MTL - Hokage: Ryo’s Path-Chapter 529 Coalition forces

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On the other hand, the four generations of Lei Ying and his led Ninja coalition encountered a ring tone and Sakura that also rushed to the battlefield as they advanced.

After a few words of chilling, the four generations of Lei Ying asked: "Only the two of you come over to the medical brigade?"

The ringing tone nodded: "My brother said that the strength of other medical ninjas is too bad, not suitable for fighting. It is also sent to death. It is better to start rescue work after the end of the battle."

"The decision of the great man is right. Not far from the front should be the last battlefield. Here I can already perceive the horrible chakra there. The medical ninja is really not suitable for such a battle." Four generations of Lei Ying Guardian said.

The ringing voice heard the puppet cat around Shanzhongyuan: "Do you have ten tails? I don't know how to compare with Xiaolin."

The ringtone was not familiar with the four generations of Lei Ying. After a few simple conversations, there was nothing to say, just to follow the Ninja coalition and rush to the battlefield.

After advancing for a while, he suddenly said: "Thunder and shadow, Miss Bell, I have perceive the Chaka of the Tu Ying and his coalition."

"Is Naoki near?" asked the four generations of Lei Ying.

"Well! On our right, they are also rushing to the battlefield. It is estimated that both of us will reach at the same time. But on our side, there are two huge chakras fighting, so I think we are still better off, after all, in the team. The middle and lower endurance accounted for two-thirds, and the direct past may not be good for them."

Four generations of Lei Ying thought about agreeing with Xi’s opinion, and with the direction of the coalition’s change, they met with Ohnomu before entering the battlefield.

After the coalition forces met, the ninjas inside were very excited, and the ninjas in each village were looking for people who knew each other.

The four generations of Lei Ying went straight to Ohno and asked: "Ohno, how are you here?"

"Fortunately, most of the enemies we encounter are the ninjas who have reborn. The more difficult ones are the shadows of several villages in our country. Sealing these shadows, the others are not problems, so the loss is not big. What about you? ?"

"Most of the people who are injured here are stunned by the whites, but the help of the whirlpool Naruto has not caused much damage."

Ohno Saki heard a sigh of relief, and the squadron was killed by more than 20,000 ninjas in a big tube, so he always worried that there would be any problems with Raytheon, if Raytheon encountered it here. In a similar situation, the pair of Yan Ren Village is a huge blow to the entire family.

Fortunately, Lei Ying has all the best here, which is the only comfort in this war.

The four generations of Lei Ying as a shadow of a village, also understand what Ohno is worried about, he was worried before, but after seeing the cloud in the Ohnomu team, the stone in his heart has already landed.

"Well, don't say it here, it's waiting for us to support it!" The two also interrupted the two, pointing to the battlefield.

"That's the same, let's go!" After four generations of Lei Ying and Ohno Wood took the lead and walked into the battlefield.

At this time, Naruto and others are cleaning up the ten-tailed split body, Naruto and Yu Shinai’s nine tails, Sasuke and the water-stopper, and each time there is a large piece of ten-tailed body falling.

But these monsters seem to be endless, and they are not afraid of death. No matter how they are killed, these monsters will immediately rush.

Soon they were surrounded by the ten-tailed splits. The larger splits in them were screaming at the Naruto attacking the small splits, and they began to attack the nine tails and the Sasuke.

"These bastards, nine lamas, is there any way to kill them?" Naruto communicated with the nine tails in the body.

"These splits are too many. Even if you kill a part, you will have new splits to make up. Don't waste Chakra. After waiting for a while, the reinforcements will come."

"Reinforcement? Are there reinforcements?"

"Of course, they are..."

"[Dust 遁. The original decoupling technique]!" The nine-tailed voice did not fall, a cuboid descended from the sky, wrapped a large split body, and then split the split body in an instant.

"Dust 遁? Is it a grandfather?" Naruto said with some excitement.

"[Thunder. Thunder Level]!" On the other side, the violent Thunder Chakra wrapped four generations of Raider, and the same blow destroyed a larger split.

"Four generations of Lei Ying? It seems that the reinforcements are here." Sasuke snorted and whispered to himself.

After the gorgeous appearance of the two, the other people of the Ninja Coalition also appeared. I love Luo’s sand and rolled up dozens of split bodies.

He also stood on the head of Qi Wentai with the hand, and Wen Tai waved his short knife to cut down a group of split bodies.

The ringtone is not lonely, summoning the wooden man to join the battle.

The other ninjas of the coalition forces also showed their magical powers and launched attacks on the ten-tailed split.

"Haha! Do you see it? Isn't this what we have been pursuing? The ninjas unite and advance together." The hand column laughed and said.

Uchiha screamed coldly: "Hey! You are still so naive between the columns. This is just a compromise they made when faced with a powerful enemy. After the threat disappears, they will still change back to the way they were before."

"With the first cooperation, there will be a second time, the third time, one day, everyone will let go of the mustard and truly understand each other."

"This is just a fantasy, and this world will never exist."

Along with the controversy, the battle between the thousand-handed column and the Uchiha wave spot became more and more fierce. This is not only the collision of strength, but also the collision of ideas.

At the same time, the coalition headquarters, after learning that the Ninja coalition arrived, Shan Zhongyuan immediately handed over the command to Nara Lujiu and several staff members, and then combined the power of the reincarnation and Xiaolin, teleported outside the coalition headquarters. The enchantment was made with ice on the outside.

Just as the mountain was far away, Ye Cang ran out of the headquarters. She looked at the mountain and said: "Far, take me, let us go."

There is some hesitation in the mountains. He hopes that Ye Cang can stay here. There are too many uncertain factors on the battlefield. Shan Zhongyuan does not want to make Ye Cang injured.

"Far, I want to be with you, no matter what, we both face together."

The mountains are far away, and then a smile is revealed: "Okay, let's face together." After the mountain was moved to Ye Cang, she left with her.

At the coalition headquarters, Nara deer gave him two people to leave, and then he turned and said: "Everyone, the ninja in front is fighting with life, and our battle should start."

Hai Yi, trouble you to contact the water film adult, tell her the time is up, let her immediately rush to the battlefield. ”

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