MTL - Hedonist Sovereign-Chapter 2130 Explore the secrets of Shendao

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At the beginning of the North Shazhou, the virtual **** repair has reached the top, and the masters like the barefoot real people are Fengmeng.

But now Qin Feng found that there are more than a dozen virtual gods standing under the gates of the city, and they are all faces that he does not know.

Simply greeted the crowd, Qin Feng entered Lingxian City, he alone called the ladies and Liu Jie to a room, intends to pass the Supreme Star system to everyone.

"Boss! Where have you been in this year? Since you left, the black hole in the Zixia Mountains disappeared. If you walk a few days later, it would be fine." Liu Jie was excited when he saw Qin Feng. Stopped.

Qin Feng did not say through the secrets of this. The black hole over the Zixia Mountains was not a coincidence, but because he went to Xihaizhou to arrange the big sky.

"I went to Xihaizhou, because there is a strong aura, I left a year of cultivation." Qin Feng said concisely, did not mention the nine days of snow exploration and the magic of the war, so as not to worry everyone.

"The boss turned out to be practicing. What is the realm now?" Liu Jie looked forward.

In fact, since the aura of Beishazhou has been improved, everyone’s cultivation has been rapidly improving. They even have some small expectations. Maybe Qin Feng’s breakthrough rate in this year is not as fast as everyone, so that everyone can gradually catch up with Qin Feng. The practice of the monk is gone.

"There is not much improvement. Now I just entered the layer of looting." Qin Feng sighed.

After dozens of pairs of eyeballs landed in an instant, Liu Jie screamed: "I rely on! The boss is so boring that you are forced to do so. When you go, it is a condensate. Have you stepped into a robbery in a year?"

Qin Feng is not forced to force, but he has the system of the supreme system, the breakthrough speed is justified. I really want to say it. He thinks that the biggest gain in going to Xihaizhou this time is not the improvement of the realm. Instead, he has accepted the ice heart flame and broke through the sea of ​​knowledge.

"There is a reason for my realm to improve." Qin Fengdao.

"What is the reason?" Lin Beibei was curious.

"Because I get a top-level practice, as long as I practice according to the practice, the realm will skyrocket."

Since Qin Feng wants to pass on the Supreme Star system to everyone, it is natural to find a saying. In fact, the people present have joined the system of heroes, but they still know very little about the Supreme System. If Qin Feng really explains it, I am afraid that it will take a lot of time and effort.

So Qin Feng did not mention the system of respect, but simply said that it is a kind of practice, wait until everyone gets the system and use it, no need to say more to understand.

"Boss! You have been hiding the top-level exercises, you are too kind, and now share it with everyone." Liu Jie complained.

Qin Feng smiled and did not explain, and then the idea was motivated, and the powerful star system was used to pass the Supreme Star system to everyone's mind.


A month later.

Everyone has been able to master the Extreme Star system, they began to do crazy tasks, trying to catch up with the realm of Qin Fengfei.

Seeing that the North Shazhou world is peaceful, and the development is getting better and better, Qin Feng relaxes with a heart. He has embarked on the journey again, and plans to go to the Shenhai secret. When he first entered the secret of the sea of ​​gods a few years ago, he discovered the secret medicine garden and the black fog of horror. Now, in retrospect, the black fog is likely to engulf the fairy.

A few days later, Feiyun Cone appeared on the sky outside the Shenshen Sea. When he came here again, Qin Feng was filled with emotion. When he first came to explore, he just entered the holy kingdom and went to Lizhou to participate in the red. Huabang assessment, later met Xue Junfei, also found Wen Yiming, and finally was chased by Long Aotian, almost killed the Dragon Boat Chamber of Commerce on the flight...

Qin Feng has already landed the flying cone. He found many monks on the island of the Shenhai Sea, and there is a huge flying ship parked on the side of the island, which reads the name of the Black Yao Chamber of Commerce. Qin Feng immediately realized that this season had reached the time of the expedition of the Shenhai Sea. The monks in front of these expeditions were so similar to him.

"The nephew sister, the entrance to the gate was found here." There was a scream in the crowd.

Hundreds of figures flew in the past, and there was a shadow of a purple dress.

The woman in the purple shirt is beautiful and moving, like a fairy who came out of the painting. When Qin Feng’s eyes fell on her face, she immediately recognized this person. It was the genius female disciple of Sifanglou.

There was a vain encounter here, and Qin Feng couldn’t help but feel awkward. He still remembered that he had intentionally matched him and vain, but he refused.

"This should be the door to the secrets of Yushen Island." The vain child said after watching for a while.

At this time, a handsome man in a white robe walked to the side of the illusory child: "The nephew's sister said yes, this is the gateway to the mysterious sea."

The vain child said that she was a disciple of the alchemist sect. When she speculated that the front door was the passage of the sacred sea, the crowd did not react much, but when the white robe man said this, the crowd boiled.

"Yuyue Shaoxia is a big disciple of the North Shazhou New Five-Star Array, and since he said that the front door is the gateway to the sacred sea, there will be no mistake."

"Since the birth of Qincheng, the North Shazhou has changed with each passing day. In recent years, the top forces of the past have fallen, and there are countless small forces rising. This day, the gate is one of the rising forces. It is really enviable."

"I heard that the pursuit of vain children in the early months of the month, I do not know if the two are now together?"

Some of the arguments fell into the ears of the moon, and his face showed a smug look: "You don't have to worry about your friends. This secret way, I have a way to crack it... For the sister-in-law, we are better off teaming and exploring the secrets. There are still many hidden fronts, and I can help my sisters and sisters find out."

Many people cast their envious eyes on the illusory children. Even if they are developing the North Shazhou nowadays, there are very few martial art schools. They can get the initiative of the disciples of the Tianjianmen. This is something that everyone can't ask for.

However, he saw the illusory look cold, and said in a plain tone: "The square exploration of this trip alone does not involve any forces."

Such a great opportunity was turned down by the vain child, and a sigh was heard in the crowd.

Haoyue's face was slightly cold, but he quickly regained his smile and said: "If this is the case, then I am not reluctant... Please wait a moment, let me and several younger brothers come together to break the battle."

The crowd waited after returning.

Four disciples of Tianzhenmen assisted in the break of the month.

After half an hour, Haoyue suddenly threw out dozens of flags and shouted at the same time: "The front door was temporarily opened. I continued to support the front door, and everyone would hurry in."

Read The Duke's Passion