MTL - Help! The Seductive Villain Chases Me Everyday to Expose My Other Identities!-Chapter 124 Maybe... another way to coax me is more useful

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  Chapter 124 Maybe... Another way to coax me is more useful

  Ji Wenfeng covered his mouth to cover his cough, "I'll wait for you in the car..."

   Before he finished speaking, he paused again, "If San Shao plans to send you back, please tell me."

   "Wait for her in the car." Chu Jinchen said calmly.

  The implication is that he will not send Shiran back.

   Ji Wenfeng was full of doubts.

  What happened to San Shao and Shiran?

  Why is it so strange tonight.

  Compared to Ji Wenfeng's perplexity, Shiran is much calmer.

   "Wait for me in the car."

  She said to Ji Wenfeng, and went straight into the car.

  The door closes.

  Chu Jinchen sat lazily and could only see his profile from time to time.

   "Are you angry?" Shi Ran asked straight to the point.

   "No." Chu Jinchen's face remained the same, with the same casual smile.

  Judging from the expression alone, there is really no trace of anger.

  But Shiran didn't believe Chu Jinchen's words.

  He tonight is too abnormal.

   "Are you not angry?" Shi Ran asked again.

   "Yes." Chu Jinchen replied.

   Didn't even give Shiran a look.

   "It's fine if you're not angry, then I'll go back first."

  Chu Jinchen:?

  He turned his head to look at Shiran, with a momentary astonishment on his expression.

  Seeing Shiran, he made a gesture to get off the car.

  Chu Jinchen's eyes were sharp and his hands quickly grabbed Shiran's wrist.

   Shi Ran blinked, "What's wrong?"

  Chu Jinchen's dark eyes were dark, he gritted his teeth, "I'm not angry, not at all."

  When he spoke, the smile on the corner of his mouth was gone.

   This is afraid that people will not see his angry appearance, which really makes Shiran laugh.

  But she still suppressed the smile on her lips, and nodded solemnly, "I know you're not angry."

  Chu Jinchen:? ? ?

  He was extremely angry.

   Looking at the innocent face in front of him, he felt even more headache.

  Finally, he let go of his hand and said weakly, "Go back."

   "Okay." Shi Ran answered.

  She stepped out of the car door with one foot and was about to bend down to get out of the car.

  The next second, the wrist was held again.

   A smile filled his eyes from time to time.

  Chu Jinchen's awkward voice came from behind, "A little bit angry."

   Sanyu in the driver's seat: "..."

  Third young master, can we have some backbone? ? ? ?

  Shiran returned to the car and closed the door.

  She looked at Chu Jinchen's thin lips tightly pressed, and hid her smile, "What's wrong?"

  Chu Jinchen stared at Shi Ran.

   There was a long silence before he spoke, "If I say it's fine, are you going to leave again?"

   Shi Ran smiled and nodded.

  Chu Jinchen felt helpless.

  He really had nothing to do with Shiran, and was caught to death.

   "Just now at the door of the box, I heard you say that you like Qi Le."

  At that moment, he was more flustered than jealous and angry.

  He was also thinking about it on the way to Yuhun.

  If the person Shiran likes is Qi Le, or if Shiran likes someone else, what should he do?

   Exit fulfillment?

  He can't do this kind of thing.

  Growing up, he never wanted anything in particular.

  Even the position of the head of the Chu family, which many people are eager for power, can only be abandoned at any time for him.

  But only Shiran, he didn't want to let go.

  Even the thought of letting go felt like the world was empty to him.

  So, instead of saying he was angry, it would be more appropriate to say that he was panicked.

   There were bursts of itching in his wrist, and he lowered his head suddenly.

  Chu Jinchen's thumb was caressing her wrist unconsciously.

  Is he upset?

  Thinking of this possibility, Shi Ran was puzzled, "So because I said I like Qi Le, are you angry?"

  Chu Jinchen sighed silently.

  He was still too hasty.

  He could see that Shi Ran had always been slow to emotions.

  That's why we adopted a step-by-step strategy from the beginning.

   It's just that Qi Le disrupted his plan.

  Thinking about it, Shiran didn't know why he was angry.

  Chu Jinchen rubbed the space between his brows.

   Forget it, with his current status, what qualifications and position does he have to ask for an explanation.

   "Calm down." He raised his lips and returned to his usual appearance.

   Shi Ran moved closer, his eyes fixed on Chu Jinchen's expression.

   It's really calming down.

  She stretched out her hand and poked the corner of Chu Jinchen's mouth with her index finger.

   Seeing Chu Jinchen's eyes froze for a moment, the smile in her eyes deepened.

  She said softly, "When I met Qi Le, it was the darkest moment in my life."

   "But you also know that the circle is so big in total, and a lot of things are said and spread."

   "Qi Le is a bosom friend to me, he was always by my side during my most difficult time."

  “He never gave me a response, but for me at that time, someone to listen to and someone to keep this secret for me was enough.”

   Shi Ran withdrew his hand, his eyes filled with complicated emotions.

   These are the feelings of the original body Qi Le.

  Perhaps because she accepted the original body's memory, she was always soft-hearted towards Qi Le.

  Chu Jinchen listened quietly without speaking.

   Shi Ran looked at him, and said, "Yulie is a kang. I went to him several times, and I could see wounds all over his body."

   "I thought about taking him away, but he didn't want to. I know he has difficulties, and this difficulty must not be because of money."

   "But I respect his choice, I just feel sorry for him and torture myself like that."

  The more Sanyu listened, the worse it became.

  Miss Shi's words sound so wrong.

  He glanced in the rearview mirror.

   Sure enough, seeing Chu Jinchen's eyes sinking slightly, he asked, "What do you want to say?"

   "I want to say..."

   Shi Ran reached out and grabbed Chu Jinchen's collar, and pulled it down.

  Chu Jinchen leaned obediently, his black eyes met those smiling eyes.

   "Qi Le is more like a younger brother to me now, without any emotion between men and women."

  Chu Jinchen's dark eyes trembled, "Why do you want to explain to me?"

  He thought that Shi Ran was insensitive to emotions, so he didn't know why he was angry.

   But now it seems that Shiran knows it.

  That and he explained why.

   There was silence in the car, except for Chu Jinchen's heartbeat 'thump', which seemed to be deafening.

   Is it sometimes a little bit...

like him?

  Seeing that Chu Jinchen was in a daze, he suddenly rubbed the tip of Chu Jinchen's nose, and said seriously, "I'm coaxing you."


   These words defeated Chu Jinchen's last trace of rationality.

  He clutched Shiran's chin, pushing upwards.

  Red lips are close at hand, his voice is low and hoarse, "Perhaps...another way to coax me is more useful."

   As soon as the words fell, he lowered his head and bit Shiran's lips.

  Shi Ran opened his eyes wide.

  The touch on the lips is warm, and the surrounding temperature is also rising.

  Chu Jinchen bit it lightly.

   Shi Ran subconsciously opened her lips.

  Chu Jinchen wrapped his palms around Shiran's waist, trapped her on the seat, and deepened the kiss.

   Shiran opened his eyes in bewilderment.

  Too...too intense.

  She raised her hand and pressed it against Chu Jinchen's chest.

  Chu Jinchen raised his eyes, looking at Shi Ran's hazy eyes, which were covered with mist, they darkened.

  He knew that Shi Ran wanted to push him away.

  I can't help but feel a little regretful.

   But enough is enough.

   Let go of Shiran's chin, and he is about to back away.

  Unexpectedly, the hand resting on his chest went up, and the soft arms climbed up his neck.

  Shiran closed his eyes, opened his mouth and bit Chu Jinchen's lower lip.

  (end of this chapter)