MTL - Hedonist Sovereign-Chapter 2113 Do they know?

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After the mysterious man appeared, the sky above the magical sky seemed to be bleached, and the dark fog became lighter and faded, eventually disappearing.

Countless swallowing of the fairy worms are included in the man's small gourd, the gourd does not know what a baby, watching is just the size of the palm, but it seems that the space is endless.

"Little Xiang pig, is that something like a storage ring?" Even Qin Feng could not understand.

"The general storage ring can not be taken to engulf the fairy insects... Master! I suspect that it is a small world." Xiao Xiang pig road.

Qin Feng's look changed: "Small world? Are you saying the same as the space of the astrology?"

"Yes, the little gourd is very likely to be a small world. In fact, the small world is refining to a certain extent, and it can be turned into a variety of magic weapons."

Qin Feng had already got the space of the astrology, but he was the first to hear that the small world can be refining. According to this, can the space of the astral be refining into a magic weapon?

“How do you refine the small world?”

"Master! This way is uncertain, mainly depends on the attributes of the small world... The small world is all kinds of colors, some are like the star space owned by the master, it is the small world of cultivation and survival; some are like the gourd in the hands of the mysterious person. It is a place to store fairy worms; some small worlds are a collapsed space, and the monks will die for a lifetime as long as they enter."

"So the way in which different small worlds are refining is also very different. In fact, the master has improved the astral space from the initial chaotic state to the nowadays aura of cultivation and cultivation, which is a kind of refining."

After Xiaoxiangzhu’s explanation, Qin Feng learned more about the small world. At this time, an old voice came from the sky, and the overbearing voice was introduced into everyone’s ears and echoed in everyone’s mind.

"Who can tell me where these worms come from?"

Qin Feng immediately recovered his mind and spoke to the mysterious person.

The devils were silent, and many people were still shocked to return to the gods, and the very few sober and powerful monks shook and shivered, and did not dare to answer.

Even if the King of Lei is really powerful, the mood is very incomparable. In front of this mysterious big man, the light hand will kill the first person of the magical demon. The first person is the dark demon head, if he wants to open it. Killing the ring, fearing that the entire magical power is also difficult to stop his footsteps.

"Predecessors! Those who swallowed the fairy worms were flying out of the No. 1 magic peak." In the end, Hung Hom stood up.

The whole mysterious family is fearful, and the red dust dance is even more chaotic. A powerful **** instantly sweeps into the red dragonfly: "Where is the No. 1 Demon Peak?"

"Predecessors! There are 308 magic peaks in the magical capital. The first magic peak is here, but the magic peak has collapsed because of the swallowing of the fairy insects." Hung Hom said.

"You are taking me now." The mysterious man is indifferent.

"Ah? The No. 1 Demon Peak has collapsed. Now it is completely ruined. Are the seniors going?" Hung Hom did not understand each other's minds.

The tone of the man seemed a little impatient: "Less nonsense! What I said is what."

Although some of my heart is not happy, but in the face of a mysterious amnesty to lift the gold monument, but also to conquer the fairy worm, there is no way for the red dragonfly.

But when the two were about to leave, Qin Feng flew to the side of Hung Hom and said: "Red predecessors, I will go with you."

The red rush is eager to give Qin Feng a look: "Qin Shaoxia, you stay, help me to look after the dust dance and the mysterious demon family."

Qin Feng understands the meaning of the red slang, and Hung Hom is not sure if he can still come back alive. If he dies, there is always a person to come to the town.

However, Qin Feng can't stay in the magical city to guard the mysterious demon family, and he is skeptical that the mysterious person went to find the No. 1 magic peak, is it for the Xianshi big array?

"What is your name? From where?" The mysterious man suddenly asked.

The whole magical power is stunned.

Not long ago, the Golden Monument was killed because it stood on the route of the other side's flight. It can be seen that the mysterious man was decisive and decisive, and his character was so proud. And now he is actively asking Qin Feng's name and source, which is really unexpected.

Even Qin Feng did not think: "The younger Qin Feng, from Beishazhou."

Qin Feng knows that in the face of the mysterious man, this kind of **** can not tell lies, simply tell the truth.

When he falls, the whole magical power can feel that there is a breath of volatility in the sky, and the breath is just from the mysterious person, it seems that his mood has fluctuated. The fluctuation of his emotions led to the movement of the air in the sky, which shows how powerful the other party has been.

"Predecessors know the younger generation?" Qin Feng doubts.

The airflow volatility quickly disappeared and the sky returned to calm, as if it had never happened.

"Is the real nine-turned true thunder caused by you?" The mysterious man only asked if he did not answer.

Qin Feng was shocked again, although many great people have seen that the breakthrough caused by his breakthrough is the killing of thunder, but only the mysterious person in front of him is that it is a real thunder.

"Yes seniors."

"Very good! You take me alone to find the No. 1 Demon Peak!" Mysterious humanity.

Everyone was puzzled and completely confused. The red rush said: "Predecessors, let me take you there... Qin Shaoxia is not a magic man, not familiar with this."

"If you dare to talk more, I will kill you with a palm." A cold chill from the mysterious person feels like the ice heart flame is released, and the temperature of the entire magic peak falls sharply.

Qin Feng quickly stepped on the flying sword and disappeared into the sky, and the voice echoed in the sky: "Predecessors! Let's go!"

The speed of the two is extremely fast. After the monks returned to God, they could not find them in the scope of knowledge.

"Father Wang! Qin Feng will not have an accident? I am going to the No. 1 Demon Peak to find him." Red dust dance panic.

Hung Hom quickly stopped her daughter's impulsive behavior, and her eyes swept to the sky of the No. 1 Demon Peak. "Qin Shaoxia seems to know the mysterious predecessor, and the predecessor did not kill innocents. It is not the big devil we think. You Don't worry too much, let's stay on the No. 2 Magic Peak and wait for Qin Shaoxia to return."

The Magic Peak has already exploded, and there have been too many things happening recently. They are going to be unable to digest.

"The mysterious predecessor was so powerful that one person could solve the catastrophe of the demon."

"Who is he? In the end, will the No. 1 Magic Peak kill and kill the Devils?"

"You still can't see it? That person is the backer of Qin Feng, they know each other."

Some people have brains wide open, and more people believe in this speculation.

Qin Feng entered the catastrophe at a young age, killing the Dodge of the peak of the robbery, and using the power of the robbery to smash the magic.

Looking at the mysterious man, once the palm of the hand was destroyed, and the worms were swallowed up by the sky, the behavior of these two people was a natural partner.