early star evolution, scattered in the universe. Tinder grains in the form of matter or energy can usually be found in stars in the decay period, planets that can evolve life, and a small number of free-flying celestial bodies.

Among them, aging stars have the most fire seeds.

It is said that there may also be seeds of fire in the black hole, but there is no accurate proof yet. The cosmic tinders on the Death Star have not studied black holes carefully, and they have not been able to compete with the gravitational power of black holes.

Therefore, ~ ~ The inheritance of the cosmic tinder, to put it plainly, is the heritage of the seed of fire.

For stellar cosmic tinders, it is not difficult to mine aging stars. They can get enough seeds to ensure that their cosmic tinders will not burn out. But for the living beings that are undergoing inheritance, because they cannot travel the universe, and they cannot mine alien celestial bodies, the seeds of fire are very rare.

Even a dwarf star Tinder can't cross the universe and mine Tinder particles on stars.

Therefore, the means chosen by Wings of Phantom Wings is to search for the legacy of the raging starbreaker. However, the total number of remains is so large that it is impossible to meet the evolutionary needs of a large number of evolved individuals. At least the relics existing on the earth, I am afraid that all of them are cleaned up, enough to accumulate a dwarf star tinder.

"If there is only one choice left in my evolutionary path, will I kill all the evolutionary entities on Earth and receive all the remains of the Rage Starbreaker, as planned by Phantom Wings?" "Shen Cong fell into deep thinking. He had thought on the moon, but did not make an accurate decision.

He has been thinking about it until now.

"Why not answer ..." Chen Xiunii didn't wait for Shen Cong's response, and asked in a voice. She was somewhat careful in her tone. She was familiar with the indifferent Shen Cong. "... If I have any concerns, just don't ask me. When? You can come back, when we meet, we will study our future plans. "

Shen Cong heard the words and replied: "Now hang up now, let's go back to everything."

Hanging up the Super Leibo radio station, he ignored the other flashing channels, leaned his body back to the chair, and buried deeply in it. The sun is bright outside, the light is not far from the seat, and the interior is bright.

Only at the dark junction, Shen Cong, who was leaning on the back of his chair, his face could not be seen clearly.


Read The Duke's Passion