MTL - Hello, How Long Has This Been Going On?-Chapter 52

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Tao Zhiyue lived in northern Shanxi for more than a year, and it was the first time he came to Nanshan Road.

The neon lights and the aroma of food are mixed together, stimulating the vision and taste buds at the same time, crowded with people, and the fiery atmosphere is everywhere.

He looked around, his eyes finally fell on Huo Ran's face, and he couldn't move away.

"Why do you keep laughing?"

Tao Zhiyue poked his arm.

Ever since getting off the car and walking into this street, no, it should have been since we met today, the smile on Huo Ran's face has never disappeared, of course, except when his brain was down and he was playing an own goal.

"Because I'm happy."

The bright lights fell into his eyes.

"The last time I came here, it wasn't too long ago, but I always feel that many days have passed."

"And being with you today, it feels like everything is different."

He looked around the food stalls next to him, trying to find examples to prove it: "Even the spicy fried flower armor smells better than last time."

Tao Zhiyue grasped the point: "I see, you are really hungry."

So the first lucky person to be selected was born: Spicy Stir-Fried Flowers.

After ordering and waiting, the two of them went to buy milk tea together. It was still a familiar formula, and the milk tea was topped with sweet cream and chopped nuts.

Tao Zhi took a sip and said with emotion: "It seems to be more delicious than what I drank at the hot pot restaurant that day."

Huo Ran nodded in agreement, and his eyes fell on his lips reflexively.

"...I'll wipe it off in time today!"

Tao Zhiyue immediately took out a tissue from his pocket and wiped the corners of his mouth preventively.

Huo Ran seemed to let out a sigh of regret.

The proprietress brought the spicy stir-fried sixties just out of the pan, full of aroma and flavor.

With sweet and delicious milk tea, everything is just right.

Huo Ran was eating, and suddenly thought of a question: "I always feel like I forgot something today, and I just remembered it."

The fried crab in the typhoon shelter, which was being eaten at the table next door, inspired his memory.

"But it's night again, may I ask?"


"That's...why is it the crabs that wiped out the mosquitoes?"

"...Hahahahaha." Tao Zhiyue was unexpected, "So you still remember this question."

Huo Ran was very serious: "Yes, I had nothing to do on the plane in the morning. I thought about it for a long time. I wanted to ask after I saw you."

"But as soon as I saw you, I forgot all about it and missed the whole day."

Listening to his serious tone, Tao Zhiyue was amused and felt his face was hot.

"I want to learn how to speak from you." Tao Zhiyue also said seriously, "Why are you clearly stating the facts in a very ordinary way, but it sounds very pleasant."

Huo Ran fell into thinking, and tentatively asked, "Because I'm... handsome?"

Tao Zhiyue smiled while silently taking notes in his heart.

Today he discovered two new traits of Huo Ran: a strange desire to win, and a righteous narcissism.

so cute.

Real and alive.

"So..." Huo Ran cast longing eyes, "Can I say it now? It shouldn't be scary, anyway, I'm by your side, so don't be afraid."

"It's not scary, it's just comparison... Well, a lot of stalks are stacked together."

Now that the surrounding area is so lively and brightly lit, it's not the dead of night, so there should be no shame and embarrassment.

The more Tao Zhi thought about it, he tried to express it euphemistically: "What do you read together for yellow mosquitoes?"

"Yellow mosquito...?"

"Crabs can also be called river crabs. The homonym is harmony. This is an old stalk with a sense of the times."

"Harmony wiped out the yellow mosquito?"

"Yes, the reason is that the color that keeps popping up has changed. The color here has two meanings, one is color, and the other is... color."

Tao Zhiyue quietly skipped over a certain part, and he did his best within the scope of discussion among the public.

Huo Ran pondered for a moment, and gradually relaxed his frown: "So it's like this!"

Just as Tao Zhiyue was about to breathe a sigh of relief, he heard him ask a question full of curiosity: "Then before the yellow mosquito was extinct, why did there pop up an English warning with white characters on a black background and a red title?"

"I think this must be a stalk, and it's not just put on it."

Huo Ran said confidently: "I have already discovered the bad taste of this producer. I will play it again when I go back. There must be many small details that I haven't noticed."

"According to the logic of the front and back, this English warning should be a common reminder before Huang Wen was harmonized?"

Tao Zhiyue, who was about to blush uncontrollably, wanted to complain about whether his logical reasoning ability could be used in other places.

That's it, let's be ashamed together.

Tao Zhiyue broke the jar and said: "That is a foreign copyright protection reminder, used to warn viewers not to copy and distribute video content without permission."

"What video?"

"Any video will do, but it's often at the beginning of some...romance action movies, so it becomes a specific meme."

After all, Huo Ran has been roommates with ordinary contemporary male college students, and he has heard of romantic action movies.

Hearing this, his expression also froze, staring wide-eyed at the flower carapace lying on the table.

Among good friends and brothers, this is a topic that can be discussed and joked openly.

But between couples who have just established a relationship, this is probably the most sensitive keyword.

As long as it falls into the ears of two people at the same time, it will trigger infinite reverie, which makes people unable to control their imaginations.

It's like dropping a small stone into the calm water, causing thousands of ripples that can't be calmed down for a long time.

The air between the two was silent for a while, and finally Huo Ran bravely broke the silent and shameful atmosphere.

"Sure enough, there are a lot of stalks stacked together." Huo Ran pretended to be calm, "The sixties are finished, what do you want to eat next? Let's go shopping again."

Tao Zhiyue followed him to get up, and the two of them walked a few steps back and forth holding milk tea. Huo Ran stopped and waited for him, but he still didn't dare to look him in the eye.

After walking side by side, Huo Ran became wise in a hurry and began to create new topics non-stop.

"I bought this Xiaolongbao last time. It was delicious. It was also delivered to the hot pot restaurant that day. Do you want to try it again? There are other flavors besides crab roe."

"Or eat something new, such as the red oil skewers. There was a long queue that day. There are few people today, so we can go buy it."

"It turns out that there is also grilled cold noodles here. It looks different from Yanping's. There will be tomato pulp, which is fresh tomato juice, not tomato sauce. It's sweet and sour, and it's very delicious..."

Tao Zhiyue turned his head slightly, peeking at his expression, he looked very serious, and calmly made a long comment on the snacks along the road.

He couldn't help it, a smile spread across his face.

Huo Ran felt his gaze, looked sideways, and laughed along with him.

Surrounded by countless pedestrians and diners, so noisy, but in this world, only each other's breathing is so quiet.

The scene remains the same, the roles are switched, and now Tao Zhiyue's smile is always lingering.

Huo Ran followed suit and poked his arm: "Why do you keep laughing, don't laugh at me."

"I didn't laugh at you." Tao Zhiyue parroted, "It's because I'm happy."

"Really?" Huo Ran was dubious, "Why do you feel like you are laughing at me?"

"It must be the milk tea's fault, you are hallucinating, let's change the drink next time."

"How about lemon tea? The lemon tea here seems to be very famous. I was too full last time, so I didn't buy it..."

The bustling long street has no end in sight, and the flashing neon lights and people's smiles complement each other, turning into a long river sweeping through the heart.

It turns out that in ordinary days, you can also experience the indescribable eternity.

He kept passing strangers, but the people around him never changed.

Before he knew it, Tao Zhiyue had already taken a lot of snacks, some of which were half eaten, and some that hadn't had time to taste.

Huo Ran went all out to buy, and swept the food stalls. When he lowered his head to pay, he seemed to catch something out of the corner of his eye, and immediately looked up, but found nothing.

Tao Zhiyue asked him: "What's wrong?"

"I seem to see someone I know..." Huo Ran said uncertainly, "But I didn't see it clearly. Could it be that I'm really hallucinating?"

Hearing what he said, Tao Zhiyue didn't take it seriously.

He just saw a man who looked out of place with his surroundings. Just looking at his side profile, he had the temperament of a domineering president in a novel and TV series. The black earrings were very eye-catching.

Just a blink of an eye, the other party disappeared again.

As a result, five minutes later, they actually met in front of the soft and sweet fried milk stand.

Seeing the person coming, Huo Ran's expression suddenly darkened.

This was the first time Tao Zhiyue saw him showing such an expression.

The bright smile from before disappeared without a trace, the profile of his face was tense, his eyebrows were sharp, and there was obvious anger in his eyes.

Before Tao Zhiyue could react, Huo Ran suddenly took a step forward and stood firmly in front of him.

"Jin Shaoyuan, are you finished? Didn't I make it clear last time?"

When Jin Shaoyuan bumped into them head-on, he was obviously taken aback.

"...what's the end?" He paused, "wait a minute, do you think I came here with you?"

Realizing that Huo Ran in front of him was really angry, Jin Shaoyuan quickly explained.

"It was my dad who forced me to come here early to do business, and even scolded me. I didn't want to. I didn't come here until next Monday."

"I really didn't find someone to check you this time, don't get me wrong, it's a complete coincidence."

"To examine the urban characteristics of northern Shanxi, the most famous food street is here. Where else can I go if I don't come here?"

Tao Zhiyue listened to him with a smattering of knowledge, and probably guessed that the person in front of him was Jin Shaoyuan who once gave flowers to Huo Ran.

...a little unexpected.

Why would such a rich and rich dude in Huo Ran's description walk alone in the busiest night market in northern Shanxi with a lot of snacks.

After hearing his explanation, Huo Ran's complexion finally improved a little.

Then he looked down and saw Jin Shaoyuan's very busy hands. His left hand was holding several plastic bags containing snacks, his right hand was holding a box of half-eaten octopus balls, and there was a box full of red oil in his arms. A bunch of snack buckets.

Jin Shaoyuan, who finally recovered from his astonishment, noticed the sight of the two people, and immediately wanted to hide his hands behind his back, but unfortunately the string of red oil in his arms stopped him from moving.

Huo Ran's expression changed subtly for a while.

Jin Shaoyuan's expression also became very strange.

The owner of the fried milk stall looked at the three people in front of him in confusion, very confused, and said nervously, "Why don't you... stand in line?"

The long chopsticks for deep-fried food stopped in the air, there was a sizzling sound from the oil pan, and the crispy golden skin of the fried milk emitted a strong aroma.

Tao Zhiyue pulled Huo Ran, and silently moved a little to the side, so as not to affect his business.

In the weird atmosphere, the anger dissipated, and Huo Ran suddenly laughed: "Why do you look so pitiful when you go shopping in the night market by yourself?"

"Don't buy so much at once, it won't taste good when it's cold."

Huo Ran pointed to the snack bag in Tao Zhiyue's hand very deliberately, "The two of us only bought these."

Jin Shaoyuan: ...

Seeing Jin Shaoyuan's indescribable expression, Tao Zhiyue also wanted to laugh, but felt impolite.

After thinking about it, he decided to say hello to one of the four suitors he had heard about a long time ago.

After all, this was the first time he met someone who had pursued Huo Ran.

"Hello, Jin Shao." He felt wrong while talking, "Uh, it can be called like this, you seem to have said that you won't get angry?"

Jin Shaoyuan: ...

Jin Shaoyuan's face became even more stinky, against the backdrop of the night, it was darker than the small octopus **** covered in sauce in his hand.

Tao Zhi Echigo knew Houjue and said, "It seems impossible..."

Huo Ran laughed until his shoulders shook. He walked back to the stall owner who was staring at them curiously, and paid the money neatly.

"I want a piece of fried milk, no need to pack it, eat it right away."

Read The Duke's Passion