MTL - Hello, How Long Has This Been Going On?-Chapter 17

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An hour later, the completely new Huo Ran returned to the exhibition center alone.

After changing into light and breathable clothes, Huo Ran felt that he could even breathe a lot easier.

Of course, the bigger reason may be that he no longer needs to wear a mask.

In the clothing store just now, according to his usual dressing style, Huo Ran picked out a few simple clothes, pointed them to the clerk to wrap them up, and changed into another suit.

As a result, when he came out of the fitting room, he met Jiang Nansheng's admiring eyes before he could look in the mirror and straighten his hairstyle.

After lunch, Jiang Nansheng didn't wear a mask, and now he blushed completely: "Mr. Huo, I didn't expect you to have this side."

Horn has a headache.

Busy with socializing all morning, he almost forgot the true nature of this assistant.

That's right, Huo Ran has a distant and cold image of the president in the company. He wears a high-end custom suit every day, keeps his eyes straight, and walks with wind, just like his father Huo Zhendong.

In private, he is no different from ordinary boys of this age, and he also cooks instant noodles in shorts and slippers at home.

According to Huo Sihan's vivid metaphor, the cold-faced man in a suit is his exclusive business skin.

Huo Ran is reflecting on this issue recently. The cruel president seems to be very popular among young people. Could this be the reason why he is suddenly favored by a bunch of homosexuals...?

When he is free, he will consult Dr. Tao.

Not wanting Jiang Nansheng to continue talking about other things, Huo Ran decisively assigned a bunch of tasks for him to do, so he went to the game exhibition alone in the afternoon.

Without the shouting and hugging from others, Huo Ran wandered around the exhibition halls in a relaxed mood. From time to time, a girl dared to come up and ask for contact information.

Although Huo Ranquan refused in a gentle tone, he didn't find it annoying, and was even a little moved.

At least it's a girl!

Thinking of this, Huo Ran couldn't wait to send a message to Huo Sihan.

[HR: I've been approached seven times in the past hour. ]

[HR: Key point: They are all girls. ]

[HR: Have a little faith in your straight brother, okay? ]

This morning, after Huo Sihan learned from Huo Zhendong that he had changed his mobile phone, he sent him a lot of messages in a panic, advising him not to be with men just out of curiosity. She was just joking last time, not really. I want to persuade him to engage in basic meaning.

Moreover, Huo Sihan sent him a lot of articles in one breath, most of the titles were in this style: "How to judge whether you are gay", "Psychological causes and types of homosexuality", "Do you really love him?" "This is a difficult way, are you ready?"

Huo Ran with pupil earthquake: ...

However, the concern from his younger sister is still very useful to Huo Ran.

Huo Sihan immediately replied that her pp nickname was sanctioned by Huo Zhendong and changed to an even stranger name.

[RT-Mart has been killing fish for ten years: Don't worry, I won't put pressure on you. ]

[RT-Mart has killed fish for ten years: I just don’t want to inadvertently give you wrong guidance. ]

[HR: Don't think about it, I can't listen to your nonsense. ]

[HR: RT-Mart is a supermarket, right? What does your name mean this time? ]

[RT-Mart has been killing fish for ten years: It means that my heart is as cold as the knife I used to kill fish. ]

[RT-Mart has killed fish for ten years: Weeping cat and cat head.jpg]


It seems that your father's arrogant nickname was criticized by his real father.

[HR: Don’t cry, I saw the booth of War of the Roses, go experience it, and tell you if it’s fun. ]

[HR: /hug]

"War of the Roses" is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game with an overhead background. The public beta reservation was opened half a year ago. The biggest selling point is that all the characters that players can choose are beautiful and lovely girls with different styles, but There is no problem of too revealing clothing that is often criticized in online games.

The game quite accurately grasped the psychology of female players, and many male players were also attracted by the exquisite character modeling, so the public beta was very popular as soon as the news was released, and the number of reservations quickly exceeded 10 million.

Huo Ran has seen Huo Sihan madly wishing in the news feed that War of the Roses is open beta in advance. At this North Shanxi Game Show, War of the Roses is one of the most watched games.

It wasn't until Huo Ran walked near the booth that he intuitively realized how popular this game was. The crowd of people trying to play had already lined up in a serpentine shape.

Huo Ran, who had just boasted to Haikou, was worried. If he had lined up seriously, he might not have his turn at the end of the day.

Huo Ran was debating whether to go through the back door, when the staff wandering around the crowd saw him, their eyes lit up, and they walked over quickly.

"Hello, are you here to play the War of the Roses?"

Seeing that Huo Ran nodded, the staff immediately said: "We have a very special trial venue here, which requires a few ordinary audiences to participate, but the game process will be filmed, and your image may be used in the promotional video of the game. "

Huo Ran imagined the grand scene once his identity was revealed, and said euphemistically: "I may not be suitable for being on camera."

Seeing this, the staff was a little disappointed, and then heard Huo Ran say: "Are you using it for game promotion?"

"That's right, little brother, you have a good image, maybe you will be popular again." The staff seduced without giving up.

Huo Ran was trying to recall Huo Sihan's various star chasing speeches: "For the scarf enough?"

The staff didn't react for a moment, and stared at him with wide eyes.

"You can ask someone to contact my assistant. Our group has many publicity channels, which should be able to provide you with help beyond expectations."

Huo Ran took out a business card of Jiang Nansheng from his pocket, "If your company intends to have more in-depth cooperation, we also welcome it very much."

The staff took the business card from Huo Ran in a dizzy state, feeling like they had suddenly entered some magical world.

"May I ask you are…?"

Huo Ran showed an unpretentious smile, "I'm just an ordinary audience who really wants to experience this game."

Tao Zhiyue had an intuition that the man in a suit he saw at the entrance of the exhibition center in the morning was probably Huo Ran.

He carefully recalled the passerby's conversation he had just overheard by accident.

Huo Ran appeared in the business hall. There were many people from the game company in the business hall, not only the management, but also many ordinary employees similar to "Old Zhao".

The staff is messy, and many people will definitely not be able to help but be curious to secretly take pictures when they see Huo Ran, a rather mysterious and low-key rich second generation, and maybe post them on the public network as talking points.

In order to confirm his guess, Tao Zhiyue acted immediately and found an Internet cafe near the exhibition center.

Sitting in front of the most familiar computer, Tao Zhiyue's mood gradually returned to calm. He downloaded a general crawler program he made from the cloud, modified it slightly, and set a series of keywords such as Huo, Game Exhibition, Jinbei, etc. and qualifying conditions.

Among the large number of crawled results returned by the program, Tao Zhiyue further sift through, and finally found a post about Huo Ran that was published today on different websites that the two search engines could not crawl.

Tao Zhiyue clicked on one of the original posts with a photo, and he quietly held his breath.

After the photo was loaded, the light was dim, and there were afterimages of the people inside. It looked like a candid shot, but Tao Zhiyue recognized the silhouette in a suit with outstanding temperament at a glance.

Sure enough, it was him.

Tao Zhi stared blankly at the screen, it was difficult to describe his mood for a while.

He tried hard to recall the Huo Ran he met in the morning. Maybe it was because he hadn't socialized with people for too long and his sensitivity to strangers' appearance was very low. He really couldn't remember what Huo Ran looked like, not to mention that Huo Ran was wearing a mask. Only a pair of eyes are exposed.

Tao Zhiyue only remembered that Huo Ran turned his head and suddenly looked in his direction among the crowd.

Is Huo Ran looking at him?

Tao Zhiyue was sure that he had never seen such a temperamental person in his life.

He has never seen Huo Ran, why did Huo Ran notice himself?

Trapped in confusion, Tao Zhiyue clicked on another post that mentioned Huo Ran. There were no photos in this building, and the poster mentioned that he saw Huo's young master at a game fair in a certain city today.

Most of the comments below are ridicules for the rich. Some people guessed that it was the Jinbei City Game Exhibition, and said that they would rush to meet them by chance in the afternoon.

[Original: Don't think about it, my boss heard from the organizer that he thought it was boring, so he has already left. ]

No matter why Huo Ran looked at him, Tao Zhi felt more relieved at this moment.

At least he didn't have to worry about it for three days.

On the bright side, he already has a general impression of Huo Ran, and when he meets him later, he can be more vigilant and prepared.

Tao Zhi made up his mind in secret and stopped hesitating.

When he returned to the convention and exhibition center, Tao Zhiyue happened to miss a lecture that he planned to listen to. He had nothing to do for the time being, so he simply went shopping to see which games were the most popular among players.

When he came to the War of the Roses booth in Hall A1, even though Tao Zhi had expected it, he was surprised by the huge crowds in front of him.

No wonder everyone around him was discussing this game when he was queuing at the door.

Tao Zhiyue didn't intend to waste the whole afternoon queuing here, when he turned to leave, a bright figure unexpectedly flashed in his sight.

There was a handsome white T boy standing next to the staff, and the two were talking in a low voice.

Tao Zhiyue was a little absent-minded, and he couldn't be blamed for it, because the boy's appearance fit his aesthetics too well, his figure was well-proportioned, his eyebrows and eyes were sculpted and heroic, and he had a sunny and refreshing aura.

Probably to the extent that if you put it in the **** circle, you will be called a heavenly dish.

The other party seemed to have noticed Tao Zhiyue's gaze, glanced at him, then turned around and said something to the staff, who nodded blankly.

Tao Zhi, who was peeking at other people's discovery, was a little embarrassed, and was about to slip away when his footsteps suddenly stopped.

The boy in white T walked straight towards him with a clear and pleasant voice.

"Hello, are you here to play the War of the Roses?"

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