MTL - Hello 1983-Chapter 1109 Misunderstandings are all misunderstandings (ask for a guaranteed monthly ticket)

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  Chapter 1109 Misunderstanding, it’s all a misunderstanding (ask for a guaranteed monthly ticket)

   After breakfast at my uncle's and grandpa's house, Little Six gave Huang Shuwen a pulse diagnosis in a decent manner.

  After feeling the pulse, Xiao Liuzi said with a smile: "Grandpa's health is fine, and he will live a long life for sure."

   "Thank you, little genius doctor." Huang Shuwen stretched out his hand to touch Xiao Liuzi's head, with a cheerful face.

  Liu Qingshan blinked: Why does the little six talk like this?

  In the country of America, my aunt and grandpa Du said so; at my uncle’s house, I still said that, wouldn’t it be to fool the old people?

  However, he also believed in the strength of Xiaoliuzi. It seems that there is really nothing wrong with the bodies of these old people.

  The phone in the living room rang, Huang Shuwen picked it up calmly, exchanged some pleasantries, and then looked towards Liu Qingshan:

   "It's Mr. Zheng and Da Liu who are coming to **** the earth. Do you have time?"

  Liu Qingshan nodded with a smile, it is morning, how could he have the time to play hoeing, obviously people knew he was here, and wanted to visit him, to find a reason.

   Not long after, a car drove up to the gate of the villa, Huang Shuwen greeted him, and Liu Qingshan followed behind.

  After all, the other party is also an elder. Although there was an unpleasant contact, because of Zheng Yuejiao's incident, there are gradually signs of reconciliation.

  I saw Mr. Zheng and Da Liu getting out of the car, and a strange middle-aged man, all of whom greeted Huang Shuwen with a happy face.

  Originally, Huang Shuwen and Mr. Zheng were still several grades behind, but he couldn't stand him having a good grandson.

  Huang Shuwen exchanged pleasantries, he is so old, he sees everything, and doesn't care much about it.

   "Grandpa Zheng, Brother Liu." Liu Qingshan also greeted.

   "What a coincidence, when did brother Qingshan come?" Da Liu stepped forward to shake hands with Liu Qingshan.

  Old Master Zheng also nodded with a smile: "There are talented people from generation to generation, Mr. Huang, we are all old."

   "Old man, with aspirations of thousands of miles, Grandpa Zheng, you can't accept old age, there are many important things waiting for you to do."

  Liu Qingshan also said cheerfully, which made everyone laugh together.

   "Qingshan, let me introduce you. This is the boss of the Guo family. The scale of the real estate business surpassed that of rich man Li last year."

   "Then I'll call you Brother Guo." Liu Qingshan shook hands with a smile. This is obviously the eldest of the three Guo brothers. Two years ago, the old man of the Guo family passed away, and the company was run by three sons.

  The Guo brothers are really upbeat, and they still make the family business bigger and bigger.

   As for the separation of families and the like, that is a matter of the future.

   Boss Guo is in his early forties, in his prime, similar to Boss Huo, but he is serious, not like Boss Huo.

  He also shook hands with Liu Qingshan enthusiastically: "How old will I be, so I will ask you to call you Brother Qingshan."

  After exchanging pleasantries, everyone entered the living room together. Huang Shuwen didn't mention the matter of playing with the earth. Obviously, these people came here specially to find Liu Qingshan.

  Someone made tea and chatted for a while. Da Liu and Liu Qingshan had several contacts, and he was also the most talkative, so he said:

   "Brother Qingshan, congratulations, in Forbes magazine, we Chinese are honored."

  Da Liu can be considered a tosser. He is good at dancing in the business world, and he also likes to collect female stars from Hong Kong Island.

  But compared with Liu Qingshan, they are much inferior. They are still playing around on Hong Kong Island, and they have entered the international stage.

  Da Liu is rarely convincing, and now he can only be convinced.

  Liu Qingshan smiled and waved his hands: "I don't want to mention that, I would get angry if I mentioned it, and I owe billions in financing."

   Boss Guo laughed loudly: "The one who can owe money is the real skill."

   After chatting and laughing for a while, feeling that the distance between each other has shortened a lot, Boss Guo said:

   "Brother Qingshan, you came from the mainland and know the situation better. If you want to invest in the mainland, which industries are more suitable?"

  Liu Qingshan also understood the purpose of several people's visit. Obviously, they are aware of the huge market in the mainland and are preparing to make a big move.

   It’s just that Liu Qingshan is a little puzzled: These people have a professional investment team, and they must have done research and research long ago, so why bother to ask him?

  But since people asked, as a local householder, it is necessary for him to answer.

After thinking for a moment, Liu Qingshan said: "Then I will talk about my own thoughts. In the past ten years or so, the country has developed very rapidly, and now the policy is completely open. No matter the time, place and people are harmonious, it is the best time. Brother Guo's vision is really brilliant."

   Boss Guo was flattered and waved his hands with a smile, while Liu Qingshan continued:

   "It is precisely because of the comprehensive development of the country that there is investment value in various fields."

   "The specific situation depends on what field you are good at. Just like Grandpa Zheng, opening a jewelry store in the mainland is a good attempt."

  Old Master Zheng also smiled and waved his hands: "Isn't it a dowry for my granddaughter and someone else's?"

   After finishing speaking, he glanced at Liu Qingshan quite meaningfully.

  Speaking of which, that investment was undoubtedly a failure. Fortunately, Zheng Yuejiao took over in the end, which was considered to save the face of the Zheng family, otherwise it would be a big shame.

   Boss Guo took advantage of the situation and said, "However, I heard that the water in the mainland is also very deep. The Li family's real estate company failed several times."

  Liu Qingshan seemed to understand the purpose of these people's visit, and he couldn't help but feel amused.

   I think it is because he has repeatedly acted out to sabotage Regal Li's entry into the domestic real estate industry, and created the illusion for these rich Hong Kong businessmen, thinking that Liu Qingshan is specifically blocking foreign capital, so this is why he came to talk to him.

  So Liu Qingshan smiled slightly: "Brother Guo, I am actually mainly responsible for the Li family's affairs."

   "I heard that the Li family is engaged in real estate business and likes to hoard land, but what the country needs are real builders who can promote the prosperity of the market at the fastest speed. That's why there was a misunderstanding."

   "So that's how it is." Boss Guo couldn't help but secretly heaved a sigh of relief, "Haha, misunderstanding, it's all misunderstanding."

  He had heard a lot about Young Master Li's affairs.

  He is also planning to enter the real estate market in the mainland, but he is hesitant because of the lessons learned by the Li family.

  Because the young man in front of him has strength and means, let him follow in the footsteps of the Li family.

   Now that you have heard Liu Qingshan's assurance, there is nothing to worry about.

  Then Boss Guo laughed and said, "Brother Qingshan, we at Sun Hung Kai Properties will not do such unproductive things. We will definitely complete the development according to the construction schedule."

   "Then, on behalf of the local government, I would like to thank Brother Guo and the people of insight in Hong Kong Island for making their own contributions to the prosperity of the domestic market."

   Of course, Liu Qingshan also has to express his opinion, to give others a reassurance, so that he can invest with peace of mind.

  After all, in the early stage of development, Hong Kong capital still played a huge role, and it is a force that cannot be ignored.

   It would be a joke if he, the goalkeeper, stood in the way and hindered the process.

  After listening to Liu Qingshan's words, the atmosphere in the living room became more relaxed. Everyone talked about the domestic customs and investment environment.

  Liu Qingshan also described the situation of rapid development and change in the country as much as possible on the Internet, to reassure people.

   As for the specific investment plan of the other party, Liu Qingshan is not inconvenient to ask. Given the net worth of these people, it must be a big deal.

  Just like Mr. Zheng, he will definitely invest in the construction of jewelry stores in the mainland. Zhou's jewelry in later generations has been distributed to administrative units at the county level.

   This may compete with Shanhaizhai for some business, but Liu Qingshan knows that this is an inevitable development. Even if there is no Zhou's Jewelry, there will be other jewelry companies entering, and in the end, won't they all make a lot of money?

  Healthy competition will promote the prosperity of the entire industry, and then form a collective money-making effect.

   Needless to say, Boss Guo must be aiming at the domestic real estate business, which is his specialty.

  As for Liu, he started by selling fans, and his business involves real estate, construction, manufacturing, media, etc. Liu Qingshan doesn't know which industry he will invest in.

  Da Liu is even called the "Actress Sniper". In this regard, Liu Qingshan does not comment, it is all a matter of personal preference, one for money, one for sex, each takes what he needs.

  If others don’t talk about it, let’s talk about Fuhao Li, who also took the Hong Kong sister with the same surname home, and then a few hours later, his wife died strangely.

   While chatting, they talked about the news in today's newspapers, mainly foreign consortiums on Hong Kong Island. The matter of suing Liu Qingshan made a lot of noise in the newspapers.

  Because the owners behind the newspapers are different, the opinions in the newspapers are also different, and some are completely opposite.

   "Qingshan, don't worry, we all support you, Hong Kong Island is our Chinese Hong Kong Island, and those foreign capitals are moths who only know how to exploit!"

  Old Master Zheng was filled with righteous indignation, and he was still not confused in the face of such big right and wrong.

  Da Liu tried to help Liu Qingshan find the best lawyer in Hong Kong Island, but he heard that Liu Qingshan had already hired the most professional lawyer in London and was rushing over, so he stopped pushing.

  Everyone chatted happily, and had dinner at Huang Shuwen's residence at noon, and then broke up happily.

  After seeing off the guests, Chu Fengzhen suddenly said: "Mr. Zheng, this is the first time eating at our house."

   This kind of boss can't just eat at any house, it represents an attitude, and represents the good of the whole family.

  Huang Shouting glanced cheerfully at Liu Qingshan, and he also knew that it was all thanks to Liu Qingshan that those big families looked up to their Huang family.

   After taking a nap, Liu Qingshan was going to go to Jia Kui's side to rework the two songs that he researched yesterday.

   As a result, another visitor came, this time a foreigner with the appearance of a housekeeper, who very formally handed over an invitation to Liu Qingshan.

   Seeing Fei Peng's signature under the invitation, Liu Qingshan couldn't help being taken aback:

  The last governor, invite him to the ball, there will be no tricks in it, right?

  But even if it is a Hongmen Banquet, what is there to be afraid of Liu Qingshan?

  Then nodded to the housekeeper: "Please thank the governor on your behalf, I will definitely visit as scheduled."

  (end of this chapter)