MTL - Hello 1983-Chapter 1148 Red sun rises in the east

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  Chapter 1148 The Red Sun Rises in the East

   It was the first time in Liu Qingshan's life that he stepped into this special place of Vladivostok.

  The special reason is that this piece of land used to be our child, was taken away by someone, and now it is finally back home.

  As Mr. Wen Yiduo said: But what they took away was my body, and you still keep my inner soul.

   Today, the arrival of Liu Qingshan and the others will reinject the soul into this land, allowing him to glow with new vitality.

   Walking down the gangway and landing on both feet, Liu Qingshan couldn't help being a little excited, and he shouted in his heart: I'm coming!

   "I'm coming, here we are!"

  Liu Qingshan didn't shout out, but Xiao Lao Si and Xiao Liu Zi all shouted.

  Even Xiaolulu, with a small voice, shouted very vigorously.

   Shouting and bouncing around, expressing his joy.

  Although she didn't know what all this meant, she could feel the atmosphere of joy and excitement, and the joy of her parents and sisters, so she was also happy.

   Wu Tong held Liu Qingshan's arm, looked at the children with a smile, and then looked at Liu Qingshan, his eyes were full of love:

  Her man, once again made such a feat, as his wife, Wu Tong felt extremely proud.

   "Wow, it's not far from our Jiapigou, I have to come and see it often in the future, hahaha, this is our own home site, come whenever you want!"

   It was Liu Shikui who spoke. This time, Liu Qingshan's family was basically carried by the whole family.

  One reason is that the distance is relatively short, and the other reason is that this piece of land is of extraordinary significance to Liu Qingshan’s family.

   Even the eldest sister Liu Jinfeng's family, who was busy managing the company, and the elder sister Yang Hongying's family were also present.

   "The rise and fall of our country is recorded here, which is really meaningful." Gao Wenxue pushed his glasses with his hands, looking around eagerly.

  If the country is weak, the land will be lost; on the contrary, if the lost land is regained, it indicates that the country is going strong.

  As a writer, at this moment, he has the urge to create.

   "Sanfeng, our business will also expand here. I heard that the honey produced here is of very good quality. We unify the food, and the products are abundant again."

  Yang Hongying was also very excited. She was right, because the entire Eastern Autonomous Region has a forest coverage rate of 80% and is rich in linden tree honey. It was originally the largest honey production base in Maozi.

  Zheng Hongqi also looked around, with a calm appearance, but a turbulent heart.

   On the one hand, it is because of the return of this territory, and on the other hand, he has been appointed as the first chairman of the Eastern Autonomous Region.

   This was Liu Qingshan's proposal, and it was successfully adopted by the higher-ups.

   In addition to Liu Qingshan's family members, this team also has leaders sent by the country, led by the foreign minister.

   Of course, there are also the leader of the army, Chief Zhao, and Director Xu of the General Office.

  Because it is near the sea, it is warm and humid here. Although it is midsummer now, the sea breeze brings cool air, making it a very good summer resort.

  The natural environment basically maintains the original ecology, and because of the dense forest, it is a natural oxygen bar.

  Liu Qingshan looked at Chu Yunxiu in the crowd, this girl's sense of smell is really good enough, and she also came to investigate, presumably preparing to open a tourist route here.

   This is undoubtedly a very correct choice. First, the climate here is suitable for summer.

  Secondly, because of the special significance of Vladivostok, it will definitely attract tourists.

  More than a dozen cars came in from the special passage and stopped not far from Liu Qingshan and the others.

  Petrov, the former governor of the Primorsky Krai, led a group of officials to welcome him.

  In this team, Liu Qingshan also saw the foreign minister of the other party, and Sergey who accompanied him.

  The two sides hugged and shook hands and met cordially. Although Liu Qingshan has no position, he is the most important member, because nominally, this is his territory.

   After the meeting, the two parties drove to the city hall.

  The vehicle was driving on the street, and Liu Qingshan was also looking at the scene outside the window.

   This city is relatively prosperous, with a permanent population of nearly one million.

  There are some buildings beside the road, which are obviously old, with obvious Russian style, and they are also witnesses to the history of the city.

  Liu Qingshan felt that a symbolic building should also be built in the center of the city to record today's return day.

  Architecture must of course have Chinese characteristics. In this regard, my old father-in-law is undoubtedly the best candidate.

  Professor Wu also came together today, sitting in the back car. At this moment, he was also looking at the scene outside the car window, and said to Liu Shikui and Professor Wang beside him:

  “I think it is possible to build a monument to record the vicissitudes of the city for a century, and also let future generations remember, don’t forget the national humiliation, and revitalize China.”

   Several old people nodded together, this is also their wish.

  There are quite a few people on the street, they can be roughly divided into two categories, one is Maozi who is in a hurry, and the other is the first batch of Chinese people who are stationed here.

  Including authorities such as the military and police, as well as dispatched personnel from all walks of life.

  Their faces were full of pride and excitement, which was in stark contrast to the frustrated ones.

  Because of the maintenance of the army, there is no chaos in the whole city, let alone those who take advantage of the fire to loot or make trouble.

  Even if there were some at the beginning, Medvic's Black Bear Gang was responsible for cleaning them up.

  Because of the special geographical location, Vladivostok is on the verge of the three countries of China, Russia and North Korea, so among the residents, there are still some Koreans, and most of them choose to stay.

  The other is the original local indigenous people, there are Nanai people, who are the Hezhen people on our side;

   There are also Udegai people, the Hezhen people are good at fishing, and the Udegai people are good at beekeeping and harvesting honey.

  Then there are Ewenki people, who live in the mountains and forests all year round, accompanied by reindeer.

  This return, invisibly, is also a promotion for the development of these ethnic minorities, because they can intermarry with each other in a legitimate way.

  The convoy that Liu Qingshan and the others took drove into the state government all the way.

  Getting out of the car, Liu Qingshan looked up and saw that the flag of the Russian Federation was still hanging on the flagpole.

  So Liu Qingshan pouted at the younger brother, and saw the younger brother took out a neatly folded bright red flag from the backpack:

   "Brother, let's raise the national flag!"

   It is obvious that the atmosphere at the scene has become a little dignified, especially those hairy boys, whose faces are not very good-looking.

  In the current situation, the national flag is a symbol.

  But the foreign minister of the other party did not stop it, because he had no reason to stop it.

  Mr. Foreign Minister had no choice but to step forward and slowly lowered the national flag with his own hands.

  As for Liu Qingshan and the others, everyone was beaming. Everyone gave way to each other, and finally asked Liu Qingshan to raise the first national flag of the Eastern Autonomous Region by himself.

  Liu Qingshan waved to the children: "Then I will lead the children to raise the flag together, they are the hope of our country's future."

  This method is good, so as to avoid the need to discuss seniority between leaders, which is too troublesome.

  Liu Qingshan led the boy scouts to the front of the flagpole. He hung the national flag, then raised his arm lightly, and the national flag unfolded in the wind. The brilliant red made everyone feel excited and excited.

  The little ones and the fourth child all stretched out their small hands and pulled them gently. Although there is an electric setting, because there is no national anthem and music prepared in advance, it is more meaningful to do it manually.

   Liu Qingshan looked up at the rising of the national flag and began to sing the national anthem.

  And all the sons and daughters of China present looked up at the national flag and sang the majestic national anthem.

  At this moment, most people had tears in their eyes, because this was the first time that the national anthem was sung in this territory, and it was the first time that the national flag was flying in this territory.

  The accompanying reporters were also very excited to record this unforgettable scene with their cameras and video cameras.

  Because from this moment on, the children who left home are finally coming home!

  This is the most eastern land of the motherland, and it is the first place to see the sun rise.

  At this moment, Liu Qingshan’s heart was full of pride, and he couldn’t help but suddenly sang loudly:

  "The red sun rises in the east, and its avenue is full of rays of light."

   "How lucky I was to be born in your arms, with blood flowing in my veins!"

  His voice was so high that it reached the clouds, and in an instant, it seemed that the sunlight in the entire sky became more brilliant.

  All the Chinese people present felt that their hair seemed to stand on end in an instant, and their lofty pride was surging like the sunshine.

  Xiaolulu was very happy when he heard it: Dad taught them this song before they came.

  So Xiaolulu raised his voice and sang with his father:

  "The red sun rises in the east, and its avenue is full of rays of light..."

  The immature voice of a child expresses the most sincere emotions and blessings.

   Soon, Xiao Yueyue, Xiao Niu, Xiao Huo, Xiao Liu, including Xiao Lao Si, they all sang along:

   "How lucky I was to be born in your arms, with blood flowing in my veins!"

   "We face difficulties together, share blessings together, and stand upright,"

   "My country is self-improving, a thousand-year-old faith!"

  In this lyrics, Liu Qingshan only changed two words, changing the original "benevolence" to "self-improvement".

  He feels that at the moment, what is most needed is not benevolence, but self-improvement.

  The purest voices of the children, paired with this lyrics, produced a wonderful power, which made all the Chinese people present shed tears.

  Blinking his eyes, Lin Zizhou signaled to the cameraman that he must record this extremely precious scene. This is the best gift for the children to the motherland.

  Finally, Liu Qingshan’s majestic voice and the pure voices of the children gathered together, and then all the Chinese present sang together:

   "The red sun rises in the east, its avenue is full of rays of light, the red sun rises in the east, its avenue is full of rays of light..."

  The two lines of lyrics were repeated over and over again, and they sang for more than ten minutes before gradually stopping.

   Then everyone applauded together, whether it was the gray-haired old man or the innocent doll, their eyes were full of pride and tears of pride.

   Just today, at this very moment, the red sun rises in the east, kicking off the radiant prelude!

  (end of this chapter)

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