MTL - Hedonist Sovereign-Chapter 2111 Endless

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The million demons who are fleeing are shocked. Isn't Hung Hom going to sell the magic capital with Qin Feng? How can I help everyone out of danger?

"What are you still doing? Hurry to escape to their respective peaks to take refuge, there are defenses on the major magic peaks, or can delay for a while." Hung Hom shouted again.

Some people woke up and fled immediately. They even cautiously fled when they fled, and they were always wary of Qin Feng and Hung Hom.

More and more black fog drifted into the Devil's Land, and Qin Feng's thunder robbery fell, as if there was a thunderstorm in the sky.

"Look, that person seems to be killing and swallowing the worm."

"This robbery is so ferocious, even the worms can be killed, are we not saved?"

Many monks who returned to the Magic Peak began to watch the battle. When they saw the dark fog in the sky, they were very excited.

Lei Wang several people face each other, they have always believed that Qin Feng and Hung Hom joined forces to rebel, completely did not expect this critical moment, but the two took the lead to stand up and rebel.

"Is it because we misunderstood the red dragonfly?" Nie Yuan muttered to himself.

"Although I am still hostile to Hung Hom and the kid, I have to say that we may have misunderstood the destruction of the devil." Lei Wang's tone eased a lot.

However, Ouyang Tian immediately jumped out and retorted: "Don't be fooled by the two old guys. I saw Qin Feng release the fairy worm, and this will not be fake."

If the star of the Xinghui school is still alive, it will definitely stand up and help Ouyangtian to talk. Unfortunately, only Ouyang Tian still insists on denying Qin Feng and Hung Hom, because on that day, under the No. 1 Demon Peak, Qin Feng killed his son Ouyang. Jun, this hatred does not report that he will not give up.

"Ouyang's younger brother, if Hung Hom and Qin Feng will really devour the fairy worms out and want to destroy the magical capital, why are they still struggling to fight against the fairy worms here?" asked North Ming Mo Zun.

Ouyang Tian could not find an excuse, and snorted: "They are just pretending to be pretending to be afraid of leaving a big name in history. I am sure that the grandson surnamed Qin will take it immediately after the end of the robbery. The mysterious family fled, who can stop them?"

Ouyang Tian’s words made a few people wake up. This kind of guess is not impossible. After all, Qin Feng is still breaking through the robbery, and he can’t walk away.

"Golden Big Brother, what do you say is good now?" asked Lei Wang.

Jinbei is thinking about Xianshi. It is natural that Qinfeng was killed.

But now the wall of the Demon Peak is broken, and the swallowing of the worms are all coming in. In the whole magic peak, only the thunder of Qin Feng can kill those worms. If Qin Feng is dead, how can I get Xianshi? ? Everyone is afraid to die in the magic peak.

"In any case, now the surname Qin is killing the fairy worm, we are better to wait a moment to say, if the grandson is successful, they want to escape, when we die, we must also destroy him." Jin Bei said.

Several people nodded and agreed, Ouyang Tian screamed: "Golden monument, the surname of Qin, but the **** of the world, he can now kill the monk of the peak of the robbery, if he succeeds We can't stop him because of the robbery."

"You don't have to say it anymore. In short, I won't shoot it now. You can't make a decision." The gold monument jumped and the figure disappeared into a magic peak.

Lei Wang and Nie Yuan’s several true monks also spread out and planned to wait and see.

Ouyang weather gritted teeth, but took Qin Feng did not have a little way, now do not say there is a red dragonfly to help Qin Feng, even if no one helps, he can not help Qin Feng caused the thunder of the power.

The million monks outside the Magic Peak disappeared instantly, and most of them hid in the magic peak where their respective sects were located. Some monks also fled slower and were swallowed up by black fog.

The vast magical peak situation, only Qin Feng alone sitting on the bottom of the mountain, his head thunder on the sea, the monks standing on the big magic peaks, like a few dragons circling over the magic peak.

It’s awkward!

Thunder is rolling.

With the flag of Qin Feng constantly thrown out, Raymond bombed the Quartet, and the landing room was a ruin scene. The whole mountain was blown up and cracked, as if it were to be landslide.

Under such a strong offensive, the black mist that flew into the magical peak was instantly blown up, and countless swallowing of the fairy fell, like a fairy rain.

"Hey? How do I feel that something is wrong?" Qin Feng looked at the sky and looked slightly different.

"Master, you are killing the newly-bred devour of the fairy worm, and the worms flying out of the peak of the Heavenly King are basically not affected by the thunder." Xiao Xiang said.

Qin Feng suddenly woke up, he felt that something was wrong, was reminded by Xiao Xiang pig, immediately found the root of the problem.

Although under the bombing of Leihai, the devour of the fairy worm is like a piece of emptiness bursting into the ground, but the fall of the fairy worm is weak, completely incomparable with the batch of worms in the peak of the Heavenly King.

“Why is this?” Qin Feng is difficult to understand.

Xiao Xiang pig quickly said: "Master! Devouring the fairy worm is to rely on the separation of gods to breed..."

"God knows split?" Qin Feng's look changed.

Xiao Xiang pig continued: "Yes! These fairy worms can split a new life as long as they are motivated by the gods. However, when the body splits, it will only split a very small amount of weak knowledge to ensure the knowledge of the body. Still strong..."

"So the new individuals are extremely weak at first, and they are completely vulnerable to the intensity of their knowledge. But when they encounter a powerful monk or magic weapon, they will perish. So the new individual must swallow the spirits in order to strengthen the gods. Knowing that it is mature, this is the process of consuming the fungus."

Qin Feng suddenly felt a desperate. He found that all the people who were killed by the thunder and robbery were new individuals. As for the mature body flying out of the peak of the Heavenly King, it was not affected by the thunder.

"Hung Hom seniors, let everyone leave the magic capital." Qin Feng used the voice of God to go out.

Standing on the top of the No. 2 Mofeng Peak, Hung Hom looked at the swallowing of the worms in the sky, and he was excited. He thought that the disaster of the demon capital would be solved by Qin Feng, but he suddenly heard Qin. The sound of maple.

"Qin Shaoxia, why should you evacuate? Could it be that your thunderstorm is over?"

"It's not a thunderstorm problem. It's too late to explain. The old people will take everyone away." Qin Feng has already tried his best to solve the problem, but he still has no intention of swallowing the fairy worm. He is already powerless. If it is not impossible to terminate the robbery now, He will immediately fly away from the place by flying a cone.

There is no need for red screaming, and there are sudden screams on several magic peaks.

"Ah... I swallowed the fairy insects and my body was eaten."

"Everyone is running away, these worms are too horrible, and the squad can be eaten a little bit."

There are 307 magic peaks in the Devil's Peak. The top ranked Demon Peak, the more powerful the defensive formation, and the few peaks at the end of the ranking, there is only a defensive array of five or six. .

When the mountains in the distance were swallowed up by the black fog, and even the original appearance was not seen, the monks on the other magic peaks were in a state of chaos. This disaster seems to be difficult to avoid.

"Qin Shaoxia's thunderstorm is not effective in swallowing the fairy insects? Why are these bugs still able to rush to the magic peak?"

"Even if the robbery is more powerful, Qin Feng is always a person, and these millions of insects are swallowed up, and it is so easy to destroy them all."

"It seems that the devil is completely framed, and everyone is going to escape."

Some of the magic peaks that have not yet been broken by the formation, there have been monks who have escaped from the sword, and they are better to stay in the magic peak to take refuge, the figure just rushed out of the sky, instantly caught up with the black fog, and then the body disappeared There is no trace.

The scene completely lost control, and the entire sky of the Devil's Peak was covered by black fog, shrouded in a rich atmosphere of death.

Ouyang Tian angered: "I said that the guy is acting, you believe now."

A few people in Lei Wang's face were cold, and there was a faint panic in the bottom of their eyes.

Nie Yuan suddenly screamed: "Hey? The name of Qin sitting in the black fog for so long, why not been swallowed?"

Everyone really ignored this problem. Now it is being raised by Nie Yuan. Some of them have an incredible look on their faces.

After a while, Jinbei raised the tone and shouted: "The armor on his body is weird, that breath... this is the fairy!"

"Sinjia?" Lei Wang's eyes must be on the ground, and the voice trembled and said: "Golden Big Brother, are you not mistaken?"

In fact, the Golden Monument has not seen the Scarlet, but when his gods swept to Qin Feng, he felt a secret atmosphere shared with Xianshi. The breath was pure and mysterious, and it was not the atmosphere that Shenzun had in the mainland... ...

"It must be a fairy! It is no wonder that he can be under the black fog but it is unscathed. The fairy has the effect of restraining the fairy."

A few people are excited, and now the devil is about to be destroyed. Even if they are not sure, they will be able to kill the encirclement. But if they steal the fairy from Qin Feng, they will certainly survive.


After thinking about the key, Ouyang Tian has taken the lead to rush out of the Magic Peak. He does not use the flying sword at his feet. He walks directly in the void, but the speed is faster than the flying sword. Only a few breaths come to the top of Qin Feng.

"The ants are juniors, I said on the peak of the Heavenly King, I will personally pinch your Yuan Ying."


His voice is still echoing in the sky, and a real giant is falling. However, when he had not fallen to the ground, Qin Feng’s body had a loud noise, and he roared into the sky, and the fierce real yuan swept around.

"Are you breaking through?"

Ouyang Tian was shocked. Under the interference of the masses, the destruction of the worms, Qin Feng actually broke through the catastrophe.

The real yuan handprint will collapse in a plain, but Qin Feng has long been absent. When his cold voice echoed in the sky, he has already hung over the head of Ouyang Tian.

"If you come, just take it for you!"

Read The Duke's Passion