MTL - Hello, How Long Has This Been Going On?-Chapter 32

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[HR: The new avatar looks really good! ]

When Tao Zhiyue received this message, he was sitting in front of the computer and focusing on typing codes. He didn't have time to surf the forums today, and had to finish the work left over from the day.

It was approaching eleven o'clock, and Tao Zhiyue, who had finally finished his work, rubbed his sore shoulders, almost unable to open his eyes, and was about to get up to take a bath and rest, when he saw the unread messages that had been lying on the list for a long time.

[Tao: I was working just now. ]

[Tao: I took the photo^-^]

HR responded quickly as always.

[HR: Do you still have to work so late? ]

[HR: Go and rest. ]

Of course Tao Zhiyue refused to confess why he was distracted from fishing during the day, he was a little embarrassed to fool the past.

[Tao: I'm busy with tasks today, so I won't be able to do it tomorrow. ]

[Tao: How about Nanshan Road, is it delicious? ]

[HR: It’s delicious. I wanted to share it with you at night, but now that I’m talking about it, it seems like poisoning in the middle of the night. ]

[HR: So wait until tomorrow. ]

Tao Zhiyue is very pleased with HR's grasp of buzzwords.

It's a pity that I can't praise him confidently now.

[Tao: Good. ]

[Tao: Then I'll take a shower first. ]

When he took a warm hot shower and returned to bed in a drowsy state, his phone was already full of messages from HR.

[HR: I ate too much today, next time I must control myself. ]

[HR: It's the weekend again soon, this week goes by so fast, Dr. Tao can have a good rest. ]

[HR: There is a romance movie coming out this weekend, do you want to watch it? ]

[HR: I saw that many bloggers recommended it, and I heard it was very moving and funny. ]

The next message was five minutes away.

[HR: It would be fun to watch alone. ]

[HR: The dog ticks and rolls.gif]

Seeing such trivial and daily whispers before going to bed, for some reason, Tao Zhi felt that the dream after a while would also become gentle.

Tao Zhiyue doesn't often watch romance movies, but after seeing HR's automatic patch, he can't say anything if he refuses.

[Tao: OK, let’s go see it on Saturday afternoon. ]

[HR: Good! ! ]

[HR: I'll watch it too. ]

[HR: Good night, Doctor Tao, I wish you sweet dreams/Moon]

[Tao: Good night~]

Tao Zhiyue fell asleep very quickly, and this night, by coincidence, he dreamed of watching a movie with HR.

So for the next Friday, he was surrounded by a subtle anticipation.

HR never asked him if he wanted to watch a movie together.

If asked, would he agree?

Tao Zhiyue didn't know the answer.

But he put off buying movie tickets until Saturday morning, because if he buys later, there will be no good seats.

During the period, HR just asked him insinuatingly, what time would he go to the movies on Saturday afternoon, Tao Zhiyue couldn't help but laugh out loud at his cautious tone.

He came to the cinema alone, surrounded by mostly couples. In the atmosphere full of dog food, he felt a little bit lost.

The HR on the mobile phone has been silent for a long time, Tao Zhiyue wanted to poke him repeatedly, but tried his best to endure it.

Twenty minutes before the movie started, HR finally sent a message.

[HR: Doctor Tao, which seat did you buy? ]

Tao Zhi was stunned for a moment, and his mood suddenly throbbed. He looked around subconsciously, always feeling that HR would appear out of thin air in the next second.

After a while, he remembered that HR didn't know which movie theater he was in.

The other party doesn't even know what he looks like.

Tao Zhiyue couldn't help but touch his forehead, feeling that his IQ had gradually slipped to the bottom.

[Tao: 9 rows and 12 seats. ]

[HR: Ok. ]

Immediately there was no movement, Tao Zhiyue thought for a while silently, feeling itchy in his heart.

Ten minutes later, ticket checking began.

When he walked into the theater and sat down on the seat in the middle, HR sent a picture.

Tao Zhiyue opened it. It was a movie ticket from another theater in the city. He remembered that it seemed to be in the city center.

Then he saw the seat number printed in the center at a glance.

13 seats in 9 rows.

[HR: Then we will watch a movie together ^-^]

[HR: I bought a Coke and popcorn, the popcorn goes in the cup holder on the left armrest, and the Coke goes on the right. ]

[HR: The Coke is cold and full of gas. There are so many people watching movies today. ]

[HR: This pre-roll ad is silly, but kind of funny. ]

Tao Zhiyue was speechless for a while, and he couldn't help looking at the empty 13 seats on the right.

It seemed that the tall and big boy really appeared in front of his eyes. He had just finished a big mouthful of cold Coke, looked at the big screen that was playing the pre-movie advertisement, and showed an uncontrollable expression. Then he leaned over to him quietly and complained in a low voice As he spoke, the warm breath spilled onto his neck.

Between them was a vat of freshly popped popcorn, sweet and caramelized.

In a trance, he seemed to have walked into another time and space.

Tao Zhi was stunned for a long time, with countless complicated and unspeakable emotions surging in his heart. He tried to organize them into complete words, but he couldn't do it.

What happened at this moment was beyond his comprehension.

This person can always bring him countless surprises and surprises.

An exaggerated poster advertisement was played on the big screen, and occasional laughter came from the front row of seats. Tao Zhiyu stared at the front in a daze, the corners of his mouth unstoppably raised, and he bowed his head to type.

[Tao: Yes, very silly. ]

Being brought into the atmosphere of watching a movie together, Tao Zhiyue couldn't help feeling a little worried.

[Tao: This seat is very good, there should be someone sitting next to me. ]

As soon as this sentence was sent out, he felt an indescribable shame, and was about to quickly withdraw it and pretend nothing happened, when HR sent a message first.

[HR: No, rows 9 and 13 of all movie theaters today are mine. ]

[HR: Maomao giggles.jpg]

[pottery:! ! ]

Tao Zhiyue was shocked, but he didn't seem surprised.

On the day when he met him by chance, he had vaguely guessed the extraordinary background of the other party.

Probably because HR did not show the status of a rich man in the previous online contact, but looked like an ordinary person, so he chose to forget about it deliberately.

Tao Zhiyue clicked on the favorites list, trying to find an emoji package that could accurately reflect his current mood, so as to dilute the increasingly ambiguous atmosphere at the moment.

[Tao: Light a cigarette for the boss.jpg]

[HR: Ah, I don't smoke! ]

[HR: I don’t drink very often, I only touch a little on business occasions. ]

[HR: No other bad habits! ]

[HR: Although I like to drink Coke, I exercise regularly, so I am healthy and my blood sugar is normal. ]

The topic gradually drifted away, watching the new news that popped up one after another, the charming mood dissipated in an instant, and Tao Zhi couldn't laugh or cry.

It's almost as if I stumbled into some strange occasion of an online blind date.

[Tao: A thoughtful and failed little penguin.jpg]

Just at this time, the lights in the theater went out, the screen turned black, and the feature film began to play.

Tao Zhiyue breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly changed the subject.

[Tao: Watching a movie! ]

[HR: Ok, I'm starting here too. ]

Tao Zhiyue immediately turned off the sound, put the phone in his pocket, and looked at the big screen intently.

The other audience members who were talking quietly in the auditorium also fell silent, with occasional coughing or two.

Because it is a romantic movie, there are no viewers who brought children. Today is very lucky, and there are no people who call like no one else, so they can immerse themselves in the plot of the movie without distraction.

But the more Tao Zhi looked at it for a few minutes, his mind was always wandering, and he unconsciously looked at the 13 seats around him that were always empty.

He must have reached for the popcorn and ate it.

Then I took a sip of Coke.

The light and shadow of the screen fell on his eyes, bright and flickering.

The smell of popcorn bought by other viewers wafted into the nose, and the cup holder in hand was empty, Tao Zhiyue suddenly felt very envious.

The heroine's bad day had just finished on the screen, and then she ran into the heroine who seemed to have fallen from the sky.

Slow motion, freeze frame, romantic music played, the wind blew through the broken hair on the actor's forehead, and his teeth were shining white.

Tao Zhiyue was expressionless.

It's not as good as when he saw HR at the game exhibition.

His gaze went back and forth between the next seat and the big screen. After struggling for a few minutes, Tao Zhiyue couldn't bear it any longer. He bent down and walked past the row of audience in apologetic manner, and walked out of the theater.

HR cannot be the only person enjoying popcorn and Coke.

Returning to the seat with the largest bucket of popcorn, bigger than the cup holder, Tao Zhiyue held it in his arms contentedly, and took a gulp of Coke first.

The stimulating gas penetrated into the heart and spleen, and the whole person became energetic.

As a result, looking at it, he could only continue to live by drinking Coke.

Tao Zhiyue felt that being sleepy was definitely not his problem. After all, there were couples in the front row who were getting tired of chatting together, looking left and right for a while, but not looking at the screen directly in front of them.

The mobile phone in his pocket vibrated slightly, and Tao Zhi felt relieved, and quickly took it out.

He dimmed the screen, and carefully blocked the glimmer of light leaking from the screen with one hand, so as not to affect others.

[HR: So sleepy, I want to sleep. ]

[HR: I heard loud snoring from the back row, very rhythmic, three long and one short. ]

[HR: I think half of the audience is watching him now, and he's funnier than the movie. ]

Tao Zhiyue was amused by his description.

[Tao: I am sleepy too. ]

[Tao: This movie is not good. ]

[HR: Weeping cat head.jpg]

[HR: Sorry, I thought those bloggers were telling the truth. ]

[HR: I didn't expect it to be completely different. ]

[Tao: It’s okay, at least the popcorn in this movie theater is delicious. ]

[Tao: It tastes creamy. ]

[HR: Mine is caramel and I'm almost done. ]

Tao Zhiyue glanced at the popcorn bucket in his arms, and suddenly felt strange comparisons.

[Tao: I still have half a barrel left! ]

Using the light from the big screen, he took a picture of the popcorn and sent it proudly.

[HR: Envious. ]

[HR: The color of caramel seems to be darker. ]

So HR also sent a photo of popcorn, which was much less than the one in his bucket.

Rationality told Tao Zhiyue that the two of them looked like naive elementary school students now, but he still kept this caramel-flavored popcorn photo with a smile.

[Tao: You are about to eat unpopped beans. ]

[Tao: Be careful of broken teeth. ]

[HR: Already eaten. ]

[HR: Weeping cat head.jpg]

The once stagnant time passed quickly, the movie ended, and the lights in the cinema hall were turned on again. Many people were tired of playing with their mobile phones, and stretched their waists one after another.

The same is true for Tao Zhiyue. After two hours, the male and female protagonists on the screen separated and reunited for several rounds, but he didn't remember the plot at all, and only got dozens of pages of chat records.

People got up and left the venue one after another. Tao Zhiyue blinked his sore eyes, feeling that today was really like a dream.

Not only the pursuit of the ambiguous period, even the couples in love get along in these very common ways: eating, watching movies, playgrounds, shopping...without exception, two people need face-to-face contact.

Before today, Tao Zhiyue never imagined that he could watch movies "together" like this without meeting each other.

He was touched by HR's silent respect and tolerance. After all, the rich people described in ordinary novels and movies can find the person they are looking for at any time as long as they move their fingers.

He said that he was not ready for the meeting, and the other party really took this as a premise, never mentioned this matter, and tried to find ways to express his goodwill from other places.

Afraid that he would think too much, I didn't even ask him about the seat number until the beginning of the movie.

No one will not be moved.

Tao Zhiyue felt that after this movie, he seemed to be mentally prepared to meet HR.

He wants to be in the same space with the other party, share the same popcorn and Coke, and watch the same movie side by side.

But before that, he still has a little curiosity and expectation.

Will HR prepare any surprises for him?

Tao Zhiyue was thinking wildly in his heart, and he fell to the end of the crowd, and walked slowly towards the exit of the theater.

A small commotion came from ahead, and Tao Zhiyue woke up from his thousands of thoughts and looked over curiously.

At the exit of the movie hall, there are several large buckets of roses. A female staff member is delivering flowers to the audience who came out, and there are several staff members standing beside them to help maintain order. This unique picture has also attracted many other movie theaters. The audience who came out stopped to discuss.

Most of the people who watch this movie are couples. For those who come out hand in hand, the staff will smile and send a rose, and send a unified blessing: "I wish you two happiness and happiness."

Most of the girls smiled in surprise, took the flowers, and left happily cuddling with their boyfriends.

The rare audience who watch the movie alone will receive a more special bouquet of roses.

Surprised whispers gradually came from the crowd waiting to leave.

"Although this movie sucks, the film crew is so romantic."

"It doesn't look like it was made by the film crew. I just brushed the scarf before I saw it. I didn't see anyone talking about sending flowers."

"I just saw someone from the same city wear a scarf, and it's located in another movie theater. It seems that it's only for this movie."

"Hey, why do different people receive more or less flowers? Is this giving warmth to single dogs? What a big bouquet!"

Tao Zhiyue's heart beat violently when he heard the few words in his ears. He felt that maybe he had fantasized too much, so that he had hallucinations.

Until the people in front left with flowers, it was finally his turn at the end of the crowd. The girl in charge of delivering flowers looked around him and confirmed that he came alone, so she brought a large bouquet of bright and delicate red roses.

Every flower is blooming enthusiastically, and the petals are condensed with crystal water drops, dazzling.

"Sir, I wish you a happy life and happy every day."

Tao Zhi took it blankly, the fragrant bouquet filled his arms, he was a little at a loss, he was not sure whether to take the left foot or the right foot after the connection.

Fortunately, there were no other spectators behind him. He stood there with a dazed expression. The girl who gave the flowers couldn't help looking at him, and gradually thought of something, showing a look of envy.

It turns out that dozens of roses bloom together, and it has such a strong fragrance.

The phone vibrated again, and the message just sent by HR was displayed on the screen.

[HR: Did you receive the flowers? ]

Tao Zhiyue's vision was obliterated by the bright red, and the overwhelming aroma squeezed into his heart, making people almost forget to breathe, he answered with difficulty.

[Tao: Did you send it? ]

[HR: Hmm! ]

[HR: Although many people will receive it, each bundle is intended for you. ]

[HR: Everyone is holding flowers, so you won't blush ^-^]

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