MTL - Hello, How Long Has This Been Going On?-Chapter 56

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In the sound of cicadas day after day, the temperature gradually rises, and time passes quickly.

In a blink of an eye, it is almost midsummer.

In response to the strong request of the employees, the refrigerator in the company's kitchen was filled with ice cream popsicles. Due to the enthusiasm of everyone, the stock had to be replenished every other day.

According to Tao Zhiyue's observations, the regular actions of the program officer when he is tortured by bugs every day have gradually changed from staring at the cute figurine of the paper man's wife and scratching his head to rushing to the kitchen to pick out an ice cream.

Program Xiaohuang was originally a simple black coffee lover and insisted on using coffee to continue his life, but he couldn't bear the temptation of someone gnawing sweet ice cream next to him, and this person would growl while gnawing: I realized, it turns out It's stuck here!

Ice cream can not only cool down the heat, but also help catch bugs, which makes it hard not to be tempted.

At the beginning, Xiao Huang seriously chose the refreshing and transparent old popsicles, alternating with the most classic mung bean popsicles from time to time, but since yesterday, his taste has advanced to creamy chocolate crunchy cranberry mille-feuille ice cream.

As the third programmer who witnessed their growth every day, Tao Zhiyue almost divided half of his self-control in insisting on making dinner every day, telling himself that he could no longer eat sweets.

Because Guan Yudong looked at him without any guilt and said, "Tao Tao, you seem to have gained a little weight."

"...We are making progress together, both in terms of technology and weight." Tao Zhiyue calmly tapped the keyboard, "You seem to have a double chin."

Guan Yudong stretched out his hand to pinch his chin, and said more calmly: "It's okay, at least we have one thing in common, happy and fat."

"To round it up, even I am in love." He couldn't help sighing, "A little bit happy, but also a little bit like crying."

"..." Tao Zhi said from the bottom of his heart, "You are the most optimistic person I have ever met, and I want to learn from you."

"You're welcome, remember to share some love luck with me."

"Speaking of which, I haven't seen your partner yet, I just glanced at it on the lock screen of your phone, when will I pull it out for a walk!"

Guan Yudong's eyes were full of longing: "I want to thank you in person for the memorable afternoon tea, it must be the source of my youthful fat!"

"Stop making excuses, you're just gossip." Tao Zhiyue exposed him mercilessly.

"He's been busy with work recently, and he's usually not free at night. It's not appropriate to call everyone out on weekends. He will treat everyone to dinner after he's done with his busy work for a while."

"Okay, okay, if you don't want to eat, I can selflessly share my list of restaurants I want to go to!"

"Don't worry, he will definitely think about it." Tao Zhiyue warmly reminded, "It should make your jaw improve a little bit."

In the past month, Huo Ran has changed from a foreigner who needs to learn knowledge from the Anli post on the travel section of the Sky Forum to a smart assistant for eating, drinking and having fun in Jinbei City.

During weekdays, Huo Ran is very busy, and even evenings are usually used for socializing and eating, but weekends can usually be reserved.

Every Friday night, Huo Ran will summarize the knowledge of eating, drinking and playing that he has learned this week, send it to Tao Zhiyue, and then discuss where to go on Saturday and Sunday together.

The days of paralyzing at home on weekends and thinking about what to do are gone.

After getting off work at six o'clock every night, Tao Zhiyue looks forward to the progress of the project in the new day. When he returns home after playing enough on the weekend, he will look forward to the destination of the new week.

Life is full of unexpected surprises, and the days pass by like running water.

Of course, the weight also increases unconsciously.

Huo Ran's daily life is running around. When he is busy, he insists on exercising in the hotel gym for a while every day, so he didn't gain weight at all, and even lost a little weight.

And Tao Zhiyue sits in front of the computer every day typing codes, buys vegetables and cooks for himself when he gets home, and also has to resist the temptation of unscrupulous colleagues to eat ice cream under his nose, so there is not much self-control left in the daily limit.

The running shoes that were taken out two months ago and placed on the shoe rack in the entrance have only been used once, and now they are covered with dust again.

Anyway, tomorrow must be.

Now the game program framework of "New World" has been basically determined. With the unremitting efforts of the three happy obese patients, the idea mentioned by Tao Zhiyue in the interview has almost been realized.

The planner was thinking about the plot while losing his hair every day, and the artist produced several versions of concept drawings non-stop, and everyone was in pain and happiness.

At 10:30 in the morning, the smart assistant Huo Ran sent a reminder to "get up and walk" on time.

[Xiao Huo: It's half past ten! Get up and take a walk, don't sit for a long time. ]

[Xiao Huo: I'm not too busy this morning, I have a surprise for you later. ]

[Xiao Huo: Bear stickers.gif]

[Tao: Get up! I go to the kitchen to make a cup of tea. ]

[Tao: I'm looking forward to it, but no afternoon tea ('-')ノ)'-')]

[Tao: Little bear bows.gif]

[Xiao Huo: Hahahahaha ('-')ノ)'-')]

[Xiao Huo: Then! Let's go climbing tomorrow! ]

That's right, today is another happy Friday.

Tao Zhiyue came back with a steaming cup, and passed by Guan Yudong, who was eating ice cream again, with a calm heart.

There seemed to be something wrong with today's villa, taking advantage of the tea break, Tao Zhiyue looked around for a while, and finally found something strange.

The weeping banyan tree on the small round table on the balcony did not appear today, and the lush greenery was gone. Jiang Ye, the boss who was the first to arrive at the company every day, hadn't come to work yet.

Under normal circumstances, after one month of employment in a company, ordinary people will gradually enter the middle class from the first group of people who come to work.

Because Tao Zhiyue lived far away, Tao Zhiyue basically walked into the company at a short time, so as the boss, he insisted on Jiang Ye who was the first to arrive at the job all the year round, which shocked him greatly.

He curiously asked Xiao Huang who was hesitating whether to touch the refrigerator: "Is the boss not coming today?"

Xiao Huang pondered for a while, and replied very rigorously: "According to his past behavior data, there is a 1% probability that something is wrong with his family, and there is a 99% probability that something is wrong with Mr. Rong."

"But no matter what, the boss will come to the company, and he will accompany Mr. Rong to stay idle until after get off work. You may meet a different boss later, don't be too surprised, be normal."

"..." Tao Zhiyue also pondered for a while, "Should this be regarded as a love brain or a career mind?"

Xiao Huang looked solemn: "It's hard to judge, it can be said that it is a whole. In short, the boss is the most amazing man I have ever seen, and I am full of admiration for him."

Tao Zhi nodded in sympathy.

Ten minutes later, Jiang Ye appeared with a potted plant in his arms.

Even though Xiao Huang had been vaccinated, Tao Zhiyue was still taken aback.

Jiang Ye, who has been slovenly for thousands of years, actually shaved off his beard today.

The handsomeness in Guan Yudong's new recruiting slogan "Afternoon tea in Sunshine Villa, the boss is handsome and obedient" has finally been verified today.

Without the sloppy beard, Jiang Ye looked more energetic, but there was a sense of melancholy all over his body.

He walked in, not in the mood to greet others, and walked upstairs slowly with the potted plant in his arms.

In the end, Xiao Huang, who said he had a normal heart, was even more surprised than Tao Zhiyue: "I haven't seen you for a day, and Mr. Rong has lost so many leaves. Could it be because of illness?"

In the small group of the company, a heated discussion immediately started.

[It's an official, not a croak: Ahhh, why did this happen, so suddenly, I thought this time I could see the boss growing his beard to the length of his shoulders! ]

[I will definitely finish the painting tomorrow: Mr. Rong is really thinning out visible to the naked eye! Don’t, don’t be BE, although I can appreciate the beauty, but I’d rather not QAQ]

[Yuan Shiwen: It was very windy last night, did you forget to close the window? I glanced at it, and the banyan tree looked healthy, except that the leaves had fallen a little too much. ]

Tao Zhi was more confused, and it took him a long time to understand the logic.

He was so shocked again that he couldn't help sharing it with Xiao Huo.

[Tao: Our boss is so affectionate. ]

[Xiao Huo:! ! ]

[Xiao Huo: Such an advanced adjective! ]

[Xiao Huo: What did he do? ]

[Tao: He usually never shaves his beard, but he shaved it off today, guess why. ]

[Xiao Huo: Because...the razor is repaired? ]

[Xiao Huo: Because he finally met someone who made him want to change his appearance! ]

[Tao: It's not a person, it's a tree. ]

[Tao: He likes a tree. Every time the tree loses its leaves, he will shave off a little bit of his beard accordingly, as if to accompany it to lose its leaves. ]

[Tao: The tree dropped a lot of leaves yesterday, so today he shaved off all his beard. ]

Huo Ran was obviously shocked for a while.

[Xiao Huo: No wonder you said you wanted plant fertilizer last time. ]

[Xiao Huo: Does he need a plant doctor? ]

[Tao: It's okay, it should be because of the strong wind last night, it was blown. ]

[Xiao Huo: That's good. ]

[Xiao Huo: Little Penguin Hug.jpg]

The inexplicably heavy atmosphere in the office finally eased after Fang Shiwu deliberately went upstairs to check with Jiang Ye.

[Yuan Shiwen: The main trunk is not damaged, just raise it for a few days and it will be fine. ]

[Yuan Shiwen: The weather in this season is unpredictable, and the weather forecast cannot be fully trusted. There will be a typhoon after a while, everyone, remember to put away your clothes and close the windows when you go to bed at night, and don’t leave debris on the windowsill. ]

[Tomorrow I will definitely be able to finish the painting: Great, then I can rest assured that I can enjoy my face, and I will record the precious moments on the emotional road for Brother Ye! ]

[Xiao Huang Xiao Huang: So, will you be able to finish the painting tomorrow? ]

[Tomorrow I will definitely finish the painting: ...Go away! ! ]

The ups and downs of the morning passed quickly, and the afternoon was a weekly routine sharing meeting. There was no work, so it was rounded up, and the weekend came early.

Today's lunch is noodles with fried sauce. Auntie uses her own secret recipe to fry minced meat. The sauce is so fragrant that it even floats all the way to the third floor.

Tao Zhiyue hesitated for two seconds, decided to give up the idea of ​​losing weight for the time being, followed his heart and poured a big bowl, spread meat sauce and cucumber shreds on the chewy noodles.

Just after eating a bowl of fried noodles, Huo Ran, who had fully grasped his eating speed, immediately sent a message.

[Xiao Huo: Have you finished eating? ]

[Xiao Huo: If you finish eating, watch the noon news at 12:30 on Shanxi TV station. ]

[Tao: Good. ]

[Tao: Is there any big news to be announced in the city? ]

[Xiao Huo: I won’t tell you, go and see! ]

[Xiao Huo: Little Bear Rolling.gif]

The more Tao Zhi thought about it, he simply went to the lounge on the first floor to stand and watch TV.

I ate so much today, I have to get up and walk around.

The super-large-screen TV in the lounge is very cool to use. When there is a need for work, everyone will use it to experience the game. After get off work, some colleagues will make an appointment to stay here to play the game console for a while.

There is no one in the lounge now, so Tao Zhiyue turned on the TV and tuned to Jinbei TV.

The time was just right, and after the exciting opening music sounded, the dignified and majestic hostess began to broadcast today's noon news.

"On the morning of May 29, the 'TOD Tourism New Model and Future Urban Development' forum opened at the Jinbei Convention and Exhibition Center, and our reporter sent a report on the spot."

Amidst the eloquent broadcast, the screen turned to the crowded forum venue. As the camera moved steadily, Tao Zhiyue saw the familiar figure at a glance.

Huo Ran was wearing a well-fitting black suit, and sat in the first row of seats with a deep expression on his face. His outstanding appearance stood out among the crowd of middle-aged people.

"The first TOD complex project in our province will land in Jinbei New City..."

There are sharp-eyed colleagues who wander around outside with nothing to do. They saw the news in the break room, which is very rare, and touched their stomachs filled with fried noodles. They also came in to join in the fun. Anyway, they don’t have to work in the afternoon.

Program Xiaohuang couldn't resist the temptation, and took a trip here with an old popsicle to quench his thirst: "Our city is making a big move again! Is it going to be traffic jams while construction is going on?"

His words happened to be heard by Xiao Song, an art girl who will definitely finish the painting tomorrow, and immediately seized the opportunity to fight back: "There was news on the local forum some time ago, you are so stupid."

"Several big companies from Yanping came to investigate together. It is said that this project is used to solve traffic congestion, and it is built in the new city, so you can't be blocked... Eh, this guy is so handsome."

The hostess is still introducing the basic definition of this unfamiliar term and its impact on the future of northern Shanxi: "TOD complex covers all aspects of urban life, and can be called a miniature version of the city. It not only includes catering, accommodation, hospital..."

At this time, the screen switched, and Huo Ran walked onto the stage, with a straight figure and a calm expression, and began to speak.

After the camera zoomed in, Tao Zhiyue recognized the white shirt in Huo Ran's suit.

They bought this together when they were strolling around the mall last week. It was very formal as an inner outfit, and it looked the same from the front, but on the back of the shirt that was blocked by the jacket, there was a very messy colored big bear printed on it.

He couldn't help laughing.

Sure enough, I was pleasantly surprised.

"! What did I hear! Is this the legendary rich second generation!" Xiao Song was shocked when he heard it, "Why didn't he show up earlier when he was so handsome, Huo came out and was beaten!"

Xiao Huang refused to admit defeat: "You just said you wanted to draw the boss, but now you have changed your mind."

The lounge was very popular, and Guan Yudong rushed to watch the excitement, "Tao Tao, you are actually peeking at the handsome guy alone, don't call me!"

He watched for a while with the melon-eaters who were all focused, and unconsciously began to scratch his head: "Why do I feel that this person looks familiar, I seem to have seen it somewhere..."

"Is it in a dream? This seems to be the first time he has appeared to the outside world."

"No, I did! I swear!"

Tao Zhiyue glanced at the steaming strawberry sandwich ice cream in his hand, and decided to take revenge for the past few days.

So he whispered: "You saw it on the lock screen of my phone."

Guan Yudong:! ! !

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