MTL - Help! The Seductive Villain Chases Me Everyday to Expose My Other Identities!-Chapter 164 The secret of the year

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  Chapter 164 The secret of the year

  Back then, Wang Zirou and Mrs. Wen Gongliang were pushed into the production room together.

  Five hours later, the nurse came out holding a child.

   After Wen Gongliang took the child, he handed the child over to his subordinates, who took the child away.

   Not long after, another subordinate walked over holding the dead baby.

   Half an hour later, Wang Zirou and Mrs. Wen were pushed out of the delivery room.

   Suddenly, his eyes darkened.

   Obviously, Wang Zirou's child was replaced by Wen Gongliang and replaced by a dead baby.

   As for why…

   If she guessed correctly, it should have something to do with the fortune teller of the Chu family.

  A girl born on July 7, and the location refers to the Wen family.

  The two produced at the same time, for Wen Gongliang, undoubtedly added a competitor.

   Wolf ambition.

  Wen Gongliang would naturally not allow Wang Zirou's child to be born smoothly.

   I just don’t know where the child was carried in the end.

  Shiran is preparing to copy the monitoring.

  However, a person who suddenly appeared next made Shi Ran stop.

  I saw Wen Gongliang's other subordinate walking with a crying child in his arms.

  Wen Gongliang hugged her in her arms and handed it to the nurse.

  Shi Ran watched this scene.

   My mind was running fast.

  The towel around this child is completely different from that of Wang Zirou's child.

   That is to say, it is a child brought from other places.

  Why did Wen Gongliang bring a child from another place?

  Thinking of this, suddenly ten fingers began to tap rapidly on the keyboard.

  She hacked into the hospital's system and found Mrs. Wen Gongliang's medical records.

  But there is no record related to pregnancy test.

  Shi Ran raised his eyebrows.

  If it can be confirmed that Mrs. Wen Gongliang's pregnancy tests are all done in this hospital.

  That means...

   Mrs. Wen Gongliang is not pregnant, all this is Wen Gongliang's conspiracy to marry the Chu family.

   Shiran picked up the phone.

  Sent a message to Mother Chu.

  【Shiran】: Auntie, I want to ask, where did Aunt Zirou's sister-in-law take the pregnancy test?

  Mother Chu responded quickly.

  [Mother Chu]: The First Hospital of Kyoto, that is the most authoritative hospital in Kyoto, where we basically do our physical examination and treatment, and the Wen family is no exception, what's the matter?

   Shiran raised his lips.

   It seems that the answer is already on the horizon.

  Shiran sent a surveillance copy of Wang Zirou's child directly to Wen Qi's mailbox.

   After finishing all this, she looked at the surveillance intercepted later.

   In other words, Wen Yufei is not Wen Gongliang's biological daughter.

  If this is the case, even if the fortune teller is correct.

  Chu Jinchen's marriage to Wen Yufei didn't help.

   Just when Shiran thought so, she received a call from Wen Yufei.

   "I want to talk to you."


  The garden near Shiran Apartment.

  Wen Yufei was sitting on the stone chair, when she saw Shi Ran, she patted the seat beside her.

  After Shi Ran sat down, she got straight to the point.

   "I hope you can leave Jinchen."

   "You have said this sentence many times." Shi Ran said calmly.

   "But you never gave me a definite reply." Wen Yufei lowered her head and said.

   "I won't leave him, and we are already together." Shi Ran's answer was frank and straightforward.

  Wen Yufei looked at Shiran in disbelief, "What did you say?!"

   Shi Ran did not repeat it.

  Wen Yufei was in a trance.

   "Is there anything else?" Shi Ran asked.

   "Leave him, tell me what you want, and I can satisfy you." Wen Yufei said firmly.


   "Is it impossible even if you die?" Wen Yufei's expression was cold, as if poisoned.

   Shi Ran raised her lips, with a comfortable expression, "You can try it."

   "Do you think that with your family background, even if you marry Jin Chen, what will it bring him? There are only countless troubles, right?"

   "The heir of the Chu family, the future mistress of the Chu family is a woman without any family background. You don't feel ashamed, aren't you afraid that the Chu family will be ashamed because of you?"

   "Since you agreed to Jin Chen, it means that you like him. You also know what the old fortune teller said. Could it be that you hope that Jin Chen will die because of you?"

  Wen Yufei saw that it would not work, so she adopted another method.

   Attempt to move it with emotion and reason.

   Shi Ran cast a sideways glance at her, "So you think that if he marries you, he can avoid an untimely death?"

   "Isn't it? I'm the one the fortune teller said, and what about you? You're nothing, not even my family background!"

  Wen Yufei also planned to smash the can.

   Facing Shiran at this time, she tore up the disguise.

   shows her pride and sense of superiority.

  Shiran crossed her legs, and her long, white and slender legs were exposed to the air.

   There was a leisurely smile on her lips.

   She was not at all stimulated by Wen Yufei's words.

   "Miss Wen?" She murmured these five words.

  Think about what you saw on the monitor before.

  Look again at Wen Yufei's proud and conceited appearance in front of her.

  Shiran felt a little ridiculous.

  She got up, didn't want to talk nonsense with Wen Yufei, and left directly.

  But the next second, two men in black suits appeared in front of her, blocking her way.

   Sometimes it seems like a smile is not a smile.

  She didn't turn her head back and said, "You don't think these two people alone can stop me?"

   "Of course not." Wen Yufei folded her arms around her chest, her eyes gradually becoming vicious, "You said that if you disappeared from this world, would Jin Chen never marry because of you?"


   "Why don't we give it a try." Wen Yufei's smile gradually became darker.

"Da da da-"

  The sound of footsteps rustled.

   Soon, Shiran was surrounded by a group of strong men.

  The number is even more than last time.

   This group of people stood together like an unshakable mountain.

  Shiran is like a tourist standing at the foot of a mountain, looking small and vulnerable.

  Wen Yufei Shi Shiran sat down.

  She straightened the hem of her skirt, looking like a victor with a certain chance of winning.

   "How about it? Consider my suggestion?"

   "Even if I think about it, you won't let me go, will you?" Shi Ran didn't panic, her expression was calmer than Wen Yufei's.

  Wen Yufei only thought she was trying to be brave.

  She looked at Shi Ran and smiled slyly, "If you agree, break up with Jin Chen now, say that you are in love with someone else and want to leave with someone else, maybe I can make your death easier."

   "But if you don't want to, that's okay, you say that if he sees you and so many men..." Wen Yufei paused and laughed coquettishly.

   The implied meaning is self-evident.

   "Do you think he will continue to be with you? Even if you disappear by then, he shouldn't care, right?"

  Shi Ran's eyes froze.

   A killing intent flashed in his eyes.

   "I have to say, your method is very stupid." Shi Ran sneered, "Are you only focusing on learning etiquette without cultivating your mind?"

   "What do you mean?!" Wen Yufei gritted her teeth.

   Shi Ran **** her long hair casually, "You'd better just pray that you can kill me today, otherwise, your end will be miserable."

  (end of this chapter)

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