MTL - History’s Number 1 Founder-~ 1415. Say thank you to my father-in-law

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Seeing the emperor's display of the sea of ​​protection, Xiao Yu did not care about it.

This method is the magical method created by the Emperor emperor to imitate the power of the maritime boundary. Although the meditation boundary is also unstable, there is a crack, but it can be used to contain thousands of catastrophe, not to diverge into the world, where the defense is self-evident. It is also a superb defense supernatural power that is derived from the power of artistic conception.

In terms of pure defensive power, it can be among the best in the history of the whole country.

Only one of them, Xiao Yu’s understanding of the refinement of the sacred sea is more profound than that of the Emperor. Both of them are also preserved in the interior of the Xuanmen Tianzong. The detailed rules of the world.

Although the same spell was used by Xu Kanda and others, the essence of the mystery and the emperor's own performance can not be compared, but Xiao Yu knows this spell very well.

He set his hand like a knife, and then fell to the front of the world of chaos.

With the fall of Xiao Yu's knives, his own mana surging, but it is not how to beholded, but between the heavens and the earth, all kinds of horrible powers come together.

The blood river is really water, the yellow spring water is flowing, there is no sorrow, the nine secluded wind blew, the secluded evil and the Xuantian robbery burn, the infinite disasters are mixed together, forming a turning trend, and madly crushing toward the secluded sea!

It is the real world of the world of the sea, and occasionally it will rupture, causing heavy disasters and catastrophes.

Although the Emperor's secluded sea is strong, but at this moment, Xiao Yu spurred the power of the sea, and suddenly swayed, as if the sand sculptures on the coast were hit by big waves. It immediately began to collapse.

Looking at this scene, the Emperor himself seems to have been psychologically prepared, and his look has not changed at all. He intended to fight for the Yanxing River for some time.

In the moment of helping the defense by the Guardian of the Sea, Yan Xinghe’s manpower surged. Shen Tianmiao has a fairyland to restore the gap that was previously broken by Xiao Yu as soon as possible.

His body began to have a mysterious flash of brilliance, not bright, not dazzling, hard to say, difficult to describe. It is difficult to figure out and it is difficult to touch.

It is the last glimpse of the emptiness of the nine heavens, and the sky is too illusory.

It’s just that at this moment, the sacred light of the Yanxing River is different from the past, and it is above the mysterious brilliance of the body of the Yanxing River. There is a dazzling trace of this dazzling.

This trace is also a ray of light, but it is more dazzling than the illusory light of heaven.

But this dazzling radiance is not more powerful than the illusory light of the heavens. Instead, it reveals the sense of being strong outside and losing the mystery and mystery.

Because this light-like light exists, the other side of the Yanxing River is too illusory, as if it has also fallen. Can be described, can be described, more like a specific image and appearance.

Although the nature of the sky is too virtual, the essence is bright. Yan Xinghe is one of the few people who have been touched by Xiao Yu personally, but at this moment he is urging the sky to be too illusory, or giving a sense of reluctance.

Xiao Yu’s eyes fell on the traces, revealing a stunned color: “This feeling is the result of being hurt by the master and the aunt of the glass. No wonder.”

At this moment, he returned to his body in the body of the imaginary body, and he also brought the power of the sea to bless. The power became extremely violent, and the figure was flashing. Directly rushed into the fairyland gap that has not yet healed.

As soon as he entered Shen Tianmiao and had a fairyland, Xiao Yu suddenly felt that his body became heavy. The mana operation is also lagging behind, and the aura and various rules of the truth are rejecting him.

Here is the world created by the Yanxing River mana, and even to some extent, it has isolated the invasion of the outside world.

Entering here, the heavens and the earth naturally enter the control of Yanxing River.

However, Xiao Yu didn't care. He made a big step forward and stepped down. Shen Tianmiao had a wonderland to shake it. It seemed like a glorious land of fairy tales.

Xiao Yu’s arrogant and arrogant force has spurred more and more of the power of the sea, making this glorious fairyland seem to be ravaged and tend to wither.

The golden light gradually dimmed, the fairy sounds became low, the white clouds continued to dissipate, and countless avenues were constantly being worn.

Among Xiao Yu’s eyes, the dark red light that is the same as Tian’s is constantly flashing. As he moves forward, people have already come to the front of Yanxing River, and the left hand rolls up the flaming sacred sky, which is claw-shaped. Grab the other side, form a more horrible suction than the black hole, fix the opponent's body shape, so that it can not dodge, and the right hand is a fist, falling towards the other side!

Yanxing River's gaze is slightly condensed, and it is seen between Xiao Yu's fists. It seems that there are avenues of light flow connecting and sharing together.

Above that point, there is a brilliance that changes constantly and alternately, as if it were a sparkling Mars in the dark.

But that little bit seems to be the fire of the stars that will be extinguished at any time. The little light, but it contains the horrible and primitive power. There is a glimpse of the revival of the heavens and the earth and the resurrection, once again, and again, the meaning of endless interpretation. inside.

Xiao Yu’s attack on the two instruments returned to Yuan’s hammer, and suddenly Shen Tianmiao had a great deal of truth in the wonderland.

After the death, the path of rebirth, but no longer is the Yan Xinghe can control freely, although he maintains Shen Tianmiao and Wonderland, still does not stop the new evolution of the space world, but these new principles of the law, soon collapse again.

Being caught by Xiao Yu, the boundless Xuan Tian robbery smoldered, Yan Xinghe felt that he could not perform the empty circulation and the ascension.

The terror power of Xuantian’s robbery devours all things is fully developed. Under the urging of Xiao Yu, there is more change. The black smoke-like flame takes the initiative to absorb all the things around, and the suction formed makes it difficult for the Yan Xinghe’s method to escape. It is necessary to force the Yanxing River to pick up his two instruments and return to the Yuan hammer.

If only Xiao Yu’s self-cultivating Xuan Tian robbery is over, the strength of Yan Xinghe will not be sucked by him.

But at this moment, Xiao Yu is the endless black fire in the sea. Yan Xing River is in the middle of the sea, and it feels that this terrorist power affects all the time and space of the eight parties, making it difficult for him to break free.

Yan Xinghe stretched out both hands forward, and on the fingertips of the index finger, there was a light cluster that converges rapidly, one half black and half white, and one high far.

The two light clusters are combined into one, and they are integrated into one. The Yanxing River is full of illusory light, and the light clusters are condensed toward him.

The light group kept shrinking, and it became more and more concise. Finally, it was condensed at the fingertips with the illusory light of the heavens. It became more and more mysterious, and the scars of the eyes seemed to disappear.

He pointed out and was welcoming Xiao Xiao’s two instruments to the Yuan Hammer, and the singularity of the avenue of life and death!

When the two sides touched, time and space suddenly became dark and became distorted.

The next moment, Shen Tianmiao has a completely broken fairyland!

Where the powers of Xiao Yu and Yan Xinghe meet, it is like the ignorance of a ignited star in the ashes, and the mysterious light, the inexplicable light that can’t be said, and it’s blasted together at this moment. Very bright and radiant!

For a moment, this dazzling brilliance, even illuminating the faint and turbulent sea of ​​turmoil, makes this endless world of disaster-ridden and devastating power seem to be a little brighter and warmer.

In the endless light, there was a low sigh of Yanxing River. He had a flash of light in his body, protecting his body and retreating.

The momentum of Xiao Yu’s advancement was also interrupted and stopped in the same place. Zhou’s body smashed the flames and smashed the flames. The remnants of the two sides’ fights and the aura of distraction continued to be swallowed up. The whole person was wrapped in a black flame, like a demon god. world.

Yan Xinghe looks like a blue, without the slightest expression, the black and white brilliance of Zhou’s body flashes alternately. The mana that was originally weak and weak has become full again, but it is too illusory and will not be seen again.

On the top of the Emperor's Head, a half-black and a half-white life and death secluded fruit is suspended in the void, and the black and white radiance above is also alternately flashing.

He glanced at Xiao Yu, his eyes frowned, his fingers lightened, and the dark light flowed constantly. In the light flow, a scroll of ancient books appeared, and between the pages of the book, it seemed as if the world of the dead was manifested and more bred. The mystery of life and death.

The violent power of the magic weapon of the creation of the magic weapon filled the air, shaking the void, is the life and death book controlled by the Emperor.

The Emperor’s palm holds a hand, and the life and death book flies in the air. The light and shadow of a grand world suddenly appears. The world of the world and the Yantian of the Yanxing River have different wonders. They don’t look dark and horrible. They are just dead and gray. Can't see the slightest life.

The world is not alive and extinct, but a place of gray, everything seems to be in the end and stagnation. Everything in the world becomes gray without any color, and all life loses its brilliance.

A world completely different from the world where thousands of people live, belongs to the world of the dead.

Xiao Yu looked at the book of life and death, and there was no fear, but he laughed: "The Emperor, I am the old Taishan on my behalf, thank you to you, thank you for your life and death book!"

The ancient magical dynasty's magic weapon, Changsheng rosette, it is precisely because of the two world wars, the ancient 钧 钧 冥 冥 冥 冥 冥 冥 冥 冥 冥 冥 冥 冥 冥 冥 冥 冥 冥 冥 冥 冥 冥 冥 冥 冥 冥 冥 冥 冥 冥 冥

The Emperor said indifferently: "Is it cheap, what is it so good? It’s the time to come to Japan. It’s the same for the ancients, and the same for you."

One piece said, the Emperor's palms pressed down, and the world of the dead, which was made by the book of life and death, was pressed against Xiao Yu, and Yan Xinghe, under his drive, re-attacked.

The Emperor himself, the other one, continued to change, and he continued to point to the red light column that was manifested in the distant heaven.

The world of the sea is more and more chaotic at this moment, and the red light column that Tianhe has manifested is constantly shaking, and countless disasters alternate.

On the other side, Shen Tuze did not spare any effort. He did the same thing as the Emperor, and kept shaking the sea, interfering with Xiao Yu and suppressing Xiao Yu’s superiority and combat effectiveness.

And Jin Zizi is also fighting with Shi Tianyu at the moment! (To be continued)