MTL - Hello 1983-Chapter 1086 Always put safety first

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  Chapter 1086 Must put safety first

   On the twenty-fourth day of the twelfth lunar month, Liu Qingshan packed his things at home and prepared for the New Year.

  Put up the lantern poles glued by the fourth and fifth, and lead a group of little guys to paste the walls and sheds. It is lively and lively, which has the atmosphere of the New Year.

   Even Fawn’s cheeks were covered with rice paste, and after drying, the cheeks were stretched tightly.

  Grandpa and grandpa are busy cleaning up food and drink.

  Pig heads and claws should be scorched with fire, then scraped clean and put into the pot.

  In one day, the walls of my grandfather's house and my own house were finished. Liu Qingshan took a look: "It seems that there are still a few New Year pictures missing."

   It’s Chinese New Year, how can we do without New Year pictures?

   "Tomorrow there will be a big fair in the town, let's go see if there are any for sale. In the past two years, there have been fewer New Year pictures for sale." Mother murmured.

  With the development of the times, New Year pictures have gradually withdrawn from the stage of history.

  The main reason is that people's living standards have improved. There are more and more brick and tile houses and cement walls, which are not suitable for posting New Year pictures.

  Secondly, there is the impact of wall calendars and various plastic printed materials.

  However, Liu Qingshan feels that if there are not a few New Year pictures on the newspaper-pasted mud wall, it will always feel empty.

   Flipping the sky, on the twenty-fifth day of the twelfth lunar month, there is a big fair in Qingshan Town. This is the last big fair before the year, and it must be lively.

   After breakfast, everyone dressed neatly. Liu Qingshan drove a car, and Li Tieniu drove a car, pulling his wife and son.

   There are also Xiaohuo and Xiaoyueyue, plus the fourth, fifth and sixth children, there is no room for them in the car.

   "Take a sledge, and it happens that we take a sledge." The little brother had a trick, found a big sledge, and tied it to the back of the car.

   Now, the children are scrambling to squeeze onto the sledge again.

  So the off-road vehicle in front drove slowly, and a big sledge was pulled behind, and laughter was sprinkled all the way.

   Arrived in the town, parked the car at the side of the wild vegetable factory, and then the large troops strolled towards the market.

  Qingshan Town is also quietly undergoing some changes. With the prosperity of the economy and the invigoration of the market, some units in the past have gradually declined.

  Like agricultural machinery stations, purchasing departments, supply and marketing cooperatives, and veterinary stations, they have gradually been replaced by private operations.

  However, Qingshan Town is relatively prosperous as a whole, because it is supported by two large factories, the pharmaceutical factory and the wild vegetable factory.

   Moreover, driven by Jiapigou, the planting and breeding industries have developed well, so it is also the wealthiest town in Bishui County.

  With money, the economy will naturally become more active, so the Daji in Qingshan Town is also the largest.

  Liu Qingshan held Xiaolulu in his arms, and Wu Tong led Xiaoyueyue in his hands, and they poured into the market with the flow of people.

   "Candied haws!" The little old man had sharp eyes and saw an old man selling candied haws.

   "Mutton skewers!" Little Six also found the target, bought a handful of meat skewers, and distributed them to everyone one by one.

  Even Xiaolulu got mixed up, his mouth was so hot that he sizzled all the time, and then he was reluctant to let go.

  Sweeping all the way, Liu Qingshan and Li Tieniu were covered with all kinds of things, they were like two mobile shopping carts.

  I bought a roll of big red paper for writing couplets, but it couldn’t be folded, and it was still in the way when I held it, so Xiaocui rolled it into a paper tube and stuffed it behind Li Tieniu’s hat brim.

   clapped the calf happily: "My father has grown horns!"

   From time to time, I can meet acquaintances, say hello and have a chat.

  All within the union, the villagers from all villages greeted Liu Qingshan cheerfully when they saw Liu Qingshan.

   It’s not too bad. When I met a seller of New Year pictures, Liu Qingshan immediately gave them all.

   The stall owner was stunned: "There are hundreds of them, how big is your house?"

   "Save it and post it later."

  Liu Qingshan directly asked the stall owner to send all the New Year pictures to the wild vegetable factory. This thing is easy to preserve, and it is pressed flat to the bottom of the box. It will be safe for decades.

  Of course, new clothes are indispensable for Chinese New Year. Wu Tong and Xiaocui bought a whole set of clothes for the old and the young.

   On the way, Liu Qingshan and Li Tieniu sent them back to the wild vegetable factory first, otherwise they would not be able to get them.

   When the two brothers came back, they saw a large circle of people in front of a stall, and the voice of Xiao Laosi came from inside.

  Rang Rang, the two brothers quickly separated from the crowd and squeezed in, only to see the fourth and the others arguing with a middle-aged stall owner:

   "Liu Zi said that you are fake medicinal wine, then it must be fake!"

   "Your tiger bones are simply beef bones!" Xiao Liuzi also pointed angrily at the large glass bottles on the stand.

  The stall owner was also annoyed by these little girls: "Hurry up and play, don't interfere with my business here, what do children know, this is obviously a tiger bone!"

   "The sixth son of our family is a little genius doctor!" The fourth son, the fourth, introduced the sixth son in a barbaric way.

  The stall owner was also dumbfounded, and quickly closed the stall: Is it okay if I don’t sell it?

  Amidst the booing of the crowd, the stall owner left in embarrassment, and Liu Qingshan was also helpless: the era of fakes has finally arrived.

  In the process of rapid economic development, some precious things will also be lost.

  Perhaps decades later, some people will miss this innocent era very much.

   This is out of his control, let's continue to visit Daji.

  Buy some food and drink. During the Chinese New Year, Liu Qingshan's family has a lot of people, so he needs to prepare more chicken, duck and fish.

   It was not until the afternoon when they gathered together that they returned with a full load. The two cars were packed to the brim, and even several sacks were pulled on the sledge.

  When we got home, dinner was ready, so Liu Qingshan took a few New Year pictures and pasted them on his grandfather's house. Of course, the big fat boy was holding a big red carp.

  Grandfather Liu Shikui was also happy from ear to ear: "Sanfeng, it will be good to add another big fat boy sometime."

  Although the current family planning policy is relatively strict, they are all only children.

  But Liu Qingshan knows that after decades, let alone the second child, even the third child will be let go.

   And he has the nationality of Liland, so there is no restriction.

  Just don’t worry, wait until Xiaolulu is a few years older and have another child, the two children will also be companions.

   Busy and busy, it was New Year's Eve, Liu Qingshan and Li Tieniu came back from their morning exercise, and brought the big bear from the mountain to eat dumplings for the New Year, don't forget about them.

   It’s just that the belly of this guy is too big, and the dumplings are definitely not enough.

  Wait until morning, the herd of deer also went down the mountain, and went into the village to find food

  The fourth and fifth children brought out a lot of food, sprinkled it on the ground, and mixed some large grains of salt in it.

   "Deer, deer." Xiao Lulu muttered the few words he had learned, including the word deer.

  She was not afraid at all, and kept moving forward, stretching out her little hand, touching the majestic antlers of the big bull, and giggling happily.

  The big buck is also very docile, and he sticks out his tongue to lick the small face of the little deer.

   "Come, ride on the deer and take a photo." Liu Qingshan directed the fourth child and the others to hug the deer on the back of the deer.

  Then the other children also rushed to take pictures.

   "Is this the year of the deer?" Emma was a little curious.

  Old Maoer hehe twice: "You celebrate the Year of the Deer yourself. There is no deer in the Chinese zodiac. I can't remember how many times I've told you."

   "There seems to be something with horns inside?" Emma was still arguing.

  Old Maoer couldn't understand her.

  The New Year’s Eve dinner was in Grandpa’s house, and there were four tables set up before sitting down.

  The older sister Yang Hongying and Zheng Hongqi also came back to celebrate the New Year, only the second sister Liu Yinfeng and Qian Yuzhen did not come back.

   Zheng Hongqi is now the mayor of SJ City and has a bright future.

  However, at the dinner table, he still chatted with Liu Qingshan about some work problems, mainly about the reform of state-owned enterprises and the layoff of workers.

   This point is particularly prominent for heavy industrial cities in Northeast China.

  The trend of the times cannot be changed by Liu Qingshan alone. The pain brought by the times can only be smoothed over time.

  Yang Hongying chatted with Liu Qingshan about investing and building a factory in Lilan. She is still looking forward to going abroad.

   As for the eldest sister Liu Jinfeng, she has completed the layout of the unified dairy industry, and the next step is to invest in the construction of breeding farms and production plants.

  Liu Qingshan exhorted in a particularly serious way: "Sister, the quality must be checked, and you can't just add messy things to it!"

   In the end, Liu Jinfeng gave her a blank look: "Your sister isn't so black-hearted, besides, our little Lulu still drinks milk powder every day."

   After finishing speaking, he posted Lu Lu's little face, and then stuffed the picked fish into the little guy's mouth.

  Xiao Lulu was so delicious, he smiled at Auntie.

   This little guy also loves to laugh. Liu Qingshan has never heard her cry in the past few days since he came back.

   "When we make food, we must put safety first." Of course Liu Qingshan was relieved of the elder sister and the elder sister.

   What worries him is that because the two of them are too busy, they ignore food safety, and the people below will mess around, and it will be a scam.

  The companies under Liu Qingshan are all influenced by him. They have always strictly controlled the quality.

  As soon as everyone finished eating, Liu Shikui sat on the kang and said, "Hand out lucky money!"

   "I will kowtow to grandpa first, grandpa and grandma have a happy new year."

  Little Six simply kowtowed to Liu Shikui on the kang, and then received a big red envelope from grandma.

   Then Xiaohuo Xiaoniu Xiaoyueyue and the others also kowtowed one by one to receive the red envelopes.

  Grandpa, as well as Liu Qingshan's grandpa, even Professor Wu and Grandpa Wang, followed suit and distributed red envelopes to the children.

   "Fourth and fifth, you also have a share." Grandma said with a smile.

   "We are all grown up." The little fourth felt that he had grown up.

  The old five behaved well, kowtowing to grandparents.

   "Is there any part for me?" Liu Qingshan asked cheerfully.

   "You've already got a family, it's none of your business, Xiaolulu come, grandpa will give you lucky money, safe and sound, healthy growth."

   Liu Shikui looked at his great-granddaughter with joy on his face. It is not easy for him to have four generations living under one roof.

  Xiao Lulu was really obedient, and crawled up to the grandfather, then pouted her little butt, and rubbed her forehead on the kang twice.

  People have been studying for a long time just now.

   "Okay, okay, Lulu is so smart, you can learn to kowtow without anyone teaching you!" Grandma kept boasting.

  Liu Qingshan giggled twice: "Of course, you should be more active when it comes to making money."

   Everyone also laughed, Liu Qingshan glanced over the faces of the old people: "Let's make a rule today, from now on, my daughter will kowtow to everyone every year to earn lucky money, and no one is allowed to play tricks!"

  Of course Liu Shikui understood his grandson's intentions: "Okay, let's all work hard and try to wait until the day Xiaolulu gets married and starts a business."

  (end of this chapter)

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