MTL - Heroes of the Invincible Undead-Chapter 2812 Tula Leon

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"If only Yuk was still alive..."

In the kingdom of elves, the awakened Sequoia tree man murmured.

The words of the Sequoia tree man also attracted the approval of many Eri creatures.

The birch tree warrior who was taller than him said: "You are right. If Yuke is still alive, many things in Eri will be different from what they are now. Yuke will bestow the wisdom he has accumulated for countless years on everyone. For a creature who visits him, Eli's strength will definitely rise to a higher level."

Many animals in the forest nodded repeatedly, agreeing with what he said. Only the dwarf king with a bushy beard came to point out the problem:

"But there is no such if at all. As early as a few years ago, Yuk fell into the hands of the evil necromancer. What you said is all unrealistic fantasy. If you have time for this fantasy, you might as well think about it , how can we solve our current problem, and contact the hero Tula Leon who returned from hell."

In Eri, the dwarves are famous for their straightforwardness. Straightforward creatures are more likely to win the favor of the dwarves. On the contrary, those creatures that are full of calculations will be resisted and disgusted by the dwarves.

As the king of the dwarves and also the dwarf hero followed by the dwarves, Eufredin's temper is more irritable than ordinary dwarves. As long as he sees something wrong, he will immediately point out the mistake regardless of the situation, even in the upper council of Eri. The same is true in China, which also made him disgusted by many elves.

Some people dislike it, but others like it. The chief guardian of the jungle, the hero Gru, has a close relationship with him. Eufredin also occupies a prominent position in the upper council.

No matter what kind of forest creature it is at the moment, it can hear the undisguised anger from Eufredin's words. He has always been worried about the death of the tree of wisdom, Yuke.

Yuke's death was the beginning of Eli's national strength gradually weakening, and it was an ominous sign. After Yuke's death, Eli experienced events such as the departure of the hero and the departure of the dragon from the nest, and his overall strength was not as good as before.

The reason why the Wisdom Tree Yuk died in the battle can be said to be all thanks to a necromancer. Evil Rhodes, when his name was mentioned, all the creatures in Eli gritted their teeth with hatred. His undead invaded the land, he destroyed the jungle with magic, and he brought deep disaster to Eli. No creature in Eli, Don't want that wicked man to be punished, but no one can do that.

To the despair of all the Eli creatures, Rhodes is a hero, and everyone understands how powerful a hero is. Only a hero can defeat another hero, and Rhodes' strength is above all heroes. At the level of invincibility, no matter which hero in Eli goes to meet the enemy, he will only lose in the end.

When a hero chooses to do evil, all creatures in the world will suffer unimaginable disasters. A hero driven by a strong will will not care about the eyes of any creature. Perhaps the evil in the eyes of ordinary people is a normal method in the eyes of a hero. A so-called hero must have that extraordinary will and courage .

But this time, the Eri creatures seemed to see some kind of hope.

According to the awakened Sequoia Treant, Tula Leon, the most powerful and immeasurably powerful hero in Eri, has now returned to the world from hell. With the help of the hero Tula Leon, all enemies will be wiped out under his blade, and that is the strength that the hero Tula Leon possesses.

The legend about the hero Tula Leon is the most far-reaching story in the entire elf kingdom. After many hardships and bruises, the elf awakened and became a hero for the love in his heart. Even if he killed the demon king who slaughtered all living beings and saved the world from the demon king, even if he defeated all enemies, he could not bring back his lost lover.

That is the story of heroes. And in the countless years that the story has been passed down to the present, the legend of the hero Tula Leon has inspired many elves in Eri. It can be said that every elf hopes to become a hero like Tula Leon.

There are also many bards who are dissatisfied with the ending of the legendary story. In their narration, at the end of the story, the hero Tula Leon returned to his lover, and the two lived happily ever after. The ending of this version of the story has also been widely spread among Eri creatures, and has also been recognized by more elves who love beauty.

In any case, the hero Tula Leon has already become a symbol of the kingdom of elves, a symbol, and he inspires the elves to fight against evil. The sacred place in the woods of Eri is also named after the elf. His status in Eli is like the status of the mage **** in Bracada.

The awakened Sequoia Treant is one of the very few who have had close contact with the hero Tula Leon. Whenever the Sequoia Treant wakes up, he will tell the story of that hero.

It's a pity that when Eli fell into the deepest catastrophe, relying on those legends alone could no longer inspire those suffering elves. They really needed a hero to stand up and lead them to victory, and this is what the forest guardians wanted to do. are doing.

This is also the reason why Eufreddin showed such disdain when he heard the hypothetical words of the tree people. In the eyes of the dwarf king, instead of spending time on endless assumptions, it is better to think about actual actions.

Interrupted by the words of the dwarf king, the elders of the dead wood all showed displeasure. They had heard that the dwarves were rude and irritable, but they didn't expect to understand how annoying those dwarves were after meeting them personally.

It was the Sequoia Treant who spoke, which slightly resolved the embarrassment in the field:

"The wise man Uk is different from our dead trees. He can bear the most delicious apple in the world. It is a forbidden fruit that contains all the knowledge in the world. Just one bite will change the whole world..."

Following the narration of the Sequoia tree man, the elders of the tree man also sighed deeply.

Among the ancient trees, the tree of wisdom naturally has the highest status. The tree of wisdom, which can accumulate knowledge in deep sleep, will impart knowledge generously to all creatures in need.

The ancient trees with a lower status are undoubtedly those ordinary dead wood warriors. Due to their extremely slow movement, they can only be used to defend important facilities on the battlefield in many cases, or they can be turned into solid barriers, entangled Delay the main force of the enemy.

The death of the Wisdom Tree Yuk has made many trees sad. As the oldest tree in the world, the long years spent by the Wisdom Tree Yuk are far older than the legend of the hero Tula Leon. He even experienced elements In the ancient times when the monarchs plundered, it was such a being with infinite wisdom who finally fell into the hands of evil enemies.

Due to its own limitations, the Wisdom Tree can swim in the sea of ​​spirits and collect all the knowledge in the world, but it cannot use that knowledge for itself, it can only pass it on. In terms of combat strength, Yuk is only a seven The treant of the first level is not very strong, and it is impossible for him to burst out with power beyond everything like those heroes who bloom in an instant. When the enemy focuses on it, its ending seems to be doomed.

Now listening to the Sequoia Treant, who once again mentioned the chief guardian of the forest, Yuk the Wisdom Tree, Eufredin seemed to realize something. Although he acted rudely, it did not mean that he was without wisdom. In the words, he also heard some differences.

"According to the records of the guardian of the forest, Yuk has not produced fruit for hundreds of years. The last time he produced fruit was five hundred years ago, in the era of the hero Tula Leon." Eufredin reminded, as the forest The top ten guardians, of course he knows the former chief wisdom tree Yuk very well.

"Yeah..." The redwood tree man also sighed a little, "If Yuke is still alive, he can bear the most delicious apples. With the most delicious apples, the hero Tula Leon will be attracted Come."

Listening to the redwood tree man's explanation, the nearby forest guardians were stunned.

Using the apple grown by Uk the Wise, can the hero Tula Leon be attracted, so as to establish contact with that ancient hero? What the **** is going on? For a while, almost no one could understand the meaning contained in the words of the redwood tree man.

"Don't you know?" From the puzzled or thoughtful eyes of the nearby creatures, the redwood treant seemed to see something, and asked in surprise, "Haven't you all heard of it? Larion's story?"

The elf Yin Wo said at this time: "Sequoia tree man, of course we have heard the legend of the hero Tula Leon, and we were deeply inspired by that legend, but in the mouths of different bards, that old There are always several new versions of the story, and no one knows what the original story is like."

"Okay, okay, if I have time, I will tell you the story of that hero..." The red cedar tree man muttered a few words in a low voice, as if deeply dissatisfied that they had forgotten the legend of the hero, It's just that the current situation doesn't allow him to tell the legend of Tula Leon anymore.

The redwood tree man added: "You don't need to know why, you only need to know that the delicious apples from Yuk, the plump wheat on the golden field, and the spices brewed from the ancient spring of rejuvenation can arouse the hero Tula Leon's heart. Pay attention, so that we can get in touch with the hero."

Listening to the narration of the redwood tree man, the few well-informed elves all showed thoughtful expressions at this moment. The things mentioned by the redwood tree people are all extremely rare, even unique and precious things in the world, and they have even disappeared long ago, and there is no trace to be found. The hero Tula Leon needs these things, and he must have his own. Purpose.

Although there are still a few creatures who are suspicious of the words of the redwood tree man, what does the hero Tula Leon want these food, or the ingredients? It's just that no one questioned the Sequoia tree man. In the whole of Eri, there was no creature who knew the hero Tula Leon better than the Sequoia tree man. Even the former Dragon Whisperer's understanding of the hero Tula Leon was not as good as the ancient treant in front of him.

After hearing from the population of Sequoia Tree how to contact the hero Tula Leon, the guardians of the jungle began to prepare.

"The Wisdom Tree Uke has fallen, can I replace it with apples from other Wisdom Trees?" When thinking of the death of the Wisdom Tree Uke, the guardians patiently asked the Sequoia Treeman despite the grief in their hearts.

"Maybe, maybe not..." The redwood tree man also couldn't make up his mind, "In short, you must confirm that it is the sweetest apple you can find in Eri. If the tree of wisdom is gone, let the tree in the ranking The second tree of knowledge under him bears apples."

After getting the answer from the redwood tree man, the forest guardians also gained confidence in their hearts. Although the tree of wisdom Yuke has already completely fallen in the previous battles, there is not only the tree of wisdom in Eri.

Youke is the oldest tree of wisdom. Yes, during the countless years he has been rooted in Eri, his knowledge has already subtly infected a large area of ​​trees. Right now, all the trees of wisdom in Eri can be regarded as Yuke’s. offspring.

Soon, the task of bearing the fruit of wisdom fell on Aron, the tree of wisdom who succeeded Yuke and became the top ten guardians of the jungle. And he accepted the task without hesitation.

"Bearing the fruit of wisdom... For a tree of wisdom, that is a supreme honor. Just like every hero will face the greatest difficulty in his destiny in the end, the mission of the tree of wisdom is nothing more than this."

Aron was also very excited when he learned that the apple full of wisdom he had grown was used to attract the hero Tula Leon. For a tree, a tree of wisdom that has been sleeping all year round and has been swimming in the ocean of wisdom for an unknown amount of time, it is rare to see him being so excited. Due to La Leon.

If you want to bear a fruit of wisdom, it requires the tree of wisdom to expend endless energy and wisdom, which will have a serious impact on the body that will take hundreds of years to recover. Except for some special moments, almost no tree of wisdom will do this, even if Threats with death cannot coerce those stubborn trees.

Even the wise man Uke has only produced one fruit of wisdom in hundreds of years, which is enough to explain the problem.

Aron didn't care about the serious burden brought by bearing the fruit of wisdom at all. For a tree, there is nothing more exciting than the fruit it bears falling into the hands of a true hero. Feel relieved? If the hero Tula Leon can get the wisdom fruit, even if he dies, Aron will not have any complaints.

After confirming this matter, Aron immediately began to bear the fruit of wisdom. In the entire territory of Eri, there is no second tree of wisdom that would do such a thing. In this way, it can be ensured that the fruit of wisdom he bears is The sweetest apple in the world.

(ps: Extra Story: Follow Miracles, now updated.)

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