MTL - Hello, How Long Has This Been Going On?-Chapter 70

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Screamed around on the crazy maelstrom, and had lunch in the fairy-tale paradise restaurant.

The three people who were full of food and drink looked at the guide on the screen of the mobile phone, and began to discuss the arrangements for the afternoon one after another.

"I want to play the big slide, the wave pool, and wait until we enter the pool to see who has the last laugh... Yes, there is also a lazy river! This afternoon should be almost over, the days are so long, I want to fast forward to the night..."

Huo Sihan was thinking about the strategy, when he suddenly heard Huo Ran cough heavily.

"Wait until nightfall to go to the lazy river. The lights at night are better."

Huo Sihan suddenly realized, and quickly restrained his expression, "It makes sense, then I'll choose another one. Brother Zhizhi, is there anything you want to play?"

Something is wrong.

After two days, Tao Zhiyue was used to the two of them attacking each other anytime and anywhere, suddenly being so harmonious and friendly made him very uncomfortable.

"Is there any conspiracy between you two?"

Under Tao Zhiyue's scrutinizing eyes, the two brothers and sisters shook their heads in unison: "No."

Got it, that's what it is.

"Be honest."

Seeing that the situation was wrong, Huo Ran gave his sister a meaningful look, and remedied: "There will be song and dance performances and light shows at night, which are very lively. It seems that there will be one today. I wanted to give you a little surprise."

It sounds reasonable, but Tao Zhiyue doesn't believe it.

"Really? Then I'm looking forward to the performance tonight."

"Really, really." Huo Sihan first performed a chick pecking at rice and nodded, "I testify."

Seeing that his sister started to help again, Huo Ran got up decisively: "Let's go, the big slide, if it's later, there will be more people."

Tao Zhi thought about it more, and decided to cooperate with them, pretending to turn a blind eye.

Anyway, judging from the previous conversation, the surprise must be on the lazy river.

He began to look forward to it silently.

The big slide, which is also one of the signature projects, was thrilling and exciting. The group played twice in a row, and also played all kinds of slides nearby.

Next it was the turn of the wave pool, and they soaked in it for most of the afternoon.

Tao Zhiyue learned to swim a long time ago, but he didn't touch the water for a long time. He completely forgot how to swim and had no physical memory. He began to sink nervously as soon as he entered the water.

But it's really cool to play in the water when the weather is hot.

He stayed in the shallow water area and resisted for a long time in a position where he could stand and step on the bottom. Finally, he couldn't resist the temptation of the people next to him swimming like fish. He was dragged into the water by Huo Ran and taught him how to swim.

"Inhale, relax, hug your knees with your hands, try to get close to your chest, don't be nervous, your body will float up naturally."

Tao Zhiyue did as he said, his feet lifted off the ground and hugged into a ball, and his whole body miraculously began to float upwards.

With my ears half submerged in the pool water, the sounds from the outside world became indistinct, like lights flickering in the distance.

"It won't sink, don't be afraid."

The stretched back is parallel to the water surface, and the breeze blows, leaving bursts of coolness on the skin.

"It's floating!" Huo Sihan, who is very good at water, jumped out of the water, "Oh oh waist! What a waist!"

Then, as expected, Huo Ran violently drove him away by splashing water.

After discovering that he would not sink, his sense of unfamiliarity and fear of water decreased a lot in an instant. Tao Zhiyue put on his swimming goggles and began to follow Huo Ran's patient guidance to slowly regain his memory of swimming.

"Try reaching out to stroke the water, raise your head to breathe, yes, slowly find the rhythm, you can try to hold your breath."

"I'll support you below, don't worry."

With strong arms between his waist and abdomen, Tao Zhiyue opened his eyes the moment he entered the water, and through the swimming goggles blurred by water vapor, he saw the serious expressions of the people around him.

Huo Ran also held his breath and dived into the water, looking at him intently with a slight smile on his face.

The soft hair floated lightly in the water.

The underwater world is suddenly quiet, everything is a clear blue, and the sunlight makes the water surface almost transparent.

Like a quiet dream.

He seemed to have learned to swim again, kicked back, and surfaced smoothly to take a breath.

Huo Sihan with an excited face was swimming around, watching the two wow from time to time.

"The waves are coming!!"

The wave-making machine launched a big wave, and in the exclamation of the tourists, layers of snow-white waves rolled over.

The pool was full of laughter and shouts.

When the waves pass through the body, it seems that they are being pushed to an unknown distance by a pair of invisible hands.

Fortunately, Huo Ran caught him in time.

The waves subsided, and the pool water gradually returned to calm.

After playing in the wave pool until late in the evening, the three of them who were finally tired sat on the shore, stepped on the water, and watched other people being slapped around by the waves.

"Hahahaha that person was photographed!" Huo Sihan watched with relish, "Okay! He popped up again quickly, with quick movements, full marks!"

Tao Zhiyue appreciated the real-time commentary: "Which one? The one with the red swimming cap?"

"No, the one with the short head, ah, I saw the red swimming cap, what kind of posture is he in? I laughed so hard..."

Huo Ran, who was listening and laughing, pressed the phone through the waterproof bag and checked the time.

"I smell coconut water, I want a coconut!"

Huo Sihan sharp-eyed saw someone holding a huge coconut on the shore, drinking the original coconut water through a straw.

"Are you a dog nose? You can smell it."

Tucao returned to Tucao, Huo Ran still consciously performed the duties of the cash machine, "I went to buy it, but I can't hold three, come and get it with me."

Tao Zhi took a few more glances: "Why do I feel that this person looks familiar?"

He tried his best to recall: "It seems to be that Jin Shao..."

"Huh?" Huo Ran looked over belatedly, and his heart skipped a beat.

It was Jin Shaoyuan.

Jin Shaoyuan was dressed in casual clothes and looked around with a coconut in his arms. When his eyes met, he didn't seem surprised by this encounter, and he raised his chin to signal them.

Huo Ran quickly walked over: "What are you doing here?"

"You asked me to do something so suddenly, I can't come to see you..."

Under the gaze of Huo Ranyu who was about to push him into the swimming pool in the next second, Jin Shaoyuan thought for a while, and turned a corner in time, "Hot... balloon?"

Huo Ran breathed a sigh of relief, showing a business-like smile: "I hope that your park can develop a water balloon project that is popular among tourists as soon as possible."

Jin Shaoyuan's expression twitched: "I just invested some money, don't care about that."

Huo Sihan on the side watched for a long time, and finally realized: "So it's you, I almost didn't recognize it, why are you black so much?"

As a lover of handsome men and beautiful women, Huo Sihan had of course met Jin Shaoyuan, but after talking to him, the domineering presidents in the TV dramas she loved to watch had a more appropriate face.

"You seem to be much more normal now." Huo Sihan sighed, "It's not easy, the second term is finally over."

Jin Shaoyuan: ...

"Running around outside every day, isn't Huo Ran also black?" Jin Shaoyuan tried to defend himself, but felt that it was difficult to win over the two brothers and sisters, so he simply prepared to leave, "Forget it, pretend I never showed up."

"Wait a minute, why is your body missing?" Huo Sihan stopped him.

"What body?"

Huo Sihan pointed to his ears, "Your black earrings are always a must for a middle school bully... Hey, they're silver now."

"It seems a little familiar. Isn't this a summer-limited couple model released by a luxury brand before?"

Hearing this, Jin Shaoyuan's expression stiffened suspiciously, and he turned around and left immediately.

"Let's go, goodbye."

Seeing the back of him striding away with the coconut in his arms, the three people standing there all showed thoughtful expressions.

Huo Sihan was complacent about her keen eyesight: "I'm so smart, and I caught another one secretly dating."

Tao Zhiyue was slightly surprised: "Shouldn't he be called Jin Shao in the future?"

Huo Ran was full of emotion: "It turns out that his father's iron fist is so useful, if I knew about it, I would have reported it earlier."

Thinking of this, he immediately added to Tao Zhiyue: "He has a partner, and we are now a very ordinary partnership."

Tao Zhiyue nodded with a smile: "So he's here to see what's going on?"

"...It's a hot air balloon!" Huo Ran's face remained unchanged.

Huo Sihan pricked up his ears to gossip: "What did I hear? What was your relationship before?!"

"It's nothing, children, don't join in the fun."

"Tell me, tell me, Brother Zhizhi, tell me!"


"Jin Shaoyuan sent him roses."

"!! Oh my god, what a strange unfolding! Hahahahaha, Huo Ran, you are finished! Brand new handle!"

"I threw it away, I threw it all away, really."

As dusk fell, the colorful lights gradually lit up in the water park.

At the starting point of the rafting river, Tao Zhiyue and his party chose a rubber boat for each of them, got on and sat down.

The whole person can lie leisurely on the large rubber boat, with a big coconut at hand, a straw and a small paper umbrella inserted in the opened coconut cover, which is very tropical.

It is said that this is the longest drifting river in the country's water parks, with a length of 1.5 kilometers. Along the winding river, you can visit the entire park.

In rubber boat No. 1, Tao Zhiyue drank coconut juice and pointedly said: "It's the lazy river."

In the No. 2 rubber boat, Huo Ran repeated without changing his expression: "It's time for the lazy river."

In the No. 3 rubber boat, Huo Sihan glanced at the two of them cautiously, and then repeated: "It's the lazy river."

In his brother's very deep eyes, Huo Sihan trembled, trying to make up for his mistakes.

"I've been playing for a whole day, I'm so tired, now I can just lie down and chat!"

Huo Sihan poked the innocent coconut meat with a small paper umbrella, and forced to find a topic: "Ah, by the way, I don't seem to have asked, what does Brother Zhizhi study? I'm studying fashion design, and I just graduated this year!"

Tao Zhiyue smiled: "I'm working as a programmer in a game company now."

"It turned out to be a programmer. I think people who can program are masters!" Huo Sihan was instantly excited, "What kind of game is it? Animal Island? I want to play!"

"No, the game hasn't been launched yet." Tao Zhiyue explained, "It's an AVG mobile game for love. It's a very popular card strategy game, and then fall in love, but there is a little innovation in the gameplay."

"! I like to play this kind of game!" Huo Sihan became excited, "But now many of them are crazily cheating Krypton. "

"Li's painting style is super amazing and beautiful! I saw the screenshots posted by my sisters in the group, and I downloaded them with the traffic of roaming abroad. In the end, there was nothing but the painting style. The plot was messy, and the interface was full of shopping malls and gift packages. The button is very popular, if you hire such a good painter, can't you cherish it!"

Tao Zhi looked at her dancing with anger, and said with a smile: "Now this type is the trend, and many assembly line products that are reskinned are mostly for making a wave of money."

"I want to play with brother Zhizhi's company! It must be fun!" Huo Sihan cheered up again, "When will the closed beta be? Can I pre-order a code for the beta test!"

"Probably another year." Tao Zhiyue calculated, "I think it should be a very fun game, and the art style is also very beautiful."

"It's been so long! Then I don't want to wait for a whole year. Speaking of which, do you need to trust the game? Look at me, I'll sign up! Give me a chance, I really want to have fun without spending money..."

Huo Ran couldn't help but said: "Is the red envelope I sent you not enough?"

"Not enough! I suggest you send some more."

"Dream, it's not bad if you don't spit it out."

There are chattering voices beside my ears, and the flowing river bank in front of my eyes. The rubber boat floats past the bushes and pedestrians on the bank, and a child with a surprised face waved to them in the river to say hello.

The night is filled, and the rubber boat is like a floating cloud, swimming through all kinds of scenery along the coast.

The neon lights flashed in the crazy maelstrom, and screams still came from inside. The big slide was brightly lit. Tourists set off from the top and yelled to slide to the bottom. Ups and downs.

The wave pool at night is the most lively. There are singing and dancing performances on the central stage. Accompanied by the shouts of tourists in the pool and the sudden waves, the atmosphere is pushed to the climax.

In the dazzle along the way, everyone gradually stopped talking, Huo Sihan changed his posture, lying on the rubber boat, looking at the shore with shining eyes.

The fresh coconut on hand was drunk to the bottom, the refreshing sweetness intertwined with the lazy night, Tao Zhi was almost sleepy.

After going around in a big circle in the park, the rubber boat is about to reach the end, the end of the lazy river.

There seemed to be no other tourists around, Tao Zhiyue looked at the brightly lit pier, and saw a man in uniform guarding a small car.

There is a transparent glass cover on the trolley, and inside is a big cream cake.

Like a birthday cake.

The rubber boat docked, and Tao Zhiyue went ashore in a daze, feeling that he had discovered the surprising truth.

He asked curiously, "Is it Sihan's birthday?"

Huo Sihan turned around excitedly: "How could it be me! Brother Zhizhi, you are so stupid."

At the place where the river meets the land, in the light scattered from the shade of the trees, he saw people around him laughing.

The next moment, amidst the sounds of rapid rise, the night sky above the head was suddenly filled with gorgeous fireworks.

The tourists who were playing stopped and looked up.

The bright and colorful fireworks exploded one after another, like a grand illusion.

Countless gorgeous colors gather at the end of the line of sight, the sky is full of brilliance, and everything becomes silent amidst the booming sound of blooming.

Tao Zhiyue looked up at the fireworks all over the sky, but hadn't recovered yet.

Huo Ran stood in front of the cake cart, lowered his head and lit the candles.

"When I bought the ticket before, I accidentally remembered the birthday on your ID card."

"I don't know if you like your birthday or not, so I didn't prepare much, just a cake and a firework."

His face was illuminated by fireworks, and the reflection of the whole world was reflected in his eyes.

"Happy birthday."

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