MTL - Heroic Death System-Chapter 274 15. Present - initial

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"What is your child really, what do you do when you run to the beach in cold weather? If you are not lucky, my mother may not see you again." Song On the other hand, Yan Zhen gave the 尉 盛 汤 汤 汤 汤 汤 汤 汤 汤 汤 汤 汤 汤 汤 汤

Yu Xun leaned on the bed and looked out of the window, and turned a deaf ear to Song Zhenzhen’s words.

"Axun?" Song Yuzhen raised the volume slightly.

Yu Xun turned his head and his eyes fixed on her face.

"What's wrong?" Song Yuzhen was somewhat uncomfortable with him and couldn't help but touch his face.

“What happened?” Yu Xun’s memory stayed at the moment of the avalanche, but he was later taken from the Luofu Sea, separated by a hundred thousand miles. His face blindness is inexplicably better, but he feels that he has lost a very important thing.

"Don't you tell you? You heard the news of your father's distress in the Chatujo Mountain, and immediately rushed to the rescue. The result was an avalanche. After being rescued, he was sent to the military hospital for treatment. But I don't know why, you suddenly Leaving the hospital, one person went to the beach." Song Yuzhen repeated the previous answer as an endorsement. When Yu Xun woke up from the hospital, his family found that his memory was biased. He remembers that everyone has forgotten everything about that person, so they decided to count on it and completely obliterate the traces that existed.

Yan Xun took over the bowl of Song Zhenzhen's hand and drank it bit by bit.

Song Yuzhen sighed in secret and turned back to others. Never say a leak.

A few days later, Yu Xun left the old house of the family and was escorted by the bodyguard and lived in the hotel closest to the company. He left for nearly a month, and the company affairs were handed over to others. Although the operation was not greatly affected, many important decisions were delayed due to his absence.

The project on intelligent robots caught his special attention when flipping through the materials. Nowadays, pet robots are selling all over the world, which has caused great repercussions in the technical field. However, he did not remember how he started the project. The developer's signature is rt lab, he has the impression of all the researchers in the lab, but he always feels that there is a key link.

[Be a partner. 】

Suddenly a familiar voice sounded in the ear, and Xu Xun suddenly raised his head, but only saw a room empty and cold.

After sitting for a long time, Zhai Xun slowly got up and stepped out of the hotel room.

"Xun, what are you told?" The bodyguard asked him to come out and asked immediately.

Jonson lived in shape and didn't know what he wanted to do at the moment.

At this moment, the cell phone in the pocket rang, Song Yuzhen called and reminded him not to forget the date with Wang Yuya.

“Wang Yuya?” Yan Xun’s understanding of this woman has only a vague outline.

"You forgot, she is your fiancée. When you set up a laboratory to develop robots, wasn't it to please her?"

In order to please her heart?

Do you think that the important memory that you have forgotten is her?

With the psychology of proof, Yan Xun dressed neatly to go to the appointment. Only when he saw Wang Yuya, there was no wave in his heart. This woman is very beautiful, well-behaved, and between words, from time to time reveals familiarity and accommodation with his preferences.

When Xun Xun chatted about the robot, Wang Yuya said with shame: "Axun, do you remember the first number? This is the first pet robot you developed. I just mentioned it at the time, and you gave it to me." ""

First number?

In the heart of Yu Xun’s heart, he got up and said, “Let’s go.”

"Where?" Wang Yuya blasphemed.

"Go and see the first number I gave you."

The two came to Wang's home, and Xun Xun saw the strange "first".

[This is my pet robot ‘first number’. The familiar voice echoed in the ear again.

"Hello, my name is 'the first number.'"

Yan Xun took hold of his cold arm and felt a sour feeling in his heart. Then he subconsciously asked: "First, do you remember me?"

The initial number turned his head and replied: "You are the friend of the master, Yu Xun."

"Who is your master?"

"Wang Yuya."

Although he knows its answer, Zhai Xun is still somewhat disappointed.

Next to Wang Yuya, seeing Yuxun’s attention on the robot, his eyes flashed a little dissatisfaction, and he took his arm and said: “Leave to eat at night, I personally cook.”

[Today's lunch is the XI005 robot package. 】

He won a moment and nodded: "Okay."

The dinner was very rich and extravagant, but there was no surprise.

After the meal, Yan Xun did not leave immediately, but teamed up with the first number to play games, all the way to upgrade the monster, killing the Quartet. Until the night fell, he left reluctantly.

Wang Yuya smiled on the surface, but her heart was annoyed. The charm of her own secret is not as good as a robot. For the whole afternoon, Yu Xun didn't even look at her. But the next sentence of Yan Xun made her angry again.

"I will come back to you in a few days."

After that, Zhai Xun went to Wang Yuya's home every three and five times. The two exchanged frequently. The outside world rumored that they were close to each other. Song Zhenzhen urged him to marry Wang Yuya every day.

Yan Xun has no bad feelings for Wang Yuya. She is also the only person who can touch his memory. More precisely, it is the first number. If he really gave her the first sign at the beginning, it must have been a bit of a good impression on her.

Therefore, Yan Xun did not reject the proposal for marriage. This can give the family members a bad break. Before he agrees, he has already begun to arrange marriages in private.

On this day, Yan Xingye was hard to go home. Zhai Xun was looking for him to ask for a few things. When he walked to the door of the study, he heard his eager voice: "I haven't found it yet?"

"We have checked his residence, computer, mobile phone, mailbox, etc., and there has been nothing to discover."

“How could it be? Isn’t the material that is regularly sent to my mailbox that is out of thin air?”

"He once threatened you. If he had an accident, half a month later, the materials would be made public, but for the past two months or so, there has been no movement, and he must have been alarmist."

"No matter whether it is alarmist or not, I can't take risks. Respect, you go to his place to see, don't let go of any clues."

"Okay." The man, known as "Wai Jing", walked out of the study and did not notice that he had a car behind him when he drove away.

Yan Xun followed Huai Jing all the way to a penthouse in the suburbs. He waited patiently for two hours. When Huai Jing came out of the house, he left and went out into the small building that was obviously vacant.

Enter the password and the door opens. Yan Xun walked into the hall and saw the scene of the table and chairs falling over and the confetti all over the place, and suddenly there was a anger in his heart. Yan Xun searched up and down for a long time, most of the furnishings in the house were evacuated, leaving no objects related to the owner.

He didn't know what he was looking for, he just wanted to find something. However, nothing.

Yu Xun sat in a mess, lonely, full of cold, as if returning to the desperate situation trapped under the snow.

[hold on, don't die! 】

This voice, knocking his heart over and over again, pulled him back from the line of death.

Who is it, who is it?

"Ah!" Yan Xun was holding his head, and he could not help himself.

Cold body, frozen eyes, solidified life...


"Where have you been in the past few days? I have met my parents and I will meet you at the Fucheng Hotel tomorrow. You are not too young, you should be married." Yu Xingye saw Yuxun return home and immediately dissatisfied Said.

"Marriage?" Yan Xun looked at his father coldly. "Dad, how can you do this?"

"what did you say?"

"Cheat me, mislead me, take away his project, erase all traces belonging to him, and arrange marriage for me if nothing happens." Yu Xun roared, "How can you do this!"

Yan Xingye's face changed: "Do you think of it?"

"If I can't remember forever, are you going to keep going?" Yan Xun said, "Let me marry a woman you choose like a puppet, live in a lie for a lifetime, enjoy him without any burden." Use my life to exchange my life."

Yan Xingye said with anger: "Is this your attitude towards your father? We are doing this for you."

"For me?" Yan Xun no expression, "stealing his skills, concealing the fact that he saved me, regardless of my willingness to arrange for me to marry Wang Yuya, are they good for me?"

"He is dead, technology is naturally owned by the company. What is wrong with us doing this?" Yan Xingye said coldly, "Don't think that he is a good thing. He threatened me with some illegal materials, so I have to compromise. Nowadays He died and died, leaving a hidden danger, which may leave the family in a state of eternal ruin. It is ridiculous that such a sinister and deceitful person, you still remember him as a baby!"

"The hidden danger you mentioned means that half a month after his death, those materials will be made public?" Yu Xun asked indifferently.

"Do you know? If you know it, you should think about it for the family. Did he tell you where the materials are hidden?"

Yu Xun is silent.

Yan Xingye sneered: "It looks like you are looking at you. It seems that he does not love you as much as you think."

At this moment, Yan Xun’s mobile phone shook a bit. He took it out and saw that the screen and the camera were lit at the same time. After dozens of seconds, a mechanical sound was heard: “The face is recognized, the voice is recognized, and the identity is confirmed— —尉勋.”

Yu Xun’s heart was tight, and he asked in a trembling voice: “The first number?”

"Yes, Yan Xun, I am the first number."

The real first number, the closest to perfect artificial intelligence.

Yan Xun is difficult to suppress the excitement in his heart, looking at the screen of the mobile phone, for a long time can not speak.

"According to the instructions left by Cocoa, if there is no contact with the initial number for three months, the first number will transfer the second-level administrator authority to Yuxun. From today, Yuxun can issue any order that does not violate the core principles of the robot. ""

Not waiting for Yu Xun to speak, Yan Xingye has already rushed over and excited: "The material must be here, fast, let it hand over those materials!"

Yan Xun said to the beginning number: "What information does Coco still leave?"

"All the materials about the family are handed over to Xun Xun." The first time, the various materials were transferred out, let Yu Xun take a big look at the illegal activities, the financial transactions, the evidence of power, the pornographic video, etc. There are a lot of zeros and zeros. Once it is made public, it is really enough to make the family robbed. However, he was still able to hand over the decision to him and to him as a descendant of his family.

Obviously, I have never thought of using these materials from beginning to end.

"Great! Haha." Yu Xingye was relieved and finally pulled out the last stab. He was immersed in joy, and he did not pay attention to the gloomy expression of Yan Xun.

Looking at his father's full expression, Yu Xun's heart was in utter disappointment.

It is still clear that as long as he is not recognized, he is always at risk. It is easy for his father to kill an orphan who has no power or no power. The reason why he is not able to start is because he has these materials in his hand. These materials can be said to be a life-saving chip. Even so, he still chose to hand over the important chips of his life, along with the first number that would make him fame and fortune.

His technique, his glory, his life, all his precious things, were given to him without reservation.

"Yu Xun." The initial number suddenly asked, "Where is Coco?"

"He...dead." In exchange for his life, he gave up his chance to survive, and then died in the snow in obscurity.

“Dead?” The first number found a lot of definitions of “death” on the Internet. No matter which one, there is only one conclusion: it can no longer see cocoa.

The sound of the first number disappeared, and the screen of the mobile phone was dim.

Yu Xun actually felt a real sadness in an artificial intelligence. Except for him, there is only one artificial intelligence for the death of cocoa and sadness. As for Yuchen, I did not know what caused it to become a vegetative person and was taken to his home for recuperation by his parents. Still in this world, there are no relatives.

Yan Xun collected the mobile phone, regardless of the blockage of Xingye, and resolutely left the house of the family, and never took a step.

In the following time, Yan Xun began to focus on rectifying his own industry. From top to bottom, he thoroughly combed it and cleaned up all the people who had been with him. The Science and Technology Park is still under construction, the laboratory is reorganized, and the funds are moved a little bit.

In the database of the first number, the second intelligent robot based on decoration was left.

With the mass production of c- to S-class pet robots, the decorating robots were officially put on the market, causing huge shocks again. The name of the fair, also known worldwide as the best-selling robot, became an outstanding contributor to the robotics field and was awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award.

His death was also reported by the reporter. Being trapped in the snow for an hour, handing the only respirator to the companion, swallowing ice and snow, and letting the fingers break through the ice, earning miraculous rescue opportunities for the companions. The person who was saved by him was the legendary figure who opened the robot era.

The legend of Yan Xun does not stop here. In the past eight years, he has reported dozens of officials directly affiliated with his family and close to his family. From low to high, none of them survived, directly creating a far-reaching Qingsu. In action, his father took the lead and became the first official to dismiss the Qingshou operation. The family who never thought of pushing them into the abyss turned out to be their blood relatives. The angered family decisively broke off relations with Sui Xun, and never died.

In the following decades, the assassinations suffered by Yan Xun and the suppression of various names continued one after another, and several times the dangers were born, he came over.

Until he was 47, his health and mental condition began to have problems. Everything works fine at work, but after going home, I always talk to the air. His personal assistant can often hear his name "cocoa", and then it seems that this person really exists, telling the servant to prepare two cutlery, buy two sizes of clothes, and the voice of someone who simulates the first number. Conduct conversations and the like.

Drowsiness, fever, headache, palpitations, fantasies, lack of energy, memory loss, etc., a variety of symptoms frequently. The doctor said that he was overly worried, and that he had no medicine, and he could only relax him.

As the waking hours became shorter and shorter, Yan Xun realized that he had not had much time, and he still had the ability to act. He handed over the company’s shares to his chosen successor, and all the funds in his hands were donated. Charity.

When he died, his family's wealth was exhausted, and he was alone, leaving only the beginning of the intelligence.

[Level 1 administrator can still die. 】

[Secondary administrator Yu Xun died. 】

[The final authority is attributed to the initial number. 】

[In the loop calculation... the initial number can not find the meaning of existence, enter the self-destruct mode. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1...]

At the end of the countdown, the world fell into the dark at the same time, all the technology products failed, and returned to normal after 1 minute. This 1 minute was called "60 seconds of Satan's coming."

But they did not know that the truth was not that Satan came, but that the angels abandoned the world. An artificial intelligence that is enough to change the world, and it will die...

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