MTL - Hello, Heir-Chapter 2549 She found Tian Xin! (2)

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Tian Tian's face was ashamed: "Little cherry, you are not good ~"

Little Cherry looked at her, and immediately cried together. The child was the most sensitive. Knowing that the mother in front of her would not buy her chicken chops, she beaked her mouth and said "Oh" obediently.

Tian Tian sighed, returned to the villa with her little cherry, and made dinner for her. After coaxing her to sleep, she sat on the sofa in the living room and stared at the things in front of her.

A lot of things have gotten worse recently.

She didn't know what was going on, and her memory always had some defects.

She bit her lip and decided to take out her VCR, aim it at the corner of the room, and hung there.

Late at night.

Tian Tian looked at the camera before returning to the master bedroom, lying with Little Cherry, and soon fell asleep.

When Tian Tian woke up again, she was awakened by the cry of little cherry.

She opened her eyes and turned around to see Little Cherry's tiny body rolling on the bed while crying with her eyes closed, her two little hands resting on her stomach, humming in pain,

Tian Tian immediately sat up, turned on the bedside lamp in anxiety, and found that Little Cherry's face was white, sweat was on her forehead, and she tried to cover her little belly. She reached out and held the little cherry. Cherry, wake up, wake up, what's wrong? "

She put her hand on Little Cherry's belly, and felt that it was bulging and hard.

She frowned, Little Cherry opened her eyes, and a tiny mosquito-like voice came out of her mouth: "Mom, me, my stomach hurts ..."

Tian Tian was immediately anxious. She wore clothes in the middle of the night and went out holding her little cherry. "Little cherry, don't cry, don't cry, it doesn't hurt or hurt, mommy takes you to the hospital!"

She ran out of the apartment with her little cherry, and ran out.

In the middle of the night, the taxi was not easy to intercept, and she was not convenient to drive herself.

Fortunately, Shi Yan stayed outside and asked the bodyguards to take them to the hospital. He followed behind them, and his heart was full of anxiety. I didn't know what happened to Little Cherry.


In the hospital, little cherry was lying on the bed, and her little body was dripping.

The doctor stood beside and reprimanded Tian Tian and said, "What's going on with you as a mother? How much ice cream and chocolate did the child eat during the day ?! Don't you know that you can't eat more of these things? This is acute gastroenteritis , How many crimes do children have to suffer! And their stomachs are very weak! Now that children are like this, I ’m afraid that they must be raised for half a month before the flora can be established again! "

The doctor's reprimand reprimanded Tian Tian, ​​but he stood a little dazed.

Had ice cream for Little Cherry? Have chocolate?

Why didn't she even know these things? !!

She bit her lip, only to feel the panic that had never happened before, and swept her whole body.

Finally, when the doctor went out, she was still in a daze.

Later, she was in front of Little Cherry's bed, and before she knew it, she fell asleep.

early morning.

Meng Chen, who got the news, rushed over and entered the ward and saw this picture.

Tian Tian lay beside the bed and slept soundly, but Little Cherry finally didn't hurt her stomach, she had a small mouth, and she slept soundly.

When he opened the door, he alarmed the two men on the bed.

Tian Tian raised her head, moved her stiff neck, and turned her head to look at it. After discovering Meng Chen, she turned her head slightly, then turned her head to look at Little Cherry, and saw that she was fine, and she was relieved.

Read The Duke's Passion