MTL - Hokage: Ryo’s Path-Chapter 534 Compromise of the six immortals

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At this time, the distant eyes of the mountains turned into ice-blue reincarnation eyes, and the body was covered with opaque ice crystals. The whole body exuded white mist, and the place where the fog spread was covered with a layer of ice crystals.

The sudden changes in the mountains have shocked the feather brothers, and they also recalled the breath they felt before.

In fact, when the mountain has just completed the integration of the power of the reincarnation and Xiaolin, the Yuyi brothers felt that there were people in the world that might threaten their existence, and the two quickly went to investigate.

It was a pity that the space of the entire Yin Ren Village was frozen by the mountains, and the feather brothers returned without success. Instead, Xi Yan discovered them unintentionally.

Now that I saw this state of the mountain, the feather brothers immediately understood that the person who originally felt it was the mountain.

Looking at the far-ice blue writing wheel in the mountains, "What is the situation of Indra's descendants? Your body has a reincarnation and a ten-tailed breath. Why not use the Taoist jade? Instead, it becomes this kind of status?"

There was no explanation in the middle of the mountain. It was just a snap, and then the foggy brothers were surrounded by ice and fog, and they wanted to freeze the two.

The six immortals frowned, and a beggar behind them turned into a black spherical protective cover that blocked the ice fog.

What he didn't expect was that when the ice fog touched the jade, he did not disappear. Instead, he froze the jade, and at the same time he asked the jade and his connection to be cut off.

The Six Immortals were the first to encounter this situation. He controlled another Qiuyu behind him and slammed into the frozen Qiuyu.

Seeking that the road touched the ice, a layer of ice crystal appeared on the surface, but this piece of jade was not frozen, but directly crushed the ice in the mountains.

The Six Immortals continued to control this jade to fly into the ice fog in the mountains. After a few seconds, the six immortals found that they had lost contact with him.

"Awesome power, after the power of ten tails and reincarnation, can ice be strong enough to this extent?" Dazhumuyu village muttered to himself.

"No, you are wrong in Yucun. The ice of this generation of Indra is not so simple. His ice is not a hail made up of Chakra, but an ice made up of the natural energy of the world's original power."

Dagongmuyu Village heard the words and closed his eyes and found that whether he was in the mountains or his ice, he felt the natural energy itself.

"Big Brother, you are right, the power of this guy is indeed pure natural energy."

"It was a surprise. I didn't expect that after so many years, there was a person who would use the power system of Ninja.

Perhaps, he really is an opportunity to endure the threat of getting rid of the big tree. ”

"Big brother, you mean..."

"I won't stop him, and now he is not the one we can stop."

We have all died for so many years, and our own strength is ten. It is not easy to maintain our own existence and to resist the prying of the big-bar family. Now it is time to let go.

I hope he can bring a new future to the world. After talking about the six immortals, they dismissed the jade, and the distant vision of the mountains dissipated the ice.

The six immortals looked at the mountains and smiled a little: "You are very good with Indra's descendants."

"I am honored to receive the praise of the six immortals."

"Okay, kid, I see that you don't have such respect for your big brother. You don't have to say this kind of thing, look uncomfortable." Dagongmuyu village interrupted the words of the mountain.

In the middle of the mountain, there are some awkward scratching heads. The six immortals smashed the big tube and saw the village, and continued to say: "You call Shan Zhongyuan, right! I hope you don't mind the attitude of Yucun."

In the middle of the mountain, I heard a wrinkle. This is the first time that the Six Immortals called his name. Does this mean that the Six Immortals have already recognized him?

I thought of this mountain in the distance and tried to ask: "Six Dao Xianren, you mean..."

"You didn't say before, do you want to go to the big-bar family and completely solve the hidden dangers of the world? We decided to believe you and tell you what we know. What do you want to know, ask!"

In the middle of the mountain, I heard that I was very excited. I quickly asked: "I heard that you and Yucun’s predecessors have been to the big-bar family. Can you tell me about the situation?"

Since he chose to believe in the mountains, the six immortals also had the meaning of concealment. He nodded and said: "There are many strong men in the big-bar family. They rely on the fruits of the gods that plunder the world to gain a powerful force to prolong their lives.

That is to say, as long as the people of the big tree family have the fruit of the **** tree, they will not die. As far as I know, the oldest of the big-bar family is now 10,000 years old. He is also the current patriarch and the strongest of the big-bar family.

At the beginning, I and Yucun went to the big-barrel family to negotiate for the safety of the world. Then the two sides fought in disagreement. Most of the big-bar family was easily solved by us. Only four people have been fighting with us until the end.

He appeared when both of us were exhausted. When I saw him, I remembered the mother who was mad at the beginning, but it was better at fighting than the patriarch of the mother of the big tree.

In the end, my mother is an ordinary person who suddenly gets a powerful force. The fighting style is single and there is no fighting experience.

The patriarchs of the big-barrel family have experienced many battles and are much stronger in strength than their mothers. I and Yucun used my reincarnation ability to escape to the world of tolerance, and then used every means to let the tolerant world disappear from the sight of the big-bar family and protect the world of tolerance. ”

After listening to the mountain, I had a simple understanding of the number of top-ranking strongmen in the big-bar family. According to the six immortals, there are four people who can fight with him in the tube-mu-yu village, probably these four people work together. The six immortal brothers joined forces.

Above these four, the patriarch of the big block family, the strongest.

"Six Taoxian people, according to what you just said, you have escaped from the big-bar family, but as far as I know, the big-tube family has always said that you and Yucun predecessors are their people." Shan Zhongyuan asked.

"Kid, it seems that you have seen people outside the world of forbearance, and even this kind of thing is known.

Indeed, the big-bar family has always claimed that I and my brother are their people, but we have never admitted it.

The people of the big-bar family have robbed a lot of the world. The wind evaluation outside the forbearance is not good. They need some strong people to support the facade. My brother and I are good choices.

They calculated that my brother and I would not show up in order to protect the world, and would not come out to refute it, so we would claim it. "Dagongmuyu village has a bit of disgust in the tone, obviously not willing to be used as a protective umbrella by the big tree family."

Read The Duke's Passion