MTL - Heavy Armoured Truck In Post-apocalyptic World-Chapter 859 Unique evolution

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The unique evolution of heavy trucks in the last days 859, Chapter 859-567 Chinese gray, gloomy weather, poor visibility.

The huge confined Transformers stood in the center of the ground, and the sky-eye radar radiated, observing, or being observed. Around him is a dense, layered pile of tall rock pillars. At the top of each pillar, there is a yellow light ball that is quite thick and thick.

Looking closely, the yellow light sphere is like a product of sandy composition, and it seems to be constantly moving.

As for rock pillars, which are a linen-colored mineral composition, it is difficult to say whether they are metallic minerals. It shows the appearance of crystal ore, but does not show the appearance of metal, but the active waves and tinder energy radiated from it are still strong.

This is definitely a life.

"What kind of life is it?" Shen Cong didn't move, and he didn't take the initiative to communicate emotionally, because it's unknown whether these rock pillars have wisdom.

They do produce hostility, but this hostility is not an emotion, it is more like a rejection.

Exclusion of different nature.

"There is a point of repulsion between magnets and poles, not subjective repulsion, but in essence." Shen Cong did not move, and the rock pillars did not move. When I extended it, I didn't even realize they were life. "

When Shen Cong stepped into this glazed land, there really was nothing unusual.

His current ability to perceive is farther than before, and it is a star-level cosmic tinder level. Generally speaking, living objects cannot escape his perception.

"And there is a doubt, are these pillars of rock alone, or are they all one?"

The glazed surface beneath the feet is almost the same as the crystal-like composition of rock pillars, like the relatively low-level, turbid, impermeable crystals.

time flies.

The policy of the enemy not moving and not moving has been denied after Shen Cong continued to lose patience. Seeing that there was a night of te planet Cetus, Shen Cong decided to take the initiative.

哐 Dang!

Take a step and walk towards the rock pillar closest to him.

With this movement, it seemed as if the first card of the dominoes was pushed down, and the entire forest of rock pillars, all the rock pillars trembled in an instant, producing a trembling jitter. The frequencies of these tremors are close, they resonate quickly, and the air trembles in the oscillating waves visible to the naked eye.

These oscillating waves contacted the confined surface and were ejected, producing a sharper sound similar to an air defense alert.



The world was full of alarm sounds, noisy and harsh, which made Shen Cong very bored. So he suddenly stretched out the mechanical arm, opened his palm, grabbed a rock pillar, pulled it hard, and tried to break and sample the rock pillar.


The pillar of rock broke off suddenly and was not as strong as expected.

The broken rock pillar did not attract Shen Cong. What attracted Shen Cong was the yellow light ball at the top. He took the yellow light ball and held it in his hand, preparing to analyze it carefully.

The yellow light sphere burst suddenly, and a magma-like substance was ejected from the crack, directly sprayed on the abdomen of Shen Cong's confined shape.

The hot magma material carried a temperature of more than 1,500 Baidu.

Attempting to fuse Shen Cong's armor.

But this is futile, even the use of blurring means is not needed, and magma material cannot break Shen Cong's defense. The yellow light spheres that ejected magma matter quickly faded and lost activity. All its activity and tinder energy are in the continuous dripping magma material.

"Interesting, the yellow photosphere is full of magma, and there is active activity and tinder energy in the magma. If the information I captured briefly is correct, the tinder energy in the magma seems to be evolving into a living body ... This is somewhat similar to the kind of tinder The birth of the spirit. "

The spirit of the tinder on the earth is the primitive metal life that is born of the combination of eight gold and magma.

The yellow light ball at the top of the rock pillar here, I don't know what happened. This kind of gestation did not seem to be successful, but a strange individual like a rock pillar was born.

"So where did the magma come from?"

As soon as Shen Cong was thinking, the sky-eye radar already showed how the magma came. The broken rock pillar was broken and killed by him, and the remaining half of the rock pillar continued to creep up and grow into a complete rock pillar.

This time the yellow light bulb at the top did not appear in time.

But there is a very obvious process of incubation.

Some magma material was extracted from the ground by the rock pillar, sent to the top of the rock pillar, and then a yellow light ball was blown out like a balloon.

"The magma comes from underground."

Then the problem came. Shen Cong looked at the peaceful restoration of the rock pillar forest and thought: "Is this model a kind of life? Are the yellow light spheres and rock pillars a life individual? Or is it magma matter? Is it real life? But this life can supplement it, what is it? "

The working principle of the rock pillar has broken Shen Cong's cognition.

He decided to put aside his thoughts for the time being and wait to observe the details before redefining the "alien creature" this time. So the giant Transformer was confined, and a sickle was extended in his right hand, and he began to harvest rock pillars and yellow light **** constantly, stimulating the yellow light **** to spray magma material.

It doesn't rest in the dark.

Harvest time after time, and get a short observation time, once again, to peek into the secret of magma matter.

Finally, dozens of times later, he found out the general information of the magma material.

"It's very interesting. Sure enough, the rock pillars and yellow photospheres are just like vehicles. Because they are non-metallic minerals, they lack metal elements and cannot be activated. They can only be activated. There are too few metal elements to urge Moving crystal structure, but high temperature magma can melt non-metallic minerals and achieve the purpose of 'growth.' "

That is.

The texture of the glass at the foot of Shen Cong is the same material as rock pillars and yellow light **** ~ ~, without life. It is a trace metal element that contains life, but such a scarce metal cannot meet the activation conditions at all.

The same is true for magma materials, with a slightly higher metal content, but not enough to fully activate and breed the Tinder Spirit.

However, the tinder energy has evolved, and magma has evolved into a very low-level life. The low-level wisdom cannot be formed. There is only one instinct for hunting. This instinct urges magma to emerge from below the surface and melt the glazed surface to form this upwardly growing rock column.

When Shen Cong didn't move, the rock pillar lost its sense and stopped hunting.

Shen Cong harvested the rock pillars, and the magma material felt instantly, and began to hunt. The hunting method is very simple. It is to spray the magma, then use the living magma to devour and infect the prey. After finally swallowing the prey, it will be incorporated into the surface. Infiltrate into the ground and return to the old nest.

"The magma material is like a pile of primitive cells, running out along the column of rocks. Does this mean that there are a lot of 'primitive cells' gathered below the surface?"

To verify this conclusion, you just need to dig up the surface and find out.

Shen Cong has always been a activist, with his shovel extended in both hands, he began to work. He made such a big movement, the surrounding rock pillars trembled, and numerous yellow light **** began to spray magma in the direction of Shen Cong.


Four eight-gold wings spread out, forming a shield covering the sky and blocking the surrounding magma. Inside the shroud, the confined Transformers were buried and dug into the ground. Soon, along the root of a rock pillar, a huge pit was dug. At the bottom of the pit, a shining hole was exposed.

"This is the ascent of the magma material?"


Ah, May Day does not rest!

Ask for a monthly pass! 8

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