MTL - Hello, How Long Has This Been Going On?-Chapter 66

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Huo Ran, who was sitting in the conference room listening to a week's work report, found that the mobile phone in his pocket suddenly vibrated twice.

He is doing two things at once, listening to his subordinates' reports while thinking about how to help his boyfriend and sister with very different personalities establish a harmonious and friendly relationship at night.

This is the first step in officially introducing your family to your significant other, and you can't go wrong.

Calculating the time, Huo Sihan should arrive almost now, and it should be the message from her.

Huo Ran decided to take the opportunity to inquire about the mood of this offline sister at the moment, to judge what kind of situation might arise at night.

So he put on a standard and steady expression for handling official business, and slid open the lock screen of the phone.

[Pomelo Shrimp Salad is number one in the world: Dear brother. ]

[Pomelo Shrimp Salad is the best in the world: The house is really nice. ]

Huo Ran felt his scalp tingle when he saw the three words "Dear", which meant nothing good.

[HR: Speak well, don't use such a strange tone. ]

[HR: There are two guest bedrooms, you choose by yourself. ]

[Pomelo Shrimp Salad is the best in the world: Really? But I only saw one master bedroom, and the only second bedroom has no bed. ]

Huo Ran was stunned for a moment.

[HR: What are you talking about? ]

[Pomelo shrimp salad is the best in the world: But none of this matters. ]

[Pomelo Shrimp Salad No. 1 in the world: Because the ideal type is so handsome, thank you, dear brother. ]

When the last message came out, Huo Ran almost jumped up from his chair.

His expression was stiff and stiff, and even the director of the engineering department who was speaking noticed it. With a flick of the tail, he tactfully twisted his sonorous affirmative sentence into a modest and cautious interrogative sentence.

Huo Ran closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and flipped through the chat history.

[HR: 1502, Building 5, password 520520, I will ask an assistant to pick you up at the airport. ]

[Pomelo Shrimp Salad No. 1 in the world: Your password is too old-fashioned, it is recommended to change it in time:)]


It was dark.

Eating and living in the neighbor's house for so long that I forgot which one my home is.jpg

Thinking of the traces of life belonging to the two people all over the house, and Tao Zhiyue's 100% shocked expression.

Huo Ran's inner world collapsed.

Trying to calm down, he tried to mend the past.

[HR: I reported the wrong house number, which is 1901. ]

[HR: Come out quickly, go upstairs, don't disturb others. ]

[HR sent a red envelope. ]

He even unscrupulously sent out a huge amount of bribery red envelopes.

Huo Sihan accepted it at the speed of light, and then ran away happily.

[Pomelo shrimp salad is the best in the world: Wow, thank you boss, the boss is generous. ]

[Pomelo Shrimp Salad No. 1 in the world: Waiting for your return with your ideal type~/Love]


[HR:! Spit out the red envelopes! ]

In an unusually heavy mood, Huo Ran was surrounded by a gray cloud.

The director of the engineering department looked at him tremblingly, and dared not continue speaking, the entire conference room froze.

Huo Ran came to his senses, and then struggled to squeeze out an expression of appreciation: "The progress is good, and we will continue to work hard next week."

"Okay, okay, Mr. Huo." The director of the engineering department tried to figure out the deep meaning in his words, "The communication with the Environmental Supervision Bureau is a bit slow, and it will be resolved next week. It is my ineffective supervision. Sorry, Mr. Huo .”

"..." Huo Ran simply made mistakes, "Everyone has worked hard this week, hurry up and finish the meeting, and go back to spend a good weekend."

When the others heard this, their expressions instantly relaxed.

Only Huo Ran maintained an indescribably complicated mood.

After finally finishing the meeting, it was almost evening, and the driver opened the door for him, but Huo Ran had a look of hesitation.

At this moment, he wanted to go home immediately, but he didn't dare to go home.

Logically speaking, Tao Zhiyue would send a message asking him what to do, and no matter how bad it was, he would also ask why he reported the wrong house number.

But the message bar was unusually quiet, and there was no new message from him.

The quieter the phone was, the more flustered Huo Ran became.

The driver in the driver's seat asked respectfully: "Mr. Huo, are you going back to Jia'an Mingyuan?"

The frightened Mr. Huo didn't really want to answer this question.

He leaned on the back of the leather chair and thought hard for a long time, and finally came up with a way to make up for it.

"Wait a minute, go to a place first."

At six o'clock in the evening, night began to fall.

The children playing and riding bicycles in the garden of the community were taken home by the adults, their immature voices faded away, and the smell of food wafted from the windows of every household.

The flowers and plants fell silent for a while, and the street lights came on on time.

After getting out of the elevator and walking to the door of Room 1502, Huo Ran, who was holding two large handfuls of things in his arms, originally wanted to raise his hand to knock on the door, but after hesitating for a moment, he decided to take a more conservative strategy and find out the current situation first.

He gently opened the door with the key.

The living room was brightly lit, and a very familiar voice came from the kitchen. Huo Ran took a deep breath, and then took a deep breath, then quietly looked towards the kitchen.

Three hours ago, it was also the location of the entrance hall.

The scene was very embarrassing for a while, and the air seemed to stop flowing.

Tao Zhiyue recognized the young girl in front of him as Huo Ran's younger sister at a glance.

But Huo Sihan was not so calm. He stared at him in a daze for a few seconds, then took a step back and apologized again and again: "I'm sorry, I knocked on the wrong door. I was talking about other people's dementia, not you, absolutely No!"

As she said that, she was about to run wildly to press the elevator, "I'm so sorry, I'm leaving now! Just pretend I haven't knocked on the door!"

Tao Zhiyue, who was at a loss, was amused by her reaction.

He coughed and called out to Huo Sihan: "No need to apologize, you didn't knock on the wrong door."

Huo Sihan looked back blankly, and saw the ideal handsome guy showing her a gentle smile.

"I'm your brother's boyfriend."

Huo Sihan's eyes widened.

Huo Sihan was still in a daze until he walked into the house, stood on the mat at the entrance, and watched his brother's boyfriend bring a pair of brand new men's slippers.

Tao Zhiyue's tone was somewhat apologetic: "I didn't prepare small size slippers in advance, you can just wear these and make do with them, they are new."

"Okay, it's okay." Huo Sihan looked dreamy, "Are you... living together?"

"...No." Tao Zhiyue denied it without changing his face, "His house is upstairs, so he probably made a mistake when he told you."

However, Huo Sihan had already seen the familiar watch on the dining table and the white shirt casually draped over the back of the chair.

She nodded insincerely: "Okay, I believe it."

Tao Zhiyue noticed her gaze, and while feeling ashamed, he instantly went over all the details of the whole house in his mind.

Dining table, sofa, coffee table, sink, bed...

Only the second bedroom dedicated to playing games is absolutely safe.

The bedroom door was not closed, Tao Zhiyue turned slightly sideways, blocking Huo Sihan's sight that might move there at any time, covered his ears and said, "I'm tired from the journey, do you want to play computer for a while?"

Huo Sihan understood and cooperated very well: "Great, I thought the same way, I haven't played the game for a long time."

She put on her slippers, dropped her luggage, covered her eyes with her hands sensiblely, and rushed to the renovated game room.

"What a big screen! This gaming chair is so comfortable!" Huo Sihan exclaimed, "Ah, there is also a snack stand. This jelly looks delicious. Damn it, I haven't eaten it. I don't want to eat it when I get home." To get a room like this..."

For some reason, hearing Huo Sihan's lively and joyful voice, Tao Zhiyue's mood unexpectedly became better.

"Would you like a drink? Is there milk, orange juice, and Coke in the fridge, or would you like something else?"

"I want a Coke! Thank you!"

Sure enough, they are brothers and sisters with the same taste.

Tao Zhiyue brought the iced Coke into the game room, turned on the air conditioner for her, then gently closed the door, and quickly began to clean up the whole house.

He threw all the things that were not suitable for others to see into the bedroom, and closed the door. He even locked it with a key to avoid the small probability of the door being blown open by the wind.

After wiping around with a rag and mopping the floor, Tao Zhiyue, who was finally able to catch his breath, sat on the sofa, looked at the brand-new room in front of him, and thought about how to get along with his sister who met for the first time.

Huo Sihan's bright yellow suitcase was placed on the mat in the entrance hall. The suitcase was covered with gaudy stickers, and there was a fluffy bear hanging on the handle, which was cute from the inside out.

Tao Zhiyue stared at her suitcase for a while, and his uneasy mood faded inexplicably.

He decided to go to the kitchen and make a fruit salad.

A glass bowl full of apples, watermelon and pears is placed on the small table in front of the snack stand, and it is served with a salad dressing.

Seeing Huo Sihan's surprised eyes, Tao Zhiyue explained: "I don't know if you eat salad dressing, so I didn't pour it in directly."

And Huo Sihan looked at the fruit salad, then at him, his expression changed rapidly, and finally he held his face and wailed.

"How much virtue did my brother accumulate in his previous life, woo woo woo!"

Tao Zhi laughed and sat down on the chair next to her. She saw the game screen of Animal Island displayed on the screen in front of her, and a koala was waving a hoe.

"Are you farming?"

"Yes! I entrusted it to a friend when I went on a trip. In the past two days, she has been very busy. She told me that the greenhouse was damaged by the wind. I thought I would be able to go home and touch the computer immediately, and nothing would happen. Unexpectedly, in just two days, it rained again, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! My Miaomiao!"

"Do you want me to plant it for you? Two people will be faster."

"Okay! Do you also play Animal Island? I originally wanted to ask my brother to work as a coolie for me later."

"Well, my farming skills are better than his."

Tao Zhiyue turned on another computer and boarded the game. Huo Sihan looked at the hedgehog floating in the boat and sighed suddenly.

"So it's this hedgehog!" She recalled the memories of Qixi Dog Food, "The one drawn in the mist!"

"So which one was drawn by my brother? I don't think it looks like it. The things he draws are really ugly."

"He drew the hedgehog, but he searched for photos on his phone and drew it against him."

"Hahahahahaha I knew, he didn't make any progress!"

"By the way, you actually recognize me!" Huo Sihan suddenly realized the point, "Did my brother show you my ugly photos? Which one is it? He secretly took a lot of photos!"

"...the picture of you eating fat beef in sour soup." Tao Zhiyue smiled, "It's not ugly, it's pretty."

"Contrast, such a strong contrast." Huo Sihan wept silently, "I really want to change my brother."

"Can I have the pp number of my new brother?" She mustered up her courage and said, "Huo Ran is too stingy, he won't even show me the photos, I'm going to **** him off!"

"Okay, I'll add you."

Tao Zhiyue took out his mobile phone and added Huo Sihan's friend. When he saw her nickname, he asked curiously.

“Is the Yuzu Shrimp Salad delicious?”

"Delicious! The most delicious food in the world!" Huo Sihan became excited instantly, "This is the best food I've ever eaten! I just don't know if I can still taste that taste when I return to China, I miss it so much."

"Is it difficult to do?"

"It doesn't look difficult. It's a salad mixed with many ingredients. There are grapefruit, cooked shrimp, a soft meat, peanuts, and spices I don't know. It feels very simple, but it's piled on the shrimp slices and eaten in one bite. The taste is good. I took a picture and showed it to you!"

Tao Zhi looked at the photo carefully for a while.

"The ingredients are all homemade. I'll go shopping for vegetables in a while and try to make them at night."

"!! That's great ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Huo Sihan's joy was tinged with sourness, "I'm so jealous of my silly brother, woo woo woo."

The koala who was engulfed by jealousy ran to the offline brown bear island to make trouble confidently after finishing the farmland.

The little hedgehog followed the koala and helped her overturn the guardrail of the island, and then slipped into the orchard to pick them wantonly.

From the cabin in the middle of the island, the grunting sound of the brown bear can be heard.

After messing around in the game, Tao Zhiyue was about to go to the nearby vegetable market to buy vegetables, and Huo Sihan, who was completely swayed by the charm of his new brother, immediately said that he would go together.

Tao Zhiyue would stop by to buy vegetables almost every day after get off work, and after a long time, he became familiar with many stall owners.

It was the first time that the aunt who sold the fruit saw that he didn't come alone. She looked at Huo Sihan next to him who was touching a grapefruit in surprise, and gossiped, "Young man, have you found someone?"

Tao Zhiyue shook his head and said with a smile, "It's my sister."

"Oh! Both brothers and sisters are so good-looking, the genes are so good!"

So Tao Zhiyue smiled deeper: "Thank you."

Turning around, almost everyone knew that he had a younger sister.

Facing the twilight, Tao Zhiyue returned home contentedly with the vegetables, and carefully bought a pair of small-sized women's slippers. Huo Sihan followed behind him with his head down, poking his fingers at the phone keypad, showing off to his sisters today's achievements. adventure.

In the kitchen, Tao Zhiyue was washing the shrimp, carefully picking out the shrimp threads.

Huo Sihan was peeling the grapefruit beside him, talking excitedly about the trip he just finished.

"I drank too much tea with my good friend that day. I was super excited. I couldn't sleep at night and played match 3 in the room. As a result, I slept until dusk the next day, and all the plans I had made were messed up."

"It's time for dinner. The two of us walked out of the hotel. We didn't know where to go. We saw a lot of motorcycles attracting customers, so we simply went for a ride in motorcycles."

"The little brother who drove looked very shy, and then stepped on the accelerator, it was like racing in a movie. He drove us to the Saigon River, which has the most tourists."

"It just happened to be dark, wow, there are people and cars around, and there is a whistling wind, and the lights on the other side are shining, which is very, very beautiful. The two of us screamed and laughed at the same time."

Tao Zhiyue listened attentively, and glanced across the lush garden downstairs, just in time to see the street lamps gradually lighting up.

"There is a restaurant by the river. It's summer, and the signboard is decorated with red Santa Claus, so we immediately decided to go to this restaurant for dinner."

"As soon as you walk in, it's like another world. There is a big Christmas tree full of gifts. There is a jazz band performing live on the front stage, and the saxophone is playing well."

"The waiter's sister has beautiful eyeliner and a gentle smile. I still remember it, thanks to her recommendation of the grapefruit shrimp salad."

"Pomelo meat, shrimp meat and everything else, piled on the crispy shrimp slices, poured a spoonful of sweet and spicy sauce will make a sizzling sound, it is very soft when bitten down, and the juice will burst, I almost bit my tongue."

"The Christmas tree in summer, the jazz music in the hall, the beautiful sister who added ice cubes to me, and the best grapefruit salad in the world. above the clouds."

"Looking back now, it's still like a dream."

Tao Zhiyue was also brought into a dream by her description, feeling dazed.

There was a trivial movement behind him, and he turned his head as if feeling something, and saw Huo Ran coming back from get off work.

Huo Ran was wearing a suit, holding two bouquets of roses in his arms, one bouquet of dazzling red roses, and the other bouquet of soft champagne roses.

"Why did you buy so many flowers?"

"I bought it for you, one bundle per person."

Huo Rangao's hanging heart was relieved, he put the flowers on the dining table, and made up the greeting that was a little late.

"Good evening, I'm back."

Read The Duke's Passion