MTL - History’s Strongest Shopkeeper-Chapter 1806 0 year celebration

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“When is there a waste recycling station in Wanjielou?”

Everyone in Wanjielou looked at the third celebration, and they looked confused. They asked themselves about the various places in Wanjielou, but they never heard of this place.

“Is it the newly established area of ​​Wanjielou?”

Wanjielou customers don't understand and don't think about it anymore. With the ability of Wanjielou, they can open up a unique area at any time, and there is no accident to establish a waste recycling station.

Moreover, everyone in Wanjielou is more concerned about what benefits they can get from this celebration.

Although every 1000 spirit points can choose a waste product from the waste recycling station, the value is very cheap, but everyone in Wanjielou is also clear, and it is not a simple matter to get treasure from the waste recycling station.

Otherwise, there are ten-order treasures in the waste recycling station, and even the existence of the eleventh-order treasures. The 1000 spirit points in the district and the treasures in the waste recycling station are not equal.

Wanjielou announced a total of three celebrations. In addition to some customers who are eager to buy something, they went to the main hall of Wanjielou to buy discounted goods. Other Wanjielou customers went to the waste recycling station.

For most of the Wanjielou customers, even if they are poor, they can get 1000 spirits.

“Is this a waste recycling station?”

Looking at the vast expanse of the vast expanse of the world, the Wanjielou people are stunned.

In the world of Dongtian, there are all kinds of strange things, which have piled up into a mountain that can't be seen at the end. Thousands of customers in Wanjielou are like a small ant in front of this scrap mountain. , slightly invisible.

"Can you choose this?"

Everyone in Wanjielou feels that their physical strength, gods, magical powers, etc. are all sealed. There is no difference between the body and an ordinary person. There are customers who are constantly looking at the waste mountain in front of them, with a thick look in their eyes. Hot.

If you are lucky, you may be able to find a ten-order product with tens of thousands of points.

For most customers of Wanjielou, it is full of great temptation.

Especially the lower-level customers, the more excited and excited, today, if the luck is good, they may get a huge opportunity, so that the rapid rise in Wanjielou.

The 1000 Spirit Point is not a big number for a third-order realm customer, let alone a customer of a high-level realm.

"The smell and appearance of these waste products are shrouded in color, unless you are particularly familiar with it, you can't recognize what the waste is."

Some refining pharmacists want to choose the **** medicine and the fairy medicine. However, they look carefully, but they find that every piece of waste is shrouded in colorful light. Unless you look carefully, you can't see what is inside.

The waste mountain that can't be seen at the end of the eye, the waste that it possesses is like a star-shaped robe, and it is a piece of identification. It costs hundreds of millions of years, and I am afraid it is unclear.

And they only have three days, in such a short period of time, only one choice, it is entirely by luck.

“Is this a planet infested with magic?”

Just then, an excited voice rang in the world of the cave.

A third-order realm customer, holding a fist-sized colored light group in his hand, excited.

He just picked up a light group from the ground and wanted to find out what was inside. It turned out to be a huge planet.

Although he can't tell the level of magic inside and the planet, but the value is definitely beyond 1000 spirit points.

If you sell this magical planet to the Mozu, I am afraid I can buy a high price. The 1000 spirits may turn dozens of times in a blink of an eye.

"Is this a strong body?"

A fifth-order realm of customers is excited, holding a colored light ball of football, and the voice trembles.

Although I don't know the realm of the body in the colored light group, the body of a large and small body is certainly not low.

"This is a drop of blood, how to emit red, green and three colors, absolutely extraordinary."

Another exclamation sounded, and the surrounding Wanjielou customers were expecting more and more.

However, compared to the huge and endless waste mountain, there are very few customers who come to treasure.

On the huge mountain of waste, everyone in Wanjielou enters into it, like a river and a lake, and looks at it. Only a few hundred miles can find a few people.

The situation of the waste recycling station was quickly spread in the Wanjie Building. It was almost not long before the customers of Wanjielou rushed to the waste recycling station. The group was organized and the team was teamed up. Head sweats look for treasures among the masters of waste.

"Breaking! The Shaolin Temple Buddhist testimony master harvested a nine-product defect."

"Shocked! The broom star exploded, as if you had a piece of ten-order magic weapon."

"The Hongyao Entrepreneurship Group has been weakly smashed! Actually, Fan Tie and Xian Jin have been mistaken. They spent 1000 spirit points and bought a special value. It is worth 100 value points."


On the virtual platform of a post is also updated with the harvest of everyone in Wanjielou.

Although there are not many customers who have made great gains, they have raised the sentiment of the people in Wanjielou to the extreme.

Because many customers find that even if they can't get the 9th and 10th flying screens, it is not difficult to find a 5th and 6th order scrap. Compared with 1000 spirits, the return is huge.

In particular, because of the rumors of the Wanjie Building closing the door, the customers who spent a lot of money on their value seemed to have hoped and searched for treasures in the mountains of waste.

This is the quickest way for them to get a lot of value in a short time.

Just when everyone in Wanjielou was at the waste recycling station, Zhou Yang was alone on the eighth floor of Wanjielou.

According to the information he currently knows, the initial creature should be the most powerful existence of the heavens.

On the seventh floor of the Wanjie Building, there are 12-stage merchandise. If you want to get more advanced products, I am afraid that it will involve the contents of the Wandao Covenant. In other words, the Wanjie Building has been upgraded to the present days. The peak of Wanjie.

"First of all, let's hold this celebration first, and then you can make some contact with the initial creatures of the world."

Zhou Yang sinks a bit and has a decision in his heart.

His eyes turned to the purple brontosaurus, which is still in the main hall on the seventh floor of Wanjie Building. The reason why this celebration was not carefully arranged was not because of the rumors of Wanjielou, but because of the establishment of Wanjielou. It’s been a hundred years.

Zhou Yang intends to hold a centennial celebration to invite other initial creatures to participate in the centennial celebration through Purple Leilong.

In terms of the Wandao Covenant, his status is too passive, he needs to control the initiative.

Read The Duke's Passion