MTL - History’s Number 1 Founder-~ 11. Master is self-reliant

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From the big disciple of the head, straight down to the younger brother, the little one did not smile, and it seemed to be a big bargain.

Lin Feng’s heart was also secretly relieved. Whether it was intentional or not, Xiao did not solve this problem for him.

Otherwise, after receiving the apprentice, people know that there is a little boy who is less than four years old at the top of his head as a master, and there will inevitably be concerns.

Lin Feng smiled and looked at the little bit, and said: "Good boy, just rushing you to the road, the teacher will cover you."

Whether it is a big disciple or a younger brother, Lin Feng is only a small apprentice, and he can only experience the pleasure of being a teacher.

However, Lin Feng was secretly depressed, because he found that the small understanding of the cultivation of the monastic is extremely strong, seeing the micro-intelligence, in one fell swoop, the nine-day Tianlei Zhengfa is such a high-end Tao, and it is effortless to learn.

Yunlong’s martial arts are hard to learn.

Compared to the root bone of the full value of 10, it seems that the perception of reaching 8 is not so bright.

But in fact?

8 savvy, that is also a super genius level, one pick one.

Lin Feng doesn't even need to do any guidance. He teaches everything to the little ones like a duck, and then he can comprehend himself.

In the face of such a disciple, Lin Feng lamented that the protagonist's protagonist's aura was extraordinary, and he felt pressured.

He must improve his strength as soon as possible, otherwise it would be too much to face a disciple who is stronger than his master.

Lin Feng knows very well that whether it is the small point in front of him or Xiao Yu in the Uzhou city, these true gods are destined to embark on a road full of thorns and flames.

They will attract heaven and earth, all kinds of or murderous, or deceitful, or powerful, or insidious enemy moths, like a big magnetic magnet, to cry and scream at them.

Of course, after a series of savage and earth-shattering epic battles, they are destined to win and write their own legends. The question is what role does Lin Feng play in him?

For the time being, it can only be regarded as an enlightened teacher.

And this kind of enlightenment teacher often has two kinds of results.

The first is the important figure on the soul level of the true life, the life tutor and even the spiritual pillar. Once you die, it will often stimulate the small universe of the true Son of Heaven and promote them to kill the Quartet.

Old grandfather is not omnipotent. On the contrary, grandfathers are often tigers and flats. This is the real life that has not yet erupted at the end of the micro-end. Even if the grandfather does not die, he may be taken away by the enemies of the true Son of Heaven. Forced confessions, suffering hardships, waiting for the true Son to save.

Second, as a teacher of enlightenment, it is only a role as a guide, responsible for bringing the true child into the world of the strong, and then there is no enlightenment of the teacher, naturally there will be a higher level of big cattle or a big goalkeeper. The Son of Heaven takes over, they are responsible for the true teaching of the true child.

One is as cannon fodder and the other is soy sauce.

Obviously, no matter which one, Lin Feng can accept it.

To avoid these two situations, there is only one way to go, and that is to make yourself stronger.

Although he rushed to Wuzhou all the way, while Lin Feng was on the road, he also took all the time to practice and improve his strength.

Tianlei Yuxi is a treasure for the Lin Feng at this moment. By absorbing the pure lightning aura inside, Lin Feng’s training speed is several times faster than normal.

If it is not because Tianlei Yuxi also acts as an energy source for the Arctic Heavenly Sword, Lin Feng will always **** the lightning spirit inside.

Small points are also practiced with heart, but while practicing, there are other thoughts in the small.

Lin Feng looked at the small face in front of him, and could not help but be a little dazed: "Are you sure?"

Little is not embarrassed to bow down: "Oh, people are not drinking, just prefer to drink, just like... like the grandfather of the village loves to drink!"

It seems to have thought of a good reason. The little ones immediately got up, and a pair of big eyes illuminate and illuminate, looking forward to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng was a headache. He did not think of it anyway. As a real life-thinking person, he was still three-and-a-half years old and still not weaned.

But when I think of the past life on earth, some people also feed on milk in adulthood. Lin Feng also relieved: "But it is good for you to drink more milk."

The difficulty of hunting is much higher in an instant. It must be the mother of the lactating period, and it must be born and caught.

After a few days of search, Lin Feng finally caught a five-pronged purple leopard that had just been born.

This is a natural alien, compared to the ordinary wild leopard, this thing has a foot growing under the belly, running like a fly, the cliffs are flat, more spit from the mouth, the temperament is extremely violent.

It is not difficult for Lin Feng to kill this female leopard, but she wants to subdue her and let her provide the animal milk to the little ones. It is a technical job.

In the end, Lin Feng impatiently tempered with it and directly held up its cubs. In the despicable berefactory of Lin Feng, the female leopard finally yielded.

So Lin Feng and his men and men also had a mount. When they were on the road, they sat on the five-claw purple leopard. When they stopped, they couldn't help but sneak into the belly of the female leopard.

A few days later, the five-jawed purple-golden leopard mother and son were released. It wasn’t Lin Feng’s compassion, but he didn’t want to change his taste.

The little guy sighed: "The hundred animal milk is actually the most delicious, much better than a single animal milk."

Lin Feng knocked on his little brain: "Bad boy, your mouth is not only awkward, but also very picky. The beast is now gone, and the single change is coming." I can't help but sigh, except when I am a master. When daddy.

The two men and the masters went all the way to the mountains and the mountains, and soon they will pass through the mountains. The mountains are the plains, and the Wuzhou City is close at hand.

For more than a month, relying on the help of Tianlei Yuxi, Lin Feng has upgraded from the fourth floor of the practice to the peak of the six layers of practice, and has been able to impact the realm of seven layers of practice.

However, people are more dead than people, goods are thrown than goods, the same month, the same practice of the nine-day Tian Lei Zheng Fa, small points also improved from the second layer of training to the four layers of training.

Lin Feng is speechless, but he has the help of Tian Lei Yu...

"Now it has already reached the outskirts of the mountain. It is estimated that it will take a few days to get out of the mountain." Lin Feng gathered his mood, and his mind gradually became immersed in the practice: "Strive to reach the seven layers of gas before going out."

Lin Feng quietly did his best to absorb the aura of the outside world and incorporate it into his body.

The aura stored in Dantian was continuously refined and purified, and then flowed in the veins of Lin Feng's body, nourishing his soul and transforming his body.

After the reiki flowed through the whole body for thirty-six weeks, Lin Feng’s eyes suddenly opened, and all the auras were concentrated together. Under the push of the mana in the first six holes, the seventh hole was hit.

As time went by, Lin Feng gradually felt a sense of exhaustion, and the seventh point was still not moving. This is a dangerous signal, which means that Lin Feng is rushing this time and is likely to end in failure. .

This time, failure, everything needs to start all over again.

"It is a win, a loser, a hammer sale!" Although a thin layer of sweat has gradually emerged on the head, but Lin Feng's look is all firm, heart-to-heart communication, to absorb the thunder and aura, support themselves Continue to rush.

Lin Feng does not make brute force, but turns the mana aura in the body into a spiral way to attack the hole.

At the same time as the spiral aura as the main force to make a positive breakthrough, Lin Feng carefully removed a few weak auras, took a side-turning method, and performed a slight slow massage on the hole, bit by bit inward penetration. To make it constantly loose.

The frontal attack and the side penetration are two-pronged. Finally, on the eve of Lin Feng’s exhaustion, the seventh hole finally changed!

The invisible barriers that had been blocking the operation of the mana and the aura, like the dam of the river, finally collapsed under the constant impact of the river. The aura of Lin Feng roared down and poured into the seventh hole.

The abundance of aura hovered in the hole, as if it was a star-studded universe that was constantly running. Here, the aura was constantly transformed into Lin Feng’s own mana.

I practiced seven layers of gas and became.

Lin Feng smiled on his face, and he took a long breath and exhausted all the turbidity that did not contain spiritual energy.

I did it a few times and spit it up. I warmed up the newly opened hole. Lin Feng stood up and stretched out: "This is not easy! Oh, but it is still successful."

I was very happy, but I didn’t see a little bit. Lin Feng couldn’t help but sigh. The little four-year-old did not fully demonstrate the characteristics of the so-called bear child. She didn’t have to wait for a moment to calm down. I didn’t know where to go crazy.

After repairing the magical power of Yunlong, the birds and beasts of the mountains were even worse.

This time, when Lin Feng was struggling to hit the seventh point, the little one was taken away by a beautiful yellow bird.

The little guy chased the yellow bird into the depths of the woods. The oriole didn't look big, but it was also a different kind of thing. The flight speed was as fast as lightning, and the four layers of the temperament did not catch it.

I don’t want to be discouraged, I think of Lin Feng’s teachings: “There is no use in the recklessness, and carefully understand the bottom of the target, and naturally come.”

Thinking of this, the little bit no longer blindly slams, but patiently observes the flight path of the oriole. After a while, the small spurt suddenly jumps up, and the four-layered mana swells in the small body, and the squirrel arrives in a flash. before.

The oriole now wants to run again, but it’s too late to be caught by the little one.

Xiaoxiao smiled happily, dialing the wings of this oriole, was playing happily, and suddenly felt a sense of heart. When I turned back, I saw a young man in the red robe under the tree looking at himself with a shocked look.

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