MTL - Heavy Armoured Truck In Post-apocalyptic World-Chapter 896 I represent the will of the earth

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Heavy trucks in the last days 896, Chapter 896 I represent the wrong chapter name of the last chapter on behalf of the will of the earth-567 Chinese, forget to modify, the correct chapter name is changed.


Liu Yiwu was paralyzed sitting in a chair, and Shen Cong's coercion had already dispersed.

Anguish on his face.

He slowly said, "Shen Cong, you kill me too. The Earth Community has fallen into this situation. How much meaning is there for me to live, it is better to die."

He is about to be demoted to ordinary metal life, and the metal family behind him is about to be removed, which is not enough to crush a politician. What really crushed him was the impact of Shen Cong's terror, which made him feel his ignorance and despair from the depths of his soul.

"Prime Minister Liu ..." Chen Xiunii is still a bit uncomfortable and the environment is changing too quickly, but she still intends to persuade.

Liu Yiwu waved his hand to signal that Chen Xiunii didn't have to persuade him: "I'm sober now, to be honest, I'm not resentful, and the way to resent Shen Cong is too harsh."

The spring equinox looked at Liu Yiwu curiously and recorded Liu Yiwu's emotional fluctuations. He hoped to gain a more accurate insight into human nature and increase data for Hongchen's heart training.

The detached summer solstice led the other avatars to find seats and sit down, turning on the power-saving mode-evacuating their own thinking and controlling with intelligent ai.

Even if it is a constant star, computing 24 avatar thinking at once, plus the thinking of its own body, is also a burden.

"The atmosphere is a bit embarrassing. My Dao brother needs to sleep and relax." Dao Space said, lying on the ground, and began to pretend to sleep.

What happened in just a few minutes was also a huge shock for Dao, who has always been mentally disabled.

Liu Yiwu wasn't interrupted by Dao's words, but he still felt with emotion: "Under the power of Shen Cong, I suddenly realized that I don't know when I would have lost myself. The great disaster started 121 years ago. He passed the burden handed over by the old commander Zheng Zheng, and kept the fire of humankind intact. "

"The difficulties and confusions during the period were different. At that time, I realized very clearly that with the powerful suppression of Shen Cong, we can work hard for development. We are also grateful for the presence of Shen Cong. The suppression is the most chaotic and dangerous. Those last days. "

"However ... in fact, when the Community was first established, maybe I, and many others, Gu Huachun, Zhao Weiliang ... we were already lost, and we can't wait to eliminate Shen Cong's influence in the Community. The beauty of power It makes people drunk, and a stable life makes people more corrupt. "

"I am no longer dedicated to my ideals and ambitions. I had hoped that I would be the hero who saved the world, and I would at least be a politician remembered in history books. Unfortunately, it seems that I am just repeating the path of politicians. There are too few politicians and too many politicians in the world. "

"I have been speechless for over 100 years, from politicians to politicians themselves."

Liu Yiwu looked at Shen Cong, and did not look away: "Give me a happy life, I am ashamed of the people."

The spring equinox shook his head.

Regarding Liu Yiwu's so-called shame to the people, he didn't care. He was already a star-studded cosmic fire, with an infinitely high level of life, and how he would care about the ephemeral and weak life.

He is the level of the Creator, and humans on earth are just the level of food.

The purpose of cleaning up Metal Supreme and Metal Family this time is to guide the development of the earth's civilization and obtain the benefits he wants.

It doesn't matter what is right and evil.

"No need to talk nonsense too much. After downgrading, assist Chen Xiuni in earnestly managing the Communist Party. After the separation of your family resources, you can get the chance to continue reproduction."


After Liu Yiwu, Shen Cong did not listen to these metal supreme nonsense anymore. These people only need to seriously implement their own will in the future.

Therefore, he directly told Chen Xiunii: "The Community is entrusted to you to manage. You should stabilize the earth's ecology as soon as possible and vigorously develop science and technology. The more scientific talents are trained, the better.

Chen Xiunii seemed to know Shen Cong again, and Shen Cong in front of her was strange and horrible.

She groaned and said, "I don't know why you want me to be general secretary. I'm not good at politics. But at this time, I don't quit, I just want to know a problem."


"From now on, does it mean that the earth will be completely dominated by you, will the earth people not have the right to choose the future by themselves?"

Shen Xiaoming's question about Chen Xiunii, she was worried that he would enslave the earth.

It is just that many questions are not just black and white answers. It is equally difficult to answer whether Shen Cong will enslave the earth this time.

It is fair trade, it is better to say that it is compulsory cooperation.

The earth has no will, and the earth's civilization has no will. What has the will is the Earth Community and Shen Cong. The two parties to the cooperation are the agreement between the will of the Community and Shen Cong, but Shen Cong can represent his own will, and who can represent the will of the Community?

The dead Gu Huachun and others obviously cannot.

Now Chen Xiuni and others seem to be able, but Shen Cong, as the boss behind the establishment of the Communist Party, thinks that he has the same reason to represent the will of the Community.

There is a reason more than anyone.

Need to know, the original predecessor of the Community, the Eastern Theater and the interim government owed him too much.

Therefore, the fair trade this time is, in the final analysis, a concept between Shen Cong's own will, and no one can tolerate it.

In essence, Shen Cong will not really enslave the earth's civilization. On the contrary, he will help the evolution of the earth's civilization, help the rapid development of the earth's civilization, and enter the era of the universe at an early date. But in return, the focus of the evolution of the earth ’s civilization will be the path designated by Shen Cong.

There are pros and cons.

For other people on earth, whether this is slavery or cooperation is difficult to say.

Too much meaningless.


Regardless of whether other people approve of these logics, Shen Cong approves them.

"I ’m from Earth, and my power is incredible. The direction of the development of the earth civilization that I guide ~ ~ is more promising than any of you. Besides, I just give a perfect option, how to achieve this The options can be implemented by the Community. I won't ask. "

Chen Xiuni paused for ten seconds and Shen said, "Okay, I believe you."

"So, start your work." The split spring equinox smiled slightly. The smile can make people like a spring equinox. This is his mimic expression. As for his own mood, no one knows. "If there is a situation, contact me through this channel."

Leave a communication channel.

Twenty-four avatars disappeared in an instant, and the door of the Evolution Hall suddenly opened, and there was no more Shen Cong.

He has left.

Twenty-three avatars went into stealth and returned to the steel planet itself. The steel planet itself twisted time and space and flew towards the asteroid belt. His body is too large. If it orbits the earth, it is a planet, which has a strong influence on the surrounding space-time distortion. Over time, it will destroy the ecological balance of the earth.

For example, magnetic field chaos, tidal imbalance, acceleration of geological movement, etc.

Entering the asteroid belt, it is safer to work with many asteroids.


The door of the Evolution Hall that suddenly opened opened up the security forces and government officials gathered outside the Hall, and then they saw a line of Metal Supreme coming out.

It is no longer Gu Huachun, the general secretary who often appears on television, but Chen Xiuni, the goddess of war who has not appeared in a long time.

Next to them are Liu Yiwu and others.

Chen Xiunii glanced at the crowd and said loudly: "The various departments cooperate with each other to block the news. All members of the Communist Party of the Secretariat are convened to expand the meeting tomorrow. In addition, the Security Office notified the military commission departments to immediately start a video conference. Others should Onlookers, continue your work, it is not off time now. "8)