MTL - Her Majesty Was Pregnant Before Entering the Palace-Chapter 939 little wish

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   Chapter 939 Little Wish

   Wutong County King saw this posture, what was he hesitating about?

   Hurry up!

   Waiting for the court to react, that batch of bandit silver has nothing to do with him!

   "Lingshan Temple is a place for cleaning, and there are bandits hidden in it. This must not be tolerated! Let me go in and search!"

  The Duke of Wutong waved his hand, and hundreds of his subordinates rushed in like tigers and wolves.

  The monk's exclamations were heard everywhere.

  The Duke of Wutong himself, in the name of protecting Master Commandment, brought people directly to the residence of Master Commandment.

   This is invisible from the top of the wall.

  Jiang Ning felt itchy, and immediately jumped off the wall to follow him.

  Jiang Yi hurriedly stopped: "Little auntie, don't make trouble, you still have to follow up? Just seeing this, let's go back."

   "Don't be afraid, I will protect Miss Seven!"

   Gufeng is not afraid of big things. Everything is only based on the will of the seventh lady. No matter what the seventh lady does, even if she stabs a hole in the sky, he dares to help pass the stick.

   Miss Seven is just watching the fun, how can you not be satisfied with such a little wish?

   However, Jiang Ning's little wish was not fulfilled in the end.

  A patrolling soldier noticed the movement on the wall.

"Who is there?"

   The soldier asked loudly, and his voice attracted the attention of others.

   "Run!" Jiang Ning said.

   "Don't be afraid, Miss Seven, I'm here!"

   Gu Feng was worthy of being a member of the Shadow Guards, he immediately grabbed Jiang Ning with one hand and Jiang Yi with the other, and ran away like a wind blowing under his feet.

   It wasn't until he completely stuffed the two brothers and sisters into the carriage that he breathed a sigh of relief and ordered the carriage to return to the palace immediately.

  Jiang Ning came out and smiled: "Thank you for coming, Gu Feng."

   "This is all thanks to the foresight of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince."

   "Prince is in the palace and knows everything in the world." Jiang Yi said with a smile, "Seventh sister, how does it feel to have everything under control?"

"not too good."

   Jiang Ning told the truth.

  Jiang Yi smiled and said, "Without the help of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince this time, we would not have been able to do it so smoothly."

   "It was his own business."

   "You, you are not forgiving."

   Jiang Yi looked outside. After entering the city, he stopped the carriage and said to Jiang Ning, "I'll get off here."

   "Isn't it good for the carriage to bring you to the door?"

   "It's very late, you hurry back to the palace. After entering the city, are you afraid that I can't find a home?"

  Jiang Ning smiled: "Okay. Third brother, you remember to check that censor, what happened to him."

   "Understood. Lone Peak, don't worry, the carriage is steady."

  Jiang Yi stood on the side of the road and watched the carriage go away before turning around and preparing to return to the house.

   Unexpectedly, he saw someone waiting for him.

   "It turned out to be Mr. He." Jiang Yi stepped forward and smiled at the young official in the dim light, "It's so late, are you waiting for me here?"

  He Tang nodded slightly and said, "I gave him the evidence of Huang Ren."

   Jiang Yi frowned slightly: "Why?"

   "I originally wanted to hand it over to His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, but since Jiang Sanye asked Huang Ren to do this, I'll be a favored person."

Jiang Yi raised his eyebrows: "Are you doing things for the prince? He Tang, my seventh sister was taken care of by you when she was young, and I am also grateful to you. I would like to say something to you. In the current situation, you should not be in a random team. Knowing that the seventh sister is today Why didn't you take you to this muddy water?"

   He Tang said softly, "Thank you Jiang Sanye for your suggestion. However, I am only loyal to Dasheng and the imperial court."

   (end of this chapter)