MTL - Hello, How Long Has This Been Going On?-Chapter 47

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Under Tao Zhiyue's passionate guidance, Huo Ran added too much vinegar and sprinkled a lot of sugar to neutralize it.

It didn't feel right after putting it in, so he put it in a mess again - a pile of seasonings to try to save it.

In the end, Huo Ran in the video apprehensively raised a spoon and tasted it, his expression changed for a few seconds, and he gave a forcibly confident evaluation.


Tao Zhiyue, who watched the whole process, held back a laugh and coughed, pretending to be serious to comment.

"The color is quite nice, and I think the taste must be good. It's your first time cooking a slightly complicated dish, and you've done a good job."

Huo Ran sighed, and looked eagerly at the fat beef in sour soup that was obviously more pleasing to the eye on the other side of the video.

He said insincerely: "This dish is very commemorative, so I decided to order it for my sister tomorrow. I can't be the only one who has tasted such a delicacy, and I want to share it with everyone."

Tao Zhiyue came up with a bad idea: "Why don't you bring a copy to your dad?"

"...Good idea!" Huo Ran slapped the table and said excitedly, "That's the decision. Fortunately, I bought three catties of fatty beef rolls, one catty per person!"

Tao Zhiyue watched Lu's expression change and couldn't help laughing.

"By the way, let's talk about my dad." Huo Ran organized his words, and then observed his expression through the screen, "Can I tell my dad, are we in love?"

"He definitely didn't expect that I would find a boyfriend before, and he might not be mentally prepared, but I have been very excited every day recently... I can't hide it, and I will see it sooner or later. Today he said that I was so excited that my hair stood on end So I want to tell him directly."

"Don't worry, although my dad is sometimes careless, he has learned to respect others now, and he shouldn't mess around like in the **** TV series. Even if he wants to mess up, I will stop him!"

Huo Ran assured him sincerely.

Tao Zhi was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect that Huo Ran would come out to his family so soon.

He - time a little trance, do not know how to react.

Tao Zhiyue used to hide his sexuality for a long time, and it has almost become a fixed thinking. Now that he finally has a partner, he has not had time to think about making it public.

But facing Huo Ran's expectant eyes, he couldn't stay in a daze like this.

He was in a daze, and subconsciously said: "How many **** TV series have you been dragged by your sister to watch..."

Huo Ran thought about it seriously, "A dozen or so, not many, now that she's grown up, it's stopped a lot. Do you like to watch it? I can also watch it with you."

Tao Zhiyue shook his head cautiously: "You should watch horror movies with me."

It has to be said that Huo Ran's family relationship was beyond his expectation, and he didn't have the slightest sense of intrigue among the wealthy families as rumored.

And with Huo Ran's unremitting efforts, the image of Huo Zhendong, a cold and self-made rich man in his mind, is no different from that of an ordinary middle-aged man.

So Tao Zhiyue quietly made up his mind, and reminded: "Then don't tell your dad, I taught you this sour soup fat beef..."

Huo Ran responded—his eyes lit up: "You agree!"

"Great, I'll tell my dad tomorrow." Huo Ran excitedly said, "My mom's there, I'll go over and tell her face to face someday."

Hearing what he said, Tao Zhiyue realized that he had never heard him mention his mother, and he had never found it on the Internet before.

Seeing his puzzled expression, Huo Ran immediately explained: "I don't seem to have told you. They divorced a few years ago. Later, my mother remarried. She said it was true love. The other party was young and handsome. In short, I was happier than before. too much."

"Last year, she just gave birth to a child, and she has to go around the children every day. She is very busy and needs to take care of her body, so this time there is relatively little contact, and I don't want to disturb her new family too much."

In the end, he concluded: "In general, my parents belong to the peaceful breakup after the relationship broke up. There are no complicated entanglements and conflicts. They can still sit down and have a cup of tea together and talk about the major events in my life. So here On the other hand, you don't have to worry."

Seeing his unusually serious expression, Tao Zhi couldn't help laughing: "You look like you're on a blind date."

Huo Ran nodded in agreement: "Almost, it should give you a comprehensive understanding of my family situation. This is very important, and it is related to the happiness and harmony of your future life."

Tao Zhiyue echoed casually: "Then you just need to understand me, nothing else."

Huo Ran paused for a while, trying to change the subject: "Ah, the food is getting cold!"

After the fat beef in sour soup came out of the pot, the two of them each fried a water spinach.

In the gap between making the previous dish just now, the water spinach has been washed, and the fermented bean curd has been crushed with a spoon.

Stir-frying vegetables directly is fast and ready in minutes.

When you're done, Tao Zhiyue looks at the two steaming dishes in front of him, and then at the dining table at Huo Ran's house in the video - the two identical dishes always have a strange feeling.

Huo Ran also stared at the phone screen, and made a surprised voice, "Why is your water spinach stalk white?"

Tao Zhiyue explained: "It's a unique variety here. I think it's softer and crisper than the green-stem one, and it's delicious."

"I didn't expect that today I—would be defeated...I even lost the vegetable stem."

Huo Ran said dejectedly: "I really want to come to Jinbei. I want to eat your cooking. It's so difficult to cook."

Even though it's only been a few days, it feels like a long time has passed.

Tao Zhiyue also wanted to see him again.

"I just changed companies now, and I like the new project very much, so I can't leave for the time being." Tao Zhiyue apologized slightly, "I will try my best to come here on weekends or holidays."

Huo Ran seemed to be thinking about something, "It's okay, I will find a way."

With the bright lights in the living room, they began to have dinner together thousands of miles apart.

Huo Ran tasted the special-flavored sour soup fat beef, frowned and said: "Now let's discuss a very important issue."


"What should we usually call each other? - Generally, couples will have unique names."

He analyzed seriously: "I searched the Internet specifically to find some inspiration, but found that many people have the same name, such as Bao..."


Tao Zhiyue hung up the phone quickly, clutching his chopsticks.

[Tao: This topic is too shameful, so let’s type it. ]

[Tao: _(:з"∠)_]

[HR: Hahahahahaha! ]

[HR: You are shy! ]

[Tao: No haha! ]

[HR: Ok. ]

[HR: Then let's start a serious discussion! ]

[HR: I think we should start with the name and take a special title. ]

[Tao: But your name only has two characters, so it’s so difficult to call it. ]

[Tao: Do ​​you want to call it Burning? ]

[Tao: Hahahahahaha. ]

[HR: No more! ]

[pottery:……! ! ]

[HR: Goosebumps stand up! ! ]

This night was spent in such strange and endless chatting.

There is always a mouth-watering hot and sour aroma in the air, and the smile on the face can't stop.

The next morning, when Tao Zhiyue went to work on time, even Guan Yudong, a single mother and child, noticed his unspeakable happiness.

"Did you go on a date with your partner after get off work yesterday?"

Guan Yudong poked his head out from behind the opposite computer screen and looked at him enviously, his eyes filled with the desire to eat dog food.

Tao Zhiyue felt that this statement was basically correct, nodded in agreement and said, "Yes, we're having dinner with him."


The word game reminded Guan Yudong, and he asked suddenly: "By the way, I forgot to ask you yesterday. The vampire game you mentioned last time sounded fun, but I searched around the weekend and couldn't find anything similar. Yes. What's the name of that game, can I still play it now?"

Tao Zhiyue's fingers that were typing on the keyboard stiffened.

"That... ah, maybe I can't play it, it's a very old game." He hesitated a bit, "I played it a long time ago. Someone passed it to me. The name is garbled, so I don't even remember what it's called."

He doesn't like to lie, but this lie has to be told.

"So that's how it is." Guan Yudong retracted his head regretfully, "Then I'll try harder to find a meal replacement! That setting is so interesting, if it doesn't work, we can only wait for us to make it ourselves."

Seeing that he didn't ask any more questions, Tao Zhi was silently relieved—heaved a sigh of relief, calming down.

Tao Zhiyue actually regretted it a bit, he was immersed in the head-spinning passion that day, and time forgot that this is another slightly different world.

The vampire game he described does not exist in this world.

I hope that the colleagues who were present that day will not delve into this issue.

When the entire project team was discussing together yesterday, they tentatively named the AVG mobile game "New World". There was a change, so the two of them first made the revision together.

Since Program Huang recognized his father very decisively on the day of the interview, he refused to be called Brother Huang anyway. Under Tao Zhiyue's persuasion, the two ended up calling each other Xiao Huang and Xiao Tao.

—During the whole morning, the two of them gathered together from time to time to discuss technical issues in a low voice, causing Tao Zhiyue's mind to be filled with not only the code, but also the sound of little yellow.

When Huo Ran sent a message at lunch time, he still didn't recover.

[HR: For your appreciation - the next two precious moments! ]

Huo Ran sent two photos.

[Tao: Alright Xiao Huo, let me take a look. ]

He opened it casually, and there was a picture of Huo Zhendong sitting at his desk in a suit and tie, with a sour soup and fat beef in front of him. There was obvious confusion in his expression.

In the other photo is a young girl with a puffed mouth, who seems to be eating, exactly the same as Huo Ran, whose expression was unpredictable yesterday.

Tao Zhiyue immediately guessed her identity.

The two brothers and sisters not only look alike, but also have a sunny and cheerful temperament, which can make people feel good at first sight.

A smile appeared on Tao Zhiyue's face, his tired brain gradually relaxed, and when he came back to his senses, he realized what he replied just now.

And Huo Ran has expressed a lot of personal views on this.

[HR:! ]

[HR: I like this name! ]

[HR: This tone is also very special! Unforgettable! ]


[Tao: I called my colleague Shun Kou just now...]

[HR: I don't care, I will be Xiao Huo from now on! ]

[HR: I wanted to change my nickname, but I can't let others call it that, so please change me to a note! ]

[HR: Little Bear Rolling.gif]

When Tao Zhiyu was thinking about it, he saw Huo Ran scrolling all over the screen hastily.

He had no choice but to respond with a smile.

[Tao: Change, change, change! ]

[Tao: Alright. ]

Guan Yudong, who was on the opposite side, came back with his lunch, and happened to see his smirking expression at the phone screen.

"Damn it, I haven't eaten yet, why am I already full?"

Xiaoguan said angrily.

[Xiao Huo: To thank my colleagues for their inspiration! ]

[Xiao Huo: I would like to treat your colleagues to afternoon tea, is that okay? ]

[Xiao Huo: Star Eyes.jpg]

Tao Zhiyue's eyes wandered back and forth between Guan Yudong's expression and Xiao Huo's speech, and couldn't help but say wickedly: "Eat slowly, there will be more in the afternoon."

Guan Yudong wailed loudly immediately: "I don't want to gain weight!!"

Jiang Ye, who was going downstairs to eat, passed by, glanced at the noisy official, and poured a symbolic amount of water on the weeping banyan tree with a kettle, before walking slowly towards the kitchen.

Guan Yudong began to feel numb: "I even forgot that there is a daily feeding session, this world is so cruel..."

Tao Zhi laughed harder.

He didn't refuse, and sent the company's address to Huo Ran, reminding him by the way.

[Tao: If it’s convenient, buy another pack of plant fertilizer. ]

[Xiao Huo: Plant fertilizer? Are you growing flowers? ]

[Tao: Not me. ]

[Tao: This question is more difficult to explain...]

[Tao: It seems too troublesome, I'd better bring a bottle of mineral water. ]

[Tao: Even if you can't pour...can't drink, it's still a heart. ]

[Tao: Little bear bows.gif]

[Xiao Huo: Great! ]

[Xiao Huo: Although I can't understand it, it feels amazing. ]

[Tao: It’s okay, I understand and find it amazing. ]

After three o'clock in the afternoon, the sun is shining outside the window, which is the time when the workers are most sleepy.

The doorbell rang, and the afternoon tea carefully arranged by Huo Ran arrived.

Tao Zhiyue took the initiative to run to open the door, the moment he opened the door, even if he was mentally prepared, he was taken aback by the situation in front of him.

—A row of food delivery staff in uniform, pushing several small food trucks covered with transparent covers, smiled politely at him.

The dessert trolley is filled with a variety of desserts and snacks, such as cup cakes covered with cream flowers, colorful macarons, smooth puddings, lifelike potted mousse, sweet popcorn... There's even sushi and sashimi for grab-and-go.

All kinds of drinks on the beverage cart are available, including tools for making hand-made coffee, freshly brewed milk tea, freshly squeezed juice, iced Coke...and a row of high-end mineral water.

When the food delivery staff pushed the trolleys in, the colleagues in the room showed shocking expressions one after another.

Someone boldly woke up Jiang Ye who was dozing off on the balcony: "Boss, did you secretly get the certificate with Mr. Rong? Could this be a wedding scene?! Your flash marriage is so sudden, should we give red envelopes or something else?" of!"

Drowsy Jiang Ye: ...?

Guan Yudong was the first to react: "Ah, afternoon! Did Tao Tao get it from your girlfriend!"

Tao Zhiyue plucked up his courage and said, "It's a boyfriend."

When the voice fell, Program Xiaohuang rushed to the coffee pot decisively with a cup in hand, "It's great to have a boyfriend, I want a boyfriend too..."

So the desired voices sounded one after another in the room.

Such a neat reaction was beyond Tao Zhiyue's expectation.

He wanted to say something, but a lot of words went around in his mind, and finally disappeared without a sound. He just smiled and told everyone not to be polite.

Huo Ran not only bought mineral water, but also bought plant fertilizer, Tao Zhiyue at the same time - and sent it to Mr. Rong.

Jiang Ye was a little surprised and said thank you to him.

When sharing happiness, people and plants should be equal.

In front of tempting desserts, true fragrance always comes quickly.

Guan Yudong completely forgot his vow not to gain weight, and ate with great enjoyment.

The same goes for other colleagues, temporarily putting aside their tangled work, shuttling among the dizzying dining cars, chatting on twitter.

Tao Zhiyue took a photo and sent it to Huo Ran.

[Tao: Received, everyone had a great time eating and said thank you ^-^]

Xiao Huo squatted online and answered almost instantly.

[Xiao Huo:! ! ]

[Xiao Huo: I am also very happy! ]

[Xiao Huo: Little Bear Goes Around.gif]

The room was jubilant, and the smoky warm wind sneaked in through the gaps in the windows, embracing the sweetness of the room.

Tao Zhiyue smiled and picked out a cute little bear expression, turned around, and stroked his hair blown by the wind.

The sun is tired and lazy, and the green leaves of the weeping banyan tree behind him are shaking slightly.

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