MTL - Hello 1983-Chapter 9 each have their own concerns

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  Chapter 9

  Old man Liu Shikui had a long sleep in the hotel, and when he woke up, he felt much more refreshed.

   This age is very old, and the journey is exhausting, so I really can't bear it.

  Thinking back, he was also a parachutist who traveled 200 miles a day, but now he has to accept his old age.

   Going to the bathroom, he found that his grandson hadn't come back yet, so he asked the waiter. It was past five o'clock, and the old man was unavoidably anxious.

  Where did this kid go?

  When Liu Shikui was in a panic, he suddenly heard someone knock on the door: "Master, dinner is ready!"

  It was the voice of the young man at noon, Liu Shikui fumbled and opened the door, and the aroma of food came to his nostrils.

   "This is? Where is Aoyama?"

   Liu Shikui asked with some doubts.

   "Oh, Qingshan is eating with us at the restaurant, he told you to bring some food back first, so you can't keep you hungry!"

  Gangzi quickly put the food on the table: "Grandpa, this is Chunfahe's pot-wrapped and slippery meat section. You always eat it while it's hot."

   "Is there any snow-covered bean paste?"

  Liu Shikui felt at ease now, and asked casually.

"That must be done, old man, so you have eaten and seen it before." Gangzi said a few words, opened the lid of the wine bottle, poured most of it from the white porcelain teacup in the house, and then ran away in a hurry .

   San Fenger has really grown up!

  Liu Shikui was in a good mood, he picked up a slice of meat in a leisurely manner, put it in his mouth and chewed slowly: Mmm, it's really delicious, I haven't tasted this taste for many years!

   Take another sip of the wine, um, it's a pleasure.

  In the restaurant, Liu Qingshan also started to eat: First, a piece of pot-wrapped meat, golden in color, sweet and sour, charred on the outside and tender on the inside, it tastes authentic.

   There is also this snow-covered bean paste, which is white in color, sweet and delicious, delicious!

  The others ate and drank, and asked Liu Qingshan for a bottle of orange soda.

  The restaurant right now can be said to be genuine. Meat and vegetables only cost a piece, and a large plate of grilled meat sticks costs only a piece.

  It seems cheap, but in fact, if you compare it with your salary, a meat dish accounts for almost one-thirtieth of your salary. If you have a family and a job, who would dare to eat like this?

  That is to say, this group of young people, all of whom are light-handed, have taken part in the work to make money, and there is no burden from the family. It can be said that one person has enough to eat, and the whole family has no worries.

  Liu Qingshan listened to them drinking and chatting, and he could hear the general idea: Basically, they all belong to the same factory as Liu Quangang, and it seems that there are no ordinary workers in the family.

   After filling his stomach, Liu Qingshan had the time to look at the layout of the restaurant.

   Several large tables are basically occupied. Except for their table, the rest of the tables are filled with middle-aged people. It is estimated that many of them are on business.

  The recipes are all hung on the wall. They are small wooden signs with the names of the dishes written on them. These are called menu cards.

  This is still a more sophisticated restaurant. If it is an ordinary small shop, just poke a small blackboard and write a few dishes on the small blackboard with chalk.

   While he was looking at it, he heard Brother Fei yelling beside him: "Little brother, today you are giving us a face, come on, make a whole!"

  Everyone picked up the small white porcelain wine cups, bowed their necks and finished, even the young women were unambiguous.

  Nowadays, drinking is done in wine cups, the smaller ones are three qian and four qian, and the larger ones are eight qian cups.

  Drinking with a wine cup is basically a sip at a time. If you don’t know what to do, it’s easy to drink too much.

  In winter, the wine is relatively cold, so you have to scald the wine with the matching small flagon, so that you can drink it comfortably.

  There is a local saying that goes well: Drinking cold wine and spending dirty money will lead to illness sooner or later, and this is the truth.

  Liu Qingshan raised the soda bottle and gestured for it. After each had a mouthful of food, Brother Fei asked again: "Qingshan, it's not easy to go to the city, so we can spend a few more days."

   "Brother Fei, this time I went to the city to show my grandfather to see if he can remove the cataract."

   Liu Qingshan shook his head and said.

   "Okay, I'm quite filial. This matter is easy to handle. My aunt is in the general hospital of the factory, and I will arrange everything for you tomorrow." Fei Ge said righteously.

  Liu Qingshan said a little embarrassedly: "Brother Fei, my grandfather can't do the operation right now. I only have a dozen yuan left in my pocket, which is definitely not enough."

  Brother Fei couldn't help frowning, and glanced at Liu Qingshan: "Then I'll talk to my aunt to see if I can replace someone else's name and reimburse the full amount."

  He thought that this half-child was climbing up the pole, looking for a bargain.

  However, for the sake of helping them this afternoon, Brother Fei doesn't mind helping.

   But in this way, there will be no friendship.

  Liu Qingshan waved his hands again and again: "Don't, don't, Brother Fei, I would be very grateful if you could help us contact the hospital. The situation is like this, I brought two pots of Clivia from my hometown, and I want to try selling them."

   Clivia, seems to be worth some money, Brother Fei nodded, and looked at the young man in front of him again, and it was pleasing to the eye again.

   It's just that everyone here is young and young, they don't like these flowers and plants, they don't know the specific price, and they can't talk about it. When they are full, they go away.

   It was still Gangzi and Xiaomei who sent Liu Qingshan back to the hotel, and agreed to come back tomorrow morning to accompany Liu Qingshan to sell flowers, and the two left with arms crossed.

   There are really many friends and many paths, Liu Qingshan sighed secretly and went back to the room.

   "Master, have you eaten yet?"

   After entering the house, he hurriedly cleaned up the leftovers on the table.

   Don’t waste it, it’ll be hot tomorrow morning, it’s enough for the two of you to have breakfast.

  The old man nodded: "Eat well, eat well, I haven't been to a restaurant for many years, and the taste hasn't changed at all."

   After finishing speaking, he began to tell his grandson again: "Qingshan, they are not the same as us after all, it is better to have less contact."

  Liu Qingshan smiled and said: "Master, don't worry, they are not bad people, they helped me contact the hospital today."

   "When I sell Clivia later, I will perform surgery on your eyes. Then, you will be able to see again!"

  To tell the truth, when he entered the room just now, seeing his grandpa staring blankly out of the window, Liu Qingshan felt very sad, and he became more determined to show his grandpa his eyes.

   "That's impossible. Even if you sell the money, you still have to arrange the marriage for your eldest sister. In the future, you and Er Feng'er will go to high school, and there will be plenty of places to spend money at home."

  The old man waved his hands again and again.

  Finally, he took out another small bag from his pocket: "Sanfenger, if that Clivia is worthless, then sell this pair of bracelets."

   After all, I still brought this thing, Liu Qingshan shook his head and said: "Master, you put it away first, and I will ask you for it when you really need it."

  The grandpa and grandson had their own concerns, washed up and went to bed early.

  The next morning, my father and I got up at dawn, the biological clock is like this, and we have long been used to it.

  Drawing Grandpa outside for a walk, Liu Qingshan kept saying from time to time: "Master, if your eyes are better, you can take a good look at the world. In the past two years, great changes have been made."

  The old man sullenly remained silent.

  Liu Qingshan knew his grandfather's temper. It seemed that he could only change his mind when he got money from the sale.

  At this moment, there are already early stalls, and the price is really not expensive: steamed buns are five cents, flower rolls are six cents, and sugar triangles are only eight cents.

   Steamed buns are a little more expensive, and the ones filled with meat cost 19 cents, but they are big, similar to big steamed buns.

  Bought a sugar triangle for grandpa, Liu Qingshan strolled back to the hotel, soaked the leftover rice from yesterday in boiling water, put the leftovers on the side of the boiler to heat up, and finished it with a breakfast.

  Waited in the house for a long time, but there was no sign of Liu Quangang, so Liu Qingshan simply stopped waiting, and decided to bring a pot to test the water first.

  He asked the waiter in the hotel to understand that the flower, bird and fish market in front of Chaoyang Park is a morning market, and it will be gone after 8:30 in the morning.

  Picking up the flowering pot of Clivia, when Liu Qingshan went out, he did not forget to say hello to the waiter. If Liu Quangang came, he would know where he was going.

  On both sides of Chaoyang Park Road, there are dozens of street stalls scattered, most of which sell flowers, birds, fish and insects.

   There are many elderly people who get up early and take a walk, and a few of them walk with birds in cages.

  Nine out of ten of these are veteran cadres, and you can tell from their clothes: most of them are really good half-sleeved shirts, and they wear leather sandals on their feet.

  Passing by a stall, Liu Qingshan couldn't help but stop, and saw a large piece of green canvas on the ground, with a lot of odds and ends on it.

  (end of this chapter)