MTL - Help! The Seductive Villain Chases Me Everyday to Expose My Other Identities!-Chapter 162 together

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  Chapter 162 Together

  Chu Jinchen was taken aback for a moment.

  The next second, the big palm wrapped around the slender waist.

  The other hand caressed the delicate nape of her neck.

  Chu Jinchen turned against the guest, which deepened the kiss.

  Fireworks bloom in the sky, dazzling.

  On the balcony, the two kissed affectionately.

   After the kiss was over, Shiran's cheeks were stained with two blushes.

  Chu Jinchen couldn't stop the smile on his lips.

  He held Shiran's hand, and gently rubbed the back of Shiran's hand with his thumb.

  Heart is still beating fast.

   After a long time, he finally asked, "So... did you promise me?"

   Shi Ran looked at Chu Jinchen's deep black eyes.

  Holding Chu Jinchen with his backhand, he smiled, "Yeah."


   Sanyu was waiting at the door.

   After a while, Shi Ran and Chu Jinchen walked out from the hotel door side by side.

   Shi Ran still wore a black mask on his face.

   Sanyu looked over.

  The next second, he was completely shocked.

  He...he read it right? !

  Why did San Shao and Miss Shi come out holding hands? ? ?

   What did he miss? ! !

  What's the situation?

   Sanyu was stunned.

  Chu Jinchen and Shi Ran were holding hands.

  Sanyu was about to open the car door subconsciously, but was stopped by Chu Jinchen.

  He stepped forward and opened the car door.

   Shiran smiled slightly and sat in.

   Sanyu was in a mess in the wind.

   I didn't realize what happened until I started the car.

  Mother Chu called.

   "How is it? Are you still eating? Should you be full?" Mother Chu asked excitedly.

  Chu Jinchen glanced sideways at Shiran, and responded softly, "Yes."

   "I can't wait to see her, when will you act!" Chu's mother somewhat hated that iron can't make steel.

  Chu Jinchen smiled softly, "Mom, she and I are already together."

   Sanyu:! !

   "Really?!" Mother Chu jumped up, "Then can I go shopping with my future daughter-in-law tomorrow? I want to show off with Ranran and Xiaorou."

   "Their family, Wen Yu, hasn't found a wife yet. My son can be regarded as up-to-date."

  Chu Jinchen didn't answer Mother Chu immediately.

   Instead, he looked at Shiran who was beside him.

   "Yes." Shi Ran answered.

  Since she already understood her own intentions, it must not be just for fun.

  So it's better to be more frank.

   It’s okay to see my parents.

   "Of course, let's add a contact information first, and make an appointment for a time and place." At this time, Mother Chu was so happy that she couldn't find the north.

the next day.

   Suddenly arrived downstairs in the apartment.

  Chu's mother's car was parked there.

   Shiran got into the car.

  Different from imagination, Mother Chu is a petite and playful woman.

   Along the way, she pulled Shiran and chatted non-stop, and they had a good time.

   soon arrived at the destination.

  Wang Zirou showed a gentle smile when she saw Shiran and Chu's mother walking towards her.

  She stepped forward, "I didn't expect Shi Ran and Jin Chen to be together."

  Mother Chu thought of Wen Yufei when she heard the words.

   "The matter about Yufei..." She hesitated to speak.

  Wang Zirou consoled instead, "Emotional matters should never be forced. Jinchen doesn't like Yufei. Even if the two get married, it's just another way of suffering for Yufei."

  She looked at Shiran and smiled kindly, "But Shiran, I don't know why, but I always think this child is very kind."

   "My future daughter-in-law, don't try to rob me." Mother Chu said vigilantly.

  Wang Zirou helplessly laughed.

  The three entered the mall.

  Compared to the indifferent Shiran and the gentle Wang Zirou.

  Chu's mother can be said to have amazing fighting power.

   You can buy it almost wherever you go.

   After a while, the bodyguards following behind were already covered with shopping malls.

  Mother Chu is still in high spirits.

   After entering another store.

  Wang Zirou smiled and said to Shiran beside her, "Shopping is what she likes the most. We usually go out, but we can't leave until evening."

   "Very good, don't you want to go shopping?" Shi Ran asked.

  Wang Zirou shook his head, "I'm not interested in shopping. I used to like to buy clothes for my children. Now that my children are older, they don't need me anymore."

  Shiran just smiled and didn't ask any more questions.

   After shopping for three hours, Mother Chu finally started to feel tired.

   They found a coffee shop and sat down.

  Chu's mother said excitedly, "I also bought a lot of clothes for Ranran today. Ranran is a hanger, and it must look very good."

   After finishing speaking, Mother Chu's cell phone rang.

  She looked down and was speechless for a moment.

   "Of course, have you not heard from that brat Jin Chen?"

   Shiran heard the words and turned on the phone.

   Sure enough, Chu Jinchen sent her a message.

  —My mother is a famous shopaholic. If you are tired, tell me and I will pick you up.

  —It seems that it is being destroyed by my mother.

  —Aren’t you tired?

  —Okay, I admit it, I miss you.

   Shiran raised the corners of his mouth, smiling sweetly.

  Chu's mother held her chin, "That's great, the love of young people."

  Wang Zirou laughed softly, "You don't give up too much when you're in love."

   "That's right, everyone should know about being in love so happily!" Mother Chu said of course.

  After that, she chatted with Wang Zirou about the past.

  Seeing that Shiran was listening quietly, she immediately became even happier.

   "Of course, you don't know, Xiaorou and I met a long time ago, and we witnessed each other's love, from falling in love to marriage to giving birth to a baby."

   "When Jinchen was born, I made a promise with Xiaorou that if she gave birth to a girl baby, we would become in-laws."

   "It was only later..." Mother Chu's words came to an abrupt end.

   Guilt crept up her face gradually.

   "Xiaorou, I..."

  Wang Zirou smiled, her voice was still soft, "It's okay, it's been so long, I should let it go."

  Shiran heard the conversation between the two of them.

   She could roughly guess that this might be a secret between the two of them, so she didn't pursue it.

   It was Wang Zirou who saw that Shiran was so considerate, and instead took the initiative to mention it.

   "I felt like old friends at first sight with Ranran. In fact, I also had a daughter before."

   Shi Ran looked at Wang Zirou.

  Wang Zirou looked far away, lost in memory.

   "You should know the old fortune-teller from the Chu family, right? It's a coincidence. Yufei's mother and I were almost pregnant with both legs, and gave birth on the same day."

   "At that time, Ah Yue and I were overjoyed, as if it was a predestined fate. I like girls very much, and I am looking forward to the arrival of the child."

  “It’s just that when I woke up, I was told that my baby was stillborn and the baby was gone. I didn’t want to believe it. I cried and made a fuss.”

   "Even suffering from postpartum depression, Ah Yue and A Qi accompanied me to go abroad for medical treatment, and they just came back recently."

Mother Chu lowered her head sadly, "I'm all to blame for this incident. I happened to be on a business trip at the time, and I didn't expect Xiaorou to give birth early, otherwise I could be by her side, and I wouldn't let the child die. .”

   "Unclear?" Shi Ran noticed these four words.

   Could it be that there are other secrets in this?

  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion