MTL - Hello, How Long Has This Been Going On?-Chapter 39

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A tree game.

Tao Zhiyue got off the bus and walked for seven or eight minutes to find the villa complex that Guan Yudong mentioned. He registered the company he was going to with the guard, walked around houses of similar height for a long time, and finally saw this The very inconspicuous company signboard was mostly covered by the lush green ivy.

He took out his mobile phone and sent Guan Yudong a message, then rang the doorbell.

A few seconds later, he heard footsteps, and someone rushed to open the door.

"I'm here! Is it Tao Tao!"

Guan Yudong has very ordinary short hair, wears a pair of very common black-rimmed glasses, and wears a black T-shirt with the company name and the small tree logo on it. breath.

It was almost as Tao Zhiyue imagined.

He nodded and smiled politely, "Yes, it's me."

Guan Yudong was shocked, as if he had never heard of it, "The film and television company is next door, did you go wrong? It's the third time this month, it's so annoying. I must let them print out the signboard tomorrow..."

"No, you just said it was me."

"It should be that my posture to open the door is wrong, wait a minute."

He retracted his feet in an instant, closed the door and opened it again, and what he saw again was Tao Zhiyue's helpless smile.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh!" Guan Yudong accepted the cruel reality in despair, "If you hadn't already had a partner, I would never have let you step into the company!"

"..." Tao Zhiyue reminded kindly, "There is a referral bonus."

"Oh, that's all right, come in."

Guan Yudong immediately beckoned him to come in, then turned around and shouted into the room, "The newcomer is here!"

Tao Zhiyue followed him inside, listening to his non-stop chatter.

"It's really a Sunshine Villa directly connected to the subway at the door, I didn't lie to you!" Guan Yudong showed off, "It's very convenient to come here by subway, isn't it? Is half an hour enough?"

Tao Zhiyue skipped this question, and said with a smile, "Well, the transportation is very convenient, and it's a real Sunshine Villa."

He looked at the game company located in the villa along the road, and when he entered the door, he could see a lot of game and animation elements everywhere, dolls, figures, posters... The lounge with super-large-screen TVs and game consoles, the windows were clear and clean kitchen and dining room.

The living room is used as an office room. There are no partitions between the large and long desks. Everyone has their own style, and they can see their distinctive personal characteristics.

For example, Tao Zhiyue felt that the table full of hand-made pink and tender anime girls must belong to Guan Yudong.

At the very end is an open balcony with excellent lighting. The sun shines in wantonly, shining on the green weeping banyan pot on the small round table, which is full of life.

All in all, the environment is good.

Guan Yudong introduced to him enthusiastically: "The second floor is another project team, the third floor is the boss's office, a small meeting room for interviews, and a bedroom for sleeping when you are too sleepy. There are everything you need for daily necessities, and you can also ask for other needs.”

As they walked in, other people who had been immersed in their work looked up one after another, and they all looked at Tao Zhiyue with surprised expressions.

Tao Zhiyue held back the embarrassment in his heart, and greeted them generously: "Hello, my name is Tao Zhiyue."

"Hello, hello, are you Guagua's friend? You are so young."

"Are you really a programmer? Why don't I want to believe..."

"May I ask what shampoo you usually use!"

Amidst the warm and wonderful greeting, there was the sound of dragging footsteps on the stairs, and a bearded man came down in slippers.

Guan Yudong quickly waved to him: "Boss, come quickly, the interview is over!"

Then he whispered to Tao Zhiyue: "This is our boss, Jiang Ye."

Tao Zhiyue glanced at the other party's slovenly appearance and beard that hadn't been shaved for a long time, and couldn't help but admit in his heart that it was really wild.

Jiang Ye nodded towards Tao Zhiyue, pulled a chair casually and sat down, leaned back, and said casually: "Just in here, I'll listen."

Hearing this, a man with a short cut stood up, smiled and shook hands with Tao Zhiyue.

"Hi, I'm Fang Shiwu, the chief planner. The officer has already introduced you to the general situation of the company, as well as the projects we are working on."

"Well, an AVG for love."

"Yes, let the officials ask about technical matters later, I want to talk about other things first." Fang Shiwu went straight to the point, "The officer should have said that, we are now facing a problem, and we are a bit unable to move forward."

"War of the Roses, you should know. Everyone knows about the popularity before the public beta, so female-oriented games have been fired as the next outlet. This category was originally developed by fixed companies, but now all companies want to Take a share."

Fang Shiwu was a little helpless, "MMO development is time-consuming and expensive, and small companies can't do it. As a result, AVG has become the most labor-saving choice for love. Design a few protagonists with contrasting personalities, and find outsourced plots and card resources in batches. The key point is to do a good job in the core strategy system, once the payment system is added, it can be tested online in a few months."

Tao Zhiyue quickly understood what he meant, "So there will be a lot of competing products, but so far, I can't find the most obvious difference from other competing products?"

"Yes, that's the question." Fang Shiwu was surprised by his sensitivity, "Do you have any ideas?"

He added: "We don't create ideas empty-handed, mainly because I heard from the officer that you like this genre, and we also hope to join in are fresh blood who can collide with each other. The position and salary are all based on ability and contribution. The boss is very happy." generous."

The more Tao Zhi liked such a simple and straightforward way of communication, his brain instantly entered a state of excitement and began to run rapidly.

He carefully looked through the game history of more than ten years and his professional experience in the past ten years in his mind. At the same time, mixed with his life experience during this period, a vague idea gradually began to take shape.

"Freedom." Tao Zhiyue blurted out.

"I have played an AVG with a decent degree of freedom, and it is a relatively early stand-alone game."

Everyone stopped and looked at him intently.

"That game is about vampires. Players can control the male protagonist to choose a target to **** blood, thus triggering the love line."

"But what impresses me the most is that it can choose where to place the character at the beginning. Different positions can trigger different plots. There are several areas in the game. You can occupy the same area by sucking blood for many times, and then you will be attacked. From the attack of the vampire hunter, to the different endings according to the player's response."

"This distinct sense of space shocked me at the time. Entering different maps and making different choices will open up a different life."

The surrounding was quiet, which made Tao Zhiyue's voice extraordinarily firm.

"If I were to make such a love-oriented game, I would emphasize the degree of freedom. It would still be the role designated by the strategy, but add growth and even randomness. Let most of the plot options no longer be rigid transitions, and they are not in the foreground of the game. Show kindness +10, cruelty +10, which actually have no practical meaning."

"The order in which the player completes the main and branch plots, and every choice he makes will have an impact on the target of the strategy. This impact may have a fixed direction or may be random. All operations are combined to gradually form the player character and The image of the target of the attack is always growing and changing, and the random superposition of countless subtleties will lead to a unique ending."

Just like everything he experienced after coming to this strange new world.

The prescribed plot and random accidents brought him here.

Fang Shiwu was stunned for a long time before asking: "Is it technically possible?"

"I believe it is possible." Tao Zhiyue said in a deep voice, "Since Animal Island can intelligently process game interactions in batches, I think this technology can definitely be transplanted horizontally, and the type of game determines that our data volume is much smaller, not that big. development difficulty."

Guan Yudong's blood has already begun to boil, "If it can't be realized, it must be realized. If Animal Island can do so well, we can do it too!"

Another program surnamed Huang joined the discussion non-stop: "Do you have a mature program framework?"

"Yes." Tao Zhiyue's voice was very sure, "I wrote it two years ago, and then I came up with a lot of new ideas when I was playing Animal Island. start."

Guan Yudong was shocked again, "But Tao Tao, you look so young, how old are you?"

Tao Zhiyue was a little bit embarrassed to say it, but he couldn't lie, so he could only whisper as much as possible: "Twenty-two."

Guan Yudong:! !

"Okay, you will be my father from now on, hello dad."

Program Huang made the final decision.

So everyone woke up from the silent atmosphere full of thinking and laughed.

A rambling voice sounded.

"I like it, do it."

Jiang Ye looked at the balcony and listened to the whole process, and gave a concise conclusion.

He glanced at Guan Yudong, "Bonuses will be distributed tomorrow."

Only then did Guan Yudong come to his senses from the petrification, and his whole body was alive again: "Thank you, boss! I love you, boss!"

Everyone started to continue discussing the topic just now. Fang Shiwu once again extended his hand to Tao Zhiyue and said sincerely, "Welcome."

Tao Zhi Yueqing breathed a sigh of relief. He liked the company's environment and open atmosphere, and he also liked himself who was inspired just now.

But before he had time to rest, he was dragged by Program Huang to discuss technical details.

Guan Yudong listened for a while, nodded frequently, suddenly thought of something, became excited, and forcibly inserted into their conversation: "By the way, I almost forgot, every time I come to the repertoire of newcomers!"

The other people around immediately cast the same excited gazes, and even the excited Huang Program stopped talking on his own initiative.

Tao Zhi was a little curious: "What?"

"Guess our boss's sexual orientation!" Guan Yudong said surprisingly, "If you guess wrong, we will invite the whole group to dinner tonight!"

"..." Is this company a bit too unrestrained.

Is this something you can ask in person?

Tao Zhiyue was a little dazed, and then really thought about this question.

The experience during this period was so dreamy that he almost forgot that this is a world where heterosexual marriage and love are the mainstream.

Answering heterosexuality is not that simple, but answering homosexuality seems to be predicted again.

Looking at Jiang Ye's indifference, he thought for a while, and gave the most likely answer with uncertainty: "...bisexual?"

Guan Yudong immediately shook hands with him warmly, smiling, "Tao Tao, I want to eat barbecue! Thank you!"

Others immediately joined the battlefield, "No, the last dinner was also barbecue, I'm tired, I want hot pot."

"Apply for voting! I want to eat crayfish! How can summer be called without crayfish!"

Amidst the din, Jiang Ye picked up the weeping banyan tree on the small round table on the balcony, cast a sideways glance at everyone, and walked slowly up the stairs.

Tao Zhiyue was really curious now, and couldn't help but ask Guan Yudong, "So what is your sexual orientation?"

"It's tree sex!" Guan Yudong blinked his eyes purely, "The boss's object is that potted tree, so we respectfully call it President Rong."

"Mr. Rong's fixed sunbathing time was over just now, and the boss took it back."

"Although you paid the price of a meal, Tao Tao, you have gained a very important knowledge point: don't mess with Mr. Rong, this is the restricted area of ​​the company's life, and the boss is very talkative at other times."

Tao Zhiyue: ...

Who can guess this.

He looked at the five large characters on Guan Yudong's black T-shirt: a tree game, and the small tree icon in the center, and suddenly realized something.


"Yes, this is drawn after Mr. Rong, and the name is also named after Mr. Rong!"

"...The boss is quite romantic, worth learning from."

Tao Zhiyue couldn't help sighing.

Everyone has already changed the topic, discussing what to eat for dinner in a hurry, a scene of joy and harmony.

Tao Zhi listened for a while, then said in a mysterious way: "I will welcome you next time, and I will ask."

Guan Yudong said generously: "Okay! But you vote for me for barbecue first!"

In the end, the crayfish won with an absolute advantage of three votes, and the barbecue party and hot pot party were defeated.

At night, sitting in the noisy lobster restaurant, Tao Zhiyue put on transparent disposable gloves, and reached out to the table full of three big pots of spicy and tempting crayfish.

After half a day of communication, he has become familiar with the group of future colleagues in front of him.

Everyone has a personality, is quirky and cute.

Plus fat and delicious crayfish.

Tao Zhiyue was in a particularly good mood.

This is his new world.

Everyone chatted aimlessly while eating.

"Boss, don't you bring Boss Rong here today?"

Jiang Ye shook his head: "No, the air here is not good, the smell is too strong, I will go to the company to take it home after a while."


"Chemical fertilizer Xiangxiang, I also want to fall in love QAQ"

Tao Zhiyue was taken aback when he heard the words, and quickly realized.

The use of this dog food according to the conditions of the tree is very spiritual.

Even trees have objects.

Tao Zhiyue couldn't help feeling a little envious.

Guan Yudong, who was disfigured from eating at the side, came up, "Tao Tao, where is your partner? When will you bring it to the company for a walk, you can't let the boss be arrogant by himself."

"...he's out of town, next time for sure."

Hearing Guan Yudong's words, Tao Zhiyue suddenly remembered that, strictly speaking, Huo Ran was not his target.

He didn't even tell Huo Ran that he liked him too.

On the day they met at the game exhibition, he seemed to tell Huo Ran, who was just an HR at the time, that he fell in love with someone...

Tao Zhiyue felt a trace of worry very dullly.

Will Huo Ran be cranky because of those words?

Although after that day, he didn't mention this matter, and even became more enthusiastic every day, it seemed that he was not affected at all.

But after thinking of this question, Tao Zhi couldn't help becoming anxious.

While dismantling the bright red crayfish, he was thinking seriously in his heart.

In emotional relationships, security is a very important indicator.

Because of a misunderstanding before, he accidentally planted a thunder that he "owns his own heart", and because Huo Ran's offensive was too fierce, he was at a loss and passively accepted it, and never expressed his heart.

In addition, just after meeting, he has been busy for a whole week because he has to change jobs, and he can only say a few words to each other every day, good morning, good night, have you eaten? I feel something is wrong.

He hopes to give the other party a sense of security.

But what is their relationship now?

The more Tao Zhi thought about it, the more absorbed he was, his eyes were suddenly attracted by the tree on Guan Yudong's T-shirt, and he began to stare blankly at it in a daze.

...Should he confess to Huo Ran?

Confessions need to be tailored.

However, there is not enough information at present, and his previous imagination of Huo Ran was too biased, causing many memories of getting along in a mess in his mind, and he couldn't make sense of it.

He didn't know Huo Ran's exact preferences, and he didn't know what mood he was in right now.

The only thing Tao Zhiyue can be sure of is that Huo Ran's sudden sexual reversal and passionate pursuit took that drunken night as a node, and it happened all at once.

The logic is obvious, that night is the key code in this program.

So naturally, Tao Zhiyue now really wants to know what he said to Huo Ran that night when he was drunk, and what Huo Ran told him.

Crayfish shells were piled up on the table into fiery hills, white cold air was blowing from the vertical air conditioner, but people's foreheads were still dripping with sweat, laughter was endless, and the atmosphere was cheerful.

Another night of dinner.

Tao Zhiyue, who hadn't even touched a drop of alcohol today, silently stared at the crooked beer bottle in front of him, and gradually had a bold idea in his heart.

Also in the drunk state, will he recall what happened the last time he was drunk?

Reproduce the bug, then trace the log and analyze the data.

It makes sense.

The author has something to say: Mr. Huo: I went astray, I went astray—hey~ I’m back again!

Xiaotao: Deviation, deviation, deviation code code code &%#*&#

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