MTL - Help! The Seductive Villain Chases Me Everyday to Expose My Other Identities!-Chapter 166 season finale

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  Chapter 166 Finale

   "Dad, I came to you today because I have something to tell you. When Zi Rou gave birth, it wasn't really a stillbirth, it was him!"

  Wen Qi pointed at Wen Gongliang angrily, and said word by word, "He replaced Zi Rou and I's children in order not to let our children hinder him from marrying the Chu family!"

  Wen Gongliang's eyes widened, and he looked at Wen Qi in disbelief.

  Panic took hold of his brain.

  How did Wen Qi know about this? !

  Obviously all the evidence at that time has been destroyed.

  Master Wen was also shocked at this time.

  He thought he had heard it wrong, "Aqi, what did you say?!"

  Shiran saw that the Wen family's family war was about to start, so she got up very self-aware and left first.

  Master Wen didn't stop him either.

   It is true that there are housework to deal with.

  After Shiran left Wen's house, Ji Wenfeng's car was already waiting at the door.

  She still has to go to the next announcement.

   At night, Shiran received a call from Chu's mother.

  There was a turmoil in the Wen family, and Chu's mother learned about it. Thinking of the news Shiran sent last night, she guessed that it was related to Shiran.

  Shiran is also very frank and admits directly.

   also got to know the current situation of the Wen family through Mother Chu.

   Wen Gongliang's swapping of children was exposed, and Mr. Wen was furious. He was already planning to fire Wen Gongliang from the company and drive him out of Wen's house.

   And the Wen family is now doing their best to search for news about the daughter that Wen Gongliang lost.

  Although Wen Gongliang said that the child had been thrown into the sea, Wen Qi and the others were unwilling to give up hope.

  About Wen Yufei...

   Shiran has already sent the video to Wen Qi.

  The Wen family also made DNA for Wen Yufei and Wen Gongliang, confirmed the two and gave them to the father and daughter.

  Wen Gongliang's wife was expelled from Wen's house together with Wen Gongliang.

  Wen Gongliang was also arrested for intentional homicide.

  Wen Yufei was completely ruined in the entertainment industry, and now she can't go back to Wen's house.

   completely disappeared from public view.

   But fortunately, Shi Ran and Wen Yufei's drama can still be shown as usual.

  The relationship between Shiran and Chu Jinchen gradually warmed up.

  The secret relationship between the two has not been known to the public.

   However, the photos of them going to the movies and shopping were taken and posted on the Internet.

  The whole process was always in Chu Jinchen's arms, and everyone could only see Chu Jinchen's gentle side face.

   There were rumors all over the Internet that Chu Jinchen had a girlfriend and even met his parents.

  The Shenyan CP fan who was originally hyped up suddenly withered.

  【My face cp! ! I thought I got a real cp, but I didn't expect San Shao to have a girlfriend! 】

  【CP fans should wake up too, how could a big family like Sanshao think of Shiran】

  【Although Shi Ran is very good, he is still far from such a wealthy family】

  【It’s not the third young master, I don’t even know anyone who can match our Lord Ran】

  【It's a pity, but the third young master is very blessed to find true love, I don't know who is so happy! 】

  【Obviously the third young master liked Ran Ye before, I didn't expect it! ! 】

   When Ji Wenfeng saw these comments, he silently turned off his phone.

  He turned his head and glanced at Shi Ran and Chu Jinchen who were not far away in a warm and harmonious atmosphere.

  Thinking of Wen Yufei, he couldn't help sighing.

   No matter what, she couldn't imagine that Yufei was this kind of person.

   Like him, Wen Yu was also unexpected.

  Recently, he and Qiu Yaohang were the ones who woke him up after getting drunk at the bar every day.

   Now go to work hard.


   On this day, Shi Ran was nominated for the Golden Lion Award for Best Supporting Actress, and became a hot search.

  Everyone is cheering for her.

  Shiran also participated in the celebration party held by Qiu Yaohang.

  At the party, she and Chu Jinchen were inseparable, which made Qiu Yaohang, an unmarriage advocate, very envious.

   After half a month, Wen Qi and Wang Zirou suddenly found Shi Ran.

   "You sent us the video of Wen Gongliang last time, right?" Wen Qi asked.

   "Yeah." Shi Ran nodded in admission.

   "Thank you very much, if it weren't for you, I would have been deceived by my brother who has a human face and a cruel heart." Wen Qi said sincerely.

   "You're welcome." Shi Ran responded indifferently.

   "We are looking for you today because we have another matter to ask you for. After so many days of searching, we can finally confirm that our child is still alive!" Wang Zirou's tone was still a little choked when he said this.

   "But we couldn't find any news about that person. What is certain is that the old gentleman saved our child, but the photo is very blurry. We asked someone to deal with it, but we still couldn't see it clearly."

  Shiran probably understood their reason for coming.

   "You can give me the photo."

   "Thank you very much." Wang Zirou stood up and was about to bow.

   No matter how powerful they are outside, at this moment they are just parents who want to get their children back.

  Shiran took their photo, and when she saw the somewhat blurred old man's face in the photo, her pupils shrank.

  The whole person was shocked.

  Others may not be able to recognize him with such a blurry photo, but this person is extremely familiar to her.


  She didn't expect that this person would be Mr. Shi.

  From the time she monitored and found, and sometimes the child the old man picked up at the beach...

   All of this is telling her a fact.

  She is very likely to be the child who was thrown into the sea by Wen Gongliang back then.

  Shiran has mixed feelings and mixed feelings.

   In the end, he still didn't tell the Wen family directly.

  She went home with the picture.

   It happened that Chu Jinchen came to her.

  She confessed this matter to Chu Jinchen.

  After Chu Jinchen finished listening, the corners of his lips twitched slightly, "No matter what you decide, I will respect you."

   "If you want to have a family, when we get married, we will have a small family."

   "Uncle Wen and Aunt Wen are very good people. If you go back to Wen's house, there will be more people who love you."

   "If you don't want to, I'm still here, and I alone can beat thousands of them."

   When it came to the end, Chu Jinchen couldn't help but talk poorly.

   But it also made Shiran's restless heart gradually settle down.

  In this life, she has never felt the company of family affection, and she is still a little uncomfortable for a while.

   In the end, I still made up my mind.

  She took the initiative to find the Wen family couple, and the three talked for nearly three hours.

   When she finally came out, Wang Zirou's eyes were swollen from crying, and Wen Qi's eye sockets were also a little red.

   Shi Ran was much calmer.

  Chu's mother couldn't help but her eyes turned red when she saw this, she hugged Wang Zirou, "That's great, it turns out that Ranran is your daughter!"

   "Yes." Wang Zirou answered with choked sobs.

   "Our son and daughter came together without our help, maybe this is fate." Mother Chu laughed.

   They were on the right track together, and Shiran successfully won the Golden Lion Award for Best Supporting Actress.

   Afterwards, there were constant drama appointments, and she never participated in variety shows.

   And Chu Jinchen was also busy with the company while dating Shiran.

  Sometimes he sneaks into the set.

   Once you come and go, you will inevitably be photographed.

   Occasionally, the two of them went on a trip together, and they happened to be photographed by passers-by.

  The relationship between the two was exposed, and there was a lot of discussion on the Internet.

   Shiran directly posted on Weibo, which only had a simple heart symbol with pictures.

  The content of the picture is a wedding photo of two people.

  Chu Jinchen forwarded it along with a sentence.

  —My wife finally made me public!

   Babies, you must be surprised to see the three words of the finale, and I still want to explain to you here.

I also told everyone before that Duoduo writes novels full-time and relies on this to make a living. The grades of this book are not very good, so I originally planned to give up and not write, but every time I see those babies who are still supporting Duoduo, I always I can't make up my mind.

   In the end, let’s give an ending. The text is not long, so I can only briefly explain everything. I hope my darlings can understand. I’m sorry, but I also thank you for your support all the time, I love you~~~



  (end of this chapter)