MTL - History’s Number 1 Founder-~ 1411. Broken arm!

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Yuanlong Wang was repulsed by Xuanli and forced to retreat to Xuanhai. Kunlong King was killed by Shi Tian, ​​and Tongtian Dasheng, Shenlong Wang, and Zhu Nai Da San Demon, all of them were injured, and now they face Shi Tianqi. The pursuit of others can only be regressed.

After witnessing Shi Tiantian’s interception of the Xuanhai Methodology and killing Kun Kun’s scene, Shen Longwang was not good at urging the instrument at this moment.

Although Yuanlong Wang has already returned to Xuanhai, in the case of presiding over the instrument, the strength of the instrument will be stronger, that is, Shi Tianyi will sacrifice a branch of the mysterious sky, and will soon be destroyed by the instrument, and it will not be delayed. time.

However, Shen Longwang did not dare to take risks easily at this moment. If Shi Tianqi and others had given up the heavenly sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred pri

Even if Yuan Longwang shot, he should also guard against the blocking of the black glass. In desperation, Shen Long Wang had to fight with Tian Da Da Sheng and Zhu Nai Da Sheng.

In order to avoid being blocked by Shi Tianqi and others, in order to avoid being blocked by Shi Tianqi and others, at this moment, they are not going to the borders of the vast land of China and the vast land of the vast land, but rather they will go through the void outside the domain and then seek to return. The path of the big.

Shi Tianqi and others followed closely, killing all the way, the two sides stopped and stopped, and made the void a ridiculous, numerous stars in the cosmic galaxy.

Zhu Nai Da Sheng was chased by his heart, hate and said: "You help the mountain swordsman to defend the mountain, but you have to look at your Xuanmen Tianzong lost the harvest in the sea, can you be so happy!"

Shi Tianqi stared at Zhu’s disdain, and his heart felt faint. The other party was not bluffing and untargeted.

In the process of handing over, Shi Tianqi’s heart was faintly disturbed, but in the process of doing it, he was indifferent and pressed these thoughts down.

Before joining the Battle of Lushan, he once again contacted the brother-in-law Xiao Yu to ask about the specific situation of the sudden change of the sea. As a result, Xiao Yu was just a simple sentence, so that he did not have to worry, and then the communication was interrupted.

For many years in the same door, Xiao Yu’s is a man. Shi Tianqi knows very deeply that he is really facing a difficult situation and the pressure is huge. Xiao Yu will also fight against himself.

However, the sea is not going to enter. Those who are not allowed to do so are to find the gap between the sea and the sea, and they will only be affected by the fierce power of the whole sea.

Zhu Nai Da Shengwei laughed: "When you enter the sea of ​​the sea, although you don't enter the Linghai as much, you are also very lively at this moment. People who can't understand your Xuanmen Tianzong are not a family."

"Golden Scorpion had suffered a big loss under your master's hand, and this time I will find it back on you!"

Shi Tianyi's eyebrows are raised: "Golden scorpion? How can he enter the meditation sea, it is the future sacred glazed Buddha, and enters it. It can only be a dangerous and hard slogan."

His heart fretts: "Wait... Shen Tuze has never seen the traces in the past few years. Whether it is the door or the illusory view, he has not been able to find his whereabouts. Could it be that he has invested in Buddhism?"

It’s ridiculous to think about it, but it’s not allowed to be seen by Xuanten Tianzong and Taixu. Even when the Emperor and the Netherwalker are looking for him to settle accounts, they can hide a little trace of their whereabouts. Intriguing.

Then contacted the various magical means of the future star-studded glazed Buddha, Shi Tianyi's eyes flashed slightly in his eyes, thinking in his heart.

But his face is not revealing. Instead, his face looked like a smile and a smile. He looked at Zhu Da Da Sheng: "You don't seem to have figured out the situation yet, you still have to worry about yourself first."

As he said, Shi Tianqi’s figure suddenly slammed. Hold the big Tiantian wheel in one hand, and extend the other hand forward. Hold the fist and drink low: "Yu!"

Under the current revision of Shi Tianyi, one of the four characters of Xuanhuang’s “Yu” word is unfolding, and the control of space is extremely subtle.

The word "宇" coincides with the power of the blue sky and the city of the sky. The blue sky shrouded the four fields, making the whole piece of the void almost solidified and was set on the spot.

It is Zhu Da Da Sheng, and at this time I also feel that the body shape is getting more and more stagnation. It is extremely difficult to break through the blue sky.

He is also a generation of warriors. After feeling the faint temperament of his talents, he knows that Shi Tianyi will follow up.

However, the expected attack did not come, which made Zhu’s disgusting suspicion.

But suddenly, he licked the same white jade hair, rooted up, felt a great crisis.

In the next moment, the void he was in was unbreakable and bursting.

Smashing the void is not a thing worth mentioning for Zhu Da Da Sheng. It is him, and a group of monkey monkeys and grandchildren can do it.

But at this time, the broken void is not the space around the body of Zhu Da Da Sheng, but the space of his own flesh and blood, the space where the demon body is!

At this moment, Zhu Nai Da Sheng only felt that his body was not suppressed, as if to break from the inside out!

Zhu is fascinated by the konjac family. He is the demon who controls the artistic conception of the space and achieves the talented supernatural power. However, at this moment, the sorrowful sacred sacred man feels that he cannot fix this sudden break.

He strongly urged the demon power to calmly move the space, but on one hind leg, the flesh and blood violently distort the vibration.

On the left leg of Zhu Nai Da Sheng, it seems that there is a crevice in the crack. The crack is not the blood and bones, but the dark hollow, just like the crack after the space is torn.

However, from this crack, it seems as if there is a rumbling thunder.

It is like an invisible thunder that bursts in the void and breaks up the space.

Zhu is disgusted with the look of the Holy Spirit: "This thunder is similar to the vain robbery when it is a baby, but it is too much, and I can’t detect the whereabouts of it. It’s a few days and nine days. The traces of the hurricane and the Netherstorm have never been seen before. What is this..."

The invisible thunder is broken and empty, as if born of the void, without traces and traces, can appear in any corner of the space and time with the will of Shi Tianyi, it is impossible to prevent.

This is Shi Tianzhao's achievement of refining the realm of reinvention, refining his own body of Yingyuan, based on his own morality, combining nine days of God, nine days of hurricane, Netherstorm and his own space. The perception of artistic conception and the power of wind and thunder, a new kind of Leifa created by integration, nine days of no emptiness!

Before the Tianyuan World, there was never a new kind of Thunder, which was created between the minds and the minds. Everything was broken in the void, and it was born in the empty land of the void. There is no trace, but it seems to be everywhere.

These nine days have nothing to do with the vain, not because of the ubiquitous qualities of the blue sky, but the mystery that it possesses.

Zhu disliked the big shout, and the whole body flashed white jade-like luster. The red flames on all four feet turned into cyan, and the blue-colored demon fire covered his whole body, and he fixed the magical power of Shi Tianyi to prevent his left rear. The leg was really broken by the stone scorpion.

But in this way, his movement suddenly stopped, and the speed of the flying stagnation slowed down.

Shi Tianqi’s right hand lifted the big Tiantian rims to Tongtian Dasheng, and his left hand became a claw, and he grabbed it toward Zhu’s sacred murderer.

Zhu is so tired that he is squatting and avoiding it, but on the other side, Xin Longsheng and Tianzhu Jianzun, one urging the opening sword, one urging the ancient sword, and attacking it, forced the path of Zhu Nai Da Sheng, Let him have nowhere to hide, and Shi Tianqi grabbed an arm.

Zhu is tired of the screaming of the sacred, under the force of his men, and Shi Tianqi wrestling, trying to delay the movement of Shi Tianyi, so that the heavens can attack.

At this moment, Shi Tianyi exhibited nine days of no-empty vain, mainly demonstrating the strength of the body of Ying Yuan. Although the power of the flesh also has the blessing of the Sky City and the Blue Sky, it is inferior to the previous sacred degree.

Although Zhu’s disgusting sacred body is inferior to Tongtian Dasheng, it is also quite strong, and does not retreat to Shi Tianyi.

However, Shi Tian suddenly smiled, and said that there was no emptiness in the nine days of robbing the thunder. In the silent place, there was no sign, and all parts of the body of Zhu Nai Da Sheng burst open.

The body of Zhu Nai Da Sheng is once again stiff, and the blue-colored demon fire keeps flashing, resisting the nine-day ignorance of nothing.

The attack of Xin Longsheng and Scorpio Sword Zun has also fallen to him, so that he can only defend with all his strength.

On the other side, Shi Xingyun urged the dragon under his body and stretched his claws to explore the heavens, temporarily blocking his movements.

And the big Tiantian wheel of the right hand of Shi Tianyi suddenly turned, and he fell to the head of Zhu Nai Da Sheng!

This magic weapon is not like Shenzhou Ding. It can be used to make alchemy. It is not like the Changsheng rosette. There are all kinds of mysterious changes. It is not like the Tai Palace. It is not like the magical bridge of the other side. It does not lead to the heavens and the earth, and carries the humanitarian trend.

The Great Sky Wheel, his greatest feature, is the vastness of the vastness, as if urging the heavens and the world to suppress the powerful forces of the enemy!

The heavens turn and destroy the ten!

Was blessed by the city of the sky and the blue sky, and was fully motivated by Shi Tianqi. Not long ago, the big Tiantian wheel of the Kunlong King was just dying. It seemed as if there were a lot of universes shattered together, and the backwards were turned backwards. The great saint fell.

Zhu Nai Da Sheng screamed, wanting to avoid, but the claws were caught by Shi Tianqi, and they couldn’t get away. They only had time to try their best to open their heads, and then the invisible light wheel fell on his shoulder!

There was a loud bang, and the world was like a slight vibration. The sorrow of the sacred sacred place was completely shattered, and the power of the terrible domain was stirred up and down.

In the screams of Zhu Nai, the arm that was caught by Shi Tianqi was cut off by the big wheels!

Numerous blood scatters in the void, Zhu is stunned by the great sacred, and gives up his own arms. The wolf is desperate to escape to the distance, and the other day's sacred sacred screams and screams.

Shen Long Wang is also the same action, flying fast, Shi Xingyun and the ancient emperor to keep up with, and Xin Longsheng and Tianzhu Jianzun also keep their feet, set up Jianguang, still chasing the three big demon, all the way to kill . (To be continued.)

Ps: This is a bit late, everyone forgive me.