MTL - Hello, How Long Has This Been Going On?-Chapter 89

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Looking out from the window, a large piece of land not far away is under construction, and the top of the tall tower crane is shining red in the dense night.

The Shanxi New City, which was originally a bit desolate, has gradually become lively with the arrival of a large number of enterprises under favorable policies.

The work at hand came to an end, Huo Ran stood at the window and watched the long arm of the tower crane moving slowly.

In more than an hour, the tower crane will stop, and the night in Xincheng will return to silence, and it is time for him to get off work.

I don't know if Tao Zhiyue will sit on the balcony at home and look in this direction.

Last weekend, the two of them actually stayed together on the balcony, watching the construction site while eating fruit, sitting for a full two hours.

But it's really nice.

Compared with the old men standing outside the fence and looking in with their hands behind their backs, leisurely overlooking the construction site from a high place sounds more emotional at least.

After letting his mind go blank for a while, Huo Ran returned to the large chair and flipped through the thick documents on the desktop.

If there is no accident, the TOD complex in Jinbei New City will be officially completed in two years, so during this period, many important commercial projects have to be approached in advance.

Some original enterprises and projects in Jinbei City, especially in the new city, will also enter the vision of many investment companies.

Like the previous Jinbei Water Park, Jin Shaoyuan's company is a temporary capital injection.

Huo Ran stared at the documents at hand, his eyes fixed on a picture for a long time.

It was a schematic diagram of the effect. Coke and popcorn were placed on the center armrest of the car, and a large screen was directly in front of it. There was a person sitting in the driver's seat and a passenger seat, smiling and looking at each other.

This is a special movie theater that is about to open in Jinbei New Town.

Staring at this very distant scene for him, Huo Ran's thoughts gradually drifted away, until he was interrupted by the message notification sound on his mobile phone.

He came back to his senses and slid open the lock screen.

[Tao: I drank delicious milk tea, I want you to try it too. ]

[Tao: I ordered a cup for you, and it will be delivered in about ten minutes. Remember to ask someone to go down and get it. ]

[HR: Ok, what flavor is it? ]

[HR: Little bear bows.gif]

[Tao: I won’t tell you. ]

[Tao: You will know when you receive it. ]

When the assistant walked into the office, he saw Mr. Huo had just put down his phone with a smile on his face.

Seeing her come in, her smile didn't disappear as suddenly as before.

"Get me a takeaway." Mr. Huo's voice was full of joy, "It's a cup of milk tea, and it should be here in a few minutes."

"Okay, I'll get it right away."

When leaving the office, the assistant also had a smile on his face.

I don't know what happened, but it's great.

It must be the milk tea ordered by my boyfriend.

She wants to check the taste later, and order a cup after copying homework after get off work.

The assistant took her badge and went downstairs, gossiped happily with her colleagues in the elevator, then the elevator door opened, she swiped the card to go out, and walked to the lobby on the first floor.

She glanced roughly, but didn't see the delivery boy.

But there was a handsome guy in the hall who was drinking milk tea, and he was carrying a cup of packaged milk tea in his hand.

The assistant looked at the phone for a while, peeked at the handsome guy for a while, and was about to continue sharing today's happiness with his colleagues, when he suddenly reacted.

Wait a minute, packaged milk tea.

My boyfriend ordered milk tea.

She looked up again, looking over in disbelief.

The handsome guy who seemed to be waiting for someone noticed her gaze, paused, and then walked over on his own initiative.

"Hello, are you Huo Ran's assistant?"

The assistant froze for two seconds, then smiled back with great professionalism.

"It's me, are you here to deliver milk tea to Mr. Huo?"

"Well, can I go up?" The handsome guy was a little embarrassed.

"Of course, please follow me."

As he said that, the assistant swiped his badge on the credit card machine, and politely asked the handsome strange guy to go in first.


"You're welcome, this is what I should do."

In the mirror-like elevator, the assistant looked at himself reflected in the mirror, and couldn't help giving him a five-star praise for his calm performance at the moment.

Who can tell that there is a villain in her heart dancing and screaming in ecstasy?

It turns out that Mr. Huo's boyfriend has such a gentle temperament.

It matches well with Mr. Huo who used to pretend to be cold every day.

She couldn't help but make up 300,000 words in her brain.

After getting out of the elevator, there is the front desk and office area. The assistant introduced the company's layout to the special guest behind him in a very measured manner.

"This is our office area, and there is the rest area. If you need any drinks and tea, you can tell me. Mr. Huo's office is at the innermost..."

Colleagues who passed by looked up from time to time, but they didn't ask too much. The assistant often helped Mr. Huo welcome the guests.

Although the guest was handsome and carrying milk tea, he didn't seem to be here to discuss business.

Only the colleague who knew the inside story watched the two of them walking towards the CEO's office in a daze.

The assistant couldn't help feeling complacent.

Mortals who know nothing.

She could already imagine the expression of regret that they felt annoyed at why they hadn't looked more after they learned the identity of this person for a while.

Finally at the door, the assistant took a deep breath, knocked lightly on the office door with extra excitement.

"Mr. Huo, here's the milk tea."

Hearing what she said, the people on the side rolled their eyes with a smile.

"Please come in."

Huo Ran's voice came through the door.

Turn the handle, and the indoor lights gradually flow out from the crack of the door.

Huo Ran was looking down at the document when he suddenly heard a very familiar voice.

"It's white peach oolong milk tea."

Huo Ran was startled, thinking that he had an auditory hallucination.

He raised his head and saw Tao Zhiyue standing by the door, smiling and raising the milk tea in his hand to him.

Surprised, Huo Ran quickly stood up and walked towards him: "I like peach flavor."

The assistant closed the door gently for them, and then flew away.

No, the scene is so sweet, and the expression is almost unbearable.

There were only two people left in the huge office.

Tao Zhiyue laughed: "No homonyms are allowed."

Huo Ran took the milk tea in his hand: "This doesn't count, it's a pun."

Tao Zhiyue looked at his office curiously: "It turns out that the head of the CEO's office is not as exaggerated as in the TV series."

Huo Ran immediately thought of a traditional CEO's office: "There are also more exaggerated ones, mainly because I am relatively simple."

"Well, redefining simplicity."

White Peach Oolong Milk Tea exudes a sweet fragrance.

"Why did you come here suddenly?"

"I don't want to wait for you at home every day, so I decided to add a little random element."

"Then what else will happen randomly?"

"Ask me in the future, I don't know today."

After the unconstrained explanation, Tao Zhiyue added in a serious manner: "However, the main reason is that I suddenly wanted to see you, so I came here."

He was secretly learning Huo Ran's way of speaking.

Huo Ran noticed it immediately and laughed: "This is very similar to what I would say."

Stealing the teacher was discovered, and Tao Zhiyue changed the subject without changing his face: "I won't tell you anymore, keep busy and try to get off work early."

"Will I bother you in the office? Or if I go outside to the lounge area."

"No, that's fine."

Tao Zhi stayed quietly on the sofa, flipping through a book he found on his bookshelf.

He is sitting at his desk, dealing with tedious business documents.

The lights were quiet, and the two cups of warm-colored milk tea gradually bottomed out.

tastes good.

In ordinary daily life, occasionally a little unexpected surprise is needed.

Today, I don't know the surprises that will come in the future.

In the pile of papers that kept turning over, Huo Ran once again remembered the picture he saw just now.

Ever since he knew about the car accident, he never took the initiative to mention the fact that the two of them were in the car together.

He didn't even dare to discuss it clearly with Tao Zhiyue.

But now, that unknown barrier is gone.

Frightening surprises may or may not come, it's randomness.

But in order to avoid accidents and cowardly hide, you will miss many good or bad things in life, this is certainty.

He has never been a person who does not believe in fate.

He has always faced accidents and chances on his journey.

It was he who chose to fight against the wind of uncertainty.

"After get off work, do you want to go for a drive together?"

When Tao Zhiyue heard these words, he raised his head from the book in surprise.

His eyes shone brightly, more dazzling than the stars outside the window.

He seemed to remember something, and his eyes became soft.

After a while, Tao Zhiyue laughed: "Huh? How did you know that I was going to drive out?"

Huo Ran was taken aback.

"Why does this tone sound a bit strange?"

Tao Zhiyue shook his head while laughing: "No wonder, it's your illusion."

"It's really weird, not like the way you talk."

Huo Ran raised a level of alert: "Did you learn it from others?"


"Then why do you keep laughing?"

"Because I'm in a good mood."

An hour later, Tao Zhiyue sat in the passenger seat and looked sideways at Huo Ran beside him.

The white Bentley slowly drove out of the underground garage of the office building, passed through the gate, and drove into the wide road.

There were few cars in the new city at night, so Tao Zhiyue rolled down the window, feeling the warm evening wind blowing across his cheeks as expected.

The street trees on both sides swept back, and the orange street lamps cast warm rays of light.

Everything is calm and safe.

But that doesn't seem to be the way to go home.

"where are we going?"

"I also prepared a surprise impromptu."

When the car slowly drove into the gate of the park illuminated by colorful neon lights, Tao Zhiyue's expression was more surprised than Huo Ran who saw the milk tea.

Fenghuayuan car theater.

Just like its name, the park-like environment is full of maple trees, either red or yellow, which are still brilliant in the night.

Guided by neon lights along the way, it leads to the viewing plaza with large outdoor screens.

Tao Zhiyue didn't come back to his senses for a long time.

They are the only guests tonight in the vast field.

Huo Ran stopped the car in the middle, greeted the staff who came up from the side, and adjusted the radio in the car to a specific channel.

Popcorn, Coke, the movie screen that occupies the entire world in front of you, and the sound sounds in the car as if it were on the scene.

According to Huo Ran's request, a classic love movie that takes place in autumn will be shown tonight.

Golden leaves floated down inside and outside the screen at the same time.

"Have you never been to a movie theater like this?"

Tao Zhi nodded, then shook his head again.

"I really like the name of this movie theater."

"Why? Because of the maple leaf?"

Huo Ran easily lowered the seat so that he could sit more comfortably.

"When I used to work part-time on weekends, I often passed by a drive-in theater. Although I never went in, I would take a look at it every time I passed by, thinking it was amazing."

"From the outside, it looks like a park, with green trees everywhere, and the theater sign at the gate looks very retro, as if going back to the last century. So I always remember its name."

"It's called Maple Garden, it's only one word different from here."

Now Tao Zhiyue can talk about the past without any scruples.

"Maple Garden sounds better." Huo Ran commented, "This is a beautiful coincidence."

A wonderful accident.

Beautifully composed images flowed on the screen.

They watched this special movie through the transparent windshield and chatted comfortably.

Huo Ran used his cliché again.

"The heroine's acting skills are really good."

"Well, it's amazing."

"Are they about to meet again?"


"Who did you learn that sentence from? You obviously don't know how to drive."

"...I was almost pulled out by you."

"Tell me quickly."

The sweet aroma of popcorn permeates the small space.

Laughter was blocked between the lips and teeth.

Time stops.

The soft leather seats are deeply sunken.

Read The Duke's Passion