MTL - Hokage: Ryo’s Path-Chapter 490 Sasuke and Indra

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"Eternal kaleidoscope? It seems that you are telling me, then I have nothing to hide, but before that, Sasuke I want you to see something."

"Things? What..."

Sasuke’s voice did not fall, and a pair of ice-blue reincarnation eyes appeared in his mind, and Sasuke felt his eyelids getting heavier and heavier and gradually lost consciousness.

I don't know how long it took, Sasuke slowly opened his eyes. What appeared in front of him was a group of chakras, a group that made him feel more cordial.

Sasuke subconsciously reached out to touch this chakra, Chakra ran away, Sasuke's body involuntarily chased this chakra.

As soon as he chased and escaped, Sasuke found that the appearance of this chakra had changed and slowly became a human being.

Looking at the Chakra people's appearance, Sasuke stopped, because Chakra became the same person as he grew up.

Sasuke was a little embarrassed. Just as he was worried, the appearance of the person changed and he became another person in the blink of an eye.

"This...this is, Uchiha wave spot!" Uchiha wave spot is the most famous person of Uchiha, and his appearance is still known.

Sasuke just shouted the name of Uchiha, and the chakra’s change again. This time it became a person he didn’t know. The Chakra’s appearance changed more than a dozen times and eventually became a possession of Sanjuyu. The person who writes the wheel.

Looking at the people in front of him, Sasuke was a little flustered, because the double three hooks gave him a great sense of oppression.

(ps: In the comics, Uchiha’s memories, the memories of the six immortals, and the officially released information in the later period, that Indra has a natural eye with three hooks, and there is no kaleidoscope to write the shape of the wheel, and the eye is also written. It won't be closed. It is also necessary to use the three-hook jade that was used when fighting with Ashura.

The settings of the animation are not the same as the comics, so the settings on the comics and the official data book are used here. After all, the cartoons are based on the shore paintings. )

Sasuke's bite opened the kaleidoscope, but even if he opened the kaleidoscope under the gaze of the indifferent Sangouyu, Sasuke felt a guilty conscience.

When Sasuke was overwhelmed, the Chakras made a voice: "Good eyes, blood can not be complete."

Sasuke gave a glimpse, and then looked at the people in front of him more vigilantly.

The Chakra people did not care about Sasuke’s alert and said: "I didn’t expect so many reincarnations, is my descendant blood thin enough to this extent?"

"After? Who are you?" Sasuke asked.

The Chakra smiled and said: "I? My name is Indra, the ancestor of the Uchiha family."

"The ancestor of the Uchiha family! How is this possible!" Sasuke apparently did not believe in Indra's words, and the subconscious stepped back a few steps and he opened the distance.

"Oh, it is normal to accept it at a time, then let me prove it to you!" After the red light flashed in Indra's eyes, a row of purple ribs appeared around his body.

"You must be able to use it! How can Sangou jade write the wheel eye?"

"This is not a three-hook jade writing round eye, but a kaleidoscope. It is the power that I have killed my friends and my subordinates. It is just that my kaleidoscope does not change the pattern in your eyes. This is why my blood is more pure than you." ""

"Blood? What is the bloodline you just said?"

"The Uchiha family is the descendant of the Six Immortals. Do you know?"

Sasuke nodded, and he had heard his father say about it.

"I am the eldest son of the six immortals. I was born with the blood of my father's big-wood family, as well as his immortal eyes and powerful spiritual power, that is, writing round eyes.

I have been writing a round eye from the beginning of my birth, and I have shown a very high talent in the use of Chakra. I helped my father to perfect the Ninja, discovered the attributes and applications of Chakra, and finally chose When he was a heir to the patriarch, his father chose my idiot brother, Ashura.

I was very dissatisfied with my father's decision. I immediately defected to the Nongzong and started the battle of Ashura. This battle continued until the end of our life.

Before dying, I left my chakra to the descendants, and let the descendants help me to continue against the descendants of Ashura. Asura also did the same thing, and kept me Chakra is the Uchiha family. Keeping Ashura Chakra is a thousand hands and swirls.

My Chakra has experienced many reincarnations, and his strength has become thinner. He has chosen to let his consciousness fall into a deep sleep, without the help of my consciousness. The blood of the Uchiha family is becoming more and more impure, and finally the kaleidoscope is opened. It has become a problem.

The last time I woke up was probably a hundred years ago. At that time, my chakra was attached to a person named Yu Zhibo. From him, I learned that the kaleidoscope of the Uchiha family was blinded by excessive use of blood. ”

When I heard this Sasuke’s interest, he quickly asked: “Where is the blindness of the Uchiha’s kaleidoscope? Are you helping to solve it?”

Indra shook his head and said: "At that time, I really thought of various ways to help Uchiha maintain his eyes. Unfortunately, he failed. In the end, his brother gave his kaleidoscope to the spot, brother. The blood and the superimposed force of the two have actually got a new kaleidoscope, and they will never be blind. The power is already comparable to my eyes. Uchiha spots have named these eyes as the eternal kaleidoscope to write the eye."

"The eternal kaleidoscope writes the eye! It turns out that this is..."

"Oh? Uchiha Sasuke, it seems that you are very interested in writing the wheel of the eternal kaleidoscope!"

Sasuke nodded: "My brother also has a kaleidoscope to write the eye, and he chose to leave my eyes to me in order to help me open the eternal kaleidoscope."

Indra smiled and said: "If you do this, don't let your brother's eyes live!"

"Well! Of course not!"

"Well, I have to go so much when I say so much. After all, I can use the power of others to come out. Finally, there is one more thing. I hope that you can help me find the answer."

"What? How do you say that you are my ancestor, I will try my best to help."

"I want you to help me end the battle with Ashura for so many years. Whether it is losing or not, my brother's chores should be over. Of course, if you win and remember, please help me with a few punches that carry the reincarnation of Ashura. Chakra people.

You should know who he is, don't need me to remind you? ”

"Well, I know! I will definitely do it for you at the time, and teach him for myself!"

"Haha! Ok, then I will wait for you to violently on his day!" After the Indra was turned into a chakra, Sasuke was also awake.