MTL - Hokage: Ryo’s Path-Chapter 502 Opening of the Five Shadows Conference

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After seeing the mountains and the mountains, the soil did not hide the details of what happened to the people who had seen the black robes before.

After listening to the mountains, the look was a little dignified. According to the soil, the black robes were said to be the people of the big-barrel family. They also cooperated with the pharmacists to revitalize the earth and control many of the strongest people.

Some of this was somewhat out of the original idea of ​​Yamamoto, and I knew that there was no such thing in the original.

"With soil, what do you think of that person's strength?"

"Black is absolutely comparable to the plaque of the eternal kaleidoscope period."

"Is the eternal kaleidoscope period? With the Uchiha wave spot and the first generation of Naruto, there are at least three of them on the other side. It is not a two-and-a-half person who has the power of God."

"2 and a half?"

"Well, this kind of surgery is not able to restrain the original generation of Naruto. The pharmacist wants to control the first generation of Naruto to erase his consciousness and turn him into a killing machine. This kind of first generation of Naruto exerts the power of 30%.

And Uchiha's words should be able to show the strength of about 70% before birth, plus the black robe, it is really difficult to deal with! ”

"Far, are you not sure?"

"Not at all, even if they come together, I can handle it, but for the time being, I don't have to deal with them. I need to know the reincarnation ability of the black robe, so I can insure it."

"Well, I understand. That's the five-way conference..."

Yamauchi smiled and said: "Let him go to trouble, we just need an opponent who is strong enough to make the whole ninja world feel powerless, let them unite.

Originally, I also planned to do it myself. Now that someone is coming to the door, I am just enjoying my leisure time. When I can, I can try his ability to reincarnate. ”

"Wait a minute, if you want to start a war, it will not work now. My plan is to let the white spores cultivate 100,000 avatars, and then strengthen the split. This project takes at least 2 months. In order to let the white avatar possess combat capability."

"Strengthen the white? What kind of reinforcement do you plan to use?" Shan Zhongyuan remembers that the original Zhongdahe was caught, and the whitening is the use of Yamato. Now Yamato is still in the village!

"The white cells are similar to the cells of the first generation of fire shadows. I intend to try the cells of the first generation of Naruto that are left behind by Uchiha."

"The first generation of cells left by Uchihabo was weakened by him with yin and yang. The effect is average. You can take this with you!" said Shan Zhongyuan took out a reel and handed it to the soil.

“What is it inside?” asked the soil with some curiosity.

"This is an arm made by the snake's first generation cell. It was originally intended to be used on the uncle, but the thickness of this arm is not suitable, so I made another one, and this one was taken away by me. Just let you take it to strengthen the white.

As for the time, you are too high to see these people in the world, even if the opinions can reach an agreement, they have to pull for a long time, and finally wait for the ninja confluence of the five villages for at least a month, then your white should be It’s almost the same. ”

Nod with earth: "Well, if you use this arm, the time should be shorter."

"That's good, just like this! Take the soil and go back and prepare!"

"Wait a minute, there is still something. Far, the reincarnation of the long door is in Xiaonan, is it still for you?"

"You don't say that I have forgotten, oh! Here, I have given it to you. You should need these eyes to control the outer golem." Yamagata took out a vessel, and the liquid inside was soaked in a pair of reincarnation eyes.

Take the soil through the eye and carefully close it up: "Far, we played too much this time, I hope you can end it perfectly! Otherwise..."

"Do not worry! I have a number in my heart, there will be no problem." After the completion of the mountain, the figure disappeared.

With a helpless sigh, I also left the space when I entered Shenwei.

At the same time, in a deep mountain near the country of the rain, the black robe appeared here, and then the two hands sealed to open an enchantment and drilled in.

"It’s really coming back so soon, it’s you!"

"Hey! The pharmacist pocket, don't say that it's useless, what space do I need? Is there a clue?"

"I am not so sensitive to this kind of space, so I only got out of the second generation of Huo Ying, and you just took him out. What do I look for? And we don’t have to worry about finding space. Waiting for the seal of Huihui Night Ji..."

The pharmacist had not talked and was stunned by the black robe: "Remove the seal of Hui Ye Ji? It seems that you have not dispelled this crazy thought."

I am saying it again, Hui Ye Ji has swallowed the fruit of this world. She is immortal in this world, the **** of this world! Her seal is lifted, let alone you and me, everything in this world will be destroyed.

I won't get anything at the time, and you will die! So the pharmacist will give you what you want to do, do what you should do, don't have any extra ideas, or I will kill you in advance! ”

In the face of the threat of the black robe, the pharmacist did not feel nervous, smiled and nodded: "Okay, good! I understand, can you let me go now?"

"Hey! You'd better be honest, don't forget who saved you." After the black man sent his hand.

The pharmacist took a look at the clothes and tried to ask: "Speaking, what are you looking for in the space of Hui Ye Ji?"

"This is not what you should ask. In short, apart from the space I came to, you will help me find other space as soon as possible."

The black robe did not say his purpose, but urged the pharmacist to help him find the other space left by Hui Ye Ji as soon as possible. The pharmacist could only nod and answer.

Time flies, and the time from the five-bearing meeting is getting closer and closer. The Iron Country has ushered in the shadows of the various villages.

The first to arrive was the proposed four-generation Raider and his guards, Darui and Greek.

The second generation of the five generations of shadow I love Luo, as well as his guardian handcuffs, Kanjiro.

These two villages came to the Iron Country one day in advance, and the four generations of Lei Ying were very satisfied with the cooperation of my love Luo, and specially sent Darui expressed thanks.

The next day, that is, the Wu Nin Conference said that the opening time, Shan Zhongyuan with the wave of Feng Shui and Kakashi together teleported to the border of the Iron Country, and then directly to the iron country.

Before they were three generations of Tu Ying Da wild wood has arrived, and Ohno's guards are actually black soil and Dida La.

The appearance of Dida La has changed the face of the three people in Sha Ren Village, and the temper of the handcuffs is directly expanding the fan to prepare for the attack.

The battle was on the verge, and the three ships sighed and prepared to stop, but what he did not expect was that before him, a teenager with glasses held two strange knives between the wind and the shadow.

"That... that, the shadows of adults, the shadows of the adults, we, the water and the adults, please calm down." The voice of the teenager is very small, thanks to the presence of the elite ninja.

"Changjulang, how many times have I said it? You must be brave as a guard of the water shadows. This kind of performance will make other villages look at jokes. Sorry, the wind and the adults, the shadows, the younger generation of our village. Sensible." A person wearing a blindfold appeared at the door, while standing in front of him half-length, standing a hot temperament beauty.

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