MTL - Heroes of the Invincible Undead-Chapter 2797 Escalation

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" should understand that I don't want you to intervene in this battle."

Seeing the flame girl who had already made up her mind to persuade her not to move, Thelma had no choice but to cast her eyes on Rhodes who was on the side, hoping that Rhodes could understand what he meant.

Of course Rhodes understood his thoughts, but it was Rhodes who came to help this matter. In a sense, Flaming Girl just followed his suggestion. Of course, he might change his mind at this time.

"Telma, this is not your business alone. Not to mention whether the plan of the elemental monarch will be delayed if you are injured in the battle, and more importantly, I can't watch the people who come to participate in the wedding celebration This is undoubtedly a provocation to the wedding host. Your hundred-feather crown has won the praise of all the guests, and not long ago, you were injured by the arrogant king. Neither I nor Molly will allow this something happens."

Listening to Rhodes' calm words, Thelma also showed some gratitude.

Even in the face of the giant monster who was in charge of lightning, and even Telma was suppressed, Rhodes did not back down, and even helped him regardless of persuasion. Thelma couldn't help but feel a little moved in his heart. The emotions that Rhodes has experienced in other humans are so special.

After he figured everything out, he didn't try to dissuade him any more. On the contrary, Somla, seeing that the situation was wrong, immediately yelled at Therma: "Terma, do you admit your failure? Don't you Dare to meet my challenge alone? What kind of air elemental monarch is this, I think you should change your name to coward!"

Facing Somra's provocation, Thelma was silent for a moment, and finally shrugged helplessly, her innocent face seemed to say: "I didn't ask them to take action, it was my friends who wanted to help. It can't be stopped."

Thelma is not ignorant of flexibility, he has his own persistence, but excessive persistence, or unwillingness to admit failure, will eventually evolve into stubbornness and arrogance, and become a criminal karma. Thelma wouldn't be like that, and he, with his gentle personality, was far from being arrogant.

Facing the prepared hero Somla, he had already lost this battle, but the general situation was on his side, and Somla was the challenger in adversity.

At this moment, what Somla has to face is not only Telma alone, but also the flame girl who has recovered all the fire elements and is enough to turn the earth into a sea of ​​​​flames, and who is standing in front of Telma. Artifact, Rhodes with unfathomable strength.

Facing the two ancient demigods at the same time, as well as the evil man who conquered Bracada, this is not at the same level as the previous battle. His chest kept rising and falling.

What kind of existence can be against these three enemies at the same time? An arrogant king in the depths of hell? Perhaps the arrogant king can do this, but Somla is not yet. The current Somla is not the real air elemental monarch.

If he had the authority of the monarch, Somla would not be afraid of a battle, but now he has no chance of winning at all, and the situation will be reversed in an instant. Unless Somla also calls for help, he will face a situation where there are fewer enemies and more enemies. situation.

Maybe he should follow the advice of those elves and bring more people to fight with him, but in that case, it will no longer be a personal challenge, but will become a conflict between forces, and will drag Eli into the War, of course he couldn't do that.

Just as Somla was thinking, Rhodes was already ready. He threw a chain, which quickly rose to the sky, and turned into a giant net, sealing the entire world.

Those are the shackles of war. After they are released, they can seal the battlefield and prevent any creatures from escaping. Even if they cast space spells, they cannot escape. The chains will not be released until only one of the two parties dies.

What makes Rhodes hesitate is that he has never used war shackles to trap demigod-level creatures. The war shackles themselves only have treasure quality, which are not as strong and resistant as divine weapons. With such strength, he could completely tear apart the blockade of the shackles of war, and finally escape from it.

It is not an easy task to kill a demigod-level existence. Even if the demigod is defeated in battle, it will be difficult to prevent them from fleeing directly, and there will be no chance of death at all.

"Somla, now is your time to die."

In terms of words, Rhodes will not be at a disadvantage. Seeing that Somura was going to provoke Thelma again, Rhodes took the initiative to speak and attracted his attention.

"I will settle the accounts of Rhodes Bracada with you in the future. No one can stop me from defeating Telma today!"

Facing the many obstacles in front of him, Somra finally became angry. The will of a hero is so strong. From the very beginning, Somla was on the side of adversity. No one in Elibio was optimistic about his challenge, and they all bluntly said that he could not succeed. Even the mage persuaded him to give up, but he didn't want to. Can't do that.

All the obstacles at the moment can't stop him from winning the final victory. Whether it's the unbelief of his friends or the contempt of his enemies, it will only turn into a catalyst for his anger and help him strengthen his inner will.

The anger in Somla's heart is not a mass of blazing anger, but a mass of compressed lightning that is constantly bursting out. The rage that belongs to a hero will definitely help him defeat all enemies, and he will win the final victory.

"not good…"

As if feeling the anger and the oncoming violent lightning, the Flaming Girl's complexion changed slightly, and she hurriedly pulled Rhodes aside.

Rhodes frowned, didn't Somra know the effect of the electric **** pendant, and still used lightning to attack at this time? Under the effect of the Electric God Pendant, Rhodes and the designated targets around him can be immune to lightning damage, and it is precisely because of the existence of the Electric God Pendant that Rhodes dared to invest a large amount of mana into Titan's Arrow to form a unique ultimate. Lightning, without worrying about being hurt by the aftermath of the lightning burst.

But at this moment, Rhodes felt something different from Somura's lightning. It was not ordinary damage magic, but space magic made of lightning.

"He's casting space magic, he's about to run away!" The Flame Maiden made the same judgment as Rhodes, but on the last point, she was slightly different from Rhodes' thoughts.

escape? Rhodes looked at Somla, who was in full fighting spirit, and didn't show any sign of shrinking even in the face of many powerful enemies. Rhodes was the first one who didn't believe him when he said that he was going to run away, but that was true. It is a trace of space magic.

As Rhodes expected, the shackles of war could not stop the demigod whose strength surpassed the legend. The tyrannical current instantly penetrated the net of iron chains covering all directions, and the entire shackles disintegrated immediately, and did not even fight for Rhodes for a moment. , Not only that, the portal in front of Somla has also taken shape.

"Air elemental plane..."

Thinking of the move of the Elemental Sovereign to mobilize those magical elements from the elemental plane, Rhodes seemed to have some guesses in his heart.

Soon, the lightning-turned portal was fully formed behind Somla. The other end of the portal was the elemental plane containing infinite air elements. Massive air elements spewed towards him behind the portal. , for his drive.

In the main plane, Thelma, who has not recovered all the overflowing air elements, cannot display the true strength of the elemental monarch at all. The same is true for Somla, and only in the environment of the air elemental plane, can he The situation is better than it is now.

Whether it is Somla or Telma, in the contest at the monarch level, the thin air element in the main plane cannot support their full-scale battle. Only in the environment of the air element plane can the existing Strength to the limit.

Just after the two fought for a while, the concentration of air elements in the entire Bracada Snow Region dropped a lot, and every mage could clearly feel that the air elements floating in the space were being captured by those two terrifying The demigods draw endlessly, and then transform them into the most destructive spells, which is the source of their power.

Now the concentration of air elements in Bracada is terribly low. If you want to continue the previous battle, or erupt with stronger power than before, you can only turn to the magic elements in the elemental plane, whether it is Tel Both Ma and Somra made the same choice.

After all, the power of the elemental demigods can only be exerted to the extreme in the corresponding elemental plane. The main plane greatly limits the power of the elemental monarchs. It can be suppressed for a time, and only when it withdraws its power can the strength of the elemental monarch be truly displayed.

If this challenge took place on the elemental plane of air, the two people fighting freely, the aftermath of the battle alone would be enough to tear the entire elemental plane apart, causing the environment there to undergo earth-shaking changes. Now, Rhodes Finally, I understood what the flame girl said before.

This challenge to the monarch, which was supposed to take place on the elemental plane, was finally carried out in the main plane. The two demigods had their own concerns in their hearts. On the contrary, it was near the city of magic that suffered. If it were not for the protection of the fire elemental monarch , I'm afraid that even that town will be leveled by their battle.

"It's useless, even if you can bring the magic elements from the Air Elemental Plane, you can't break through the power of the Electric God Pendant..." Rhodes said slowly, the Electric God Pendant worn on him is not like the war released Like the shackles, it will be easily destroyed by Somura. If you want to touch the electric **** pendant, you must first defeat him who is immune to lightning. Maiden's help.

Facing the lightning-turned giant, the flame girl didn't show her true face. Rhodes thought she would join the battlefield in the form of a flame giant like the air elemental monarch, but she just glanced at Rhodes and made a small noise at the same time. Hum, if Rhodes hadn't listened carefully, he really couldn't hear it.

When Somura opened the portal, the Flame Maiden was not unprepared. The terrifying magic had already formed in her hands.

There seemed to be snowflakes falling in the air, and you could still feel some residual warmth from it when you caught it in your hands. It was not some cold snowflakes, but burnt ashes.

Sensing the flame girl's intentions, Rhodes also felt for a moment that it belonged to the power of the burning domain. Even Somra could not stop the burning of the monarch domain. It took back all the flames in the world and could burn The unique flame released by the Fire Elemental Monarch who exhausts all things, just because of Somla's elemental body like a giant monster, it may not take long before it will be completely melted under the flame.

In order to increase the power of the Burning Domain, at this moment, Rhodes also sacrificed the Fire Spirit Ball, using the power contained in the Spirit Ball to increase the power of the flames.

Rhodes was not stupid enough to take out the Orb of Destruction. As a giant monster, Somra had good magic resistance. If he took out the Orb of Destruction, it would undoubtedly increase the damage of the Burning Field to the extreme, but Rhodes didn't do that.

On Somla's body, there is also a spirit ball and a strange book specially used to restrain the air elemental monarch. If Rhodes sacrifices the destruction ball again at this time, no one knows if any accidents will happen. According to those ancient methods, when the spirit ball and the strange book are combined with the destruction ball, the power displayed is enough to restrain the elemental monarch. Rhodes doesn't want to lose this battle because of his own mistake.

With the blessing of the fire spirit ball, the power belonging to the burning domain has increased a lot. Feeling this, the flame girl beside Rhodes, who was holding him tightly, still seemed a little dissatisfied, and then glared at Rhodes: "Don't just use the power of the spirit ball, what about the domain on your body?"

Hearing what she said, Rhodes also realized this point. Compared with the fire spirit ball that purely increases the damage of the panel, the Burning Domain that he also possesses may be the best way to increase the damage.

Only the Fire Elemental Lord is eligible to own the Burning Domain that belongs to the Fire Elemental Lord. Except for the Fire Elemental Lord, no one else can own the domain that controls all flames, but Rhodes did this. With the help of the source of karma, he gained the power that belongs to the domain.

For this reason, the flame girl had arguing with him for a time, which was not pleasant. Fortunately, those arguments have long since ended, and the flame girl is also relieved to let Rhodes use that power, and even use her unique power together. The power to fight against demigod-level enemies.

What other blessings can increase the damage of the Burning Domain more than the power of the Burning Domain? Thinking of this, Rhodes, who was overjoyed, couldn't help reaching out and hugging the Flaming Girl, and at the same time urged the flame girl to move with all his strength. Burn out the power of the domain.

Under the superimposition of the burning domain, the power of the flame is gradually overwhelming the air element.

(ps: Fanwai: follow the miracle, update tomorrow.)

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