MTL - Hello, Heir-Chapter 2597 Finale-Mubei Wish You Won (2)

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Lin Xi'er listened to Si Mubei's promise so well, so he agreed, glanced at Lin Muxi, "Muxi, do you remember what your mother said to you?"

Lin Muxi nodded immediately, "I remember! Rest assured, mother!"

Lin Xier then let go.

Lin Muxi got in the car, and Si Mubei started the car and took her directly.

The car left Sujia Villa, turned a corner, and the people behind disappeared.

Si Mubei said nothing and parked the car directly on the roadside.

Lin Muxi was watching the scenery. The car suddenly stopped, and he froze slightly. He turned his head and asked what happened to Brother Mubei, but he did not expect such a turn, his eyes were dark, and then his head was imprisoned by a big hand. The mouth was blocked.

The familiar taste permeated the entire taste buds, making her at this moment beating heartbeat and excitement.

The kiss was overbearing and direct, and it also smelled like a tadpole, which directly made Lin Muxi feel dizzy, and the landlord with two hands unconsciously took Si Mubei's waist.

As soon as the kiss was over, Si Mubei reached Lin Muxi's ear and sighed contentedly, "Mu Xi, I miss you these days."

Lin Muxi's cheeks turned red again, with a coy smile on her face, and she said, "Brother Mubei, I too ..."

When the words fell, he heard Si Mubei lower his voice and said, "Where do you want to go?"

Lin Muxi: ...! !!

"Here? Or here?"

His big hand touched her head, and then fell to her heart, so that Lin Muxi could feel the hotness of the dry big hand across the clothes, and instantly felt a little stiff.

She bit her lip and said, "Mu, Mubei ... brother ..."

"Muxi, don't be afraid." Si Mubei said quietly in her ear. "We have already obtained the certificate. In law, we are already husband and wife, right?"

Lin Muxi nodded weakly.

"Then don't reject me, okay?"

Lin Muxi nodded again in confusion, but suddenly thought of something like that, he said directly: "But ..."

Before he could finish speaking, he was gagged again with a fierce long kiss.

Si Mubei really thought about her too much. She had been single for more than 20 years and did n’t think about it, but since she was with Lin Muxi, she always felt that some of the sleeping cells in the body were Wake up.

Even at night, I started dreaming about her ...

Si Mubei hurried away the idea in his head, lest one could not control it, and was in the car ...

Just thinking of it, the car window was knocked twice suddenly.

Si Mubei became stiff and loosened Lin Muxi violently. She turned around and saw Lin Xier standing outside the window.

Lin Muxi gasped, and then said, "I'm going to tell you that my mother has positioned my mobile phone. It must be turned on, and I will call from time to time to check, um, so we have to hurry. Go, don't be here ... "

Si Mubei: ... "You said late."

He coughed, and then tried to restore his normal face, dropped the window, and saw Lin Xier's inquiring face, "I look at the mobile phone positioning, do you stop by the road? What are you doing?"

Lin Muxi: ...

Si Mubei said earnestly: "Aunt Lin, Muxi said she forgot to bring her ID card."

Read The Duke's Passion