MTL - Hello 1983-Chapter 1125 The theme is confidence

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  Chapter 1125 The theme is self-confidence

   Beijing University’s lecture today really invited many heavyweight guests.

  Accompanied by the principal personally, Mr. Wu and a group of seniors entered the venue.

  Although they are not young, all of them still hold their heads high and walk vigorously. After all, they are all former soldiers, and their demeanor remains the same as before.

  All the students gave a standing ovation. They all grew up listening to the stories of these seniors.

  Wu Lao and the others waved frequently, an old man said to Wu Lao with a smile:

   "Old Wu, I'm still wondering, you old guy is full, inviting us here, it seems a bit interesting now, being with young people, we old guys also become young."

  Old Wu smiled and said nothing. This is certainly one reason, but the root cause is not here.

  The principal of Peking University also said with a smile on the sidelines: "When will we hold a special speech on the history of the revolution, labor the old generals, and tell the young people about the glorious years of the year, which will be more educational."

   "That's a good idea." An old man with a thin face nodded approvingly, "I participated in the Pingxingguan battle back then, and the big blades were all cut..."

   "Old Song, stop, stop, we can hear calluses in our ears, are you still talking?" A fat old man next to him interrupted the conversation, making everyone laugh.

  Song Xue followed beside her grandfather, reaching out to support his arm, but was pulled aside by Song Laopa: "I'm not too old to walk."

  Song Xue could only blink helplessly: Who is it that tells me to beat my waist and legs every day?

   Liu Qingshan also followed behind these old people, and when he came to this auditorium, he was also full of nostalgia.

  Looking at those young and flying faces, the corners of Liu Qingshan's mouth also slightly raised: the student days were really the most beautiful times.

   Zhang qingyang beside him seemed a little nervous, and his eyes flicked to Song Xue's side from time to time.

  Speaking of which, the two had been dating for several years, so it was the first time he had seen Song Xue's grandfather.

   "Boss, relax." Liu Qingshan said softly.

  Zhang qingyang also nodded solemnly, and secretly clenched his fists to cheer himself up.

   After all the old seniors took their seats in the front row, the students in the back sat down again, and the audience fell silent for an instant.

  A vice-principal came on stage and made a few opening remarks to introduce these veteran generals.

  Starting from Mr. Wu, every time someone was introduced, they stood up and saluted, and then drew warm applause from the students.

   "The next one is Liu Qingshan, an outstanding graduate representative of our Beijing University, and one of our keynote speakers today!" Finally, when Liu Qingshan was introduced, he also stood up, turned around and waved, which also won a round of applause.

   There were also a few shouts with strange accents: "Mountin, I'm short of you!"

  Among the students, there were bursts of surprised discussions.

  At present, the atmosphere is still conservative and traditional. Such shouting naturally caused many seniors to frown.

  The principal of Peking University quickly explained in a low voice: "It's a foreign student."

  Everyone was relieved. It is not surprising that a foreigner can do such a thing.

  The students present could not help feeling admiration: This senior named Liu Qingshan is really amazing!

  The number of foreigners coming to China is still relatively small, and it is not as flooded as in later generations, so every move has attracted special attention.

  The students also sighed in their hearts: This senior Liu, who wins glory for the country and can make these foreign girls confused, is simply our idol!

  This small episode made the atmosphere of the venue much more relaxed.

  After introducing the guests, the principal of Jingda came to the stage: "Before today's speech begins, we will present a special award to the company under the tree, which has been giving back to Jingda for a long time, a special contribution award!"

   "I don't need to emphasize this point too much. The winter and summer school uniforms worn by each of our students, as well as the weekly extra meals, as well as the bursaries for some students from poor families, all come from Dashuxia Company."

   "Every year, Dashuxia's funding for Peking University is nearly ten million. Every teacher and student is a beneficiary. Let us express our gratitude to Dashuxia Company with warm applause."

  Amidst the tide of applause, Liu Qingshan patted Zhang Pengfei who was beside him lightly: "Boss, it's time for you to accept the award."

  Zhang qingyang collected his mind, then stood up, and strode towards the stage.

  He is also wearing a Chinese stand-up collar today, and he is tall and tall, looking extraordinarily energetic.

  After taking the stage, he first bowed to the audience, and then stretched out his hands to receive the certificate from the principal, and the audience once again burst into warm applause.

   Of course Zhang qingyang had to give a short speech. In fact, he had already prepared for half the night last night, just for this moment on stage.

   Coming to the microphone, he bowed again: "Actually, I really don't need to thank you, because the founders under our big tree are all graduated from Beijing University."

   "For us, Jingda is a towering tree, and we are all a leaf on it, so our company is called under the tree, relying on Jingda to absorb nutrition."

   "Being able to repay our alma mater with our meager rewards is what everyone should do. This is the friendship between green leaves and roots."

  Zhang Pengfei's speech was short, but full of affection. When he bowed at the end, the audience burst into applause, and many students who had benefited had tears in their eyes.

  They also secretly made up their minds: they will also be a green leaf in the future.

   "This company under the big tree is still very good." Elder Wu nodded slightly. It's a set tone.

   "I think this young man is not bad. He has a conscience. He donates 10 million yuan to the school every year, which is almost catching up with the funds allocated to the school by the government?"

   It was Mr. Song who spoke. People who have come from that era, of course, understand the value of "drinking water without forgetting the well digger".

  Old Wu nodded towards him: "Xiao Song, you have a good eye for people."

   Song Lao did not doubt that he had him, and was praised by his old superior, of course he also smiled.

  But what Elder Wu said next made him unable to laugh anymore.

   "But I heard that such an excellent young man was rejected by you as your grandson-in-law. Xiao Song, is there such a thing?"

  Old Wu had a serious face, and Elder Song was stunned for a moment, then looked at his granddaughter Song Xue beside him, only to see her granddaughter bowed her head, her face was red.

  Elder Song had fought battles all his life, and he immediately understood what kind of battle was going on today, and he couldn't help but blush.

   "Xiao Song, let's have a good chat after the end." Elder Wu dropped this sentence and sat upright, because the speech on the stage had already begun.

   But Song Lao felt like sitting on pins and needles, with mixed feelings in his heart.

  The first person on stage was an alumnus who was born in the third class, and now he is a well-known entrepreneur. His speech was full of passion, just like this turbulent era.

  The students here are also deeply affected. The students of Peking University have never lacked the feeling of serving the country.

   Then there were several speakers on stage, all of whom were successful people in various industries, and they were also welcomed by the students.

   Liu Qingshan was the last one to appear on the stage, and he was also the youngest one.

  When he came to the stage and bowed, the audience applauded the most enthusiastically.

   "The young man Qingshan is not bad." Elder Wu also praised him, and the old seniors around him couldn't help but smile: What do you need to say?

  For Liu Qingshan, these old comrades, of course, know more than the students below.

  Whether it is the leader of the Million Dollar Village, or helping the country get back the aircraft carrier, and recovering the former territory, these major events are registered in the entire high-level.

   There is only one young man like this in the whole country.

   "Xiao Song, what do you think?" Mr. Wu is eyeing Mr. Song today.

Elder Song could only nod his head, and then he heard the voice of the old superior again: "The little comrade Qingshan is also a mountain boy who came out of the countryside. In fact, we old guys were the same at the beginning. Don't forget your roots."

   Song Laogang wanted to explain a few sentences, saying that he had never forgotten his roots, but he saw Wu Lao waved his hand, because Liu Qingshan on the stage had already started to give a speech.

  His voice spread through the microphone to the entire venue: "When I entered the auditorium just now, I heard a foreign friend call me short of you."

  Liu Qingshan's opening remarks soon caused a burst of laughter.

"I know that what you love is not me, but China's long history, once splendid civilization, and future opportunities for vigorous development. That's why you come to China to study. On behalf of every Chinese, I welcome you !"

   Applause erupted, everyone's heart was full of pride and pride.

  Liu Qingshan continued his speech: "So the theme of my speech today is self-confidence. A person needs self-confidence, a nation needs self-confidence, and a country also needs self-confidence..."

He started from Jiapigou, his hometown, and talked about the rise of the small village in the tide of reform; slowly he talked about the establishment of Dashuxia and Jade Bird Mobile, and also involved some entrepreneurship abroad, such as Earth Network, such as Longtengzhu learn.

  "Many of our international students choose to stay abroad after going out, although from the perspective of the spirit of internationalism, I have no objection to this approach."

   "But as a Chinese, I hope that every international student can return from their studies and serve the motherland."

   "The song of the great river will turn around, and the profound science and technology will help the poor. The feelings of the Prime Minister should be reflected in every one of our young people."

"Our Jade Bird Hi-Tech Park has accepted more than 2,000 returned overseas students. They have made their own contributions in cutting-edge technology fields such as mobile phones and computers, and their achievements are no less than what they can achieve abroad. "

   "I also sincerely hope that every student present here will think about what I said today when you are able to study abroad and have success in studying abroad."

  Liu Qingshan's speech aroused the deep thinking of every student present.

   "Finally, I want to reiterate my point of view with great confidence, which is also my prediction for the future. In our lifetime, China will surely rise in the east of the world!"

  (end of this chapter)

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