MTL - Heavy Armoured Truck In Post-apocalyptic World-Chapter 845 Annihilation

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Shen Cong strongly suppressed the excitement, shock, sorrow, sorrow and other emotions of the crowd. The meeting returned to the normal track, and the issue was under his control.

The most important thing for sub-light speed flight is thrust.

The output power of the mutagenesis reactor is still a little smaller. To force the space fortress to enter the speed of sub-light, the thrust at that time is almost astronomical.

The sub-light speed of the Phantom Wing relies on the four wings behind it. The four wings are not ordinary wings, but mechanical wings driven by particles. The driving energy is its tinder. The tinder can draw material and perform annihilation to become fine particles.

Then, through the micro-jets on the wings, the particles are sprayed out to achieve the effect of propulsion.

Unfortunately, Shen Cong does not have a tinder, even if he has evolved a tinder now, it is difficult to sub-light speed-star-level tinder can not support enough annihilation treatment, it can support the second universe speed, escape the gravity of the earth.

However, he can use this treatment technology with the help of the mutagenesis reactor and the original tinder.

The principle is not complicated.

In the same vein as the original fire training method.

After Shen Cong explained the principle, the experts here quickly fell into the discussion and repeatedly discussed this possibility.

Shen Cong held a cup, and from time to time responded to a few inquiries from experts. The benefit of brainstorming was that he had limited thinking alone, but a group of people had broad ideas.

The content discussed by the experts is based on the knowledge he has obtained and divergent and extended.

Therefore, some new ideas often in turn stimulate his decomposition of the content in the memory of Phantom Wings and a deeper understanding of relevant knowledge.

The impact of aliens gradually faded.

The conference room successfully created an atmosphere of fierce discussion of sub-light speed flight.

Unconsciously, the time has passed five hours, from verbal discussions, to paper and pen discussions, to people holding laptops to come and model discussions.

The demonstration of sub-light speed flight is basically nearing the end.

Finally, An Sanshun summed it up on his behalf: "Boss, after our discussion, if this principle is not wrong, we can implement it. The specific implementation method requires further running-in ... Boss, you bring This technology has subverted our work. "

"It can't be considered subversion." Shen Cong said, "Originally, the space fortress was designed with the aggression reactor as the driving force, but now it is only adding some new technologies on the basis of the aggression reactor."

"This, time may need to be re-divided. After all, we need to digest this technology before we can turn it into reality."

"I don't ask you now for time. Can one year be enough? Two years is not enough. In short, the R & D base must fly around the speed of light and work hard to solve all the problems. I can provide all the resources." Shen Cong glanced around, " My request is that you do your best. "

"This please rest assured that Boss does not need to be urged. The thirst for knowledge is enough to excite us and strive to build a sub-light speed spacecraft."

Shen Cong nodded: "Very well ... as long as you work hard, improve your talents, evolve and improve, and the resources you need, I will guarantee you adequate supply."

An Sanshun frowned at his hair: "Haha, what, the new government's side is still sufficient for us."


Leave the meeting room.

Shen Cong walked on the solid ground of the research and development base, and Tianyan looked around the entire research and development base. It can be said that it is the graveyard of the Big Macs. Almost all the Big Macs killed in North America were pulled over and placed in the R & D base as Shen Cong's private resources.

The moon-circling spacecraft was also sent over by Shen Cong.

Of course, the vehicles of these giants and mechanics are not very powerful, that is, Alice's vehicle is a particle-level material.

"If I don't die, I can train Alice all the way into a star-like universe tinder, as a research material, to demonstrate the details of the" Tian Zhao Jing ".

Wings of Phantom accept the heritage made by the parasitic source, and Shen Cong accepts the heritage of the Rage Starbreaker.

Essentially the same, but the specific details are different.

Moreover, the Wings of Phantom live on a gaseous planet, and its body structure is all gaseous; Shen Cong lives on the earth, and organic life is the dominant here.

and so.

For him, the way of evolution of Phantom Wing is to imitate and learn from, and finally to go out of his own way.

"The earth's resources are limited, how can I arrange their development?" At this moment, Shen Cong was already thinking about the evolution of the entire earth from the perspective of a prophet.

The heritage of the Rage Starbreaker is divided into nine, and aside from the earth, the other eight have been planned by him.

No one or any individual can touch his finger.

So there are so many evolutionary individuals on earth that they can enjoy. The limit utilization, at most, supports hundreds of star-rated cosmic fires, or under the premise of not showing dwarf star-like cosmic fires. Once an individual wants to evolve to a dwarf star, it is bound to kill and plunder.

Earth must be the second dead star.

Shen Cong still has a "hometown" complex in the heart of the earth, and he does not want the earth to become a dead star. The deeper reason is that he is unwilling to cultivate another dwarf universe tinder to compete with himself ~ ~ To compete, you must wait until he has searched the remains of the raging starbreaker, and became a star universe cosmic tinder.

At that time, he will return to the earth again, maybe he will lead the evolutionary individuals on the earth, scour the tinder seeds in the universe, cultivate a large number of dwarf star tinders, let them enter the universe, and look for evolution opportunities.

For example, the four-footed dragon beast who is running towards him and preparing to spread Huan.

For example, Daoge, such as the yellow weasel, such as Hu Wei, Zhang Changde and others.

And ... Chen Xiuni.

"Bobo, Xiaosi is here!" The four-legged dragon beast slammed into it. At the particle level, it has not broken the ecological wall. The animal nature has not changed, and the original fire species cannot evolve.

"Stop, junior, talk away from me, you have bad breath." Shen Cong covered his face with his hands, turned and jumped away, "It really smells bad."

The four-legged dragon beast complained suddenly: "Bobo scolded Xiaosi, and Xiaosi was angry."

"Don't pull it." Looking at this huge lizard with a smile, thinking of the friendship of one person and one lizard fighting side by side at that time.

So far, in his computer collection, there is also a photo of himself with his head and posing with a four-legged dragon.

At that time, he was just bald for a long time, and was still immersed in the feeling of "I'm bald and stronger" Lv1-Pure Gold Age. At a glance, two or three years have passed.

Not long after the Spring Festival, it is already 2025.

The New World has been three and a half years.

In the confused and lonely period, he never expected that one day he would escape from the fragility of the human body and become the eternal universe.

Thinking of this, Shen Cong is another jump, jumping to the head of the four-legged dragon beast: "Little Four, develop well on the earth, and when I travel back to the universe, at that time, I will help you and jump out of fate out of time . Follow me to chase endless, solid eternity. "

Read The Mage of Eternity