MTL - Hello 1983-Chapter 1095 This land must

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  Chapter 1095 This land must be

  The location of Tuva is not bordering on the domestic side, but in name, it has always been the territory of China, and it can be regarded as an enclave.

   Until next year, that is, in 1994, when the Republic was established there, Tuva will not be officially separated from China's territory.

  The area here is not small, more than 170,000 square kilometers, which is equivalent to a medium-sized province in China.

  If such a large piece of land can really be taken back, then Liu Qingshan will wake up laughing from his dreams.

  He pulled the fishing rod in his hand vigorously, dragging the big fish in the water to the shore bit by bit, and his mouth was not idle:

   "Comrade Sergey, this is not possible. Tuva is a completely inland area, it is too backward, and, in name, it was originally our territory."

  Of course, Liu Qingshan will not use up all the bonds in his hand. As for business, of course bargaining is indispensable.

   What he said was true. Tuva later became one of the poorest countries in Asia.

  Although the area here is not small, the population is only 200,000 to 300,000. That is to say, the area of ​​a province has the population of a county.

  The living ethnic groups are mainly the descendants of the former Turks and Mongolians, and of course there are very few other ethnic groups.

  The way of life is also similar to that of the bordering Mongolia. It is basically grazing, fishing and hunting. There is no complete industrial system, and of course it is backward.

  Of course there are some petroleum and mineral resources, but they are all controlled by the Soviet Union and later Russia.

  This country has always been like this, blindly drawing blood for other ethnic groups and regions, otherwise, conflicts would not break out frequently.

  So although Liu Qingshan wanted it in his heart, he couldn't help but dislike it in his mouth.

  Sergey picked up the big dipping net, aimed at the head of the big fish in the water a few times, and the wild big fish was so strong that it got rid of it.

   "Liu, you have to know that territorial issues are inherently complicated, and there is no distinction between yours and mine." Sergey also debated with Liu Qingshan.

  Liu Qingshan is not easy to be fooled. His amount of information is not comparable to that of today’s people. While struggling to hold the fishing rod, he said:

   "I heard that there is a lot of chaos there now, the anti-Russian tide is surging, some people are clamoring for independence, some people are planning a coup d'etat, and there are riots. You are simply throwing the burden."

   "Liu, with your ability, I will definitely be able to manage it well." Sergey has great confidence in Liu Qingshan.

   "That's for the future. If you want to exchange junk for money, you're taking me for a fool. My friend, you should know that the bonds in my hand are worth more than trillions."

  Liu Qingshan reminded Sergey again, and Sergey was speechless because the amount of money was too huge.

  In Tuva, there are basically only grasslands and forests, and there are no special mineral resources, and the political situation is still unstable, so the authorities want to get rid of it.

   And they also have other thoughts: At that time, the Tuvans may fight for independence again and ask to return to the Russian Federation. Then, if they go around like this, they will be like empty-handed wolves, with no loss at all.

  After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the politicians headed by Lao Ye gave up a total of nearly five million square kilometers of territory without blinking an eye.

  The intention is obvious. The Russian Federation is throwing away the burden and throwing away all the poor.

   Besides, the people of Tuva are tough, to what extent, they are tougher than the fighting nation.

  The locals are very xenophobic and often have disputes with the Russians. Maozi is often attacked, so he just let go.

  Otherwise, no matter how much money Liu Qingshan has, he would never want to gain an inch of his territory.

   thump thump, Li Tieniu and Li Tie strode over.

  Just now they saw that it was Sergey, and they knew they had something to talk to the little brother, so they didn't bother.

  Now that there was no movement, Li Tieniu ran over, jumped into the water with a plop, swung his big fist, bang bang bang, and hit the big fish's head three times in a row, causing water to splash everywhere.

   Immediately, a white belly surfaced.

  Li Tieniu wiped the water on his face: "This is so simple!"

   After finishing speaking, he hugged the one-meter-long big fish, walked to the bank, and threw it on the grass with a snap, standing straight and motionless.

  Liu Qingshan also nodded with a smile. Sometimes, being simple and rude is the way to solve problems.

So he said to Sergey: "My request is that, in addition to the oil and gas resources that have been agreed, plus the Tuva side, but all ethnic groups other than the Tuva people living there should be removed. This is for you to arrange."

  In fact, the total population is less than 300,000, and the other ethnic groups together only account for 20%, which is 50,000 to 60,000 people.

   Don't underestimate these 50,000 to 60,000 people, the Russians among them control every aspect of this area, and Liu Qingshan takes over, of course, he must be aware of this hidden danger.

   "Okay, I will report the truth to the above."

   Sergey couldn't help feeling relieved when he saw Liu Qingshan suddenly become straightforward. He really didn't want to bargain with Liu Qingshan.

   "Haha, let's do this first, let's go, old friends meet again, let's go back to the city and have a good drink."

  Liu Qingshan also packed his things and prepared to go back to the city. After talking about business, the rest is personal friendship.

   "It's really good to taste this big fish." Sergey also showed a smile on his face. He was actually more willing to talk about friendship with Liu Qingshan than talking about business in a serious manner.

  So he drove back to Gongqing City, and at the firm, the chef brought by Shuichang Jiang began to process the big fish.

  If it is handed over to Mao Zi's chef, Liu Qingshan is really not at ease.

  The cook brought by Lao Jiang used to be a cooking soldier, and he grew up by the river since he was a child, and he is a good fisherman.

   At noon, there is a whole fish feast, with chopped pepper fish head, braised fish belly, stir-fried fish intestines, without even throwing away the fish scales, fried into golden rolls, very crispy to eat.

   There is also a fish ball soup, which is springy and tender. Use a spoon to scoop up a spoonful of milky white fish soup with fish **** floating on it. When you eat it, it is delicious.

  Sergey was also in a good mood and had a big appetite. As a result, Li Tieniu drank too much before he knew it.

  The next day, Sergey left by plane. It is such a big event that there is something to talk about.

  Anyway, Liu Qingshan was not in a hurry, and he didn't call the country before the matter came to a conclusion.

  If the country is in the early stage, it will be difficult to talk about it.

  In the following month, Sergey and Liu Qingshan communicated on the phone several times, and then the negotiation finally entered the formal stage.

  The other party came to a deputy foreign minister, led the team, and arrived at Komsomolsk.

  Looking at this posture, Liu Qingshan was also preparing to communicate with the country, and he would have to send a delegation to negotiate, and then he would retire.

  In the end, Sergey stopped him, and then said tactfully: This is a negotiation between the government and Liu Qingshan, and has nothing to do with the two countries.

   Liu Qingshan was taken aback: What do you mean?

   "My friend, if we reach an agreement, Tuva will be your private territory." A smile flashed in Sergey's eyes.

   This time, Liu Qingshan was not taken lightly by Lei, and he waved his hands again and again: "No, no, I am a businessman, and I am not going to be a politician."

  Sergey shook his head twice: "No, not a politician, but a monarch."

  Liu Qingshan understood a little bit, the meaning of the other party was obvious: Liu Qingshan bought the land with money, and then it would belong to him permanently.

  In this sensitive period, the Russian Federation does not dare to return Tuva directly in order to maintain stability. In that case, there will be too many territorial disputes involved.

  And if the other republics in the Federation follow suit, if there is another independence, the second disintegration, the precarious country can no longer stand the toss.

   In this way, a compromise solution is adopted, which is equivalent to spending money to buy land, and no one else can find fault with it. If you have money, you can buy it too.

   This change was a bit too sudden, Liu Qingshan was really not mentally prepared.

   "Sergey, I need to think about it." Liu Qingshan's mind is a bit messed up now.

   After sending Sergey away, Liu Qingshan pondered for a long time before picking up the phone.

   After communicating intermittently for three days, Liu Qingshan finally waited for a special person from China, Mr. Li, who did not have any official position and came here in a private capacity.

  But Liu Qingshan knows that what Mr. Li represents is the will of the country.

  After some secret talks, Liu Qingshan's heart finally settled down.

  The news brought by Mr. Li is: the land of Tuva must be acquired.

  However, in view of the current political situation, Liu Qingshan still owns this territory in his own name, and we will talk about other things after it is stabilized, for example, the establishment of an autonomous region in the future.

  With this guiding ideology, Liu Qingshan officially started the negotiation with the other party.

  After three rounds of negotiations, the two sides will finalize all the details.

  Including the boundaries of the entire territory, as well as sovereignty and the like.

  The price Liu Qingshan paid was all the remaining bonds in his hands.

  There is another problem here. This investment is a joint investment, and it also involves Xiao Li and Huo Boss. They need to re-demarcate the shares.

  When Liu Qingshan called Xiao Li's old man, the two people were also quite surprised.

  But then they began to congratulate Liu Qingshan. If they wanted to, Liu Qingshan would be king in the future.

   King, this is the dream of many people!

   I am so envious of Xiao Li. If he becomes king, the first thing he will do is to build a huge harem team.

   But in Tuwana, Liu Qingshan will not agree to share it with others. This is a matter of principle.

  In other words, Xiao Li said that he is a foreigner, and if he really went there to get rid of it, he would probably be beaten to death.

  But Liu Qingshan is different, after all, it has a deep historical connection with that side.

  Both Xiao Li and Lao Ba have no objection to the redistricted shares.

  Of course there is no objection. Liu Qingshan's shares in oil and gas have been directly reduced by more than 60%. After conversion, only more than two billion US dollars of original capital is left.

  Although Liu Qingshan is still the largest shareholder, there are trade-offs. Liu Qingshan's current shareholding is slightly higher than that of Katyusha and Xiao Li.

   After Xiao Li's side is settled, there are fellows like Boss Huo. They are also compatriots here anyway, so there should be no problem.

   As a result, when Liu Qingshan contacted Boss Huo, an accident happened. Boss Huo disagreed with life and death, and he had to taste what it was like to be a king, even if he was a deputy king.

  Does the king also have a deputy?

   It made Liu Qingshan dumbfounded, so he said to him directly on the phone: "How about I act as the president first, and then you become the commander of the navy?"

   Good, good, almost made Boss Huo's snot look beautiful.

   I was happy for a long time, and then realized: "Brother Qingshan, there is a landlocked country over there. Is there a sea?"

  Liu Qingshan said solemnly: "Of course there is, isn't it called Tangnu Wulianghai in the past?"

  (end of this chapter)

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