MTL - Hello 1983-Chapter 1136 it's a myth

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  Chapter 1136 This is a myth

  As the New Year approaches, the small mountain village of Jiapigou is also full of the atmosphere of the New Year.

  In Liu Qingshan's house, more and more people came back.

  The eldest sister Liu Jinfeng, the elder sister Yang Hongying, and her cousin Lin Qingqing in Hujiang, and even the second sister Liu Yinfeng rushed back from the United States with Qian Yuzhen and his wife.

  Chinese people's longing for the Spring Festival has long been deeply rooted in their bones.

  On New Year’s Eve, Liu Qingshan’s house was also decorated with lights and festoons. Lantern poles were erected outside, aisle flags were hung in the yard, and money and couplets with blessings were pasted on them.

   "New Year's Eve, New Year's Eve!" Xiaolulu yelled, and was busy working inside and outside the house.

  The little fourth child teased her: "Lulu, what is Chinese New Year?"

  The little girl blinked her eyes wide for a long time: "Hee hee, we are all together during the Chinese New Year."

  Wu Tong was overjoyed, picked up his daughter, and put his face on his face: "Our Lulu is really smart!"

  When Liu Qingshan comes to celebrate the New Year, he will listen to the report:

  In the United States, Qian Yuzhen's investment business has always been relatively stable. Several companies that have invested heavily in this year's performance have grown steadily this year, and the income is quite considerable.

  The funds drawn by Liu Qingshan the year before last have been returned to Qian Yuzhen. At present, the market value of the stocks in Qian Yuzhen's hands has exceeded two billion US dollars, and the speed of **** is quite fast.

  Liu Qingshan reckoned that in three to five years, it would not be a problem for the market value to exceed 10 billion.

  High-quality stocks such as Cisco, Microsoft, Apple, etc. are suitable for long-term holding.

  In addition, he also owns a small amount of stocks in Earth Net, mainly because Earth Net is currently the largest website in the world. The stock price keeps rising, and very few people make a move. It is not so easy to acquire it.

  Earth Net has few stocks in circulation, and Liu Qingshan alone accounted for 70%. When the shareholders meeting was held last year, some people raised objections.

  It is believed that the circulation plate is too small, which leads to the lack of room for hype and the low valuation of the stocks of Earth Network.

  After Liu Yinfeng raised this question with his younger brother, Liu Qingshan was not in a hurry.

  It is only the initial stage of the Internet now, and the price of stocks has a broad room for growth in the future. If you sell stocks at this time, it will be called a loss.

  His plan is to wait another three to five years until the dot-com bubble reaches its peak, sell some of's stock and enter the secondary market for circulation.

  As long as he personally holds more than 50% of the shares. In this way, more than 20% of Earth Net stocks will flow into the market. How much wealth can be exchanged for Liu Qingshan?

  Conservative estimates, billions or even tens of billions are still possible.

  Mr. Gates of Microsoft, because of the rapid development of the Internet, will become the richest man in the world next year, that is, in 1995.

  Then started the legend of occupying the world's richest man for 13 consecutive years from 1995 to 2007.

   It's just that the situation has changed a little now. It is estimated that by then, the throne of Bill's richest man will have to be given up to Liu Qingshan.

  Although Microsoft is strong, Liu Qingshan has a WANG computer in his hand, which has both hardware and software.

  The WPS office software developed now has a usage rate that exceeds Microsoft's Ophelia series of office software.

   In terms of text, charts, and presentations, it completely crushes Microsoft.

  I have to say that Mr. Wang went all out to take the high-end route back then, which was absolutely correct strategically.

   It's just that he ignored the consumption power of the low-end market, which led to the company's lack of a profit model, and it got into trouble.

  After Liu Qingshan was replaced, he grasped high-end and low-end, and used the profits obtained from low-end personal computers to invest in research and development, forming a spiritual cycle.

   What's more, the research and development department of WANG Computer has already started research on the computer operating system, which has been basically perfected, and it is estimated that it will be officially applied this year.

   This has undoubtedly greatly lowered the threshold for computer operation. Even a computer novice can indulge in surfing the Internet.

  Microsoft's Plague 95 operating system will not come out until next year, and it is estimated that the day lily will be cold by then.

  The Internet market is like this, whoever takes the first step can take the lead.

  After Liu Yinfeng and Qian Yuzhen reported the situation in the United States, Liu Yinfeng said with a smile:

   "Sanfeng, Jiang Renyi invites you to go to the United States this summer to participate in the WANG operating system system conference."

   "Also, the first Pirates of the Caribbean film, Black Pearl, shot by Columbia Pictures, is also going to be released in the summer."

  Liu Qingshan nodded with a smile: "This pirate ship is not easy. After two years of work, it is finally completed. It is not easy."

  A large-scale production, from planning to shooting, does require a relatively long period.

  From the pirate ship, Liu Qingshan couldn't help but think of another big ship, so he couldn't help shaking his head: "That Titanic, where is it now?"

  Liu Yinfeng blinked Danfeng's eyes: "Last year's Christmas file has already been released, didn't Xiao Li call to tell you?"

   "This kid, it seems that he is going to give me a surprise." Liu Qingshan shook his head, he was in the capital during the New Year's Day.

  In this period, the domestic information is still relatively closed, and there is no official international connection. The news in newspapers and TV rarely reports this kind of news, so Liu Qingshan really doesn't know about it.

  Qian Yuzhen also smiled: "It's a great movie. Brother Hong and I also went to the theater and contributed four tickets."

   "Why are there four cards?"

   "Of course I read it twice." Hong Yunsheng replied with a smile, and gave his wife a caressing look.

   "That's not much. I heard that there was a couple who watched it more than 60 times." Liu Qingshan also smiled, "Second Sister, how many copies did you contribute?"

  He and Xiao Li invested heavily in this movie, not to mention the real money, even the right to adapt the script was directly included in the box office share, so of course Liu Qingshan paid more attention to the box office situation.

   These words naturally attracted Liu Yinfeng's eyes.

  Liu Qingshan saw that the second sister's little hand was a little ready to move, and quickly changed the topic: "Do you remember, how much is the final box office revenue?"

   "Oh, this is a myth." Qian Yuzhen admired.

  Hong Yunsheng also sighed: "I can't imagine that the box office of a movie can be so terrible!"

  Liu Yinfeng also looked at Liu Qingshan with a smile: "Do you want to know, during the New Year's Eve dinner, cook a few more dishes for us, we may be able to tell you when we are happy."

   These three people obviously did it on purpose, they rarely saw Liu Qingshan anxious.

   Liu Qingshan actually made an expression to amuse them, of course he knew it.

  At this time, a half-big kid came rushing over: "Brother Qingshan, call, the team has a call for you, and it's from the United States!"

  Liu Qingshan laughed and stood up: "It seems that I don't need to bother you."

  He put on his coat and rushed towards the team headquarters.

  The popularization of domestic program-controlled telephones will take a few more years, and the installation cost was relatively expensive at that time, costing thousands of dollars, which is almost unimaginable in later generations.

  When we arrived at the team headquarters, the phone hadn't been put down yet. After all, it was not easy to get through once.

   "Wow, I'm Liu Qingshan, who are you?" Liu Qingshan picked up the microphone and asked.

  On the other end of the phone, Xiao Li's familiar voice came: "Liu, it's not easy to contact you once, you need to pay me a phone bill first."

   "Talk about the business, otherwise you will waste more phone bills." Liu Qingshan strongly despises this guy, he is also a billionaire anyway, is it interesting to bother about this little phone bill?

   "Okay, Liu, first of all, I wish you a happy New Year, it should be a happy Chinese New Year!" Xiao Li chose to call today, obviously because he was right on time.

  He has been in contact with Liu Qingshan for a long time, and he knows that New Year's Day and Spring Festival are two different festivals in China.

   "Thank you, Li, when we meet next time, I will give you a big red envelope. According to our tradition, there is a red envelope for New Year greetings."

  Liu Qingshan chatted cheerfully with him, and took Xiao Li into the ditch by the way, because the elders gave the younger ones red envelopes.

  Xiao Li is only half-baked, and really doesn’t understand the rules here, so he immediately said excitedly:

   "Liu, you must give me a big red envelope, because you are rich again!"

   "Is the big boat released, and what is the box office?" Liu Qingshan also wanted to know the exact figure.

   "Liu, do you have a guess?" Xiao Li kept a secret on the phone.

  Why both of them are like this, Liu Qingshan also shook his head helplessly: "It's fine if you don't say anything, I'm going to prepare the New Year's Eve dinner."

   "Okay, okay, Liu, Big Chuan's box office in North America is more than 600 million, and the global box office is nearly 2 billion. Oh, it has set a box office record. Liu, we made a lot of money!"

  Liu Qingshan is determined, it seems that this investment will finally usher in a rich return.

  Out of the two billion, how can he get four to five billion? After all, he is the biggest investor.

   And not only that, when the 3D technology comes out, you can make money once.

  In addition, income from CDs is also considerable.

  For example, in Huaxia, you can’t watch it in movie theaters, so you can only buy CDs and watch them at home with a VCD player.

  Remembering his previous life, he bought a set of big boat CDs and watched it several times, but it seemed to be a pirated version.

  Even the big ship that was built with huge sums of money was not in vain.

  After the success of the movie, many couples went to visit the big ship. It is said that the investment was recovered by charging tickets.

  Many couples will face the sea breeze and pose classic scenes from the movie on the bow of the boat, leaving eternal memories.

  My heart is eternal, it is a classic in the world.

  Xiao Li's excited voice came from the phone again: "Liu, now Fox and Paramount, the two companies, probably regret it to death, haha, who told them that they have bad vision and are not willing to invest!"

  Because of the high cost of filming, many people think that the cost will not even be recovered where the film is released.

  With a production cost of more than 200 million U.S. dollars, how many movies can reach 200 million at the box office?

  Even the director went all out and let it out beforehand: If he loses money, he won't get any of the more than 8 million dollars in remuneration that belongs to him.

   And the biggest investor, Mr. Mountain, was ridiculed by many professionals.

   But when the box office came out, everyone was dumbfounded, so they turned their backs one after another and began to praise Mr. Mountain's investment vision.

  After Xiao Li finished speaking with great interest, a smile appeared on the corner of Liu Qingshan's mouth:

   "Thank you, Li, this is the best New Year's greeting I've ever heard, and it can be regarded as my big red envelope for the Spring Festival, bye."

   "What about my red envelope?" Xiao Li hurriedly asked, but there was only a buzzing sound from the receiver. His red envelope apparently flew away with long wings.

  (end of this chapter)