MTL - History’s Number 1 Founder-~ 1473. The results have not changed, and the progress is unstoppable!

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Looking at Lin Feng at the moment, the two instruments are returned to the Yuan Miaofa world. Too one respect and others all sigh softly.

A sword splits a thousand and only repairs the Scorpio. This kind of magical means is amazing enough.

Too fascinating and calmly watching this scene, the fingers gently squint the mirror, the mysterious mirror scattered, also fell into the world, the mirror light, split the gap between the vast boundaries, accelerate healing.

Sakyamuni came to the palm of his hand, and the innumerable brilliance filled the heavens and the earth, turned into a piece of rain, and fell into the world.

If it seems to be completely cracked like the end of the ancient times, it is said that it is not necessary to spend more trouble, but at this moment the cracks in the boundary are still unstable, and Lin Feng and the Taixu Daozun, Sakyamuni’s magical powers are used to keep the time, and the time suddenly seems to flow backwards. The boundaries of the gap re-heal.

However, at this moment, the boundaries of the heavens and the earth are still chaotic, and the sacred threshold of the caves in the sky, in the gate, the two worlds of the Linghai and the Dead Sea, the ebb and flow of the tide, looks shocking.

Lin Feng smiled slightly, and the deity sat on the Yujing Mountain. In the Linghai, his Leilong avatar, the **** of war and the nine-powered avatar, still sit on the Yuanshi Jinyu, and they are quiet under the umbrella.

As a big battle seems to finally come to an end, with the sky-high sword hanging high above the sky, the frenzy in the Dead Sea and the Linghai seems to have finally calmed down.

However, whether Lin Feng himself or too ignorant and other people can feel vaguely, there are different wills in the Linghai and the Dead Sea at the moment.

Linghai is taboo to the Lord, and the Dead Sea is much more complicated and more intriguing.

Although the ideas are different. But focus on the object. It’s all the swords that are hanging above chaos.

Too wicked and Sakyamuni turned to look at the Dead Sea and saw the gap in the Dead Sea. This moment is gradually closing again.

After the endless years, it is possible to return.

And it was destroyed more than 4,000 years ago. Together with the imperial emperor and the emperor, the three emperors of Tianyuan’s history are the strongest, if no one is suppressed in the Dead Sea. Then it will inevitably return earlier than the Emperor.

However, after witnessing Lin Feng’s sword, the Emperor Tianhai returned to the world, and this world was no different from when he was in the world.

At the moment in the Linghai, after the storm calmed down again, the lake began to decrease again in the golden lake. Between the extension of the optical flow of the channel, the re-aggregation is connected above the Yuanshi Jinyu.

The light flow between the sacred avenues of the Linghai Heaven and Earth continues to pulsate, and shuttles through the void, and the endless aura is full of the four sides.

Looking at this scene, everyone else was slightly silent, after the game was changed. Lin Feng was able to restart the refining of Linghai.

Too one respect, one respect and one Xuan respect each other and look at each other. They shook their heads and didn't talk to each other.

Lin Feng is the most mysterious and horrible Dead Sea in the seven seas of Tianyuan. Instead, he has settled in Linghai. The two hedges are balanced and balanced, which makes Linghai not re-closed because of the battle of the genius. Even now, Lin Feng continues to start. The process of refining the spirit of the sea.

This used to be part of the predictions of the Taixuan plan, but in their expectations, the best result is that after the return of their own ancestors, they can refine the spirits.

Lin Feng’s current work clearly shows that he had the same idea earlier. So now it is so smooth.

This makes it too respectful and equal.

Without getting through the road to the Dead Sea, Lin Feng and Xuanmen Tianzong are the most likely people to refine the spirit of the sea, and successfully open the road to the Dead Sea. After a series of dramatic changes, Taixu Daozun, Sakyamuni If the coming, the Emperor Xuanzang, the Emperor Shenyuan returned, but the final result, there is still no change.

The ultimate affiliation of Linghai still belongs to Xuanmen Tianzong.

Although Lin Feng will make the clock of the creation, the scorpion sword, the Taiji Zhoutian Star Fighting and the Xuantian Bureau, all of them will go down to the imperial concubine in the Xuanhai, but as long as he is still here, Here, no one can stop the pace of refining the spirit of the sea.

It is the vain and the Sakyamuni who are carrying the celestial mirror, and they will not help.

This is evidenced by the fact that the Emperor Shenyuan and the Emperor Xuan Zang have used life and defeat respectively.

At this time, too respectful and respectful, respectful and mysterious, and even a slight smile in my heart.

Opened the Dead Sea, still can not change the results of Lin Feng refining Linghai, and even more, also helped Lin Feng to seal the sacred sword for the third time, making this peerless sword a new level, surpassing Tianyuan University. Above the strengths of world history, the fierceness and invincibility are invincible.

After repairing the gap between the broken boundaries, Lin Feng did not return to Linghai, sitting on the top of Yujing, so quietly hovering in the chaotic time and space outside the heavens, with a smile.

His eyes fell into the Linghai world, his eyes swept away and he set two figures.

The two figures are in a state of death, and the two sides are screaming in the sea of ​​spirits. It is the battle between Lin Feng’s own disciple Yue Hongyan and the great wolf.

In the end of a **** battle, Yue Hongyan succeeded in killing the Great Wolf, but he relied on Sha Luo Miaoshu to block the dying and counterattack of the Great Wolf.

The red hair fluttered between the heavens and the earth, as if the flame was generally dazzling.

On the other hand, Zhu Yi, who succeeded in resolving the threat of the sacred god, also defeated the Taixuan view of the contemporary view of Lin Daohan. Although the two sides are not deadly, they are also shocking.

However, it is another battle that makes Linghai almost overturn.

After a wave of worlds, even the frenzied frenzy of the already unstable Linghai area, the war finally subsided.

Ling overseas, in chaos, Sakyamuni came out to reach out the palm of his hand, and a delicate aunt's flower opened in the palm of his hand, then withered.

Sakyamuni looked at Lin Feng's eyes, Lin Feng looked unchanged, sitting on the Yujing Mountain, looming between the Buddha and the Linghai.

The withered scorpion flower turned into a flying ash, and it passed away with the wind, and Sakyamuni shook his head and closed his eyes.

At this time, I saw a stream of light jumping out of the sea and falling into chaos.

The streamer stopped, revealing the figure of the monkey, and the demon power was a little wilting, but his eyes were stunned and he looked up and down the void.

Lin Feng smiled and said: "The emperor came back, but he was sent away by the seat."

The monkey heard the words and licked his teeth: "But it, the Lord of the Xuanmen, your magical power is really amazing, and you can't stop you from refining the Linghai. If you don't stay hard, you will go."

"This time I went to Linghai to play, I don’t think it’s a white one."

After he said that he laughed in the sky, he smashed the iron bar in his hand, and the iron bar was exposed to the air.

This iron rod, just killed a big demon strongman in the end of the law!

In the Linghai, there is no way to provoke the end of the catastrophe. The golden scorpion cannot be transferred away by some pre-arranged means. Kim wants to break out of the sea of ​​spirits through the cracks in the boundary. The monkey is conspicuous and always puts his trick. The law was not as good as the monkey, and the result was blocked by the monkey.

Being good at Dharma and knowing the cause and effect of the golden scorpion, you can figure out that you have a big sin in your trip to Linghai, but it is possible to get rid of it.

Only when I saw Lin Feng’s initial sweeping of the heroes in Linghai, he knew that his chances of being ruined and ruined would have vanished.

Jin Xiezi has only helplessness about this. The things related to Lin Feng are that the Buddha can’t count.

At that moment, his ending was almost doomed.

The great demon who has gained since ancient times has been walking in the world for many years, but he has finally fallen into the sea of ​​this avenue.

The same is true of the world's impermanence, no one in the world, the ancient sacred konjac on the Lushan Mountains.

The spirit of the crouching in the earth is extremely holy. At this moment, I am stunned. The blue eyes are completely lost. I don’t see the light for half a year. The whole body is like a puppet clay.

The blue eyes that were moving in the past were like lights that were extinguished.

He is the great demon who has achieved the realm of the soul of the stars. The years of existence in this world are also counted in the millennium.

After the fall of the Emperor Shenyuan family, the spirit monkey family was severely killed when the Emperor Tianhai was in the same place. Later, the Tongtian konjac family regained the leadership of the Taikoo konjac family. A little bit mysterious and awkward.

The spirit is so great that it grows up in such an environment.

After many years of experience, I don’t say that the absolute situation is not shocking on weekdays, but there are very few things that can really shake his mood.

The appearance of such a lost soul today, in his life, is still the first time, but this time, let him return to God for a long time.

The ancestors of their own ancestors, the strongest of their own people, went back to the world of thousands of people, not only the spirits of the monkey family, but the entire Taikoo konjac family, all have the hope of returning to the peak of the past.

But this hope has just emerged, and it is declared to be shattered. It is like an illusion. It makes the Great Spirit only feel the whole world in front of us, and it becomes unreal at this moment.

The spirit is so great, behind him a group of monkeys and monkeys, it is even more utterly stunned, all stunned, feeling the atmosphere of the imperial gods, being annihilated by others in this world.

It is said that the great sacred spirit, the great city of Yuecheng, and so on, is the sacred sacred and the sacred sacred sacred in the end of the law. At this time, it is also dull.

There is no such thing as the joy of being able to continue to stabilize the position of the Lord of the Yi people. Some are just shocking, even fear!

That is the most imperial **** of the three strongest emperors in the history of Tianyuan University. In the past, it once suppressed the existence of the whole world.

What kind of power is it, so can it be so crisp and neat?

This is completely beyond the cognition and imagination of Tongtian Dasheng, Zhu Nai Da Sheng and others.

After all, the great sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred Not directly facing, but already inscribed in the heart.

A purple youth, a sword fell.

This picture, at this moment, seems to be engraved into their souls, let them all over the body. (To be continued.)

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